Collective Organisations in Buenos Aires, Argentina - Griselda

Collective organisations in
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Griselda Palleres
University of Buenos Aires
(UBACYT - 20020130100447BA)
Proyecto 7
 Local organisation of homeless people in Argentina,
organised by and for homeless people.
 Formed in 2003, it is an example of how an organisation
of people with limited resources is able to emerge and
 Represents the interest of homeless people: gradually
gains more legitimacy and influence on the
implementation of public policies
 Creates the opportunity for activists to play a concrete
role in transforming individual and collective experiences:
identity and recognition
Their emergence provides homeless people with a formal
voice and legitimates the right to participate and influence
policies on homelessness
Political actions and organized demostrations
 Media coverage and broadcasting
 Make the issue visible
 Report the death of homeless
people in the street
 Achieve organisational
Political actions and organized demostrations
 Provide an opportunity to
raise demands and concerns
 Demand comprehensive
policy for homeless people
 Collective actions open
new possibilities for social
Photographer: Walter Sangroni
Law 3706/11 & National Bill 2510/14
 Progress to achieve a broad and inclusive category
 Promotes collective interest: claim rights and gain recognition
 Implements comprehensive policies
 Implements profound changes in the
structure of servicies: Integration Centers
 Challenges dominant understanding of homelessness
Integration Center: El Monteagudo
Provides space interaction
and personal development
Photographer: Walter Sangroni
Integration Center: El Monteagudo
Programmes of capacity building
Opportunity to learn new skill
Photographer: Walter Sangroni
Integration Center: El Monteagudo
A free space, without
stigmatization and control
Self-help and support
Photographer: Walter Sangroni
Integration Center: El Monteagudo
Establish and sustain democratic
procedures and practices
Institutional openness
Photographer: Walter Sangroni
Formation of collective actors
 Improves the opportunities for democratic participation for
homeless people, who are normally excluded from the
spheres of decision making
 Legislative work has acquired the legitimacy to participate
and to seek to influence local and national homeless policies.
 Movements in which homeless people figured prominently
have opportunity to influence policy formulation: dialogue
and negotiations with the authorities
 Important to continually develop
participation of homeless people
The participants create a new understanding of themselves,
and to see the problems related to homelessness in a
broader social and political perspective