Tiger Times October 2013 Shutdown: A Call for a Reboot?

“Tu ne cede malis...
An Analy High School Student Publication
Shutdown: A Call
for a Reboot?
October 2013
...sed contra audentior ito.”
Cute N' Cozy
By Isis Howard
By Quincy Zlotnick
It's finally time get cute and cozy
with fall now upon us. While summer was perfect for short-shorts,
breezy dresses, and cute bandeau
tops, they just won’t cut it for the
frosty mornings we must endure
this season.
“We need a revolution every 200
years, because all governments become stale and corrupt after 200
years.” When Benjamin Franklin
made this controversial prophecy in
the late 1700s, a two-hundred-yearold US Government was a difficult
thing for most to imagine. However, this nation’s Founding Fathers
seemed to take heed of his words,
and attempted to create a government that could defy such a limit.
Recent events have shown that their
visionary system is being tested
similar to a few previous times in
our history.
To keep warm, while still being
fashionable (a great challenge for us
all), I suggest going for the layered
look. In order to create the perfect
layered look, one must have the following:
Caption Caption CaptCaption Caption Caption Caption Caption Cap
While few reasonable peo- tion Caption Caption Caption Caption
ple in our modern society will call
Aldridge took inspiration from
for an open “revolution” to address
the San Francisco Ferry Building
our government’s current problems,
and the Oxbow Public Market in
the 2013 shutdown has made the
Napa in trying to create a space
dysfunction in Washington difficult By Jordan Suchard
that fits in with the community and
to ignore. With hundreds of thoublends with the history of the area.
sands of workers furloughed, and Sebastopol was built on a foundaNow with seventeen industrial
the potential to default on an enor- tion of apples, with twenty-six
style buildings, the Barlow, as the
mous national debt, our legislators separate apple packing, canning
project is called, is filling up with
in Congress remain gridlocked as and drying plants operating on
businesses that connect customto how to resolve their differences. main-street when the city was
ers with the process that goes into
However, by the time this goes to incorporated in 1902. The apple
production. Most of the buildings
print, they may have finally come to industry grew up until the second
are already spoken for, with many
half of the 20th century, when
an agreement, so I digress.
businesses open and more opening
competition from Oregon led to its soon. The businesses include retail
Even if a deal is reached to downfall. The buildings and district
and production with about a ¼
end the shutdown, the political is- once occupied by the backbone of
split, hoping to appeal to a variety
sues that led to it will likely remain. Sebastopol’s economy lay empty,
of tastes and tendencies.
Recent sessions of Congress have falling into disrepair and becomseen the divide between parties grow ing an eyesore on the town. Not so A main attraction for tourists to
wider than nearly all living Ameri- anymore though. In 2006, Barney
Sonoma County is the winemakcans can remember. In fact, many in Aldridge contacted the owners
ing, and the Barlow is no differthe federal government have even of the 12.5 acre tract of land that
ent. It now houses five viticulture
resorted to circumventing long-es- housed the Barlow Processing
related shops including wineries
“Reboot” continued on p. 6 Plant, planning to reinvent the area.
“Barlow” continued on p. 7
regional accent.
Introduction to
the Barlow
Weird News
By Ivan Ost
According to a recent study, only
50% of chicken nuggets are composed of actual chicken; the rest
composed of bone fragments, cartilage and other anonymous bits.
A Russian man attacked by a bear
escaped with only scratches after he
used his pocket knife to kill it
Leggings- I recommend black, gray,
earthy colors, and tribal prints. Ladies please make sure they are not
see-through in the dressing room,
they show enough as it is :)
Tights- pick shades of colors that
won’t take away from the dress or
skirt paired with them- such as
mahogany and graphite gray. Knit
tights and classy fishnets are also
super cute and make simple outfits
stand out.
Sweaters/ Cardigans- knits in muted colors are very stylish and sophisticated and provide just enough
warmth while a full on parka may be
too warm for fall. Cropped sweaters are also becoming very popular
(pair with high waisted shorts over
sheer black tights or a fall dress).
In addition, rolling the sleeves of a
sweater instantly adds a casual-cute
vibe to any outfit.
Socks: Knee-highs or above-theknee socks are in this season. Some
are available at UO and FP!
“Fashion” continued on p. 2
the future has in store for you
with October Horoscopes.
Page 2 The fashion tips continue. Genean Wrisley discusses Page 7 Find out about
food with Mr. Goldberg. Victo- the drama behind
“Metamorpheses.” Continue
ria Ortega shares some creepy
reading about the Barlow. Get
to know Mr. Carpenter in the
teacher interview.
Page 3 Learn about the latest
smartphone. Molly Houson
Page 8 Challenge yourself
provides us wih a great recipe.
with Suduko. Wally the Walrus
gives some great insight. Read
Page 4 Flashback to spirit week up on the leadership updates.
with Blake Jamar.
Find out what fellow Tigers
say this month and their plans
for Halloween. Keep up to date
Page 5 Discover the College
with Fall Sports with current
and Career Center.
game results.
Tiger Times Articles
A judge recently denied a clearly
living man's request to negate his
death certificate, as the certificates
could only be revoked during the
A variety of Australian mouse spe- first three years after issuing.
cies will literally mate themselves to 911 calls in London have been indeath, as the small marsupial trades’ spired by such diverse topics as a
metabolic capacity that allows them spider on one caller's pillow and a
to survive for the ability to produce show on another's roof.
hormones and sperm.
A Swedish bus driver kicked 19 preA German groom forgot his wife at schoolers off his bus to walk the rest
a gas station and did not realize his of their journey when they could
error for nearly three hours.
not pay the $4.60 total bus fee.
Two thirds of the people on the Special golden coins issued by the Page 6 Quincy continues his
Earth have never seen snow.
Vatican in commemoration of the update of the government shut
When cows moo, they do so with a
life of Jesus Christ misspelled “Je- down. Michael Grieves reports
on Cross Country. See what
TIGER TIMES, October 2013
Page 2
“Fashion” from p. 1
the outfit dressier, wear heeled ankle boots, wedge heels, or thick heel
shoes. Stilettos aren't very appropriate for school and are rarely worn
with class so I'd steer clear of them
just to be safe.
Tank Tops: these are great to put
under anything and everything.
They are the fall version of summer's bandeaus. Small lace details at
the top make spaghetti strap tanks
more attractive and bring just the
Dresses: Sweater dresses, laceright amount of attention.
sleeved dresses, slip dresses, there
Tops: Small-patterned tops in deep, are so many to choose from. When
rich colors give off that fall vibe. buying a dress make sure it would
Find flowy long-sleeves that have still look cute with a sweater or carthe option to be rolled up or unbut- digan and tights. Brandy Melville
toned. Scoop back shirts amp up has great ones that can be layered
certain outfits and give them that very easily, UO, FP always do as well
extra edge. Lace detail and/or sheer and I've seen a few at Forever 21 and
fabric create an edgy yet still femi- Pac Sun.
nine look.
Skirts: High-waisted skirts with
Scarves: Have a few solid color knit pockets! Love, love, love! A high
scarves for sophisticated and sleek waisted skirt with a sweater halflooks, but feel free to go wild with tucked in the front showing off a
the rest! Make sure the colors don't cute belt is always adorable! Pair
clash very easily so that the scarf with over the knee socks and heeled
can be paired with many outfits. Se- boots or cute tights with heels.
quined or shimmery scarves add a
Shopping Tip: Fashion experts say
little pizazz and are great with girly
that the industry has been selling
clothes only meant to last between
Boots & Heels: Tall boots or Uggs four to six washes so that the conare fabulous for really cold days, but sumer continues to buy more and
if it's just semi-chilly, wear mid-calf more clothes. Be careful and check
or ankle boots. Heeled boots make seams and materials for tell-tale
the legs look longer and slimmer signs of cheap production (loose
and complete all outfits. To make threads, misaligned patterns, puck-
Some Scary Stories That Are Totally True
By Victoria Ortega
The leaves are changing, the air is
getting colder, and stores are setting
up cheesy, plastic, child-friendly
decorations. All the signs point to
one event, Columbus Day. Haha.
No. It is Halloween!
In honor of this holiday, I
have accumulated a small collection
of creepy stories that, as implied by
the title, are totally true. (Probably,
at least, considering I got two off the
These days, average Halloween decorations do not get too
intense. If they are hanging from a
tree in the yard of a suburban home,
they tend to be cloth ghosts that we
have seen, like, seventeen times already, hanging from a dozen other
people’s trees.
In this story, the decoration
hanging from the tree was not a
cloth ghost, or cloth, or a ghost. It
was a corpse. A woman had hung
herself from her tree and no one
noticed that her decoration was not
supposed to be there. It took a day
before anyone realized that the decoration hanging from the tree was
a real person. This event did occur
a few days before Halloween, and
people did not consider decorations
like that horrendously inappropriate. When my mom was a kid,
there was this thing called Western
Days where there was a fake hanged
person. Still however, dead people
eventually rot, which is not attractive.
ers, uneven hem etc...).
Layering clothes is an easy way
to stay comfortable all day long. At
lunch, when the sun is out and we're
not shivering anymore but in fact
sweating, the top layers of clothingsuch as a light knit sweater or cardigan- may be stripped away to reveal
that adorable top we wore during
the summer (See? We don't have to
give it up just yet!).
Intriguing Food with
Mr. Goldberg
By Genean Wrisley
For those of you who currently have or have had Mr. Goldberg, you know that he loves to
cook. He often shares what he has
cooked with his students, which can
be a problem when all you have in
your lunch is a peanut butter and
Here are a few summer items that jelly sandwich, while Mr. Goldberg
can be incorporated into the fall describes, in detail, the delicious
wardrobe so don't store them away! meal he made for his family the
night before. His intriguing cook•A crop top can be paired with jeans, ing stories inspired this article.
heels, and a longer jacket
Mr. Goldberg loves to make
•Skirts & dresses with fall colors or stuffed cabbage leaves; this dish is a
made of heavy fabrics can be lay- traditional Eastern European meal.
He wraps the cabbage leaves around
meat and rice and cooks the leaves
•Thin strapped tank tops can go un- with tomatoes and onions on a low
der sweaters or buttoned-up cardi- heat for a lengthy amount of time.
He claims that this dish has the perStores and Boutiques that have fect proportion of sweet to sour. Mr.
great fall collections are Macy's, Goldberg adds raisins to make the
Free People, Urban Outfitters, Bran- meal sweet, and also lemon juice to
dy Melville, Ooh La Loft, Liv, Nasty make it sour. He claims that he loves
Gal, and as usual, Forever 21. Last to make this dish because it is very
but not least, make sure the clothes “hemische,” meaning home-style in
are made from good material!
One day a maid, named
Mary Brewster, felt inclined to see
for herself what a young couple had
ran screaming from in the middle
of the night. When she had reached
their room, the room emitted a
Although it does not snow scream, but nothing else. She was
here, it is still common sense not found gripping the bedrail, gaping
to stay outside late at night in the at the ceiling. Never did another
middle of winter lest you freeze. sound ever escape her lips.
Nineteen-year old Jean Hilliard did
not know this rule, even though it Brewster was not the only
snowed where she lived. One morn- victim of the ghost of Number 17.
ing, a neighbor discovered her fro- A university student, named Anzen solid body, and promptly sent drew Muir, had a plan to prove
her to the hospital (Good Samari- whether there was a ghost in that
tan points!). Doctors presumed her house, once and for all. He would
dead, and even if she had managed spend a night in the attic, and if he
to live, the doctors thought she noticed any incriminating evidence,
would suffer from frostbite and/or he would alert the owner by ringing
brain damage. Contrary to their pre- a bell. Not even ten minutes passed
sumption, she woke up unharmed before the bell rang. They ran up to
and unscathed. She was a lucky girl, find him, his face frozen in fear. To
unlike the people in our next story. this day, no one knows what killed
Muir and silenced Brewster. The
In 19th century Edinburgh, houses all along that road no longer
Scotland, an unnervingly quiet man exist and the property abandoned,
bought house Number 17. He was forever silencing the Ghost of Numeven less social and more home- ber 17.
bodied than I am. (Trust me that
is a lot.) Therefore, when he ran- I hope you all enjoyed these.
domly died and mysterious men May your Halloween be spooky, and
came to take away his body, neigh- those spooks fake. Happy Hallowbors raised questions. No one could een.
answer these questions. The house
remained locked up and untouched ing and making sure that everything
for years.
gets cooked evenly. He always leaves
the kitchen cleaner than when he
In 1914, though, an entre- first found it and enjoys the satisfacpreneurial English couple bought tion of preparing something wholehouse Number 17, turning it into a some and delicious. Mr. Goldberg
boarding home, completely ignor- is a great inspiration for those stuing the rumored voices that it emit- dents looking to make awesome
ted during its vacancy.
dinners for their families.
Mr. Goldberg is able to make
healthy and delicious meals for a
few reasons, including his garden.
He grows Asian eggplants, zucchini,
varieties of cucumbers, tomatoes,
bell peppers, and spices. His garden
serves as an inspiration to his cooking. He adapts recipes to fit what
he has in his house and encourages
students to do the same. If you are
looking to make a delicious meal Mr.
Goldberg encourages you to find a
recipe that looks good to you, and
if you don’t have all the ingredients,
to have fun and substitute what you
do have into the recipe. He said to
try new things that look healthy and
tasty, and then experiment to make
them taste even better. Everyone loves a good BLT,
especially Mr. Goldberg. His favorite thing to eat is a BLT on fairly
tasteless wheat bread, because if
it has too much flavor it can take
away from the rest of the sandwich.
The bread has to be lightly toasted
to bring out the crunchiness of the
sandwich but has to be soft enough
that it will not crumble. With a little bit of mayonnaise and heirloom
tomatoes, Mr. Goldberg is set with
one of his favorite meals.
When asked what he had
for dinner last night Mr. Goldberg
replied “Pasta with clams and shellfish.” He first heated up oil and put
in garlic and shopped celery, and
added parsley and minced clams
with clam juice. He then added a
sea food mix of shrimp, scallops,
and calamari served over linguini
with salt and pepper. Mr. Goldberg
loves to cook because he loves the
challenge of multitasking with tim-
TIGER TIMES, October 2013
An iLUMIAnating
By a smart phone lover
Every now and then, tragedy
strikes. The cell phone that is so
precious to citizens of the modern world suddenly dies, perhaps
drowning after taking an unexpected leap into a pond or riding along
for a surprise push into a pool, or
perhaps suffering death by bludgeoning when that case guaranteed
to protect the delicate device inside
from any and all damage fails in its
For those whose devices
have expired, options are limited.
While some have insurance for the
device that grants them another
technological life like in some 80’s
arcade game, many others rely solely on the provided manufacturer
warranty that expires, conveniently,
right when most devices begin to
fail: after a year.
Many people would say
that, upon breaking their phone,
they’ll just get one of those free
phones that carriers offer. They
are perhaps not the best devices,
but hey, it’s free! The problem with
this theory is that these devices
are not, in fact, free. Cell phone
carriers subsidize the price of cell
phones by taking a portion of each
month’s bill payments to pay off the
enormous cost of the unsubsidized
device. Most smartphones today re-
Giant Candy Corn
Cookies Recipe
by Molly Houston
Have you ever helped your mom
roll dough into ropes? You can freeze these cookies for up
to two months.
Prep time- 1 hour
Chill time- 1 hour
Bake time- 6-7 minutes per batch
Yield- 3 dozen
tail, without a contract, for between
$500 and $750 dollars; even those
free phones that looked so appealing actually cost, on average, close
to $300. This means that, when an
individual is not eligible for a new
contract and therefore a new subsidized price, has no warranty, and
no phone, options begin to look
Luckily, for these people,
there is hope.
Lumia 520
Retailing for $100 off
contract, the Nokia Lumia 520 is
not by any means a flagship smartphone. It lacks many of the amenities that smartphone users today
have become accustomed to, like
a flash or a front facing camera.
However, it more than makes up
for these drawbacks with its incredible performance, solid build quality and miniscule price. The device
runs Windows Phone 8, which
may not be as familiar a name as
Android or iOS (the system behind
the well loved iPhone), but which
deserves much more attention than
it has received.
While the device seems
small at first, its screen is a very
reasonable 4 inches, the same as
the newest iPhone 5 and 5S. Being
a Nokia phone, the device is very
solidly built and has a reassuring
density and solidity in the hand.
Although the materials used in
its construction are not of as high
of quality as some more expenRed and yellow food coloring
2 tsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
Steps1. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Prepare cookie dough according to
rolled cookies package directions. Divide dough into thirds. Tint one
third yellow, one third orange with
food coloring and tint remaining
third brown by mixing in cocoa
powder and two drops of red food
coloring. Chill dough until firm,
about 1 hour.
Page 3
sive devices, the overall feel of the
phone is very impressive, especially
considering its price. The quality of
the device’s components even carries over to its audio output: sound
played through headphones on the
Lumia 520 was clearer and had a
better soundstage than on many
competing devices, including an
iPhone 5S.
Another feature of the
phone is a two-stage camera button, which allows the user to wield
the 5-megapixel camera the phone
possesses with maximum effectiveness. A light touch will focus
the image without requiring any
awkward onscreen tapping that
jolts the phone and disrupts the
shot, while pressing down another
pressure level takes a shot. Images
are captured quickly, allowing blurfree photos of moving objects and
changing scenes. A set of “Lenses”
allows the user to apply filters and
take GIF-like images using only
their phone, and can produce some
impressive results.
Software and Battery Life
With the hardware of the
device so nice, the functionality of
the phone’s software sits as its only
possible downside. While its weak
processor and 512 megabytes of
RAM suggest slowdown and lag,
Windows Phone 8 is so perfectly
optimized for the lower powered
hardware it runs on that every
animation in the operating system
is buttery smooth, apps launch
without a pause, and the camera
app opens in less than a second.
The smoothness of the device is entirely competitive with devices like
the iPhone 5S and outclasses nearly
every Android flagship. This kind
of weaker hardware also allows for
incredible battery life, as no power
is being wasted on a quad-core
processor or a 5 inch screen. The
520 has no trouble lasting through
an entire day of heavy usage, and
indeed had 40% battery left when
it was plugged in at 10:00 at night
after 16 hours off the charge in our
battery testing.
This is not to say that
Windows Phone 8 is not without
its downsides. Some key applications like Instagram are missing
from the OS entirely, but for every
missing app there is a third party
replacement that works nearly as
well, negating many of the missing
features. Although the operating
system does take some getting used
to, it is fast, lean and efficient when
one gets used to it. Another benefit
is that no one else will know how
to use it, meaning friends will no
longer be able to take your phone
and change the language to Arabic.
The Lumia 520 does astoundingly well for a device running only $100 off contract. Its
combination of solid hardware, a
decent screen and camera, dedicated camera button, blazing fast software and killer battery life make
it an appealing device even when
competing with devices 6 times its
price; at $100, it is a ridiculously
good deal. We wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone scrambling
for a phone after suffering a tragedy
with their old one, those looking
for a device to use iPod style, or
even those who don’t want to sign
on to a two year contract with a
$400 early termination fee. Why
bother with an iPhone when the
Lumia 520 does the job even better
for a fraction of the cost?
2. To make cookies, pull off about
one fourth of each dough third
and roll into a 1/2”-thick rope. On
a sheet of wax paper, lay ropes horizontally next to each other, with
orange in the middle. Cover with
another sheet of wax paper. 3. Roll ropes out until dough is 3”
wide. Remove top sheet of waxed
paper. Trim edges; cut into triangles.
4. Arrange cookies 1” apart on
ungreased baking sheets. Bake
1 egg
6-7 minutes, or until edges begin
to turn golden. Cool 1 minute
1 Tbs. water
on sheets. Transfer to wire racks
1/4 cup butter, at room temperature to cool completely. Repeat with
remaining dough.
1 box (22.3 oz.) sugar-cookie mix
Admire the solid hardware of the Nokia Lumia 520 in this picture.
Page 4
TIGER TIMES, October 2013
A Week of
Spirit and
By Blake Jamar
When we think about October 14th
through the 18th at Analy High
School, we’re reminded of colorful banners, impressive costumes,
and a surprisingly realistic PacMan game on the senior staircase.
Yes, of course, it was the fall spirit
week. Spirit week is held annually to excite Analy students for
the Apple Game, the yearly football showdown against El Molino,
which never fails to generate lots
of excitement. I talked to Analy
senior Molly Foster, who said,
“Spirit week definitely has to be one
of my favorite times of the school
year. It has lots of fun theme days
for everyone!” Right she is, because
this year we had five whole days for
people to show their spirit.
On Monday, students came decked
out in El Molino nerd gear, sporting pocket protectors and taped up
glasses with red and black as far as
the eye could see. Tuesday was support your cause day. Popular causes
included breast cancer awareness, save the oceans, and dance.
Wednesday was Decades Day.
Each class was assigned a decade
to represent, with freshmen getting
the 1920’s, sophomores the 1950’s,
juniors the 1960’s, and seniors the
1980’s. While not everyone dressed
up, it was clear to see that every
class had their share of spirit.
On Thursday, each grade was assigned a color and given the task
to wear as much of that color as
Thursday, before the Apple Game at the rally, seniors demonstrate their pride by creating a sea of blue.
materials to show their AHS spirit.
to their respective grade’s theme.
they could. Freshmen were white,
One could see trendy black trash
While the freshmen had never
sophomores were orange, juniors
bags and beautiful paintings up and
were black, and seniors were blue.
were very successful. Their hallway down the junior staircase as well as
Finally, on Friday it was Blue and
spray-painted plastic bottles in the
was plastered in white and their
White Day, a day when we forgot
hallway. Showing us that practice
staircase was well executed, with
about everything else and let our
makes perfect, the seniors transthe
freshtrue blue and white colors show
formed their hallway and staircase
man student written on Post-Its.
through. When asked what he
into something awesome. The main
With the experience they gained
would wear on Friday last week,
entrance was decorated with blue
junior Ja’Narrick James said, “Well
from top to bottom and the stairput on quite a show. Their side of
on Friday I’m going to wear my
case truly screamed “1980‘s”. Both
jersey and blue tights, probably
places were practically dripping in
some short shorts that go well with streamers, cut-out pumpkins, and
my top, and hopefully someone
can do a pretty good makeup job to staircase was eye-catching and
To end this week, the football team
on-theme. When asked what he
compliment my eyes.”
led us to another impressive victory
thought, Mr. Stickel said, “It looks
against El Molino, protecting the
Another important aspect of spirit
Apple and our school pride. As anweek is the hallway and staircase
other successful spirit week comes
The juniors worked hard to incordecoration. Classes split up to
and goes, it makes me proud to be
decorate various places on campus,
an Analy Tiger.
planet in both their staircase and
trying to outdo the others with
their school spirit and relation
On Monday students transformed into red and black nerds.
Student show their support for
the military, far left. Middle:
students shine on decades day.
TIGER TIMES, October 2013
By Madeline Camilleri
As October is coming to an
end and November is approaching, most of us are preparing to
pull down our Halloween decorations from the attic and are making
plans for the upcoming autumn
festivities. While this is true, to
most seniors, these two months are
characterized by the college application process that stands to fill
up every spare moment. Although
college applications are usually only
a senior designated activity, the
preparation for those college applications is an activity all grade levels
can participate in. This message
is driven home by the College and
Career Center here at Analy, which
strives to introduce students to the
college process through college
visits, counseling, and its website,
which provides information from
scholarships to tips on writing a
college admissions essay.
Ms. Mansfield is the brains
behind the College and Career
Center, and diligently works to
connect students to the endless
possibilities available to them after
high school. Despite being here at
Analy for only three years she has
made a big impact on the school.
Before her time here, she has been
a career counselor for various other
colleges. Among these colleges is
UCSB, where she worked in admissions counseling. Currently, she
reads application for UC Davis.
Her qualifications include a Master’s Degree in College Counseling
and the years of experience working with students and colleges. Students are highly encouraged to sign
up to meet with her in the front
office, where she can answer questions, help with career exploration,
and read personal statements.
Because of her experience in the
college admissions community, she
has done a tremendous job in connecting students to various colleges
and simplifying the process. This
year alone there were twenty six
college campus visits to Analy. A
few popular names on the list include USC, UCSC, and University
of Colorado Boulder, California
College of the Arts, Boston College,
University of New York, University
of Oregon, Puget Sound, and University of Washington. As can be
gathered from the list, Ms. Mans-
Page 5
field works to bring a wide range
of schools to Analy from private
to public and state universities all
across the country. These presentations are meant to be taken advantage of by the whole student body,
not only the juniors and seniors. It
is never too late to start planning
for the future.
Perhaps the biggest turnout
for the college visits this year was
the presentation given by Humboldt in October, where more than
one hundred students attended.
CSU Humboldt is located in none
other than Humboldt in Northern
California. Similar to Sebastopol,
the university is recognized for its
environmentally friendly vibe and
boasts outstanding programs in
natural resources and sciences.
While the college campus visits are
a big role of the College and Career
Center, the website is an equally
important part. This essential tool
can be found on the Analy web
page under the counseling tab.
Here, students will find numerous links to available scholarships,
upcoming college events at Analy,
information about internships, financial aid, up and coming careers
in California, and personal state-
In the top left, bottom left, bottom center,
and bottom right picture, students flashback to the 50’s, 60’s, 80’s, and 60’s again.
In the top right picture, juniors show off
the causes they support. In the second top
right picture, two freshmen girls support
their class by dressing in white. Flaunting
their tutus in the bottom left, junior girls
dress up for blue and white day. In the bottom center, a freshmen boy takes a creative
approach in dressing up for his class color,
white, by sporting a robe. In the middle
right picture, juniors and a senior come together to support the Breast Cancer cause
by decking out in pink.
ment tips.
As life continues to become more
complicated, students need to utilize all the resources around them,
so as to have a chance in simplifying the process. All too many
times, have high school students
sacrificed a night’s worth of sleep
worrying about the future. According to Ms. Mansfield, “It is important that students receive up-todate and current information about
colleges and how admission to
colleges has changed significantly
over the past six years.” With this
being said check out the website
and the upcoming opportunities,
as you will be amazed with the vast
information available and watch
some of your worries about the
future slip away.
TIGER TIMES, October 2013
Page 6
“Reboot” from p. 1
tablished rules in order to maintain
their “party line” and remove the
potential for an unwanted compromise. A recent video of a meeting
of the House revealed that, in an effort to prevent the passage of a bill
that could restart the government,
the majority had voted to repeal a
congressional rule that allowed the
minority to call a vote on a bill. In
doing so, they effectively prevented
any bill not supported by the majority from even being considered,
let alone passed. Lacking this ability, the passage of a measure to restart the government has become
remarkably difficult. While such
attempts to eschew long-standing
government rules are not unheard
of, they have always been quite rare,
and should not be taken lightly.
One of the founding principles of the United States, going
back to its very birth in the Revolutionary War, was republicanism.
Not “Republicanism” as in relation
to the current Republican Party, but
the concept of leaders putting aside
their personal desires and biases
to work for the good of the nation.
This philosophy is integrated quite
deeply into our current government
system, and so is demanded of those
involved in it if it is to properly function. When recent events are taken
into account, it unfortunately becomes clear that republicanism has
become a difficult trait to find in our
In our current, politically polarized government, the general attitude seems to be to stand by the
edicts of one’s party, regardless of
the harm this may cause the nation.
Such refusal to compromise is quite
contrary to the ideals of the Founding Fathers, who designed our government, and so fits poorly with the
system they invented. Taking this
into account, deadlocks, such as
the one that led to the recent shut-
By A Congregation of Alligators
Aquarius January 20 -February 18
If you work hard this month you
will benefit from your efforts. So
don’t get discouraged and keep up
the good work.
Pisces February 19 -March 20
Good news is just around the
corner, so keep your eyes open and
keep a positive attitude.
Aries March 21 -April 19
If you’re going through a rough
time, don’t despair! There are many
Cross Country
Chad Grieve
Running is oftentimes a misunderstood sport; what is strange
is that running is about as primal
as sports can get. The objective in
cross country is, put simply, to run
in a circle as fast as you can. What
confuses many is why students
pursue such a grueling sport. Most
people dread the idea of running
the mile in P.E.–why would anyone
ever consider doing it when it’s not a
requirement? The truth is that even
the Analy Cross Country Team
wouldn’t disagree with the physical,
and sometimes mental, toll running
takes. Even they complain when
they hear from Coach Mark Grismer
that today they will have a difficult
track workout, like they do every
Thursday. The difference is that the
cross country runners find pride in
their exhaustion. Running, like anything demanding, gives a sense of
accomplishment. The snall segment
down, should not seem surprising.
The shutdown, then, should be seen
not only as a major issue in its own
right (which it certainly is), but as
an indication of the deeper probWith smiles and hugs, the Cross Country team enjoys their practice.
lems plaguing our government.
The U.S. Government is now wellpast its two-hundredth birthday.
While it almost certainly will, with
much groaning and complaining,
find a way to get through its current affairs, its growing inefficiency
is becoming difficult to ignore. Perhaps the shutdown may serve as the
wake-up call needed to bring the increasingly paralyzing political partisanship in Washington to the public
attention, so that it can finally be
addressed. Perhaps, then, it may in
truth be a blessing in disguise, setting the stage for a return to greater
effectiveness in government. Perhaps we may yet prove Benjamin
Franklin wrong.
wonderful people are you to support you and if you persevere,
everything in your life will start
looking up.
Taurus April 20 -May 20
A new and exciting adventure is in
store for you this month. Don’t let
it pass you by.
Gemini May 21 -June 20
You have many hidden talents. You
may not be aware of your creativity but it will soon shine through.
Don’t be afraid to express yourself. Cancer June 21 -July 22
People tend to trust you and feel
comfortable in your company. This
month people will share many deep
things with you—remember to be
before the runners reach the finish line holds the promise that they
will soon be allowed rest, dismisses
any memory of anguish throughout
race. While running they hold onto
the motto, “Pain is temporary, pride
is forever.”
As for the Analy Cross
Country season this year, it has
been a slow start. The team has yet
to compete in a SCL league meet.
There have also only been three
preseason meets. At Maxwell Park
in Sonoma, Analy Cross Country faced Sonoma, Windsor, and
Casa Grande. Analy boys were led
by “Blantaj”, or Jake Gibbs, Dante
Capone, and Blake Jamar, who finished 6th, 7th, and 8th out of 74
boys. In the girls’ race, Analy Varsity
was led by Molly Foster and Emma
Douch, 3rd and 4th out of 52 runners. Analy took 2nd place overall,
bested only by Casa Grande. This
is a promising start for the Analy
Cross Country team. This year at the
Viking opener, Analy placed higher
than it has in the past 5 years. The
cross country team has the ability
to have a phenomenal season this
year. Analy’s standings will all come
down to the three league meets this
coming month.
Scorpio comforting and receptive, and you
will make new friendships and have October 23 -November 21
wonderful new experiences.
Leo July 23 -August 22
This month you will learn a lot
about yourself, your friends, and
your life. It might feel weird, but
it’s very healthy and by the end of
it, you will have a much clearer outlook on everything.
Your birthday time is here, Scorpio,
and with it will come many changes
and new opportunities. You must
remember to always stay true to
yourself in order to know how to
deal with these situations.
Sagittarius November 22 -December 21
August 23 -September 22
You will feel very adventurous this
month. New opportunities will
come your way and you should em-
Many opportunities to help others
will present themselves this month.
Your kind efforts will bring you
good karma. Capricorn December 22 -January 19
brace them as they will bring flavor
and excitement into your life.
This is the perfect month for a little
downtime. You work very hard for
the things you want, Capricorn,
Stay close to your friends this
but right now it’s time to relax for a
month, they will always be there for while and let the month play out.
Libra September 23 -October 22
you when you need them.
TIGER TIMES, October 2013
By Fifi Perkins
It’s been hectic this time of
the month, for all our phenomenal
actors and actresses at Analy High
School have been putting their best
effort towards preparing for this
fall's drama production.
Analy has a reputation for
putting on outstanding productions, and all the stars of this play
are sure to live up to our expectations this fall. People come from all
around Sonoma County just to see
and appreciate Analy's fine theatre
arts, so take advantage of the fact
that the play's being put on right
here at home for everyone to see!
This year's fall play is Metamorphoses, and it’s based on Mary
Zimmerman's adaptation of Ovid's
Greek myths. The play consists of
several different stories and myths,
but what's most intriguing is the
fact that all scenes are taking place
in and around a built-in pool on
the stage. That's right, for this play,
they built an actual pool on the
stage. Water is extremely symbolic
and very important for this show.
Nothing else can be given away–
everyone will have to see for themselves how this pool will be used in
the play!
A lot of blood, sweat, and
tears went into building the set,
considering the fact there's a pool.
When everyone comes to see Metamorphoses, they must make sure to
admire not only the play itself but
the quality set!
Those who are a part of our
wonderful cast are: Rowan Abbott,
Katie Imbach, Madi Philips, Evan
McDonnel, Dylan Jones, Sabrina
Blais, Allie Orth, Rebecca Westling,
Johnny Schoen, Malachi Cronshey,
Ally Cline, Sophie Carbone, and
Celina Kegerreis, along with other
crew members. Let these Analy students blow your mind as they have
their characters come to life on
The dates that Metamorphoses will be showing are November 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 22 & 23 at
7 P.M. in Analy's Auditorium. The
matinees are on Saturday, November 10th and Sunday, November 16
at 2 P.M. Options are to pay online
at brownpapertickets.com or at the
door. General admission online
costs $10 for adults and $7 students/seniors. At the door, general
admission costs $13 for adults and
$10 for students/seniors. Keep in
mind there is limited seating!
Just as they do each year,
the Analy Students in this play have
dedicated themselves to making
sure the show is entertaining, delightful, and lively. There's no doubt
that all their hard work and dedication will pay off, so make sure to
come and support the students who
made this marvelous play possible.
Page 7
“Barlow” from p. 1
and wine sellers. Continuing the
alcoholic trend, two breweries and
a distillery have opened, hoping to
encourage more a nightlife than is
present in the rest of Sebastopol.
As an appeal to a younger crowd,
opening soon there will be an ice
cream and frozen yogurt shop that
uses liquid nitrogen to freeze its
treats and the Juicer will be opening, offering, as its name suggests,
As far as food goes, Village Bakery and popular Sonoma County
restaurant Zazu will both be moving to new locations in the Barlow.
Two markets or food stores will
be opening, as well as an herb and
spice shop and a new permanent
location for the Sebastopol Farmers Market. Guayaki Yerba Mate
will remain in the area, offering
its popular South American mate.
Taylor Maid Farms will be returning to the building it was founded
in, in 1995.
The area includes many forms of
art, both traditional and industrial.
There is a Tibetan art studio and
gallery as well as one or two traditional art galleries. There is also a
glassblowing studio and bronze art
foundry, reinforcing the industrial
appeal of the architecture.
Many smaller shops are scattered
through the area including a bookseller, a Waldorf toy store and a
yoga and dance studio.
Teacher Insight:
Mr. Carpenter
in college.
Interviewed by Ashton Fandel
I'd have to say Mr.
Forslund and Mr. Carter.
We're the same age
and have a lot in common. Ms. Ambrose is my
new favorite, though!
Who is your best teacherfriend at Analy?
What has been your best Halloween
My most memorable was probably when I was in eighth grade
and wore a dress and heels and my
mom put mascara on my really
long eyelashes.
Did you have long hair at the time?
It was more like an afro. In the
eighth grade I combed my hair
with a pick. I wasn’t quite cool
enough to leave it in there, but
I walked around with it in my
Corn maze or haunted house?
Corn maze, definitely! This isn’t a
funny response, but it just makes
me think of my little kids, and
those were really fun memories.
My wife and I were sad driving by
the pumpkin patch the other day,
because the kids don’t want to go
If you could attend a free seminar
on something, what would it be?
I'm a history nerd, so I'd love to
listen to a lecture by Gordon Wood,
an expert on Colonial and Revolutionary American History. If I
was in a lighter mood, I think a talk
given by David Sedaris would be
What TV show do you most closely
relate your life to?
I think the obvious choice for a TV
character most like me would be
Walter White of Breaking Bad.
When did you start playing guitar?
I started when I was a sophomore
Really, The Barlow is an attempt to reinvigorate and reinvent
an area of downtown Sebastopol
that was all but forgotten. In this
way, it has succeeded in turning
what was once an eyesore into a
new possibility for our town.
How would you describe
your social status in high
High school is lame–I was into
sports, but I’ve been a reformed
jock the rest of my life after high
school, trying to become an intelligent, thoughtful person. You can
still see my picture on the wall at
El Molino. You can say I peaked in
high school, which is really sad. It’s
been downhill since then.
What is something interesting about
I play guitar and sing in a band
called 'Love Handles'. I don't know
if that's interesting, but we’re available for wedding anniversaries and
bar mitzvahs.
Mystery Club
Mystery Club spies-- new inductees have their first field
mission! As you know we
went through great lengths
to recover the stolen item.
This ancient Analy talisman
has recently been restored by
the Collector Antiquities of
London, and is, at long last,
back in our possession. Your
mission, should you accept:
Protect the item. Meet at the
East wing Analy basement.
Proceed with the utmost caution. Dress, and act, as ordinary high school students
at all times when coming
and going. A.T., S.C., A.D.,
J.J., R.C. & C.S. have the first
watch, and will train you on
procedures starting immediately. Remember, if anyone
asks, you are not a spy!
TIGER TIMES, October 2013
Page 8
Sensational Sudoku
Wally the Walrus
Have a parrot that keeps cursing?
Reinforce acceptable words with
the occasional cookie and grooming and these nasty words will be
gone in no time!
Athletic Results
What are
your plans for
“I’m going to go out trick or treating with friends.”
- Tobi Thomas (grade 10).
Straight from the Tiger’s Mouth
By Jordan Suchard
Just remember that when you get
old, all the poop humor doesn't
go away.
- Kendall Medrano (grade 10).
Dude, can we still get in to brook
haven dances?
-the field
-Mr. Goldberg
Dude, the continent of Africa is
scabbing over.
“I’m going to my uncle’s house, and
I am going to scare teenagers!” Something...down...falls...sky...I
need to think about this.
-room 202
“I’m dressing up as a raccoon, going trick or treating with my best
friend, and every year we trade
candy with each other. Halloween
is my favorite holiday!” - Gianni Sarsfield (grade 9).
If it was an old man, I still would've
gotten into his car.
An arm for an arm makes the
whole world stumps.
-Room 204
-Front of school
Vicente, stop kissing my ear.
- the quad
“I’m going to hang out with friends,
dress up, buy tons of candy, and of
course go trick or treating, because
you’re never too old to trick or
treat!” - Paulina Cradeur (grade 12).
Latin Translation: Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
Tiger Times Staff
Editor in Chief- Madeline Camilleri
Leadership Updates
• Support the Analy Education Foundation on November 3rd at their
Baskin and Robbins dine and donate from 11pm to 10pm.
Varsity Boys Soccer: Overall: 16 wins, 0 losses, 1 tie
Recent games: Assistant Editor- Ashton Fandel
Advertising Coordinator- Kate Stewart
Advertising Coordinator- Alya Bohr
Layout Designer- Julian O’Leary
Staff Photographer- Genean Wrisley
Faculty Advisor- Joel Stickel
Visit us on the web at
• Drama’s fall production of Metamorphoses opens up 7PM on Friday
November 8th and ends on the 23rd of November.
• Southern Oregon University comes to visit on Monday November 18th
from 2:45pm to 3:45pm.
• November break begins Wednesday the 27th through the 29th.
Varsity Girls Soccer:
Overall: 13 wins, 2 losses, Recent games: