Executive Scorecard for FY15 University IT

Executive Scorecard for FY15 University IT Priorities – April 2015
As of May 5, 2015
Initiative: Implement Program of IT Rationalization
Transition end user
computing in academic
units to the ITS shared
% Comp
ine Schools and Colleges (of the 18 eligible for this
service) completed migration per plan to the
MiWorkspace service or the adjunct BYOD (Bring
Your Own Device) service by June 30, 2015.
Adjunct BYOD service will be provided to these
units by the end of FY16.
Overall Status Comments
On Track
MiWorkspace is on track to meet the FY15 Strategic Goals. School
of Social Work, Ross School of Business, and School of Music,
Theatre & Dance are on track to be completed in May. School of
Information, School of Natural Resources and Environment, and
College of Pharmacy are on track to be completed in June.
BYOD project is awaiting funding approval.
Initiative: IT Strategic Plan and Investment Roadmap
IT strategic plan and
investment roadmap
1. The President and the IT Executive Committee
(Provost, EVPCFO, EVPMA, and VP Research)
approve (and the APG endorsed) version 2.0 of
the IT Strategic Plan and Investment Roadmap.
% Comp
Overall Status Comments
On Track
The draft for the June 2015 update of the IT Strategic Plan and
Investment Roadmap is in progress and on target for a May review
cycle and June endorsement.
Initiative: Implement NextGen Michigan Technologies
Canvas pilots as part of
1. Complete Canvas pilots that include at least 15
courses and 2000 students each in fall term and in
winter term.
2. Complete evaluation of Fall and Winter term pilot
by Feb and June respectively.
1. The high speed storage solution is piloted by at
least 3 researchers from more than 1 unit by June
30, 2015.
High Performance
Storage for Researchers
% Comp
Upgrade the University's 1. Complete public spaces upgrades in 12 of the 18
WiFi infrastructure in
identified buildings by June 30, 2015.
academic spaces
2. Complete and submit business case, funding
request and implementation approach for
campus to Provost and CFO.
3. Campus implementation schedule (TBD pending
Questions? Email us at IT.Mgmt.Scorecard.Contact@umich.edu
Overall Status Comments
On Track
On Track
On Track
CRLT (Center for Research on Learning and Teaching) is on track to
deliver the Winter 2015 Term Pilot evaluation report to ITS and DIAG
in May. DIAG will then develop a recommendation for Canvas
adoption strategy. The primary issue affecting large courses in
Canvas has been partially addressed and the remaining portion of the
fix is expected to be delivered soon by the vendor.
On track to pilot solution with three researchers by the end of June
2015. Project Team plans to provide a technical solution to host
regulated data by the second pilot if not earlier. Work with Office of
Financial Analysis will start in the month of May to finalize a rate.
Completed upgrades in Central Campus Recreation Building, North
Campus Recreation Building, and Rackham Graduate School.
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University of Michigan Office of the CIO
funding approval).
B&F Goals
Goal: Become the
Employer of Choice.
Project: ITS Employee
Satisfaction Action Plans
% Comp Overall Status Comments
nit action plans and targets implemented in
response to B&F 2014 Employee Satisfaction
Survey in place by November 30, 2014.
On Target
"Statement of Employee Needs - Focusing on Internal
Communications" drafted and on agenda for May ITS Forum.
CIO/ITS Unit Goals
ITS Service Excellence
1. 75% of front line staff (Support Services)
complete service excellence training by June 30,
Talent Management
1. AVPLT (ITS Leadership Team) approves the
strategy, implementation plan and timeline by
June 2015.
Build Disaster Recovery
Plans for Critical ITS
1. Complete disaster recovery (DR) plans for
identified critical ITS systems and applications by
June 2015.
Questions? Email us at IT.Mgmt.Scorecard.Contact@umich.edu
% Comp Overall Status Comments
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On Target
Project is on track to complete pilot of Service Excellence program
within Support Services by end of June. Training is underway for all
staff within Support Services including the Service Center,
Neighborhood IT, Computer Showcase, Campus Computing Sites,
and Assistive Technology.
Needs Attention Need to reassess this effort for FY16.
On Target
The project continues to make progress building ITS disaster recovery
plans for critical systems and applications. The project is on schedule
to complete in June.
University of Michigan Office of the CIO