What is Project Grad? Information for Parents Safe and sober graduation party Project Grad is an elaborate, all-night graduation party that is alcohol- and drug-free. Project Grad discourages separate graduation night parties located around the community and helps to protect our new grads at the time they're most at risk of becoming drunk driving victims. Analy began its Project Graduation program in 1988. Since that time, not a single fatality has occurred due to graduation night car accidents, drugs, or alcohol -- a beautiful statistic that keeps our parents and local merchants committed to this event. We need volunteers! Project Grad takes hours of preparation by many volunteers. We look to parents of freshmen, sophomores, and juniors to "pay it forward" so that when your student reaches senior year, you can relax and enjoy! Want to help but have limited time? No worries. We have many jobs that can be done at home on your own time, or you may volunteer for a single shift on Project Grad night. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Joy Brown at 874-9260, or Becky Garlock at 707-291-7843, or email projectgrad@analyhighschool.org. Watch for emails or mailings for additional information. We need donations! The annual budget for the event is in excess of $25,000, and the Project Grad committee relies on donations from individuals, groups, and local merchants to help meet expenses for the food, activities, and prizes, while keeping prices within the range of most graduating seniors. Scholarships are also offered every year to ensure there is no financial barrier to any graduate’s participation. To donate, make checks payable to: Analy Project Graduation, and mail to Analy Project Graduation, Attention: Fundraising Committee, 6950 Analy Ave., Sebastopol, CA 95472. Project Grad is a non-profit 501(c((3) corporation, tax ID# 94-3139866. Thank you for your support of this very worthwhile tradition! For more information about this event, go to www.analyhighschool.org. Proyecto Graduación: Para obtener información en Español, por favor llame a Raul Guerrero (email: rguerrero.ahs@wscuhsd.k12.ca.us, telefono: 707.824.2320)
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