ASSIGNED CLERGY: PASTOR Rev. Michael W. Davis PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Daniel P. Martin Rev. Abel E. Barajas PERMANENT DEACONS Deacon Roberto Fleitas Deacon Miguel Parladé PARISH OFFICE HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY MASS SCHEDULE: MONDAY - FRIDAY 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm English English Español/Spanish SATURDAY (VIGIL) 8:00 am 5:00 pm English English SUNDAY 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm English English English Español/Spanish English Español/Spanish 8:30 am to 5:00 pm SCAN THIS CODE WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE TO VIEW OUR MOBILE WEBSITE! CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 8:30 am to 10:00 am O n March 5th, I had a delightful visit to Belen Jesuit Preparatory School. I hadn’t been there in some twenty years. On this occasion, I went there at the kind invitation of Father Pedro Suarez, S.J, the school’s President. From start to finish I saw an environment of professionalism, courtesy, dignity, and graciousness, not to mention the evidences of faith that would make any Catholic proud. I was welcomed at the door by members of the professional staff, had an hour-long meeting with Fr Suarez in the President’s office located in their impressive administrative building. I was then given a wonderful tour of their magnificent campus. I saw teaching and learning of the highest order taking place throughout the classrooms of Belen’s many beautiful buildings. I was shown their TV studio, their chapel, their observatory, their theatre, and the impressive sports fields which are also signature elements of campus life. Even the cafeteria was a part of the tour, full of life, and the fragrance of delicious culinary options for lunch. Having been a student a two Jesuit universities, myself, and having enjoyed the competent spiritual direction of many Jesuit priests for my annual retreats over the years, I was delighted to notice at Belen the familiar and clear signs of the charisms of Saint Ignatius. The masculine and mature approach to Catholic spirituality, training men for others, surely has contributed to make Belen Jesuit a wholesome place for Catholic youth formation to the greater glory of God. Father Suarez asked me to be the principal celebrant and homilist at Belen’s upcoming Baccalaureate Mass for their 227 graduating seniors this coming May. I happily accepted the invitation, which certainly helped to underscore the connection that Saint Theresa Catholic School, the Church of the Little Flower parish, and Belen Jesuit have shared for years. Many of our young Sunday-going parishioners are currently at Belen, a school which I am happy to note reinforces the important practice of our treasured Catholic faith. Thank you, Father Suarez, for your fraternal hospitality, and for the good work that you do in fostering the mission of Christ and His Church in the charism of Saint Ignatius. May there be many vocations in the service of the Church and Christ’s people that emerge from the fruitfulness of your quality ministry at Belen Jesuit Prep. E l 5 de marzo, tuve una visita muy agradable al Colegio de Belén. Yo no había estado allí en unos veinte años. En esta ocasión, fui por la amable invitación del Padre Pedro Suárez, SJ, presidente de la escuela. De principio a fin vi un ambiente de profesionalismo, cortesía, y dignidad, por no hablar de las evidencias de fe que harían a cualquier católico orgulloso. En la puerta fui bienvenido por miembros del personal profesional, tuve una reunión de una hora con el Padre Suárez en su oficina de presidente la cual se encuentra en un edificio administrativo impresionante. Entonces me dieron un recorrido maravilloso por toda su propiedad. Vi la enseñanza y el aprendizaje que tiene lugar a lo largo de las aulas de los muchos edificios hermosos de Belén. Me enseñaron su estudio de televisión, su capilla, su observatorio, su teatro, y los impresionantes campos de deportes que también son firmes elementos de la vida escolar. Incluso la cafetería fue parte de la gira, llena de vida, y de la fragancia de deliciosas opciones culinarias para el almuerzo. Después de yo haber sido un estudiante en dos universidades Jesuitas, y después de haber disfrutado de la dirección espiritual competente de muchos sacerdotes jesuitas para mis retiros anuales a lo largo de los años, yo estaba encantado de notar en Belén los signos familiares y claros de los carismas de San Ignacio. El enfoque masculino y maduro a la espiritualidad católica, la formación de hombres para el futuro, sin duda ha contribuido en hacer de Belén un lugar saludable para la formación de jóvenes católicos para la mayor gloria de Dios. El Padre Suárez me pidió ser el celebrante principal y predicador en la próxima misa de Graduación de Belén con sus 227 estudiantes que se gradúan este próximo mes de mayo. Con mucho gusto acepté la invitación, lo que sin duda ayudó a poner de relieve la conexión que la escuela católica de Santa Teresa, la Iglesia de la parroquia de Little Flower, y Belén han compartido durante años. Muchos de nuestros jóvenes feligreses que asisten a misa los domingos están asistiendo actualmente a Belén, una escuela en la que me complace observar que refuerza la práctica importante de nuestra fe católica. Gracias, Padre Suárez, por su fraterna hospitalidad, y por el buen trabajo que se hace en fomentar la misión de Cristo y de su Iglesia con el carisma de San Ignacio. Que sean muchas las vocaciones al servicio de la Iglesia y al pueblo de Cristo que emergen del ministerio tan efectivo del colegio de Belén. 2711 Indian Mound Trail Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone: (305) 446-9950 SACRED STEPS: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter! SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS AT COTLF OFFICE STAFF Mrs. Irma Aguilar Ext. 300 Receptionist Data Processing Coordinator Mrs. Maria Elena Chialastri Ext. 306 Office Manager Administrative Assistant to the Pastor Mr. Luis Cuza Associate Director of Liturgical Music Mr. Juan Del Sol Ext. 311 Wedding Coordinator Dr. Dawn Fontana Ext. 305 Director of Liturgical Music Mr. Mark Landia Ext. 308 Resource Officer for Communications & Protocol Ms. Cecilia Miyar Congratulations to our Newly Baptized: Luis Enrique Diquez Arruda, Ella Marie Casanuera, Daniel Jose Gonzalez, Jr., Alejandra Maria Valencia, Allison Christine Diaz, Lucas Miguel Meilan Congratulations and God’s Blessings to those Joined in Holy Matrimony: Ryan Gonzalez & Meaghan Koppel Julio Lopez & Mia Lopez Rest in Peace. We Pray for Those Who Have Entered Eternity: William A. Berry, Alberto Hernandez Ext. 310 Administrative Assistant to the DRE Parish Coordinator of Ministries Mr. Luis Pavon NEXT WEEKEND’S MASS SCHEDULE Ext. 304 SATURDAY, MARCH 28TH Ext. 318 8:00 am 5:00 pm Seminarian Intern Mr. Jorge Perez Director of Advancement & Stewardship Mrs. Maria Pernas Ext. 314 SUNDAY, MARCH 29TH Ext. 307 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Bookkeeper Mr. Jorge Santibáñez Director of Religious Education Youth Minister Mr. Milton Somarriba Ext. 309 Church Custodian Ms. Vivian Xiqués Fr. Barajas Fr. Martin Ext. 302 Curator of Records Virtus Training Coordinator ST. THERESA CATHOLIC SCHOOL 2701 Indian Mound Trail Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone: (305) 446-1738 Administered by The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles Fr. Davis Fr. Martin Fr. Davis Fr. Barajas Fr. Martin Fr. Barajas POPE FRANCIS TWEETS “Beware of getting too comfortable! When we are comfortable, it’s easy to forget other people.” Sr. Caridad, OCD., Principal SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday (English and Spanish) 8:30 am to 10:00 am SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Private on Saturdays 11:00 am, 11:30 am., 12:00 pm or Group on Sundays at 2:00 pm Arrangements must be made with the Parish Office two months in advance. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Arrangements must be made with the Parish Office at least six months in advance. “¡Cuidado con la comodidad! Cuando nos acomodamos olvidamos fácilmente a los demás.” Follow Pope Francis on Twitter at @Pontifex o en español a @Pontifex_es 5 TH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 22, 2015 I will place my law within them and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people. — Jeremiah 31:33 W hen the prophet Jeremiah coined the term “new covenant” he was actually doing something quite radical. For the Jewish people, there was only one covenant, the one made between the Lord God and Israel through Moses at Mount Sinai. For Jeremiah to suggest that God would somehow supersede the covenant with a new one would have sounded audacious to Jewish ears. But in this way he is a predecessor of Jesus who, in the Gospel of John, is continually portrayed as superseding the past, establishing the reign of God in a new way. And in today’s Gospel passage, Jesus the “new covenant” speaks the language of his “new commandment” of love when he tells of the dying grain of wheat, and of our own need to die to self in order to be raised with Christ. As Lent ends and we prepare to enter into Holy Week, the dying grain of wheat serves as an excellent symbol of the kind of dying and self-sacrifice to which disciples are called, a symbol of that new covenant written deep within our hearts. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. SIGNS OF OUR STEWARDSHIP March 8, 2015 Attendance ………………………………………..….. 2,681 In-Church Adult Collection …..….….…………..… $15,475 Online Giving ..….……….…………………..….….. $4,123 Children’s Collection ..….….…...……….………......... $652 Devotional Lights ………….……….……….….…….. $590 Total …....…..….…..……….....….….….…...……. $20,840 5 TO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA 22 DE MARZO DE 2015 Voy a poner mi ley en lo más profundo de su mente y voy a grabarla en sus corazones. Yo seré su Dios y ellos serán mi pueblo. — Jeremías 31:33 B asándose en las palabras de Jesús, Mariano de Blas, compuso su canto: “Entre tus manos”. Este hermoso canto nos recuerda que “hay que morir para vivir”, es decir, que no es nada fácil ser discípulo de Jesucristo. El mismo Jesús nos pide que nos neguemos a nosotros mismos (MT 16:24); que carguemos la cruz para seguirlo (MC 8:34); que perdamos nuestra vida por su nombre (LC 9:24). Todo esto porque Jesús reconoce que el grano de trigo debe morir para dar vida, para multiplicarse (JN 12:24). El canto: “Una espiga dorada por el sol”, de Cesáreo Gabaráin, nos recuerda que los cristianos somos trigo del mismo sembrador. Es Jesús quien nos siembra, nos cultiva, nos cosecha, nos tritura, nos amasa, y nos hace un solo pan consagrado a Dios. Somos granos de trigo que, unidos formamos el pan de la comunión que es comunidad. Para esto, cada uno debe morir a sus egoísmos y preferencias. Morir a sí mismo tiene sentido cristiano, sólo si es para trabajar unidos y en la misión de Cristo, la cual es salvación del mundo y construcción del Reino de Dios. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Lunes: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Jn 8:1-11 Martes: Nm 21:4-9; Sal 102 (101):2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30 Miércoles: Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Sal 40 (39):7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lc 1:26-38 Jueves: Gn 17:3-9; Sal 105 (104):4-9: Jn 8:51-59 Viernes: Jer 20:10-13; Sal 18 (17):2-7; Jn 10:31-42 Sábado: Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56 Domingo: Mc 11:1-10 o Jn 12:12-16 (procesión); Is 50:4-7; Sal 22 (21):8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Fil 2:6-11; Mc 14:1 — 15:47 [15:1-39] DAY OF PRAYER FOR SYNOD Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has joined Pope Francis and the office for the Synod of Bishops in encouraging a universal Day of Prayer on September 28, for the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops addressing The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization (October 5-19). “The Extraordinary Synod on the Family is an important moment for the Church and for families,” Archbishop Kurtz said. “I welcome whole-heartedly this day of prayer for the Synod fathers and for all who will participate. As the Church turns with special attention to the family, may God’s plan for marriage and the family be a source of hope and healing for all.” Proceeds from the COTLF Family Day at Marlins Park will help support the World Youth Day Pilgrimage to Poland in 2016! DAY OF PRAYER FOR SYNOD Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has joined Pope Francis and the office for the Synod of Bishops in encouraging a universal Day of Prayer on September 28, for the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops addressing The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization (October 5-19). “The Extraordinary Synod on the Family is an important moment for the Church and for families,” Archbishop Kurtz said. “I welcome whole-heartedly this day of prayer for the Synod fathers and for all who will participate. As the Church turns with special attention to the family, may God’s plan for marriage and the family be a source of hope and healing for all.” DAY OF PRAYER FOR SYNOD Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has joined Pope Francis and the office for the Synod of Bishops in encouraging a universal Day of Prayer on September 28, for the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops addressing The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization (October 5-19). “The Extraordinary Synod on the Family is an important moment for the Church and for families,” Archbishop Kurtz said. “I welcome whole-heartedly this day of prayer for the Synod fathers and for all who will participate. As the Church turns with special attention to the family, may God’s plan for marriage and the family be a source of hope and healing for all.” A TRIP TO IRELAND! WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO? As we inaugurate the 90th anniversary year of our school and parish, which at its beginnings enjoyed the leadership of Irish pastors, Monsignor Thomas Comber and Monsignor Peter Reilly, we are happy to announce a special pilgrimage trip to the country of Ireland, September 4th thru September 12th. The trip is entitled, the “Wonders of Ancient Irish Catholicism” and will include visits to historical monasteries, national seminaries and cathedrals, the shrine of Our Lady of Knock, a tour of several major cities, including Dublin, and a journey through the pristine landscape of the Emerald Isle. Excellent local Irish cuisine, drink, and music will round out the experience. For more information, or to get your name on the list, contact Mark Landia at the Communications Office. Brochures will soon be available. ST. THERESE GROTTO TO BE DEDICATED ON AUGUST 27TH In preparation for the opening of the 90th anniversary year of St. Theresa Catholic School, a grotto in honor our patroness, St. Therese, the Little Flower, will be built on the yard near the entrance to the church office building. Groundbreaking will take place Monday, June 1st. Construction will commence shortly thereafter, lasting throughout the months of June and July. The marble statue of St. Therese and the Child Jesus will be installed in early August; the unveiling and blessing ceremony will then take place on Thursday, August 27th at 8am in the presence of the 7th and 8th classes, as well as any parishioners who wish to be present. The grotto will incorporate a lovely patio, which will contain memorialized bricks. Each brick is available for a sponsoring price of $125 per brick. We are now accepting the final batch of brick orders to be included on the patio. Order forms are available at the Information Booth after Mass, or at the Advancement Office here at the parish center. Buy your brick today. EASTER EGG HUNT Continuing the tradition of the past few years, we will again have an Easter Egg Hunt for children following the 9:00am and 10:30am Masses on Easter Sunday. Members of the Gaudium Youth Ministry will assist all children and their families who wish to participate, in coming over to the rectory house yard for the event. May the children rejoice in the abundance and fruitfulness of Christ, our Light. DAY OF PRAYER FOR SYNOD Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has Pope Francis and25th, the office for the Synod Bishops inin the encourContinuing thisjoined Wednesday, March you are invited to of participate final aging a universal Day of Prayer September 28, potluck for the Third Extraordinary Catholic Casseroles LentenonLecture. The dinner will beginGeneral at 6:30Assembly pm in of the Synod of Bishops addressing The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of EvangeComber Hall. At 7pm, Fr. Daniel Martin will begin his Lenten lecture presentation lization (October 5-19). which will be followed byon group discussion sharing which for willthe conclude pm.fami“The Extraordinary Synod the Family is an and important moment Church by and8 for This year’s Kurtz Lenten lecture series, whole-heartedly entitled, “Themes theofOld Testament,” will cullies,” Archbishop said. “I welcome thisofday prayer for the Synod fathers andminate for all with who will participate. As the Hope. Church turns with special attention to the family, may a focus on Messianic God’s plan for marriage and the family be a source of hope and healing for all.” This enjoyable series is made possible thanks to the hospitality of our own Church of the Little Flower Son-Flowers group. Bring your favorite dish or beverage! All are welcome! Congratulations to the many parishioners who have generously contributed to, and worked hard for, the construction of yet another house for a needy family throughout the good and charitable work of Habitat for Humanity. Although not a specific ministry of the Church of the Little Flower, Habitat for Humanity does amazing work throughout the broader community, assembling an inspiring group of volunteers from many faith and denominations to attend to the residential needs of the poor and homeless. Father Davis recently received another plaque of appreciation, acknowledging the tremendous support and service given to this cause by the parishioners of the Church of the Little Flower. Congratulations and thank you for your loving service of others! Wednesday, April 1 7:30 pm - Service of Darkness A devotional prayer-service, known as Stations of the Cross (Via Crucis) will be available each Friday during Lent. The ceremony will take place in Spanish at 6:00pm and in English at 7:30pm in church. All are welcome. Holy Thursday, April 2 8:00pm - Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday, April 3 12:15pm - Stations of the Cross 3 & 6pm - Liturgy of the Passion 8:oopm - Liturgia de la Pasion 9:30pm - Via Crucis/Procesion Holy Saturday, April 4 8:00pm - Easter Vigil Mass Join the on Wednesday, March 25th for the Miami Double Decker City Tour! Tickets are $27 per person and pickup is at 10:00am at the Biltmore Hotel. For more information about the St. Teresa Active Retired Seniors, contact Maria Elena Coto at (305) 491-4133. El movimiento de Cursillos de Little Flower les anuncia a todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo que deseen participar de un maravilloso encuentro con el Señor Jesus las fechas de los próximos Cursillos: #270 para Hombres: Abril 23-26 Para mas información, Ramon Laviña - 305-494-7040 Jose Antonio Garcia - 305-582-5041 El programa, Matrimonio 2000, es una preparación para matrimonios que llevan años de casados por lo civil y no han recibido el Sacramento de Matrimonio (Convalidación). El programa es de un día de duración y se realizara en la Iglesia de St. Timothy de 8:15am a 5:30pm. Participan parejas de las distintas parroquias de la Arquidiócesis de Miami. El próximo día de preparación será Haga su reservación llamando a Papucho Peláez al (305) 821-0002. OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Due to Miami-Dade’s Spring Break, there will be no Religious Ed classes held this coming Wednesday, March 25th. MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, March 22 - 5th Sunday Lent 7:30 am (†) Rosa Rodriguez 9:00 am (†) Nilo Albet-Puentes 10:30 am Missa Pro Populo - Members of the Parish Family 12:30 pm (†) Jose Maria Perez 5:30 pm (†) Helena Camargo & Maria Elena Alvarez 7:00 pm Por La Salud de Pedro Perez Monday, March 23 6:15 am Daniel Joseph Nisonger’s Health 8:00 am (†) Jose Maria Perez 5:30 pm Misa Comunitaria Thursday, March 26 6:15 am (†) Mema Mercier 8:00 am Giannettino Family 5:30 pm Misa Comunitaria Friday, March 27 6:15 am Santibáñez-Bertot Family 8:00 am (†) Remigio Mendoza 5:30 pm Misa Comunitaria Saturday, March 28 8:00 am (†) Manuel & Rafaela Roversi 5:00 pm Deceased Members of the Mardenborough & Estornel Families Tuesday, March 24 6:15 am (†) Gustavo Ruan-Cogollo 8:00 am Our Troops 5:30 pm Misa Comunitaria 7:30 am Wednesday, March 25 6:15 am (†) Rolando Coto 8:00 am (†) Emely Arraiz de Tello 5:30 pm Misa Comunitaria 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Sunday, March 29 - Palm Sunday Living and Deceased Members of the Lagoa-Infante Family Missa Pro Populo - Members of the Parish Family (†) Eduardo Rodriguez-Arias (†) Maximo Diaz (†) Raul Fernandez Shelton LET US PRAY FOR THOSE IN NEED - OREMOS POR LOS NECESITADOS Carlos Javier Sequeira - Greg Davis - Teresa de Jesus Diaz Brito - Matthew Young - Carolina Nodarse Diaz - Yolanda Santos de Folgar - Martha Garcia Vasco Gonzalez Arbulo - Jorge L. Ortega - Gladys Ramirez - Jeremy Aguilera - Luis Gutierrez - Carolina Llerena - Pedro Perez - Jose F. Ramirez Zoey Gomez - Hector E. Ponce - Luis Santana - Blanca Carrillo - Ace Moller - Caridad Garcia - Robert F. Borges - Linda Genova - Lucas Giovane Mari Castro - Maria Luisa Lizcano - Christian Godsey - Ingrid Huerta - Roberto Naranjo - Natasha Navarro - George Dubreuil - Susy Contreras Andres Arias - Samantha Shaheen - Deacon Raul Flores - Ashley Hierrezuelo - Sofia Isabella Anderson - Cynthia Absher - Lydia Sola - Lydia Usategui - Daniel Joseph Nisonger PARISH WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, March 22 Boy Scouts Fundraiser 10:30 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm RCIA Third Scrutiny - C Legion de Maria: Angelus y Rosario - LH Baptisms - C 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Monday, March 23 Gaudium Youth Ministry - CH Bible Study - RPC Talleres de Oracion y Vida - CH 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:oo pm 8:00 pm Tuesday, March 24 STS Parents Meeting - CH RCIA Classes - RPC Legion of Mary - LH Charismatic Prayer Group - RPC 7:30 pm 7:30 pm Thursday, March 26 Men’s English Emmaus - RPC Cursillo - RPC 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm Friday, March 27 Via Crucis (Spa) - C Station of the Cross (Eng) - C Grupo de Oración Carismático - RPC Saturday, March 28 8:30 am Confessions - C 10:00 am Rel.Ed. Classes - C 11 - 12:30 pm Baptisms - C 12:00 pm Sunday, March 29 Legion de Maria: Angelus y Rosario - LH Wednesday, March 25 No Religious Ed Classes Today 6:30 pm 7:30 pm Catholic Casseroles - CH Legion de Maria - LH Legend: C- Church; CAF- STS Cafeteria; KoC- Knights of Columbus Hall; LH- Legion of Mary House; REC- Rectory; RPC- Reilly Parish Center; CH- Comber Hall; STS- St. Theresa School Sophia Deben, M.D. Foot and Ankle Orthopaedic Surgery Sports, Trauma and Reconstruction 7000 SW 62nd Ave, Suite 600 South Miami, FL 33143 office | 305-917-0777 cell | 910-382-5925 What We Can Offer You and Your Business: • Many ad size options to meet your budget in color or black and white • One-on-one customer service to help build and design your ad • The ability to change your ad up to 12 times per year J.S. Paluch Company 1.800.432.3240 • We Accept All Doral Elite Collision Center • Pick Up and Delivery Service Insurance Companies • Lifetime Warranty • Free Estimates • Car Rental Process • Free Tow Service in Miami-Dade & Broward • Color Match Specialist • Best Price Guarantee CALL US! WE WANT TO BE YOUR REALTOR Maria Luisa Bermudez Broker Associate 305-804-4406 Maria Luisa Jerez Sales Associate 305-282-9995 doralelitecollision 7820 NW 55 St., Doral, FL 33166 Tel: 305.597.9985 • 305.597.9980 • Parishioners • MVR 65153/MV 89100 @DoralElite @doralelite Email: 2401 S. Douglas Road, Miami, FL 33145 HONESTY, EXPERIENCE, COMMITMENT WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower BEDELIA DAMAS Servicio de Calidad con Calidez VENTA • COMPRA RENTA • PRE-CONSTRUCION 305-542-4465 Parishioner International Realty, LLC 10900 NW 25 St. Suite 106, Doral, FL 33172 shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? A los patrocinadores que están en este boletín. Gracias a estos patrocinadores este boletín puede hacerse. Dueños de negocios interesados en anunciarse por favor llamen a J.S. Paluch al 1-800-432-3240 514210 Little Flower Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 CERTIFIED, LICENSED & INSURED Miami Designer Smiles Raul I. Garcia, D.M.D. Conchi M. Sanchez-Garcia, D.M.D. DEPENDABLE EXTERMINATORS 9301 Miller Dr., Suite A, Miami, FL 33165 305-595-4616 Residential & Commercial Indoor Pest Control Ornamental & Lawn Spraying Fertilization • White Fly Treatment • Smile Makeovers • Sedation • Children • Orthodontics for Adults & Children • Implant Restoration • Tooth whitening • Invisalign • TMJ Therapy • Facial Rejuvenation with Botox, Restylane and Juvederm. 15% OFF Initial Service (305) 554-7931 Cell (305) 989-5599 • Sleep Apnea/Snoring • Migraine/Headache • Face Lift Dentures Saint Margaret Sunday Missal WE DELIVER ANYWHERE ....ANYTIME! An ideal companion for personal prayer. Telephone: 305-759-5002 In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Fax: 305-759-6103 800-566-6150 • THE LAW OFFFICES OF CAROL L. RUST, P.A. Our Lady of Mercy CAROL L. RUST, ESQ. (305) 592-0521 ATTORNEY AT LAW CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 11411 N.W. 25th Street PROBATE, GUARDIANSHIP, AND CREDITOR'S RIGHTS Miami • FL 33172 4000 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Suite 470, Coral Gables, FL 33146 PH: 305.781.6391 * E-MAIL: CAROLRUST@RUSTLAW.US SUMMER 2015 COTLF PARISHIONER CARLOS TINOCO Cell 305-345-0294 Office 305-255-4000 • • • • • Dates: Session 1 • June 1-June 30 Session 2 • July 1-July 31 Biltmore Summer Camp Free Summer Camp for all PreK4 Students with a VPK certificate.* *Students must turn 4 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2014. Summer Camp fee not included. Tree Service Plants Sod Mix Soil Sprinklers: New Installation & Repairs • Palms • Designs • Fertilizer Licensed & Insured Georgette Rodríguez-Vázquez, MD Diplomate American Board of Dermatology T: 305.667.5480 Miami, FL 33143 Steward of St. Louis Parish MARIO A. SABATÉS, M.D. Diplomate of the American Board of Ophthalmology Diseases and Surgery of the Eye 1385 Coral Way, 3rd Floor, Miami Tel: 854-3307 2900 W. 12th Ave., Ste. 5, Hialeah Tel: 888-0005 Saturdays Only 6351 Sw 72nd Street, Suite 200 F: 305.667.5482 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made 305-266-4666 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Monday and Tuesday Parishioner ANY PIZZA ON THE MENU & A GLASS OF DRAFT BEER OR HOUSE WINE FOR $10.95 Beat the Clock Special THE PRICE DEPENDS ON THE TIME YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER EXAMPLE: ORDER AT 5PM YOU PAY $5.00, ORDER AT 6:15PM YOU PAY $6.15 AND SO ON... Pizza Margherita, Pizza Diavola, Pizza Roma, Spaghetti Pomodoro, Penne Alla Vodka *(Dinner Only, No Sharing, No Substitutions, Dine-In Only)* 2305 Ponce De Leon Blvd., Coral Gables, FL 33134 305.444.3388 514210 Little Flower Church (B) Specializing in South Florida home sales Sell | Buy | Rent | Invest (305) 308-3747 Call for a Free home valuation SPRITZ CORAL GABLES For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 UNIVERSITY DENTAL GROUP FAMILY DENTISTRY RICHARD D. MORALES, D.M.D., F.A.G.D. Georgetown University School of Medicine (1991) Ph: 1430 S. Dixie Highway, Suite 312 Coral Gables, FL 33146 (305) 661-8240 Little Flower Parishioner Since ‘96 2645 SW 37th Ave., Suite 601 (305) 442-0633 Reflect Your Youth Manifeste Su Juventus HUMANA, UNITED, PREFERRED, MEDICARE, AND OTHERS. You Can Look 10 years Younger! for thought Visit Our Website Mon Bien Aime, Inc. 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Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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