DRC Budget Overview Correctional Institution Inspection Committee April 21, 2015 FY16-17 DRC Budget Overview Key Findings The following are key points from DRC Director Mohr’s testimony to the House Finance Transportation Subcommittee: From FY 2005 to 2014, the DRC expenditures totaled $16,406,415,015. Increase in prison operations appropriations of $47.8 million in FY 2016 and $90.2 million in FY 2017. Approximately two-thirds or around $95 million of the increase will allow DRC to maintain and continue current operations. Funding for additional beds and staffing are included in the increased appropriations. The DRC population continues particularly the female population. Increased investment in community corrections programs with a proposed increase in appropriations of $25.1 million in FY 2016, and $33.0 million in FY 2017. to rise, Judicial consideration of release of inmates who have been rendered medically incapacitated, terminally ill, or in imminent in danger of death. Partnership with ODMHAS to provide increased treatment within prisons and better connection to supports upon release, including a community network of designated treatment centers. The outsourcing of food services to a private vendor has resulted in projected FY 2015 cost savings of nearly $17 million. Medicaid expansion has resulted in cost savings of $10.3 million for inpatient hospitalizations of inmates. The DRC is proposing the elimination of all commission on both interstate and intrastate phone calls, resulting in a 75% reduction in costs. After budget cuts in FY 2010-2012, total DRC expenditures dropped to less than FY 2005 levels. Starting in FY 2013, the DRC spent slightly more (less than one percent) than their originally appropriated budget request. From FY 2005 to 2014, Institutional Operations was the highest expense for the DRC (52.0 percent). After budget cuts in FY 2010 and 2011, institutional operations expenditures returned to pre-budget cut levels in FY 2014. Special needs populations – including medical and high security – carry the highest daily cost per inmate. From FY 2005 to FY 2014, the line item for medical services increased 60.0 percent; however, reported actual medical expenditures have declined since FY2010. Total expenditures from the mental health line item decreased 21.9 percent from FY 2005 to FY 2013. Since FY 2005, parole and community operations (halfway houses, CBCFs, etc) expenditures have increased 13.8 percent. From FY 2005 to FY 2014, total educational expenditures decreased 14.1 percent. Correctional Institution Inspection Committee Riffe Center, 77 S. High Street, 15th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, PHONE (614) 466-6649, FAX (614) 466-6929 DRC Total Budget (Expenditures) FY 2005- 2014 $1,800,000,000 $1,773,109,801 $1,700,000,000 $1,600,000,000 From FY 2005 to 2014, the DRC spent $16,406,415,015. After budget cuts in FY 2010-2012, total expenditures dropped to less than FY 2005 levels. DRC $1,512,081,946 $1,500,000,000 2005 2006 2007 DRC FY 2005 to FY 2014 expenditures http://www.lsc.ohio.gov/budget/mainbudget.htm 2008 “Budget 2009 in Detail,” 2010 provided 2011 by the Ohio 2012 Legislative 2013 Services Correctional Institution Inspection Committee Riffe Center, 77 S. High Street, 15th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, PHONE (614) 466-6649, FAX (614) 466-6929 2014 Commission. DRC Main Budget Appropriations vs. Expenditures FY 2005- 2014 $1,900,000,000 Starting in FY 2013, the DRC spent slightly more (less than one percent) than their originally appropriated budget request. $1,800,000,000 Appropriations Actual Expenditures $1,700,000,000 $1,600,000,000 $1,500,000,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 *DRC FY 2005 to FY 2014 expenditures and appropriations “Budget in Detail,” provided by the Ohio Legislative Services Commission. http://www.lsc.ohio.gov/budget/mainbudget.htm **As the DRC cannot spend more than it is appropriated, the increased funding came through the Mid-Biennium Review (MBR), Controlling Board approvals, additional encumbrances, etc. Correctional Institution Inspection Committee Riffe Center, 77 S. High Street, 15th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, PHONE (614) 466-6649, FAX (614) 466-6929 DRC Budget Breakdown FY 2005- 2014 $8,527,987,773 From FY 2005 to 2014, Institutional Operations was the highest expense for the DRC (52.0 percent). *DRC FY 2005 to FY 2014 “Budget in Detail,” provided by the Ohio Legislative Services Commission. http://www.lsc.ohio.gov/budget/mainbudget.htm. Correctional Institution Inspection Committee Riffe Center, 77 S. High Street, 15th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, PHONE (614) 466-6649, FAX (614) 466-6929 DRC Institutional Operation Expenditures FY 2005- 2014 $1,000,000,000 After budget cuts in FY 2010 and 2011, institutional operations expenditures returned to pre-budget cut levels in FY 2014. $900,000,000 $800,000,000 $700,000,000 $600,000,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 *DRC FY 2005 to FY 2014 “Budget in Detail,” provided by the Ohio Legislative Services Commission. http://www.lsc.ohio.gov/budget/mainbudget.htm. Correctional Institution Inspection Committee Riffe Center, 77 S. High Street, 15th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, PHONE (614) 466-6649, FAX (614) 466-6929 DRC Institutional Budget Allocations by Security Classification FY 2015 $60,000,000 $50,000,000 $40,000,000 $30,000,000 $20,000,000 $10,000,000 $0 Level 1/2 Level 3 Level 4/5 Reception *Information provided by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction. Correctional Institution Inspection Committee Riffe Center, 77 S. High Street, 15th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, PHONE (614) 466-6649, FAX (614) 466-6929 Female/ Medical Daily Cost Per Inmate by Security Classification FY 2015 $250 Special needs populations – including medical and high security – carry the highest daily cost per inmate. $200 $150 $100 $50 $0 Level 1/2 Level 3 Level 4/5 Reception *Information provided by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction. Correctional Institution Inspection Committee Riffe Center, 77 S. High Street, 15th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, PHONE (614) 466-6649, FAX (614) 466-6929 Female/ Medical DRC Institutional Medical Service Expenditures FY 2005- 2014 Institutional Medical Services Line Item Actual Medical Services Expenditures $250,000,000 $200,000,000 $150,000,000 From FY 2005 to FY 2014, the line item for medical services increased 60.0 percent; however, reported actual medical service expenditures have declined since FY 2010. $100,000,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 *DRC FY 2005 to FY 2014 “Budget in Detail,” provided by the Ohio Legislative Services Commission. http://www.lsc.ohio.gov/budget/mainbudget.htm. **The “Institutional Medical Services” line item does not include all medical program expenditures, as some medical expenditures are funded through separate line items. In addition, in FY 2014, the Institutional Medical Services line item incorporated the budgets of Mental Health Services and Recovery Services, which is largely responsible for the increase seen in the line item, as actual medical expenditures decreased. Correctional Institution Inspection Committee Riffe Center, 77 S. High Street, 15th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, PHONE (614) 466-6649, FAX (614) 466-6929 DRC Mental Health Services Expenditures FY 2005- 2013 $80,000,000 $75,000,000 $70,000,000 $65,000,000 $60,000,000 Total mental health expenditures decreased 21.9 percent from FY 2005 to FY 2013.** $55,000,000 $50,000,000 $45,000,000 $40,000,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 *DRC FY 2005 to FY 2014 “Budget in Detail,” provided by the Ohio Legislative Services Commission. http://www.lsc.ohio.gov/budget/mainbudget.htm. **Starting in FY 2014, the mental health budget was subsumed into the medical services budget line item. Correctional Institution Inspection Committee Riffe Center, 77 S. High Street, 15th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, PHONE (614) 466-6649, FAX (614) 466-6929 DRC Parole and Community Operations Expenditures FY 2005- 2014 2014 $31,880,263 2013 $29,403,310 2012 $27,050,288 2011 $22,285,797 2010 $21,616,862 2009 $16,608,669 $44,555,206 $43,880,037 $42,108,807 $41,142,818 $41,109,270 $16,451,351 $41,027,909 2007 $16,231,603 $40,531,565 2006 $15,244,830 $38,083,909 2005 $15,436,108 $39,063,681 $50,000,000 $66,977,550 $62,474,452 $43,441,146 2008 $- $64,224,472 $65,597,883 $62,692,768 $65,058,979 $64,266,691 $62,517,245 $57,104,130 $57,104,132 $56,054,445 $55,063,445 $56,380,070 $100,000,000 $73,516,498 $71,624,458 Community Misdemeanor Programs (no numbers shown) Community NonResidential Programs Halfway House $81,968,455 Community Residential Programs- CBCF $80,316,063 Parole and Community Operations $78,680,471 $77,922,059 $74,576,039 $150,000,000 $200,000,000 $250,000,000 *DRC FY 2005 to FY 2014 “Budget in Detail,” provided by the Ohio Legislative Services Commission. http://www.lsc.ohio.gov/budget/mainbudget.htm. Correctional Institution Inspection Committee Riffe Center, 77 S. High Street, 15th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, PHONE (614) 466-6649, FAX (614) 466-6929 DRC Educational and Educational Services Expenditures FY 2005- 2014 From FY 2005 to FY 2014, total educational expenditures decreased 14.1 percent. $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 GRF Educational Services 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 GSF Educational Services DRC FY 2005 to FY 2014 “Budget in Detail,” provided by the Ohio Legislative Services Commission. http://www.lsc.ohio.gov/budget/mainbudget.htm. Correctional Institution Inspection Committee Riffe Center, 77 S. High Street, 15th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, PHONE (614) 466-6649, FAX (614) 466-6929 Total DRC Expenditures FY 2005-2014 Category 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Inst. Operations Prisoner Compensation Halfway House Lease Rental Payments Nonresidential Programs Misdemeanor Programs Residential Programs Federal Stimulus $832,814,124 $8,599,255 $853,758,145 $8,599,255 $876,268,068 $8,599,255 $900,406,546 $8,599,255 $928,743,747 $8,599,255 $768,250,031 $8,599,255 $699,189,271 $8,599,255 $884,847,936 $8,184,391 $874,928,533 $8,874,896 $908,780,502 $ 6,139,224 $39,063,681 $139,758,583 $38,083,909 $119,406,396 $40,531,565 $119,084,937 $41,027,909 $107,606,100 $41,109,270 $109,224,900 $41,142,818 $42,919,944 $42,108,807 $34,762,220 $43,441,146 $40,745,179 $43,880,037 $99,868,126 $44,555,206 $103,002,395 $15,436,108 $15,244,830 $16,231,603 $16,451,351 $16,608,669 $21,616,862 $22,285,797 $27,050,288 $29,403,310 $31,880,263 $8,194,289 $8,163,754 $9,168,914 $9,313,076 $9,313,070 $10,981,499 $11,329,603 $12,397,873 $12,311,923 $12,759,596 $56,380,070 $55,063,445 $56,054,445 $57,104,132 $57,104,130 $62,517,245 $64,266,691 $62,692,768 $62,474,452 $64,224,472 - - - - - $110,029,321 $177,488,988 - - - Mental Health Parole and Community Ops $63,950,084 $68,468,763 $69,656,928 $70,274,289 $74,089,111 $70,857,081 $69,007,001 $52,091,114 $49,917,793 $6,972,576 $74,576,039 $77,922,059 $78,680,471 $80,316,063 $81,968,455 $71,624,458 $73,516,498 $65,058,979 $65,597,883 $66,977,550 Admin. Operations $25,708,422 $ 27,336,072 $ 27,521,964 $27,070,061 $28,766,173 $22,460,445 $21,880,370 $21,225,637 $20,317,417 $20,243,171 Medical Services Education Services Institution Recovery Services Inst. Services Ohio Penal Industries Property Receipts Sewer Treatment Services Prisoner Programs Transitional Control Education Services Training Academy Receipts Laboratory Services State and NonFederal Awards Offender Financial Responsibility IT Services $142,230,076 $167,127,241 $183,414,026 $198,033,971 $197,430,470 $225,829,929 $236,073,242 $192,896,032 $211,133,323 $227,555,635 $22,562,495 $6,643,138 $23,638,009 $6,971,800 $23,008,499 $7,150,832 $23,963,519 $7,269,155 $24,510,718 $7,565,172 $20,950,540 $4,865,989 $21,629,402 $5,732,069 $20,264,596 $5,787,181 $18,133,995 $5,375,737 $19,102,051 $91,249,705 $26,840,763 $99,182,882 $33,499,259 $101,416,359 $32,358,555 $101,567,979 $32,694,637 $108,021,120 $3,100,020 $98,474,825 $29,858,168 $102,187,205 $30,221,316 $5,348,814 $38,013,663 $ 2,234,619 $40,340,961 $2,648,821 $ 44,603,250 $225,544 $1,805,459 $229,936 $1,549,476 $285,905 $1,553,479 $258,338 $1,709,749 $146,783 $2,119,559 $234,645 $1,707,374 $177,632 $1,745,992 $172,072 $2,017,996 $114,275 $2,017,996 $447,469 $2,214,268 $14,553,031 $1,516,782 $3,444,255 $37,227 $15,689,669 $1,717,194 $2,935,030 $41,906 $14,312,853 $1,682,760 $2,437,130 $79,003 $13,208,936 $1,833,351 $2,237,263 $33,219 $13,261,408 $1,071,982 $ 2,617,703 $22,911 $13,138,244 $654,123 $2,563,306 $ 5,671 $15,372,384 $546,301 $2,433,527 $81,133 $13,494,401 $430,680 $3,388,525 $21,022 $11,764,950 $718,819 $3,175,433 $139,567 $16,337,149 $798,514 $ 3,226,608 $271,265 $4,443,115 $5,305,860 $5,783,764 $6,095,151 $5,922,574 $5,907,254 $5,882,655 $5,231,951 $5,468,942 $ 2,101,238 $60,482 $120,057 $60,618 $133,777 $99,546 $20,296 $35,500 $178,962 $495,859 $1,562,178 $1,211,195 $1,434,561 $1,324,608 $1,245,394 $1,400,627 $1,778,732 $1,084,371 $1,337,764 $1,024,407 $1,183,377 $ 9,102,318 $212,551 $9,358,588 $78,256 $8,960,054 $787,926 $6,436,731 $605,880 $8,684,131 $54,296 $7,356,865 $522,498 $9,133,609 $346,247 $5,416,727 $223,658 $4,402,237 $245,686 $3,416,035 $4,264,508 $2,066,224 $706,692 $7,911,698 $13,102,417 $5,966,957 $1,594,670,750 $1,643,126,870 $ 1,686,411,543 $ 1,723,589,574 $1,773,109,801 $1,650,366,176 $1,657,293,338 $1,512,081,946 $1,574,535,419 $1,591,229,601 Federal Grants Truth-in Sentencing Grants Correctional Institution Inspection Committee Riffe Center, 77 S. High Street, 15th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, PHONE (614) 466-6649, FAX (614) 466-6929
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