י תועיד News & Facts

News & Facts
May 30, 2008 * 25 Iyar 5768; Volume 61, No. 33
Arie Crown
Where Middos & Learning
Are Linked Together
Upcoming Events
Pizza Pocket Lunch
1st Grade Chumash Play 9:15 AM
Pizza Lunch
Nursery End of Year Celebration
9:15-10:00 AM
Hot Dog Lunch
Kindergarten End of Year Program
K105/K107 9:00 AM
K108/K109 10:15 AM
5th Grade Battle of the Books
Note New Date – Times TBA
Last Day of Mishmor
Last Day of School for Grades: 8th
Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Kindergarten
4G Tehillim Breakfast 9:00 AM
Dental Forms Due (K, 2nd, 6th grade)
Hashavas Aveidah
* At both book fairs this year a scarf was left at the
checkout table. The book fair committee would
really like to find the owners of these two scarves.
If you are missing a scarf, and one of these might
be yours, please contact Tami Drapkin (847) 6739903.
* At the Arie Crown picnic last Sunday, two items
were left…an Old Navy pull-over sweatshirt with a
wolf on it and a white knit kippah with multicolors. If
either of these items belongs to you, please contact
David or Brooke Warso at 847-673-3074.
Thank you to everyone who
helped make the USED
BOOK SALE a success.
The following classes will
enjoy an extra recess for
donating the most books:
Mrs. Pauker
399 books
Mrs. Litwack
380 books
Mr. Rosenberg
348 books
Over 3655 books were donated and over 3200
books were sold. A total of $710.55 was earned,
selling each book for $.25. The money from the
USED BOOK SALE will be used to provide an
exciting, enriching and educational activity for our
students in the fall. Once again, thank you to
everyone for donating and purchasing books.
Elaine Steiner, Library
Candle Lighting Time-7:59 PM
Shabbos Parshas Bamidbar;
Shabbos Mevorchim
Sof Z’man Kriyas Shema-9:03 AM
Yom Yerushalayim
Rosh Chodesh Sivan is on Wednesday, June 4th
1st Grade Chumash Play
Tuesday, June 3rd - 9:15 AM
Nursery End of Year Celebration
Wednesday, June 4th – 9:15-10:00 AM
Kindergarten End of Year Program
Thursday, June 5th
K105/K107 - 9:00 AM
K108/K109 - 10:15 AM
5th Grade Battle of the Books
Thursday, June 5th – Times TBA (Note New Date)
4th Grade Girls’ Tehillim Breakfast
Friday, June 6th – 9:00 AM
4th Grade Boys’ State Fair
Wednesday, June 11th - 2:45-3:45 PM
8th Grade Graduation
Wednesday, June 11th – 8:00 PM
Bi-Annual election of The Arie Crown Board of
Directors is taking place June 12, 2008 @ 7:45 at
the school.
Please contact Hillel @
hillel.meyers@gmail.com, if you have any
Dear Parents: This summer I
will be running social skills
groups for 1st and 2nd grade
students. These groups will
meet once a week for 6 weeks;
dates and times have not yet
been set. Please let me know if
you have any interest or
questions by June 13th. You can reach me at
school. Enjoy a fun and relaxing summer with your
Mrs. Rivka Holzman
School Social Worker
Are you looking for an end-of-the-year Give/Get
opportunity? Here is your lucky break! Come join
the Banquet Committee and help with registration,
set-up, and/or cleanup for this year’s Banquet on
Monday, June 23rd. Please contact Andy
Shandalov at 773-463-9120 if you are interested in
this “once in a year” opportunity!
Box Tops for Education
Don’t be left out! Last drawing of the year! Drop off
your box tops at school and earn cash for our
school and a chance to win the drawing!
The Hebrew library needs all books and DVD’s
back by June 6th. Also, please check if you have “A
Miracles with Hanoch Teller” DVD – we had the
DVD case returned, but it was empty. The last day
of library is June 4th. Thank you for a great reading
Barbara Pomper & All the Volunteers
What a Game! The boys Mishmor baseball trip was
an outstanding way to cap off a great year of
learning! Yasher Koach to all of the boys who went
above and beyond to put in extra time for Talmud
Torah! We would like to thank our sponsors:
Mr. and Mrs. David Porush
Mr. and Mrs. Menachem Shabat
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Israel
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leon
Mr. and Mrs. Abie Gutnicki
Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Schreiber
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stein
and all of our chaperones.
Thank you!
Rabbi Litwack, Rabbi A. Cohen, Rabbi Y. Cohen
Wow! The Boys’ Ivrit Activity was Baruch Hashem
totally awesome!! The boys in 4th through 8th grade
in Mrs. Ben-Shimol’s and Mrs. Worch’s classes
have worked hard all year. They needed to
maintain at least a B- (B) average AND
demonstrate good classroom behavior to be
eligible to participate in this activity. Although the
activities had to be adjusted due to the weather,
our “Plan B” turned out even better! Most of the
boys kept up their good attitudes and had a great
time playing on the 75-foot inflatable obstacle
course and inflatable triple-lane bungee run! We
would like to thank the following people who helped
make this activity such a success: Rabbi Samber,
Rabbi Robinson, Mrs. Lindenbaum, Mrs. Goldwag,
Mrs. Jacoby, Mrs. Levi, Mrs. Siegal, and Rabbi
Lester who all helped with the “behind-the-scenes”
details. Many thanks to Rabbi Litwack for grilling
the hot dogs; and Mr. J. Dimbert and Mr. G. Miller
for volunteering their time to chaperone this activity.
We could not have done this without Martin and
Claudio! Thanks for helping the set-up crew with
the inflatable equipment, setting up the BBQ grill,
getting the hot dogs, and for taking care of all the
other dinner details. We look forward to even
MORE eligible boys for next year’s Ivrit Incentive
Program Activity!! L’hitraot,
Mrs. C. Worch & Mrs. N. Ben-Shimol
Health Tip Corner
Many cases of Fifth Disease have been reported to
the school office. Fifth Disease begins with a lowgrade fever, headache and cold-like symptoms.
There is a distinctive red rash on the face that
makes the child appear to have been slapped on
the cheek. Once the rash appears the child is no
longer contagious. Fifth Disease can be dangerous
to the fetus in the first half of pregnancy if the mom
is not immune. Please call your doctor if you have
any questions.
As this school year winds down we are gearing up
for 2008-2009.
Dental forms are NOW due for all CURRENT
kindergarten, second and sixth graders. Forms are
available on the school website and in the school
office. A waiver form can be obtained in the office if
All new students beginning in September should
have received (or will be receiving shortly) the
Illinois State health form. It is also available on the
school website and in the school office. NEW THIS
FALL is the state requirement for a vision exam for
kindergarteners and all new students entering
grades 1-8. This form is also available in the school
“Public Act 95-671, effective January 1, 2008,
requires that all children enrolling in
kindergarten in a public, private or parochial
school and any student enrolling for the first
time in a public, private or parochial school
shall have an eye examination. Each such child
is to present proof of having been examined by
a physician licensed to practice medicine in all
its branches or a licensed optometrist within
the previous year before October 15 of the
school year…”
I hope to have all allergy and asthma action plans
available on the school website as well as the
Physician request for administration of medication
form. If you have a child with asthma or allergies
please download the form, take it with you to the
doctor and mail it to school. I will be available to
answer questions during the summer. Please leave
me any non-urgent messages at the school office
and I will try to return your call as possible.
Chana Goldstein, ATT School Nurse Consultant
Early Childhood Corner
The Kindergarten classes enjoyed a super trip to
Pump It Up on Lag B’Omer. The yeladim jumped
right in and enjoyed a variety of inflatables,
including huge slides and a basketball court.
Everyone had a ball, even the teachers who were
brave enough to climb and join in the fun! A great
time was had by all!
The Kindergarten Classes
This week in Mrs. Dubovick’s 4th grade girls’ class
we finished the whole Sefer Tehillim! We had a
Chinese auction! We want to thank Mrs. Gross and
the Student Council. We can’t wait till next week for
our Tehillim party – yay! Everyone has prepared a
D’var Torah for the siyum. We have finished
learning all of the Aseres Hadibros. Wow! On our
Navi test, almost everyone got stickers for getting
over 90. Sara Hartman got the highest score with
113/114! Have a good Shabbos and a guten
By Dalya Friedman, Tzippy Suss & Rachel Zelden
Two weeks ago in both 5th grade girls’ classes, we
went to The Grove! We wore colonial costumes.
We got the names of the actual people that went to
this one-room schoolhouse, like Olivia Shepard,
Sally Marie Squibson and Jerusha Peachblossom.
We learned that the punishments back then were
really harsh. We wrote with quills and ink. When
the teacher called on you, you’d have to stand up
and say “yes, Sir”, and when he told you to sit
down, you’d curtsey and say, “thank you, Sir”, and
sit down. We were chosen to be in different grades.
At recess we played with toys that grandparents
made for their grandchildren. We had a great time!!!
We would like to thank our chaperons, Mrs.
Levitan, Mrs. Levy, Mrs. Simon, and especially,
Mrs. Pauker. All you 4th graders out there: We hope
you have fun next year! We certainly did!
By Eli Greenfield, Orah Wilens & Leora Crandall
This week Mrs. Whisler's 4th grade
boys played 5 base kickball and
softball in gym. Last Friday, we
played baseball and outdoor sports at
the Lag B'Omer picnic at Harms
Woods. Thank you to Mr. Whisler for
loaning us the bases. We have been
doing schoolwork, too, like working on
our state research note cards and writing our
outlines. We're almost at the end of the novel Ali
Baba Bernstein. We look forward to seeing our
families and friends at our States Fair on June
11th. Shabbat Shalom!
Mrs. Whisler's 4th Grade Boys
The Arie Crown Family would like to extend a Mazel Tov
Mr. and Mrs. Yossi Chase on the birth of their daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Friedman on the birth of a
granddaughter, Kayla Leora, born to Gil and Elysa (class
of ’98) Stein
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Garden on the upcoming marriage
of their son, Binyamin (class of ’00) to Chaya Genuth
Bar Mitzvahs
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Campbell on the Bar Mitzvah of their
son, Yehudah
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Greer and Mrs. Susan Greer on
Pinny’s Bar Mitzvah
Morah Gayle: Thanks for being there for the “easyshmeezy” AND the “hardy-mardy”.
Morah Ahuvah
(By the way, you have a beautiful smile!)
Mrs. Galia Lapson, Miriam Rivkah Lapson and their
family wish to thank the school administration, also all
the parents and students who called and visited, for all
the kind words and offers of help this week, after the
accident. May we all merit to have only good news.
Avraham Meir Lapson is grateful to Rabbi Samber and
ACHDS administration for the congratulations and good
wishes in connection with his becoming Bar Mitzvah.
Dear Mrs. Horowitz and the Second Grade Girls: Your
Salute to Parents and Grandparents was beautiful in
every way!
Note to A.N.A.: we loved listening to you practice the
songs so much, we hope you will continue to sing them –
we love you and you make us so proud! Great job,
Let Plus Stationery help you show Hakoras Hatov to your
children's teachers and staff. Personalized Papers are a
great way to show your appreciation. Call Leslie
Goldmeier @ 773-262-0635 to place an order. School
money accepted!
Tutor available this summer for all subjects. Call Shifra
Samber at 773-983-9602, or you can email
For Sale: Beautiful, spacious home in Peterson Park for
sale. 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, finished basement, large
den, beautiful airy eat-in kitchen, attached deck with
Succah panels and schach. Please call 773-267-9411.
rooms, 5 bedrooms, 5.5 bathrooms, 2 car attached
garage. 4,215 sq.ft. Large kitchen with 3 ovens, 2
dishwashers, 2 subzeros, with huge adjoining eating
area. Many more amenities. Call 847-673-2111.
Tutor available. American-Israeli can tutor in all subjects.
Please e-mail Yocheved at yolo_314@hotmail.com.
Hurry – slots are filling quickly!
New this year! Free lunches for all campers!! Don’t be
late! Register now for a fun-filled summer at the Nathan
and Shirley Rothner ATT Summer Program 2008. Many
new, exciting classes and trips for boys and girls, grades
1-8 separately. Enjoy rocketry, sports, computers, selfdefense, art, sewing, cooking and much, much more!
Space is limited! Session 1: June 30-July 23; Session II –
July 24-August 15. For information and a brochure, call
Susan Feuer or Shelley Stopek at 773-973-2828.
West Rogers Park family looking for a morning (8:00)
carpool for next year. Please call Rose Vadnai @ (773)
Please join in welcoming the dynamic founder of the
Kever Rachel Fund, Mrs. Miriam Adani and help support
the many projects that ensure a vibrant Jewish presence
at Kever Rachel. Mara Goldblatt will be the featured
speaker at this most inspiring event. Video presentation
and dessert reception on Wednesday, June 4, 8 PM at
the home of Jenny Jacobson, 2919 W. Coyle.
$$$MIDNIGHT MADNESS$$$ is back!!! $$$ HUGE
PRE-SHAVUOS SALE!!! $$$ begins this Thursday
Night! Ladies and Girls Shabbos Robes, Ladies Shells,
(sleeveless, ¾ and long sleeve, & bodysuits!) plus
Massive selection of Ladies headwear straight from New
York ! Prices you’ll love!!! Pre-Tied Bandanas as low as
$14. Scarves as low as $10. Classic Fabric Snoods
starting at $18. Crocheted Snoods starting at $28.
Upscale and Trendy styles! Hours: Thursday night (June
5): 8 p.m. - Midnight, Friday (June 6): 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.,
Motzei Shabbos (June 7): 10 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. Sunday
(June 8) 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Sale will take place at the
home of Rivkie Greenland, 7122 N. Francisco. For
questions feel free to call Tovi Kirshner at (314) 9740496. Hope to see you there!
Chavie Russell would like to invite you to an
extraordinary sheitel show! Featuring two established
sheitel companies straight from New York for the first
time in Chicago! Shuly wigs and Etty wigs are beautiful
European hair sheitel lines, carrying a large variety of
colors, lengths, and textures. Also selling pre-cut
samples at blow out prices. Anyone who attends will be
part of a raffle to win a free Euro sheitel!
You don't want to miss this one! Sunday, June 1st from
7-10 PM at the home of Chavie Russell, 6145 N. Drake.
Call 312-493-7897 with any questions.
Read, see and play all about it…this summer at the
Antonia Spitzer Jewish Library! Thousands of books on
all topics and for all ages. Magazine section, Cookbook
section, computers with Jewish games, Jewish video
watching area and much more. Air-conditioned and fully
computerized for you family’s convenience and
enjoyment. Neighborhood drop-off points. Hours: Sunday
through Wednesday from 1:00-6:00 PM at 6331 N.
California. Information: 773-274-6565 during hours or
Growing Up & Out is having their Annual Pre-Shavuot
Sale. 20% off of all Shabbos and Yom Tov dress wear
and shoes. Shop early for best selection. Open on June
1st from 11-4. All other times by appointment only. For an
appointment call 847-763-0246.
Buying a new home? Let Joel Goldberg Home Inspection
Services Ltd. use their twenty plus years of construction
experience to produce an informative and thorough
jghomeinspector@rcn.com. Licensed and Insured.
For Sale: Refrigerator, stove and microwave. Good
condition. Great for a house or apartment. Call 773-2304008.
House for Sale by Owner - $429,000. Open House,
Sunday, June 1, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. at 2751 W. Greenleaf,
Chicago. Character and Charm in this Cape Cod. * New
kitchen (double oven & 2 dishwashers) with granite
countertops and bright eat-in area. * New garage & roof.
* Recent paint. * Hardwood floors throughout. * 4
bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths. * Amazing W. Rogers Park
location–near shopping, shuls, & schools. * Large yard
with many expansion possibilities. For more information
or to schedule a visit 773.465.5942.
Rabbi William Novick Bigdei Yisrael would like to invite
the Arie Crown students, parents, teachers and the entire
community to help sort and pack the clothing that was
collected to be shipped to the poor in Israel. Our
warehouse (behind Jewel and Target in Evanston, next
to the Vineyard Church) is open on Sundays from 10 -1,
Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:45 - 12 noon, and on
Tuesdays from 1- 3 p.m. (closed on Monday June 2). No
appointments necessary, please just drop by. For more
info, please call Pnina Levinson (773-743-5438) or
Zehava Krauss (773-463-6611). Thank you and Tizku
Enhance your Oneg this Shavuos with Chicagoland's
Oneg Gourmet Cheese and be sure to try out the New
Sliced Gouda and Sliced Cheddar. Promotions on
Shredded, Sliced, and Chunked cheeses include
$2.99 per pack for Shredded Cheeses at select Jewel
Linda’s HeadQuarters, located at 3339 W. Dempster in
Skokie, is still looking for hardly used human hair wigs.
We will give cash or credit to our store for wigs. Call for
details at 847-679-0669. Come in for your Spring hats for
Shavuos. 10% off any hat if you mention this ad. Also,
this week from May 29-June 6, Freeda headband and
hat falls (European hair) on sale: $499 if you mention this
Backyard summer camp in West Rogers Park for ages 45*. Dates: June 30 - Aug 8. (may extend the dates). Call
Naomi (Giffin) Kalman for more info at: 773-339-8407 or
773-856-6400. *Will take 3 yr olds that are turning 4 as
long as they are toilet trained.
Kollel Torah MiTzion invites you to a brunch to say
Tzaitchem L’Shalom and Todah Rabah to the Balsams,
Litwacks and bachurim on Sunday, June 29th, from 10
am – 1 pm at ICJA. To place an ad in the Tribute Book,
please send your ad text to chicago@torahmitzion.org or
contact 773-973-1450, ext. 114 before June 16th.
Pearl Essence – fresh water pearls, direct import from
China! All colors, all lengths, wide variety of styles. Call
now for special orders for Yom Tov or graduation gifts.
Prices that can’t be beat! Call Gila Mauer for an
appointment at 847-674-0100.
Or Torah’s Binyan Ariel Learning Center announces two
special shiurim in preparation for Shavuos. Our women’s
shiur , given by renowned educator, Mrs. Toby Teller,
“Preparing for Kabolas HaTorah, Sunday, June 1st at 8
PM at the home Mrs. Dahlia Klein, 4321 Suffield Court,
Skokie. Please note change of date. Also, join Rabbi
Aaron Lauer, “What Happened when Moshe Rabbeinu
was up in Shamayim?”, Wednesday, June 4th at 8:30 PM
at OTE, 3756 Dempster. For info on our many learning
opportunities, call 847-858-0188.
Post-high school girl available to tutor your daughter (all
ages) or young son, in ALL SUBJECTS over the
summer. If interested, please call Avigayil at 847-3877559.
5-8th Grade Super Science Sunday this week features,
“Pyrotechnics (Fireworks) Spectacular for our end of year
program at Dr. Friedman’s home, Sunday, June 1st. Girls:
be at IDT at 9:30 – back at 12:30; Boys: be at IDT at 1:30
– back at 4:30. Dr. Friedman’s Super Demos in his
backyard could blast you away! (just kidding)
$$$GOLD-GOLD-GOLD turned to CASH-CASHCASH!! $$$ Convenient, fast service - including
itemized value report. Bring us your old broken chains,
single earrings & cufflinks, old rings, etc. We save you
the trip, the downtown parking cost and the hassles.
Nominal service fee of 12% if you bring it to us. Or we
pick up for 15%. (Skokie, Lincolnwood, R.P.) Don’t know
if it’s gold? FREE analysis included! At $850 an ounce,
now is a great time to GET CASH FAST. Silver also
welcome. 847-308-1424.
Your summer plans are not complete without a great
vacation - let us help! JCC's Perlstein Resort & Conf.
Center (near WI Dells) August Family Vacation:
Aug. 18-24 (1/2 wk option available). All included:
waterskiing, horseback riding, mountain biking, boating,
sailing, rock climbing, crafts, archery & more. Day
care/camp, babysitting, fam. programs/entertainment,
single gender swimming/yoga, Kosher (cRc), eruv, daily
minyanim. For more information, call 847-763-3603,
www.gojcc.org/prcc, or email prcc@gojcc.org