Liturgy copy 5

All the People Said Amen
You are not alone if you are lonely
When you feel afraid you're not the only
We are all the same in need of mercy
To be forgiven and be free
It's all you got to lean on
But thank God it's all you need
And all the people said amen whoa
And all the people said amen
Give thanks to the Lord for His love never ends
And all the people said amen
If you're rich or poor well it don't matter
Weak or strong you know love is what we're after
We're all broken but we're all in this together
God knows we stumble and fall
And He so loved the world
He sent His son to save us all
Blessed are the poor in spirit who are torn apart
Blessed are the persecuted and the pure in heart
Blessed are the people hungry for another start
For theirs is the kingdom the kingdom of God
King of Heaven
Jesus let Your kingdom come here
Let Your will be done here in us
Jesus there is no one greater
You alone are Savior show the world Your love
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost – July 5, 2015
Call to Worship the LORD
The Word of the LORD: Psalm 123
A Prayer of Adoration
Songs of Adoration and Praise
King of heaven come down
King of heaven come now
Let Your glory reign shining like the day
King of heaven come
King of heaven rise up
Who can stand against us
You are strong to save in Your mighty name
King of heaven come
We are children of Your mercy
Rescued for Your glory
We cry Jesus set our hearts towards You
That ev'ry eye would see You lifted high
King of heaven come
King of heaven come
King of heaven come
Oh King of heaven come
Jesus Saves
Hope is here
Shout the news to ev'ryone
It's a new day peace has come
Jesus saves
Mercy triumphs at the cross
Love has come to rescue us
Jesus saves
A Prayer of Confession
Word of the LORD for the Journey: “Called to be Saints Together”
“Extreme Measures” - I Corinthians 5
A Prayer of Thanksgiving and The Table
Song of Response
At the Cross (#188)
Community Life
Community Group Contacts:
Joe and Willie DeWaard (Sundays, NL/Coralville)
Ajay and Lindsey Eshcol (Wednesdays, Iowa City)
Hope is here
What a joyful noise we'll make
As we join in heaven's song
To let all the world know that Jesus saves
Raise a shout to let all the world know
That Jesus saves
Free at last
Every debt has been repaid
Broken hearts can be remade
Jesus saves
Sing above the storms of life
Sing it through the darkest night
Jesus saves
Women’s Bible study, Thursdays 9-11am. We will be studying the book of
Joshua. Childcare provided. Contact Linsdey Eshcol for more
information. (
Genesis Family Day - August 22-23 at the Vrbans'! Camp out on
Saturday night or just come out for worship on Sunday as we
worship the LORD together outside and look forward to the
coming ministry year. If you’re interested in baptism and/or child
dedications, please contact Dave.
Next Sunday: Worship @ BWH (9:00 & 10:30am)
Free at last
What a joyful noise we'll make
You save You heal restore reveal
The Father's heart to us
You rose to raise us from the grave
Your Spirit lives in us
Sing it out
Sing it out
To let all the world know that Jesus saves
Raise a shout
To let all the world know that Jesus saves
You save, oh.
As an act of worship, may we give generously, as God has been generous
to us. You may place your tithes and offerings in the “Faith” box. Thank
you for your faithful giving!
Mortgage Reduction Update: $26,904.12
A Prayer of Supplication
For regular events see our calendar at:
Elders (& Wives): Dave (Pastor) & Becky Conrads Jeff Boone (Associate Pastor)
Greg & Edwina Brenneman
Gene & Deb Leutzinger