“I am so glad you came to my rescue. I have had a rotten life and you have given me a gleam of hope for the future.” Through your donations, Church Housing Trust supports some of England’s most marginalised and disadvantaged people, helping them reintegrate into mainstream society and get their lives back on track. Last year, more than 4,500 homeless people were helped for the first time by schemes we support. Every day, 3,700 homeless people are cared for in projects supported by Church Housing Trust. Although there is funding for core services, the extra resources we raise make a huge difference to the quality and scope of care the hostels can provide. Donations go towards services that do more than feed and shelter people; they offer them a second chance at life. counselling volunteer costs residents’ welfare resettlement costs education and training furnishing accommodation refurbishing older premises IT and other training equipment therapeutic activities and outings Visit www.churchhousingtrust.org.uk Text: ‘CHTG14 £2, £4, £5 or £10’ to 70070 facebook.com/churchhousingtrust @churchhousing Church Housing Trust raises charitable funds to support Riverside ECHG (formerly English Churches Housing Group)’s work with homeless and vulnerable people, including: general hostels, projects for people with drug /alcohol problems, mother and baby units, accommodation for homeless families, women’s refuges, temporary housing for ex-Service personnel, accommodation for people with learning disabilities, young people’s foyers and day centres. The charitable funds raised by Church Housing Trust directly benefit the residents of Riverside ECHG’s hostels and related projects. Making a Difference www.churchhousingtrust.org.uk Make a donation... “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Matthew 25:35 Please accept my/our donation of: £250 £100 £50 £25 £15 Other £_____ I enclose a cheque postal order charity voucher payable to Church Housing Trust or charge my Visa / Mastercard / CharityCard / Maestro (please delete as Charity #802801 ...change a life “I’ve seen the difference it can make to a lot of people. £50, £100, or £150 can be spent on training or books for a course. It seems like £10,000 to some people, it’s so hard to get.” Justin* had no fixed address; after a three-year sentence at Standford Hill prison, he was coming out to nothing. Thankfully, The Quays supported housing scheme in Sittingbourne had given him a placement as part of the prison’s ‘work-out’ scheme. applicable) Card number Expiry date Maestro issue no. Security code (the last three digits on the back of the card) Name After staying on for six months, he decided to apply for a permanent role there, and asked for a grant from Church Housing Trust. The money allowed him to buy not only a second-hand suit for the interview, but some jeans and warm winter clothes. “Something as simple as a suit makes a difference,” he explains. Address Postcode Email Phone Gift Aid. Please tick if you are a tax payer and you would like us to reclaim the tax on your donation at no extra cost to yourself. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give. Signature Date Please send me (ensure correct address above): Now a full-time project assistant, he works closely with younger homeless men to help their rehabilitation. He’s truly thankful for the donations that let him get back in to work and continue his life: “It’s made a difference to me personally.” *Name changed to protect identity. Image is the property of Church Housing Trust Information about regular giving Information by email only We’d love to keep you informed of our work, but if you would rather not receive our mailings, please tick this box The data you provide will be kept by Church Housing Trust only for the purpose of our future mailings and for our financial records. We will not disclose this information to any other person or organisation except in connection with the above purposes. Return to: Church Housing Trust, PO Box 50296, London EC1P 1WF T: 020 7269 1630 F: 020 7404 2562 E: info@churchhousingtrust.org.uk www.churchhousingtrust.org.uk CM/PCC/FF/CH/BI/CT/15/16 Positive for homeless people
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