First Circular Call for papers XXVIII CILFR Rome rd (18-23 July 2016) XXVIII International Congress of Romance Linguistics and Philology Société de Linguistique Romane “Sapienza” Università di Roma, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia Dipartimento di Studi Europei, americani e interculturali Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Romance Linguistics, Textual Studies and the Canon The XXVIIIth International Congress of Romance Linguistics and Philology will take place in Rome at the Università “La Sapienza” and at the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Through its sessions, conferences, round tables and other scholarly activities, the Congress will attempt to represent the interconnections between philology and textual criticism as they have been established in research in the past ten years also through contacts with other disciplines (literary history, sociology, hermeneutics, palaeography, communication theory). The title of the Congress Romance Linguistics, Textual Studies and the Canon, whereas 'canon' is interpreted as a paradigm of methodological models within a shared common idea of knowledge, aims at stimulating – through the contribution of different specializations – a discussion on a central issue for the humanities in our globalized world: what is the relationship between language and culture, what is shared and what is characteristic of any one culture? Such issues in disciplines like Romance Philology and Textual Studies, born in Europe and inextricably linked to the city of Rome, embrace today, at the beginning of the XXIst c. all continents manners which appear often original and not traditional. COMITATO DI PROGRAMMA Honorary Presidents .............. Max PFISTER, Lorenzo RENZI, Francesco SABATINI, Giuseppe TAVANI President ........................... David TROTTER, President of the Société de Linguistique Romane General Secretary ........... Roberto ANTONELLI, Vice-President of the Société de Linguistique Romane Adjunct Secretaries .......... Gioia PARADISI, Arianna PUNZI (“Sapienza” Università di Roma) For the Société de Linguistique Romane ...................... Martin GLESSGEN, Secretary and Treasurer of the Société; Fernando SANCHEZ MIRET, Vice-President of the Société; Laura MINERVINI, Università di Napoli “Federico II”; Rosario COLUCCIA, Università di Lecce (Italian representatives and Councellors of the Société) For the Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, “Sapienza” ....... Luca SERIANNI (“Sapienza” Università di Roma) For the Dipartimento di Studi europei, americani e interculturali ….......................... Paolo CANETTIERI (“Sapienza” Università di Roma) For the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei …......................... For the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche …................. Alberto VARVARO † (National Member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei) Riccardo POZZO (Head of the Dipartimento CNR di Scienze Umane e Sociali - Patrimonio Culturale) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE The Scientific Committee is coordinated by David TROTTER, Roberto ANTONELLI and Martin GLESSGEN; and it is formed by all the member of the Programme Committee and the Presidents of the thematic Sections. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Presidents………………..... Roberto ANTONELLI, Gioia PARADISI (coordinator), Arianna PUNZI Details of the members of the Organizing Committee are available on the website. THEMATIC SECTIONS AND SECTION PRESIDENTS Sections Presidents 1 The Canon, Textual Genres and Literary Languages Johannes KABATEK (Zürich) Maria Luisa MENEGHETTI (Milan) Álvaro OCTAVIO DE TOLEDO Y HUERTA (München) 2 Philology and Romance Linguistics Fernando SÁNCHEZ MIRET (Salamanca) Wulf OESTERREICHER (München) Miriam VOGHERA (Salerno) 3 Latin and the Romance Languages Stefano ASPERTI (Rome) Thomas STÄDTLER (Heidelberg) 4 Phonetics and Phonology Lori REPETTI (New York) Rodney SAMPSON (Bristol) Giancarlo SCHIRRU (Cassino) 5 Morphology and Syntax Brenda LACA (Paris) Anna CARDINALETTI (Venice) Elisabeth STARK (Zürich) Marleen VAN PETHEGHEM (Lille) 6 Lexicology, Semantics and Etymology Marcello APRILE (Lecce) Reina BASTARDAS I RUFAT (Barcelona) Martin GLESSGEN (Zürich) Gilles ROQUES (Nancy) 7 Dialectology, Sociolinguistics and Variational Linguistics Jan LINDSCHOW (København) Paul VIDESOTT (Bolzano) Ugo VIGNUZZI (Rome) 8 Romània outside Europe Cyril ASLANOV (Jerusalem) Gaëtane DOSTIE (Québec) Ettore FINAZZI AGRÒ (Rome) 9 Linguistic Corpora and Digital Textual Criticism Rocco DISTILO (Cosenza) Andres KRISTOL (Neuchâtel) Jean-Marie PIERREL (Nancy) 10 Textual Analysis and Textual Criticism Vicenç BELTRAN (Roma) Marie-Guy BOUTIER (Liège) Luciano ROSSI (Zürich) 11 European Philology – National Languages and Literatures Mercedes BREA (Santiago de Compostela) Furio BRUGNOLO (Padua) Gilles SIOUFFI (Paris) 12 Comparative Literature and Languages: Borders, Migrants, Transits Emili CASANOVA (València) Antonio PIOLETTI (Catania) 13 Language Acquisition and Language Learning Araceli GÓMEZ FERNÁNDEZ (Madrid, UNED) Elizaveta KHACHATURYAN (Oslo) Angela TARANTINO (Rome) 14 Translation and Traductology Pietro BELTRAMI (Pisa) Carsten SINNER (Leipzig) 15 Anthropology, Sociology, Gender and Literary and Linguistic Studies Corrado BOLOGNA (Rome) Henri-José DEULOFEU (Aix-Marseille) Jürgen TRABANT (Berlin) 16 History of Linguistics and of Textual Criticism Luciano FORMISANO (Bologna) Jacques FRANÇOIS (Caen) Plenary Sessions Harald WEINRICH (Münster): «Romània, Europa, mondo» Francisco RICO (Barcelona): «Cervantes e le origini del romanzo moderno» Lino LEONARDI (OVI-CNR), Andrea MAZZUCCHI (Napoli), Justin STEINBERG (Chicago): «Tra storia, lingua, testo e immagini: la Commedia oggi» Paolo CANETTIERI (Roma), Riccardo POZZO (CNR), Pina TOTARO (ILIESI-CNR): «Lessico intellettuale ed affettivo dell’Europa» Round Tables «Plurilinguismo e identità», Laura MINERVINI (Napoli) (coord.) «Roma nella storia linguistica e letteraria», Pietro TRIFONE (Roma) (coord.) Call for Papers To facilitate perspective speakers the conference website will make available for each section a list of possible key-words. Proposals should be sent to the Scientific Committee through the form available on the conference website (‹›). Please include: – a two-pages summary (no footnotes) – a final paragraph explaining (i) how will the proposed paper integrate in the chosen section (ii) its innovative aspects – a select bibliography (max. one page) It is also possible to to submit proposals for posters, as has been the case in Nancy (2013). Poster may be publish subsequently, in the same way as papers. All proposals (both papers and posters) will be examined by the presidents of the relevant sections. All Romance languages are official languages of the conference. The Programme Committee warmly invites to give any contribution a Romance perspective, including using Romance languages as a perspective in which a phenomenon relating to a particualr language is more easily comprehensible. To encourage discussion the final texts of the papers accepted by the Scientific Committee may be sent by the 15th May 2016 to the organizers, in which case they will be available on-line from the end of June 2016 through a password given to the Conference participants. Timeline 01/01/2015 The website is open for sumbissions (‹›) 01/01/2015 Participants may start registering for the conference 31/08/2015 Deadline for proposals 06/01/2016 Paper acceptances will be notified 31/01/2016 Deadline for early registration (at a reduced rate) 31/01/2016 Deadline for the registration of speakers 15/05/2016 Deadline to send papers to be published on-line 18/07/2016 Deadline for the registration of participants Contacts Conference website: ‹› Conference e-mail: ‹› Postal address: XXVIII Congresso Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza Dipartimento di Studi Europei, Americani e Interculturali “Sapienza” Università di Roma piazzale A. Moro, 5 00185 Roma
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