This week @ OHCoC The Word of the Lord Scripture Reading For Next Sunday: Week 18: Daniel in Exile Daniel 1-3; 6; Jeremiah 29-31 Volunteers Needed: During the month of June we are focusing on sprucing up our facility. We need your help to make our facility look its best. Please take a look at the sign up sheet on the foyer bulletin board and pick a chore that you are willing to complete during the month of June. We need your talents and time to help us spruce up our church facility. There is still lots to be done. Thanking you in advance for your commitment. Questions/concerns see Matt Oliver. Summer With Jesus: Children’s Ministry needs you! Summer quarter has begun, but it’s not too late to sign up. We are still looking for adults who are willing to help/teach/sing/play with our kids as they learn about Jesus. If you can help for any amount of time in June, July, or August see Cheryl Gordon or Lynn Brown. July Schedule Changes: There will be NO Bible Classes Sunday, July 12th. This is due to most of our members being away at the camping trip. Worship Service will be at 10:30 am as normal. Also, there will be NO Wednesday Night Break Out July 15th. Vacation Bible School: We are planning to have VBS the last week of July, but we need volunteers to make it happen. If you are interested in helping in any way, please add your name to the VBS sign up sheet in the foyer. We still need more help to make this happen for our kids. Library Books: We are going through all the books in the library and will be eliminating the ones we feel no longer serve our purpose. Those books will be available in the Library/Office, for free for anyone who would like to take them home, Sundays June 21st and 28th and during office hours June 23-25. Bible Classes: 9:30am Children’s Classes: Who Is The Servant? Martha is worried about something good. She’s having Jesus over for dinner. She’s literally serving God. Her aim was to please Jesus. But she made a common, yet dangerous mistake. As she began to work for him, her work became more important than her Lord. What began as a way to serve Jesus, slowly and subtly became a way to serve self. . . . She has forgotten that the meal is to honor Jesus, not Martha. . . . It’s easy to forget who is the servant and who is to be served. “Martha was distracted with much serving. . . . But Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:40-42 Weekly Schedule June 21st Lord’s Supper/Offering Jim Brown Clint Haffey Intercessory Prayer Al Owens Jim Brown Greeters Sharon & Emma Jerry & Max Nursery Lynn & Emma Neta & Mara Contact Information Minister: Matt Oliver (810) 240-8129 Elders: Butch Bailey: Al Owens: 679-2055 675-3355 Middle School: 5th-8th grades - Room 8 Taught by Seth & Annie Patterson High School with Adults Adult Class in the Auditorium: “It’s All About Jesus” Taught by Butch Bailey Worship Assembly: 10:30am Life Groups See Matt Oliver MONDAY @ 6:30pm Ladies Bible Study - Fellowship Hall “Essentials of Effective Prayer” June 14th OAK HARBOR CHURCH OF CHRIST 1000 NE Koetje Street Oak Harbor, WA 98277 Website: (360) 675-3441 E-mail— 0-2 years - Room 1 2-5 years - Room 3 Kindergarten-4th grades - Room 12 Tuesday—Thursday 10:00 am—2:00pm Please submit all news and announcements through email or voice message by 10:00am, Wednesday of each week to be included in the bulletin. TUESDAY Craft Time - On Summer Break WEDNESDAY BREAKOUT @ 6:00pm June - Fort Nugent July - Joseph Whidbey August - Rosario Beach THURSDAY @ 1:00pm Ladies Bible Class - On Summer Break FRIDAY @ 4:00-6:00pm Flintstone Outreach - Fellowship Hall serving food to the community Statistics for June 7th, 2015 Worship Attendance: Bible Class: Contribution: 2015 Monthly Budget: 84 62 $3219 $12,614 Guest Card NURSERY AVAILABLE: There is a staffed nursery available for your convenience in rooms 1 & 2 for kids 3 and under. There is also a cry room upstairs off of the foyer. So that we may have record of your visit, please complete this card. NAME____________________ _________________________ ADDRESS_________________ _________________________ PHONE___________________ GUEST OF________________ _________________________ _________________________ New This Week: ~Gene Skallerud: r elief fr om back pain. ~Naomi Ward: aunt Gladys for r ecover y fr om back sur ger y a month ago; cousin Carol has cancer throughout back, pray for her salvation and comfort at this time. ~Barbara Bailey: Elson Floyd as he goes thr ough cancer tr eatment. Songs marked with * can be found in the Blue Book. All other songs can be found in the Gray Book. Continuing in Our Prayers: ~Tony Fry: Coleman and Fr y families for the loss of our gr andfather that passed away. ~Cheryl Gordon: healing for my fr iend Linda Beck who was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. ~Josh Jeffrey: gr andmother passed away this week. ~Marianne O’Neal: healing of pain in back. ~Patrick Kazmierczak: r ecover ing fr om knee sur ger y. ~Rich & Jan Muttkowski: safe tr avels dur ing their vacation. ~Elderly Members: Ginny Williams, Dick Anable, Ethel Fer nandez, Eva Brown, Elaine Fix Jesus Loves Me 1014/ Jesus Loves The Little Children 1015 _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Deployed Members: Rachel DeWitt Nick Barrett The “Stork” Club: _________________________ REQUESTED BY:________________ ______________________________ June 14th, 2015 With children’s offering In Christ Alone 72* Ten Thousand Angels 349 Lord’s Supper/Offering Shout To The Lord 112* Lord I Lift Your Name On High 86* You Are Holy 145* My God Reigns 96* Sermon _________________________ _________________________ Welcome Matt Oliver 2 Kings 21; 23-25; 2 Chronicles 33; 36; Jeremiah 1-2; 4-5; 13; 21; Lamentations 1-3; 5; Ezekiel 1-2; 6-7; 36-37 _________________________ _________________________ Here I Am To Worship 52* BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES How Great Thou Art 76 6/14-Collene Clift 6/17-Kyle Waldron 6/19-Evelyn Anable 6/22-Tracy Loescher 6/23-Tony Fry 6/23-Caitlynn Hobbs 6/26-Racheal Jeffrey 6/19-Joshua & Jennifer Jeffrey 7/6-John & Deborah Dinger Intercessory Prayer/Announcements Jesus Is Coming Soon 712 June 14th, 2015
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