Dear Parents 18/01/13 I would like to wish all you a belated happy New Year and take this opportunity to thank you for your on-going support, particularly during our recent inspection last week and the closure of the school today due to snow. The decision is never taken lightly and is always based on health and safety priorities. The OFSTED inspection last Thursday and Friday was an opportunity to showcase our school and confirm areas of development. It was a very rigorous and positive experience and I will be able to share our findings when the report is published over the next week or so. We welcome Miss Clague to Year 4, class 5, who is covering Mrs Gronow’s maternity leave. I would also like to congratulate Mr Riddle on the birth of his son, Eoin, who was born on 28th December. Mr Thomas has been covering Mr Riddle’s class whilst he has been on paternity leave and is due back at school on Monday 21st January. I would also like to congratulate Mrs Wiggins who is due to have another baby in May. She plans to take maternity leave in April so I will advertise for her cover next week. Upon our return to school after the holiday we were very sad to be informed by the Infant School that one of their members of staff, Mrs Faith Evans, died on the 7th January as a result of injuries sustained from a road accident just before Christmas. Some of you may know Mrs Evans as she had worked regularly as a supply teacher at the Infant school and had been teaching in their Dragonflies class since September. We also worked with Mrs Evans during her time and involvement with the National Schoolwear Centre. Faith was always cheerful and helpful and nothing was too much trouble. We know that her sincerity and dedication will be missed by all those who knew and worked with her. I am sure you would wish to join me in offering our sincere condolences to her family, friends and colleagues at this very sad time. Keeping Healthy We had a number of children absent from school due to illness just prior to Christmas. As most symptoms include high temperature and coughing, the advice is that children should not return to school until they are fully recovered. By encouraging your child to wash their hands frequently and to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, this should also help reduce the spread of infection. A primary netball workshop will be held at Cheltenham College on Friday 15th February 2013 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. For further information please visit and alternatively details and booking form are available from the school office. Community A Christingle service in aid of the Children’s Society will be held at St Catherine’s Church on Sunday 27th January at 4.00 pm – all are welcome to go along. Parent/ Pupil Survey Thank you for your comments and responses to the recent parent survey that we issued in December about the school which is also very similar to the online parent view responses that some of you completed prior to and during our inspection. It was overwhelmingly positive with very few issues raised. I will enclose the results along with actions that we have taken to address any issues in a separate letter next week. Staff, governor and pupil questionnaires are also being analysed and I will present results from the pupil responses in my next newsletter. Reminders Parents are reminded to keep their child’s school meal account topped up as valuable time is being taken up chasing debts. If you are registered with ParentMail, I would be grateful if you could keep the office updated with any change of email/mobile telephone numbers in case of emergencies. Thank you. Clubs You should have received a comprehensive list of clubs that are on offer this term. Please ensure club commitment forms for children wishing to start a new club are returned to the office as soon as possible. Thank you. Dates for your diary th th Term 3: Monday 7 January – Friday 8 February 2013 th Monday 7 January Inset Day th Tuesday 8 January Start of Term for pupils th Friday 11 January Class 12 Swimming starts th Monday 14 January Class 10 Swimming starts th Thursday 24 January 2.15 p.m. Parent/Community Workshop (see separate letter for details) th Monday 4 February Elmbridge has got Talent Auditions th Wednesday 6 February Open Afternoon 2.50 – 3.10 pm th Thursday 7 February Year 5 to Gloucester Waterways Museum th Friday 8 February Elmbridge has got Talent Competition th Friday 8 February End of Term 3 Best Wishes Glen Tharia Telephone/Fax 01452 523632 E-mail:
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