2015 Forms Packet - Kamiak Grad Knight 2012

Special notice to All Senior Parents:
Grad Knight Party 2015
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special celebration for our class of 2015 seniors
promptly following graduation. This Grad Knight party has been a tradition at Kamiak
and is designed to keep our seniors safe as they celebrate on what has historically
been a very dangerous night for graduates.
The Grad Knight 2015 party will start approximately 45 minutes after graduation on
June 5, 2015. Kamiak will have the 8:00 p.m. ceremony. Afterwards, graduates will
have a few minutes with family and friends before changing and checking in for their
graduating class celebration. Students will then board buses, head off to two different
venues and then return safely to Kamiak’s parking lot between 5:30-6:00 a.m. the next
Venues for this year are AWESOME and TOP SECRET to ensure a safe, fun party for our
graduates. This is one night your graduate will not want to miss, and one night that
you’ll know they are safe, having fun and creating great memories!
Cost: $220- Price includes transportation, two meals, music, entertainment and all
kinds of fun. (This is not a profit-earning event; prices are based on the costs ensuing
from the hosting organization). Limited scholarships are available – see your school
Payment options:
 Full payment - $220
 Payment plan - $100 now and the remainder by April 1 , 2015
REFUND POLICY: All refund requests must be emailed to our treasurer
(jamie_w@comcast.net). We will give full refunds through December 31, 2014.
Starting January 1, 2015 through June 2015, we will issue up to a 50% refund, however
a refund is not guaranteed. Refund amounts will be determined once all financial
obligations have been met. Refunds will be reviewed and granted on/or after June 12,
2015. No refunds will be granted to students that do not check-in at the event.
Steps to secure your graduate’s spot:
Submit the bottom portion of this form and the “Permission to Attend” form to Kamiak
school office.
 Checks can be made payable to: “KAMIAK GRAD KNIGHT”
Name of Senior: ______________________________________________ Birth Date: ____________________
Parent Name(s): _______________________________________ Phone(s): ___________________________________
Parent email so we can keep you updated: __________________________________________________________
Please check here if you are interested in being part of the 2015 celebration planning team.
We provide scholarships in hopes that every student who wants to go, can go. If you would like
to donate to the Scholarship fund, please include that amount with your payment. Kamiak Grad
Knight is a 501c3 organization, so your donation is tax deductible.
Payment amount
Donation amount
Check # __________
To learn more, obtain registration forms,
or check for meeting dates, please visit:
Senior Parents Information
What is Grad Knight 2015?
Grad Knight is an all-night, drug and alcohol-free celebration for Kamiak’s graduating
seniors. Graduates will spend the graduation night celebrating their graduation and
high school years together at secret locations disclosed to them once they are on the
buses. They will be returned SAFE and TIRED to Kamiak between 5:30am- 6:0am the
following morning.
Grad Knight will be a fun and exciting event full of activities, entertainment and prizes
that ALL graduating seniors will enjoy and remember for years to come! It promises to
be an unforgettable night for our seniors, the perfect send-off after 13 years of hard
Who Sponsors Grad Knight?
Grad Knight happens due to two interrelated components. One group that is critical is
the senior parents who contribute their energy, creativity and time. Seniors that have
this send-off celebration accomplish it because of the involvement of parent
volunteers. The other important element is the contracted company that secures the
venues, organizes and hosts the food, special entertainment, activities and games.
This is why there is a fee -- to cover the costs that are charged by the hosting company
and to provide transportation, prizes and security.
Who attends Grad Knight?
Grad Knight is a time for the Class of 2015 to be together for one last time. Only
Kamiak graduates can attend Grad Knight – no friends from other schools or
underclassmen. Some parent volunteers also attend Grad Knight as bus or venue
chaperones, and assisting with activities.
How can I get involved?
Any parent of a senior can take part. A celebration of this magnitude doesn’t just
happen … it’s pulled together by numerous volunteer parents. There are a variety of
ways you can help. Also, this group organizes the 2015 Baccalaureate.
Each year Kamiak senior parents have coordinated both the Grad Knight Party and
Baccalaureate - and had a great time in the process. The years have proven that this
party is a truly fun and long remembered night (that we, as senior parents, give as a
parting gift to our graduating children). Can you find a way to be a part of the 2015
Grad Knight or Baccalaureate? If so, be sure to check the box on the other side or
consult our web page listed above.
Remember to check out the Senior Parent Page via the Kamiak homepage to print
your student’s registration form, find out about the planning committee’s next
meeting, as well as obtain more Grad Knight 2015 information.
2015 Snuron
Class GnanuauoN Panrv AcnEnMENT
Kamiak High School
Your senior has asked to attend our drug-and alcohol-free graduation event (the "Graduation Event" or "Event"). The purpose ofthe
Graduation Event is to provide a fun, memorable experience that celebrates the seniors'hard work. The Parent Planning Committee is
commined to keeping it safe, drug- and alcohol-free, and to ensure that the conduct of all seniors is in keeping with this goal. As a
condition of participation and in consideration of the services provided by the parents on the Parent Planning Committee; the Horvard
Group, Inc., dlbla Grad Nights, and its officers. owners, empft:yees, agents, contractors, entertainers, and volunteers; and all other
persons or entities acting in any capacity with respect to the evenl, including the venues who host and provide services at the
graduation event (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Graduation Party Producers"), the senior and parent/guardian agree as
RULES AND PROHIBITED ITEMS SEARCH: All seniors and their personal belongings will be searched prior to their gaining entry
to this event, Senior and parent/guardian will abide by the rules and directions established by the Graduation Party Producers. Any
senior who is engaging in prohibited or undesirable behavior may be removed from the event. at the sol€ discretion of the Craduation
Party Producers, rvhereupon the parenVguardian will be contacted and must pick up their senior from the graduation event Iocation.
No refunds will be granted.
SI.NIOR'S DAMAGE TO PROPERTY: The senior and their parenVguardian rvill pay the full replacement cost for any and all losses
or damage to any propefly that are directly or indirectly caused by the senior while participating in the Graduation Event.
case of emergency, the senior and the parent/guardian of the senior named below
authorize all medical, surgical, diagnostic. and hospital procedures as may be deemed necessary and performed by a treating health
care provider.
USE OF LIKENESS: Senior and parent/guardian give full consent to Grad Nights to make and use photograptr^s, videos, or likeness
any senior attending this event for the purpose ofadvertising. publicizing, promoting, etc.
,ldditional importtnt provisions and signature lines are on the reverce side of this tlocumenl Please read all lhe terms of this
agreement, provide the information requested in the contact information section belout, and sign the reverse side of this form
acknov,ledging your agreement to all terms setfotth on both sides ofthis document.
CoNrRcr INpoRuarIoN
Date of Birth:
Senior Name:
Senior Email:
Senior Celi Phonc:
Parent/Guardian Name(s)
Parcnt/Guardian Phone(s):
Parcnt/Cuardian Ernail:
Iimcrgency Contact Name:
Relationship to Student:
Phonc -l-umber(s)
Date of Last l'etanus Shot:
Clrronic illnesscsiAllcrgies:
Insurancc Provider:
I)ges yogr senior have a life-threatening food
allergy? NO
r: YES * You u'ill also need to coruplete, at a later date, an
Emergency Care Plan ("ECP"). The Parent Planning
Committee w,ill have ECPs availabJe.
All inlomatiurr conlained hc'rcin is ttrictly contidcnlial. protcctcil try copyright and intcn<Icd [br usc only by thc 20 I 5 courittcc.
U5c of this fonn, or any part or dcrivation by any cormittce, group or indilidual not currcntly working with Gnrd Nights is strictly prohibitcd.
t: 2(XJ4-?01{ Gmd \igfits Gnd \ighrrkl is a r.'giitrrrd tradcrnarl ol'Thc Horvard Croup. krc.
Important Additional Provisions
ACTIVITIES AND ASSOCIATED RISKS: The Graduation Event may include a variety of entertainment, recreational, athletic
and sporting activities including activities using equipment provided by Graduation Party Producers including but not limited to
swimming pools, skating rinks, bowling centers, segways, bumper cars, go-karts, hypnotists, factor of fear shows, disc jockeys,
sumo wrestling, bungee runs, obstacle courses, pounce and bounces, velcro walls, climbing walls, henna, bungee/mechanical bull,
joust, slide, zip bne, and other inflatables, and such activities and equipment are collectively referred to as "Recreational
Entertainment and Equipment". Senior and parent/guardian acknowledge that participation in and use of Recreational
Entertainment and Equipment involve known, unknown, inherent and unanticipated risks, which couid result in serious physical or
emotional injury, falls, muscle strains, broken bones and other potential injuries. These risks include, but are not limited to,
senior's failure or failure of other participants to follow the safety guideliaes or instructions of Graduation Parfy Producer's
personnel; improper use of equipment; inadequate repair or maintenance of Graduation Party Producer's facilities and equipment;
manufacturing or other defects, both apparent and latent, in the equipment supplied or used by Graduation Party Producers;
senior's or other participants' attempts to exceed their skills and/or act in a reckless manner; senior's physical condition; improper
first-aid, emergency treatment or other attempted rescue services; the unavailability of medical services or immediate medical
attention in the case of injury; and acts or omissions of Graduation Party Producers, including insufficient instruction or assistance.
ASS{-IMPTION OF RISKS: Senior and parent/guardian expressly and freely accept and assume all of the risks relating to their
participation in the Graduation Event including but not limited to participation in and use of Recreational Entertainment and
Equipment. Senior and parenVguardian agree that senior's participation in the Graduation Event and participation in and use of any
Recreational Entertainment and Equipment is purely voluntary, and that any participation is done in spite of the nsks.
Senior and parent/guardian each hereby release and covenant not to sue each
of the Graduation Party Producers, their owners, employees, agents, and any related affiliate and/or subsidiary entities (collectively
"Released Parties) from any and all claims, damages and liabilities of any nature arising out of the Graduation Event, including,
without limitation, personal injury, properfy damage, and claims of negligence based on acts or omissions of Released Parties, but
not including gross negligence or intentional misconduct or other liabilities not releasable by law. Senior and parenVguardian each
further agree to indemniff, defend and hold harmless Released Parties agahst any claims released in Section 3, against senior and
parent/guardian's acts or omissions, and against any other claim or damage arising from senior's participation in the Graduation
Event, including, without limitation, personal injury and properry damage, and attorney's fees and costs incurred to defend against
indemnified claims.
FOOD ALLERGIES: Senior and parent/guardian agree to abide by the Grad Nighls life threatening food alletgy policy and will
provide an Emergency Care Plan if senior has a life threatening food allergy. Additionally, senior and parent/guardian agree and
acknowledge that the Release of Liability and indemnification provisions of this Agreement iaclude claims and damages arisilg
out of senior's consuming or handling of the food provided during the Graduation Event.
SEVERABILITY/ATTORNEYS FEES AND COSTS/APPLICABLE LAW: Should Graduation Party Producers or anyone acting
on their behalf incur attomeys' fees and costs to enforce this Agreement, senior and parenVguardian further agree the prevailing
parry shall be entitled to recovery of any such fees and costs. In the event that any portion of this Agreement is deemed invalid or
unenforceable, all other portions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect to the maximum extent ailowed by larv.
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Washington.
Senior and parenVguardian certify that senior has insurance to cover injury or damage senior may cause or suffer while
participating in the Graduation Event, and further agree that senior and parenVguardian will bear any uninsured costs of such injury
or damage themselves. Senior and parent/guardian further agree and rvarrant that senior has no medical or physical conditions
which could interfere rvith senior's safe participation in the Graduation Event including participation in and use of any
Recreational Entertainment and Equipment and that senior will not engage in any activity which is inappropriate for senior given
any medical, physical or emotional condition of senior. In the event such conditions exist, senior and parent/guardian agree the risk
of senior's participation in the Graduation Event and participation in and use of Recreational Entertainment and Equipment with
such condition is inciuded in their assumption of risk under this Agreement and any damages and claims arising from participation
rvith such a condition are included rvithin their commitments to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless under this
By signing this Agreement Senior and parenVguardian are affirming that Senior and parenVguardian have had sufficient opportunity to
thoroughly read both sides of this document, and that they fully understand and agree to the terms set forth therein.
Senior's Signanue
At Time of Partv:
ln ttre went that the senior has attained the age of majority (eighteen years of age), between the time that this document is initiaily
signed and the date of the graduation party, senior hereby reaffirms senior's agreement to the terms of this agreement by rereading, signing and dating the line entitled "Adult Senior's Signafure Reafhrming Agreement".
Adult Senior's Signatue Reallinning Agreernent
All inlbnnation contained herein is strictly confidential, protected by copyright and intended for use only by the 2015 commiftee.
Use of this fonn, or any part or derivation by any committee, group or individual not cunently rvorking rvith Gmd Nights is strictly ptohibited,
O)Ool,t014 Gmd Niohrs Gr:d Niohtso iq a reqistered imdemark ol'The Horvard Groun- Inc.