DAYBORO STATE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER No: 03 10 FEB, 2015 Dear Parents/Caregivers, It has been wonderful to meet many of our families at the Parent Information sessions over the past week. There are still more sessions this week and I strongly encourage attendance to reinforce the importance of the relationship between home and school. Classes are now finalised after Day 8 figures were submitted last Thursday. Our school has a student count of 349. We are expecting further enrolments later this term and early next term. Thankyou to everyone for your strong support of our school and the confidence you have in knowing that Dayboro State School is providing quality education for all. Our first P&C meeting for the year was held last night. Thank you to the team of parents who attended the meeting. The next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting, which will be held on Monday 9 March 2015. Parent Meetings for this week Tuesday February 10 1S Ms Desirae Sciasci 3:15pm Tuesday February 10 3J Mrs Vicki Johns 4:00pm Wednesday February 11 3M Mrs Dee Mathiesen 5:00pm Thursday February 12 4B Mrs Kathy Brinkmann 3:15pm Thursday February 12 3SO Mrs Susan O’Dwyer and Mrs Jodie Sweeney 4:00pm Thursday February 12 5/6F Ms Melinda Foord 4:30pm Thursday February 12 5/6C Ms Kerry Cassell 4:30pm Friday February 13 1/2M Mrs Millicent Mackintosh 3:15pm Continued over … 1 PRINCIPAL’S NEWS CONT. School Leaders Induction School Leaders for 2015 will be formally inducted on Monday 23 February 2015 by Mrs Tracy Corsbie, the North Coast Regional Director of Education. The assembly will commence at 9:00am. All welcome to attend. NAPLAN Dates for 2015 To assist with planning, please note that the NAPLAN dates for Year 3 and 5 will be from Tuesday 12 – Thursday 14 May. Garry Drummond Principal P&C NEWS Hi everyone, Thank you to everyone who attended our first P&C meeting of the year. The P&C help to provide funding to school that is not within their budget. It is a great opportunity for people to come along and have your say, ask questions, make suggestions etc. as to what are important things in the school to focus our attention on. Without the P&C our school would not have interactive whiteboards and air conditioners in all classrooms. Have you thought about coming along? Due to the increased costs of buses and lessons for School Swimming, the P&C agreed to subsidise all participating students $10. This will significantly decrease the costs for 2015. This will include all students taking lessons in Term 1 as well as Term 4. Our hall kitchen upgrade is nearly completed. P&C received a Community Gambling Grant for approx. $25000 to upgrade and professionally equip our hall kitchen. I’m happy to say that this process is nearly complete and after using it at our Election Day BBQ it works fantastically…I know that anyone who has worked in that kitchen will appreciate the new air conditioner. This kitchen will help us to further raise funds for the school with our school discos and family dances by providing food and drink services. Liz Laur and team have done a lot of work investigating Classroom Dividers in our upper classrooms. As stage one will cost approx. $35000 we will be applying for the Community Gambling Grant at the end of this month. Late 2014 P&C put aside $5000 for a Sandpit in the Year 1 & 2 Playground. We are currently waiting on hearing back from a SunSafe Grant for a sandpit cover. Fingers crossed! P&C NEWS CONT. Our next major fundraiser will be our Easter Egg Raffle. We will be asking everyone to donate Easter Eggs and sell tickets in the lead up to Easter. More information will be provided in the following weeks. Our first few weeks of Tuckshop have been fantastic with many families using the service. We are still desperate for volunteers particularly on Fridays. Last week we took over $900 with only a few helpers. Can you please contact Alison Taylor on 34256132 (during tuckshop days) or if you can help? It is only for a few hours once a month! Last of all our Annual General Meeting will be held in the school staff room at 6:30pm on Monday 9th March 2015. Everyone who attends the meeting will be put on a P&C register and you will be eligible to vote on matters throughout the year. I am also seeking people to take on committee roles. We are looking for President, Vice President, Secretary, Tuckshop Treasurer, Fundraisers etc. Please give me a call if you are interested in any positions or if you would just like more information. No experience is necessary. It would be really great to see as many people attend as possible. Have a great week! Thanks Angie Russian 34251331/0414637659 TUCKSHOP NEWS ROSTER: Wednesday: T Jarrett, T Pole Friday: S Sellin, J Juffs + 2 more please Alison Taylor Convenor Ph: 3425 6132 (Wed & Fri Only) SCHOOL BANKING NEWS Please note that the CBA keeps a record of the amount of deposits for which students receive a silver token. An audit will be conducted to confirm that each student has the correct amount of tokens, therefore they may notice more or less tokens in their wallets. You could win a family trip to Disneyland!!! Students who make 25 or more School Banking deposits during 2015 will automatically receive one entry into the competition to win a family trip to California’s Disneyland. The prize includes return airfares, five nights accommodation, transfers and three days park entry for up to two adults and two kids, plus $2,000 spending money. We have received some donated funds to the school by our community using some services. Thank you to those people who participated. Kookaburra Book Packs - $2541.70 donated to school EZ Covers - $196.80 donated to school For more information, Laura Jean Family Photography Shoot - $345 donated schoolbanking. to school 2 visit SCHOOL ACTIVITIES MORE READING BOOKS TO COVER At present we have 3 school activities that all have to be paid in full and finalised by the due date. We are currently processing yet another batch of new Classroom/Home Reading Books and would like to request help with covering them. We have packaged them into convenient take-home packs, with all the contact pre-cut. If any parents would like to volunteer to take home a pack or two, they will be available from the Library. Book packs can also be sent home with students. Our aim is to have these books ready for students to use this term. Many thanks to all those parents who have taken book packs so far. However, we still have 23 packs left to cover. Yr 5 Camp - Due 9th March Yr 2 & 4 School Swimming - Due 24 February Instrumental Music - No school instruments or band folders are able to be sent home until these fees are paid. If you have difficulty in making payments, please contact the office to arrange a payment plan. Graham Kitson (Teacher-Librarian) YRS 2 & 4 SWIMMING LESSONS Our Year 2 and 4 students will be participating in 10 swimming lessons on Thursdays and Fridays across 5 weeks, starting Thursday 26th February and concluding Friday 27th March 2014. Please find a letter enclosed with this week’s newsletter. The cost of the 10 lesson program is $84.50; this includes the 10 lessons as well as a bus ride to and from each lesson. Payment is due by Tuesday 24th February. When making payment, money should be sent in an envelope with your child’s name, class, amount and reason for payment to the school office. If you are unable to make the payment by the due date please contact the school admin so that a payment plan can be arranged. ASSEMBLY AWARDS MONDAY 09.02.15 INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC NEWS Last week all instrumental music students received paperwork, including an invoice, regarding their participation in the school instrumental music program. Please return all relevant paperwork and payment to the school office as soon as possible. Payment is due this week. Instrumental music lessons occur every Monday on a revolving timetable. Students have been given a copy of their timetable for term 1 (spares are available from the school office if these have been misplaced). Students are reminded to bring their instrument and music every Monday. For those who are in the band, rehearsals take place every Monday morning before school in the school hall. The band has already begun playing on our weekly assemblies and even though our current band numbers stand at 11, they are sounding wonderful already. NAME REASON BE RESPONSIBLE Molly F Listening so well and consistently Year 5/6C being ready to learn. BE RESPECTFUL Lachlan A Being a thoughtful, Year P/1D mannered class member. well BE KIND Lilly M Year 5H Showing patience and kindness towards a classmate. BE TOLERANT Elsie C Year 2L The patience and compassion shown towards other students. BE POSITIVE Cooper H Having such a positive and Year 3M happy start to the school year. BE PROUD Tyler W Working diligently and attempting Year 5/6F all tasks positively. PARKING The bitumen area near the Admin Block is for staff parking, delivery and emergency vehicles. The parking area on the street, and in the car park along McKenzie Street is available for public parking. The co-operation of all is requested with these arrangements, in an endeavour to make the grounds safer for our children. For safety reasons, parents should not park on school property and avoid walking through the car park. YAMAHA RECORDERS FEBRUARY 18 District Swimming Carnival 23 School Leaders Induction Ceremony 24 Swimming Payment Due 26 Years 2 & 4 Swimming Lessons Commence MARCH 9 Camp Fees Due 9 P&C Annual General Meeting 11-13 Year 5 Camp 19 Wear ’Orange’ - National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence Do you have an old Dayboro State School Recorder that you no longer need due to children having graduated? If you would like to donate any Yamaha Descant Resin Recorders to the school office we may be able to look at selling second hand ones to students needing them in 2015. 3 SWPBS NEWS This week on assembly we introduced the next area of focus for our School Wide lessons – “In Class”. Our teachers and students will be discussing our three rules – Safety, Respect and Learning in the context of the classroom. We have included the list of behaviour expectations that we will be focussing on below. CHILD SAFETY—CROSSING SUPERVISORS All children who leave the grounds at the front of the school near the bus shelter must walk along the footpath and use the pedestrian crossing if they have to cross the road. Parents are advised, for the safety of their children, NOT to park opposite the school and then call children across the road to the parked car. Use the pedestrian crossing at all times. Crossing Supervisors – “Lollipop ladies” times are 8:10am to 8:55am and 2:55pm to 3:25pm. Bus children are to assemble in the CSA after school and the staff on duty will dismiss them in an orderly manner so that they can board their buses. CHANGE OF DETAILS It is imperative that the school has accurate information regarding address, medical information and contact numbers. Please advise the school if any details change. Valuable time can be lost if information is incorrect. OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE Helping Hands Network is working in partnership with Dayboro State School to provide Outside School Hours Care services to the school community. Care is available 5 days per week during term time. Children can walk straight to and from their classrooms. Staff from the service pick up and drop off the Prep and Year 1 students. Hours Before School Care After School Care Vacation Care Pupil Free Days 6:30am – 8:30am 3:00pm – 6:00pm 6:30am – 6:00pm 6:30am – 6:00pm Children at OSHC are fully supervised by experienced staff and enthusiastic and dedicated assistants. All staff hold a current First Aid and CPR certificate. All enquires should be directed to the Coordinator on 0459 991 697. Notification of illness or any other reason for non-attendance must be made directly to the OHSC as soon as possible. 4 30 Ways You Can Help Your Children Succeed in School As a parent, you are your child's first and most important teacher. When parents and families are involved in their children's schools, the children do better and have better feelings about going to school. This is the third part of a weekly item from Mrs Linda Smith, Head of Learning. Support your child's learning at home 7. Demonstrate a positive attitude about education to your children. What we say and do in our daily lives can help them to develop positive attitudes toward school and learning and to build confidence in themselves as learners. Showing our children that we both value education and use it in our daily lives provides them with powerful models and contributes greatly to their success in school. In addition, by showing interest in their children's education, parents and families can spark enthusiasm in them and lead them to a very important understanding-that learning can be enjoyable as well as rewarding and is well worth the effort required. 8. Monitor your child's television, video game, and internet use. Australian children on average spend far more time watching TV, playing video games and using the internet than they do completing homework or other school-related activities. Encourage outside play and try to limit screen time. 9. Talk with your child. Talking and listening play major roles in children's school success. It's through hearing parents and family members talk and through responding to that talk that young children begin to pick up the language skills they will need if they are to do well. For example, children who don't hear a lot of talk and who aren't encouraged to talk themselves often have problems learning to read, which can lead to other school problems. In addition, children who haven't learned to listen carefully often have trouble following directions and paying attention in class. It's also important for you to show your child that you're interested in what he has to say. Watch for Part 4 of this series in next week’s newsletter! 5
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