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The Bishop Ryle Fund donations
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office: 01923 235111 / Please return this form
with your donation to: Church Society, Dean Wace House, 16 Rosslyn
Road, Watford, WD18 0NY
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Enabling evangelicalism
to flourish in the
Church of England
Our vision is to expand
and build on the solid
evangelical foundations of
the Church of England
Over the last few years, the ministry of Church Society
has grown and expanded.
Our image has been updated, our publications have been
refreshed. We have a new website, an increasing depth of
social media presence, and
energetic new leadership.
Our vision to expand and
build on the solid evangelical
foundations of the Church
of England has never been
more needed, at a time of
rapid change and confusion.
To enable us to engage most effectively in areas that need
specific and sometimes urgent attention, last year we
launched the Bishop Ryle Fund, to sustain the dynamic
ministry of the Society. Will you prayerfully partner with us
and help turn our vision into reality?
A donation of £40 or more
qualifies you to receive a free,
limited edition hardback of
Christian Leaders of the
Seventeenth Century, a new
collection of JC Ryle’s minibiographies (from e.g. Church
Association tracts and
Churchman), on leading figures
such as Richard Baxter, William
Gurnall, Archbishop Laud, and the
seven courageous bishops
imprisoned by James II.
The Bishop
Ryle Fund will
help sustain the
dynamic work of
Church Society
This exciting new book will not be on
general sale until 2016, but is exclusively
available now only to Bishop Ryle Fund
To enable conservative
evangelicalism to flourish
in the established church we are involved in many vital
areas of contemporary ministry, from recruiting and mentoring
potential conservative evangelical bishops to training and
resourcing younger ministers, ordinands, and those working in
non-evangelical parishes.
Our magazine and theological journal continue to provide
information and intellectual leadership for the evangelical
constituency, while our day to day work as patrons of around
125 parishes is crucial in maintaining evangelical witness in
villages, towns, and cities all over England.
A donation of £400 or more also
qualifies for a beautiful two-volume set
of George Whitefield’s Sermons, or
Ussher’s Body of Divinity.