CHURCH OF ST. STEPHEN (1848) OUR LADY OF THE SCAPULAR (1889) 151 E. 28th Street, NY, NY 10016 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER CHAPEL OF THE SACRED HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY (1914) 325 E. 33rd Street, NY, NY 10016 APRIL 19, 2015 Father Robert J. Robbins, Administrator Father Brian M. McWeeney, In residence Mailing Address and Office Both sites are wheelchair accessible Sunday Mass Schedule 5PM (Vigil) (Church) 8AM (Church) 12:30PM; 5:30PM (Chapel) (212) 683-1675 (voice) (212) 683-7921 (fax) (email) (website) Parish Trustees Rose Klimovich; James Reilly; Leilani Siri Parish Council Raymond Brancaccio; Peggy Byrne; Carmine Musumeci; Leilani Siri; Paul Stockschlaeder; Evita Torre; Laurie Walsh Parish Lay Staff Peggy Epstein, Office Manager Maria Rivera, Secretary Paul J. Murray, Director of Music Kathleen T. Ullmann, Pastoral Associate for Lay Ministers Church Office Hours Sunday: 7:30AM-11:30AM Mon.-Fri.: 9:00AM-12:15PM; 1:15PM-6PM Saturday: 11:30AM-1PM; 2PM-6PM Church Hours Sunday: 7:30AM-9:00AM Monday-Friday: 7:30AM-9:00AM Saturday: 3:45-6:30PM Chapel Hours Sunday: 11:30AM-2PM; 4:30-6:30PM Monday-Friday: 8AM-4PM Saturday: Closed 142 E 29 St., New York, NY 10016 Weekday Mass Schedule (Monday to Friday) 8AM (Church) 12:15PM (Chapel) The Rosary is recited after each Mass. Holy Day Schedule Please consult the inside of the bulletin for times and places or call the parish office. Confessions Saturday, 4PM-4:45PM (Church) Sunday, 4:45PM-5:15PM (Chapel) Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) For people interested in Catholicism and for those who are baptized Catholics but have not received Confirmation. For more information please contact Sim Johnston: Baptism Please contact the parish office at least one month in advance of proposed date. Marriage Please contact the parish office at least six months in advance of proposed date. Religious Education for Children Inter-parish program; K-8; Epiphany Parish (212) 475-1966 Legion of Mary, Wednesday 6pm, Church Space Rentals Angel Falcon, Coordinator of Special Projects and Ad Hoc Advancement Initiatives. For the quickest response, please calll, at any time, cell: (212) 810-9004 or email at ST. STEPHEN/OUR LADY of the SCAPULAR/SACRED HEARTS MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, APR. 18, Vigil, Third Sunday of Easter, 5:00pm Cliff McKeon by Pat Coleine SUNDAY, APR. 19, Third Sunday of Easter 8:00am Dorothy R. Walsh (Anniversary of Death) by Angie Cangiano 12:30pm Dec’d Members of The Abamonte & Spadaro Family by Anna Spadaro 5:30pm Our Parishioners Living & Deceased MONDAY, APR. 20, Easter Weekday 8:00am Marie Giglio by Nicki Filipponi 12:15pm Wilfredo Quiogue by Caridad Quiogue & Dominick Toque TUESDAY, APR. 21, Easter Weekday, St. Anselm, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 8:00am Jubiliee Mathurin (LIVING) by J. Mathurin 12:15pm Laura Jacobo by Christina H. Gerodias WEDNESDAY, APR. 22, Easter Weekday 8:00am Laura Malave by Anthony Ranieri 12:15pm Kenneth E. Nielsen by Karen Sokol THURSDAY, APR. 23, Easter Weekday, St. George, Martyr; St. Adalbert, Bishop and Martyr 8:00am Rudolph Caltavuturo by Mary Caltavuturo 12:15pm Joyce Chang-Smith by William Smith FRIDAY, APR. 24, Easter Weekday, St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest and Martyr 8:00am Henry Duffy by Ann Usher 12:15pm Msgr. Victor S. Pavis (1st Anniversary of Death) by Lorrie Rosario SATURDAY, APR. 25, Vigil, Fourth Sunday of Easter 5:00pm Our Parishioners Living and Deceased 2nd Megan Elizabeth Brennan & Andrew John Meyers REV. DOUGLAS Y. CRAWFORD On Holy Thursday evening, Father Douglas Crawford who had been priest-secretary to Cardinal Edward Egan and Parochial Vicar of St Stephen/Our Lady of the Scapular/Sacred Hearts, was asked by Cardinal Dolan to accept a new assignment. He is currently the temporary administrator of the Church of the Good Shepherd in Rhinebeck, NY. We are grateful to Fr. Crawford for his years of service to our parish communities and, most especially, for his care of Cardinal Egan in his retirement days. Should you wish to write to Fr. Crawford or give him a call, this is the contact information. Church of the Good Shepherd, 3 Mulberry Street, Rhinebeck, NY 12572. (845) 876-4583 NEW YORK He said to them, "These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled. You are witnesses of these things." - Lk 24:44, 48 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER "He stood in their midst and said to them, 'Peace be with you.' But they were startled and terrified." What was so terrifying about being wished peace? How ironic that the disciples were so scared right at the moment that Jesus was offering them peace. The fact is that they didn't understand what was going on. They were already aware at this point that Jesus had risen from the dead, and two of them had just had a powerful encounter with him on the road to Emmaus. But now, he suddenly appeared before them, in a manner that was not only totally unexpected, but also apparently physically impossible. This is why they thought they were seeing a ghost. It just didn't make sense. Jesus reassured them with concrete actions. He told them to look at him and to touch him. He wanted his disciples to be comforted by his real physical presence among them. He wanted them to come into contact with his entire being, not just the abstract idea of his presence. Once they did this, they were "incredulous for joy and were amazed." The peace that he wished for them was now complemented by great joy. It just took a while to sink in. This may be the case for us at times too. We may not understand the mysterious ways in which Jesus is present in our lives. Sometimes he is hidden in what Mother Teresa called "the distressing disguise." His Spirit may be present, wishing to bring us peace right in the midst of stress, sickness, anguish, or pain, but we may not recognize him at first. But just because he may not "show up" in the way we expect doesn't mean he isn't with us. The risen Christ also wants to give us the gift of peace. © Liturgical Publications Inc CONGRATULATIONS! We congratulate Evan & Erin Della Valle with the baptism of Lucas Joseph Della Valle. PRAY FOR THE SICK Bill Bako, Natasha Mlatok, Anki Mlatok, Joseph Golio, Joanne Golio, Marie Stengele, Francisco Vargas, Aida Uy - Gagliardi, Bob Shapiro, Maureen Rousseu, Carol Ottobre, Lisa Spagasora, Joe Vassallo, Corazón Natividad, Joe Walsh, Jacqueline Walsh, Julia White. The above names will be listed for four weeks unless otherwise requested. THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 19, 2015 MARCH 2015 REVENUE AND EXPENSES REVENUE Parish Collections Candles Perquisites School Rental Other Rental Domicile St. Stephen Clergy Residence Donations/Bequests Grant from Savings Total Revenue $20,218 2,824 650 7,500 10,200 300 1,800 338 9,393 $53,223 EXPENSES Salaries & Benefits Office Expenses Liturgical Supplies Gas/Electricity/Water Maintenance Property Insurance Food & Household Supplies Cathedraticum Assessment School Assessment Total Expenses $23,895 1,227 2,921 5,277 673 6,900 233 3,156 2,283 $46,565 6,658 Net Revenue over Expenses REMINDER: DONATIONS TO THE PARISH MADE BY CHECK Please remember that all contributions made to the parish by check should be made payable to the parish in the parish’s name (St. Stephen Church). Contributions to be made to a parish by check should not be made payable to the pastor, administrator, or any parish employee. Thank you. STEWARDSHIP — TITHING “No one shall appear before the Lord empty handed, but each of you with as much as he can give, in proportion to the blessings which the Lord, God has bestowed on you.” Deuteronomy 16:10, 16-17 Stewardship Is A Way Of Life Tithing is God’s Plan For Giving Tithing week of 4/12/15: $3,263 Tithing week of 4/13/14: $5,527 Thank you for living a life committed to stewardship and tithing. REMINDER “I have been tithing faithfully for the last 10 years and it is the best decision I ever made. There is an inner conviction and peace that says you are doing the right thing, and there are other benefits as well. Right now, I could not afford to stop tithing! God is good and faithful - take the leap! Q: MARK’S JESUS OFTEN TELLS PERSONS THAT HAVE BEEN HEALED NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT IT. Why is that? Mark uses a literary technique in his Gospel that many scholars call the "messianic secret." The technique usually occurs after something marvelous has happened, such as a healing miracle. Jesus tells the person not to say anything to anyone about what happened. The Gospel reader finds this rather puzzling. Why not share the good news of this marvelous event with others? Mark is trying to convey something significant in his use of this literary technique. Discipleship for Mark demands the necessity of taking up one's cross and following Jesus on his journey to Jerusalem. There Jesus will be arrested, tortured, crucified, and killed. This journey is not something that any of Jesus' followers were eager to undertake. They could easily be disciples when good things like miracles of healing, or multiplication of food happened. But to be a disciple on the journey to Jerusalem was something else altogether. Mark stresses the reality that following Jesus involves misunderstanding, rejection, suffering, and possibly death. He wants to make sure that disciples are keenly aware of this fact. Miracle working is not the reason for following Jesus. That is why Mark tells of Jesus commanding persons whom he has healed not to say anything. Others might begin to follow for the sake of the miracles and be utterly confounded when they realize the cost of discipleship. Pay close attention to this technique in the Gospel readings for the Sundays of Cycle B. Let us truly commit ourselves to following Jesus for the right reasons. © 2011 Liturgical Publications Inc THEOLOGY ON TAP-NYC Presents: “Is America Listening to Pope Francis?" On April 20, 2015, the final talk of 2015 will feature Jean Pierre Seon, seminarian at Saint Joseph’s Seminary. He will be talking to us about the Pope's upcoming visit to the US but will also address if Americans are listening to the Pope and whether or not they differ with him on key issues. This is a great talk as we prepare for Pope Francis’ visit to the USA in September. Talk begins at 7:30pm and ends around 9pm. Location is Connolly’s Bar, 121 West 45th Street, between 6th and 7th Avenues, on the 3rd floor. Email us at for more information. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER The two disciples recognized Jesus in the breaking of the bread and their lives were changed. Let Worldwide Marriage Encounter help you recognize Jesus in your sacrament of matrimony or holy orders. For more information go to: or call 1-877-NYS-WWME ext. 3. REMEMBER OUR CHURCHES IN YOUR WILL
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