CITY OF BRIDGEPORT, NEBRASKA I. ROUTINE BUSINESS The City Council of the City of Bridgeport, Nebraska, met in regular session at Prairie Winds Community Center, 428 Main Street, Bridgeport, Nebraska, on the 17th day of March, 2015, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, Mayor J.W. Berg called the meeting to order. Roll call resulted as follows: Present: Steve Plummer, Kevin Myers, Carrie Harless, Greg Lussetto. Staff members present were: Police Chief David Hunt, Officer Chris Anderson and Utilities Superintendent Wayne Kautz. Mayor Berg presided and the City Clerk Huck recorded the proceedings. Mayor Berg announced, “In accordance with Section 84-1412 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes, the open meetings act is posted at the back of the meeting room for the review of the public.” Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by publication in the Bridgeport NewsBlade, the designated method of notice given, as shown by proof of publication, as shown by attached affidavit of posting. Notice was given to the Mayor and all members of the City Council and a copy of their acknowledgement of receipt of notice and agenda is attached to the minutes. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice and by email notice to the Mayor and Council of this meeting. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the public. The Mayor asked if there were any letters of public correspondence for the board. There were none. The Mayor asked if there are any visitors that would like to speak on an item that is not on the agenda. There were none. II. CONSENT AGENDA The following items were offered to the Council on Consent Agenda: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 12, 2015. Approve the Special meeting held February 23, 2015. Approve Skyview at Bridgeport Agenda for March 6, 2015. Acceptance of the Monthly Treasurer’s Report. Approve the addition of Mickey Bond as probationary member of the Bridgeport Volunteer Fire Department. Council Member Lussetto moved to approve the consent agenda as presented, seconded by Council Member Myers. Roll call resulted as follows; Aye: Plummer, Myers, Harless, Lussetto; Nay: None. Motion carried. III. PUBLIC HEARINGS None IV. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 11. Council Member Myers introduced Ordinance No. 889, AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RATES TO BE CHARGED BY THE MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC SYSTEM FOR ELECTRICITY; ASSESSING LATE CHARGES ON ALL UTILITIES; REPEALING ORDINANCE NO.874; TO REPEAL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES AND SECTIONS; TO PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND TO PROVIDE FOR PUBLICATION OR POSTING 2 AS REQUIRED BY LAW, and prescribing the time when this ordinance shall be in full force and effect; repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, and moved that the statutory rule requiring reading on three different days be suspended, seconded by Council Member Plummer. Roll call resulted as follows: Aye: Harless, Lussetto, Myers, Plummer; Nay: None. Motion carried. The motion to suspend the rules was adopted by three-fourths of the Council and the statutory rule was declared suspended for consideration of said ordinance. Ordinance No. 889 was then read by title and thereafter. Council Myers moved final passage of the ordinance, which motion was seconded by Council Member Plummer. The Mayor then stated the question: “Shall Ordinance No. 889 be passed and adopted?” Roll call resulted as follows: Aye: Lussetto, Plummer, Harless, Myers; Nay: None. Motion carried. The passage and adoption of said ordinance having been concurred in by a majority of all members of the Council, the Mayor declared the ordinance adopted and the Mayor, in the presence of the Council, signed and approved the ordinance and the City Clerk attested to the passage and approval of the same and affixed her signature thereto. V. CLAIMS Light & Power: Aflac, $31.66; Allo Communications LLC, $160.39; American Funds Service Company, $560.31; Ameritas Group Life Insurance, $20.98; BCBS Of Ne, $1,455.59; Bridgeport News-Blade, $33.74; City Of Bridgeport, $804.93; Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co, $100.96; Federal, $830.41; Fica, $889.16; General Treasury, $24,200.00; Health Savings Account, $391.34; Hollman Media LLC, $91.88; John Deere Financial, $5.28; Koke's Auto Farm Truck Inc, $39.32; Kriz-Davis Company, $51.76; M C Schaff & Associates Inc, $120.84; Medicare, $208.00; Municipal Energy Agency Of Ne, $220,780.84; Nebraska Dept Of Revenue, $262.22; Nebraska Municipal Power Pool, $1,650.00; Off Broadway Business Products, $67.20; Platte Valley Bank, $12,346.23; Platte Valley Visa, $689.94; Railroad Management Co III, LLC, $1,178.87; Source Gas LLC, $71.97; Sun Life Financial, $34.78; The I.T. Mechanics, $40.00; Totalfunds By Hasler, $339.84; Trading Post Enterprises LLC, $75.92; Hometown Hardware Inc, $64.80; Total Light & Power, $267,599.16; Salaries, $5,144.22 Water: Aflac, $31.66; Allo Communications LLC, $34.30; Allwater Supply LLC, $350.12; American Funds Service Company, $560.22; Ameritas Group Life Insurance, $21.02; BCBS Of Ne, $1,455.59; City Of Bridgeport, $1,338.12; Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co, $100.93; Compass Minerals America, $2,567.06; Cummins Central Power LLC, $635.00; Enviro Service Inc, $36.00; Environmental Science Corporation, $214.00; Federal, $830.44; Fica, $889.16; Fremont Motor Scottsbluff LLC, $477.25; General Treasury, $5,000.00; Health Savings Account, $391.40; Hollman Media LLC, $91.88; Ideal Laundry And Cleaners Inc, $24.44; Kimball Midwest, $374.91; Koke's Auto Farm Truck Inc, $8.58; M C Schaff & Associates Inc, $120.83; Medicare, $207.90; Municipal Supply Inc Of Nebraska, $1,890.91; Nebraska Dept Of Revenue, $262.20; Nebraska Public Health Environmental Lab, $192.00; Off Broadway Business Products, $67.20; One Call Concepts Inc, $7.40; Platte Valley Bank, $178.37; Richard W Taedter, $381.36; Sun Life Financial, $34.78; The I.T. Mechanics, $40.00; Totalfunds By Hasler, $94.73; Trading Post Enterprises LLC, $104.50; Hometown Hardware Inc, $117.63; USA Blue Book, $222.25; Valley Water Systems Inc, $86.11; Total Water, $19,440.25; Salaries, $5,144.37 Sewer: Aflac, $23.74; American Funds Service Company, $257.45; Ameritas Group Life Insurance, $6.86; BCBS Of Ne, $609.32; Bomgaars, $176.98; Bridgeport News-Blade, $1.77; Chimney Rock Public Power District, $49.61; City Of Bridgeport, $309.03; Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co, $34.68; Federal, $366.61; Fica, $386.76; General Treasury, $5,000.00; Health Savings Account, $176.74; Hollman Media LLC, $91.88; Koke's Auto Farm Truck Inc, $65.46; League Of Ne Municipalities, $150.00; M C Schaff & Associates Inc, $120.83; Medicare, $90.44; Municipal Chemical Supply LLC, $300.00; Nebraska Dept Of Revenue, $114.24; Off Broadway Business Products, $67.20; Panhandle Cooperative Assn, $166.06; Platte Valley Bank, $125.64; Platte Valley Visa, $528.39; Prairie Winds Community Center, $88.50; Railroad Management Co Iii, LLC, $761.79; Riverside Lumber LLC, $34.73; Source Gas LLC, $29.38; Spic-Span Cleaners, $447.50; Sun Life Financial, $14.97; The I.T. Mechanics, $40.00; Hometown Hardware Inc, $47.06; USA Blue Book, $587.85; Total Sewer, $11,271.47; Salaries, $2,220.68 General: Aflac, $71.24; American Funds Service Company, $212.46; Ameritas Group Life Insurance, $3.30; Bancorp Bank, $17.84; BCBS Of Ne, $507.77; Bridgeport News-Blade, 3 $344.01; Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co, $7.34; Community Center, $15,500.00; DocuShred, $28.00; Federal, $219.34; Fica, $310.92; Health Savings Account, $105.70; Hollman Media LLC, $91.88; Jimmie J Jensen Jr, $750.00; Library Fund, $10,000.00; Medicare, $72.72; Morrill County Treasurer, $156.42; Nebraska Dept Of Revenue, $83.94; Off Broadway Business Products, $67.20; Platte Valley Visa, $99.12; Police Fund, $20,000.00; Pool Fund, $2,000.00; Simmons Olsen Law Firm P.M., $488.50; Billie Jo Smith, $240.00; Source Gas LLC, $71.98; Street Fund, $3,000.00; Sun Life Financial, $19.43; The I.T. Mechanics, $40.00; Totalfunds By Hasler, $51.51; Hometown Hardware Inc, $11.99; Total General, $54,572.61; Salaries, $1,862.59 Police: Aflac, $36.60; Allo Communications LLC, $70.40; American Funds Service Company, $867.38; Ameritas Group Life Insurance, $48.36; BCBS Of Ne, $2,708.08; Bomgaars, $18.28; Bridgeport News-Blade, $44.86; City Of Bridgeport, $161.56; Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co, $53.86; Ed Roehr Safety Products, $861.23; Federal, $2,023.01; Fica, $1,907.64; Health Savings Account, $310.76; Medicare, $446.14; Morrill County Sheriff, $1,000.00; Nebraska Dept Of Revenue, $720.50; Nebraska State Treasurer, $82.45; Panhandle Cooperative Assn, $15.00; Platte Valley Visa, $653.20; Rodak Law Office, $100.00; Source Gas LLC, $212.73; Sun Life Financial, $53.82; Trail Animal Clinic Pc, $66.53; Hometown Hardware Inc, $21.98; Total Police, $12,484.37; Salaries, $12,007.70 Street: American Funds Service Company, $676.99; BCBS Of Ne, $1,387.89; Bomgaars, $7.67; Bridgeport News-Blade, $23.04; City Of Bridgeport, $2,077.54; Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co, $55.51; Federal, $638.33; Fica, $822.00; Health Savings Account, $300.18; Ideal Laundry And Cleaners Inc, $22.20; J & A Traffic Products, $102.40; Koke's Auto Farm Truck Inc, $167.18; Lussetto Machine, $703.39; Medicare, $192.24; Michael Todd And Co Inc, $340.33; Nebraska Dept Of Revenue, $228.72; Panhandle Cooperative Assn, $105.95; Wyoming First Aid & Safety Supply LLC, $33.66; Source Gas LLC, $1,753.45; Sun Life Financial, $31.46; The I.T. Mechanics, $40.00; Totalfunds By Hasler, $0.48; Trading Post Enterprises LLC, $186.98; Vern's Auto Tech, $105.00; Total Street, $10,002.59; Salaries, $4,795.46 PWCC: Allo Communications LLC, $155.69; American Funds Service Company, $428.54; Ameritas Group Life Insurance, $64.70; Susanna L Batterman, $360.00; Benzel Pest Control Inc, $64.48; BCBS Of Ne, $1,354.04; Bluffs Sanitary Supply Inc, $232.85; Bridgeport News-Blade, $5.00; Bsn Sports, $212.37; Burgerwerx, $1,622.64; City Of Bridgeport, $1,594.38; Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co, $248.54; Computer Connection, $67.00; Federal, $339.42; Fica, $1,365.52; Flex Plan, $100.00; W.W. Grainger Inc, $34.88; Health Savings Account, $292.38; Hillyard Inc, $130.50; Hollman Media LLC, $91.87; Ideal Laundry And Cleaners Inc, $446.74; Larue Distributing Inc, $181.51; Medicare, $319.44; Nebraska Dept Of Revenue, $140.62; Platte Valley Bank, $754.90; Platte Valley Visa, $458.85; Protex Central Inc, $420.00; Kellye Riggs, $40.25; Riverside Bar & Grill, $1,007.40; Sonnys Super Foods, $77.22; Source Gas LLC, $720.16; Sun Life Financial, $38.79; The Steel Grill Bar 64, $552.00; The Tarnished Halo LLC, $43.00; Totalfunds By Hasler, $13.44; Hometown Hardware Inc, $11.64; Valley Water Systems Inc, $149.95; Total Pwcc, $14,140.71; Salaries, $9,029.33 Park: Allo Communications LLC, $24.04; City Of Bridgeport, $103.39; Fica, $29.62; Hollman Media LLC, $91.87; Kriz-Davis Company, $231.07; Medicare, $6.92; Nebraska Public Power District, $216.62; Total Park, $703.53; Salaries, $208.70 Pool: Allo Communications LLC, $25.21; Bridgeport News-Blade, $9.60; Nebraska DHHS Regulation & Licensure, $40.00; Pool Sinking Fund, $2,500.00; Source Gas LLC, $27.05; Total Pool, $2,601.86 Library: Allo Communications LLC, $70.74; American Funds Service Company, $237.41; Ameritas Group Life Insurance, $81.04; BCBS Of Ne, $677.02; Cengage Learning, $93.70; Center Point Large Print, $122.22; City Of Bridgeport, $724.35; Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co, $57.94; Federal, $269.40; Fica, $517.16; Health Savings Account, $96.92; Hollman Media LLC, $91.87; Mt Library Services, $108.00; Medicare, $120.94; Nebraska Dept Of Revenue, $92.72; Nebraska Total Office, $14.94; J & J Nein LLC, $31.68; Off Broadway Business Products, $28.79; Platte Valley Visa, $917.43; Billie Jo Smith, $360.00; Sonnys Super Foods, $105.37; Source Gas LLC, $383.57; Sun Life Financial, $13.43; Tim's Jack & Jill, $2.99; Hometown Hardware Inc, $8.99; Total Library, $5,228.62; Salaries, $3,371.96 4 Landfill: Hollman Media LLC, $91.87; Off Broadway Business Products, $67.20; Platte Valley Bank, $125.64; Waste Connections Of Ne Inc, $14,713.52; Total Landfill, $14,998.23 Fire: Bomgaars, $37.87; C & R Electronics, $262; City Of Bridgeport, $674.08; Lonnie J Cranmore, $1,132.50; Fica, $85.84; Galls LLC, $94.40; Medicare, $20.08; Nebraska Dept Of Revenue, $1.96; Pro Overhead Door, $109.00; Total Fire, $2,417.73; Salaries, $637.38 Rescue: Airgas Intermountain Inc, $45.32; Bridgeport News-Blade, ($0.99); Lonnie J Cranmore, $280.00; Fica, $114.48; Medicare, $26.80; Panhandle Cooperative Assn, $6.64; Platte Valley Visa, $83.69; Rescue Sinking Fund, $10,000.00; Sarah Strawn, $45.00; Trading Post Enterprises LLC, $39.80; Hometown Hardware Inc, $14.16; WNCC, $250.00; Total Rescue, $10,904.90; Salaries, $852.44 12. Council Member Lussetto stated that he has a conflict with the Lussetto Machine Council Member Lussetto then excused himself. Council Member Plummer moved to approve the claim from Lussetto Machine, seconded by Council Member Myers. Roll call resulted as follows: Aye: Myers, Harless, Plummer; Not Voting, Excused: Lussetto; Nay: None. Motion carried. Council Member Lussetto rejoined the Council. 13. Council Member Myers stated that he has a conflict with the Bridgeport News Blade and MC Schaff & Associates; Council Member Myers then excused himself. Council Member Lussetto moved to approve the claim from Bridgeport News Blade, seconded by Council Member Plummer. Roll call resulted as follows: Aye: Harless, Lussetto, Plummer; Not Voting, Excused: Myers; Nay: None. Motion carried. Council Member Myers rejoined the Council. 14. Council Member Plummer moved to approve the remainder of claims, seconded by Council Member Lussetto. Roll call resulted as follows; Aye: Plummer, Lussetto, Myers, Harless; Nay: None. Motion carried. VI. SKYVIEW AT BRIDGEPORT Aflac, $2,422.60; Allo Communications, $341.94; American Healthtech, $566.15; Amsan, $90.30; Angie Estrada, $121.30; Awards Unlimited, Inc, $41.05; Blue Cross Blue Shield, $11,000.00; Box Butte General Hospital, $176.00; Bridgeport Newsblade, $150.56; Brown/Nelson Electric, $167.28; Bulk TV & Internet, $413.03; Cash-WA, $1,580.52; City Of Bridgeport, $1,927.12; City Of Bridgeport PVB Bond, $5,400.00; City Of Bridgeport FSB Bond, $5,400.00; Clay Sheldon, $130.00; Culligan, $53.80; Direct Supply, Inc, $47.00; Docushread, $252.00; Federal Payroll Taxes, $22,408.96; Gary Little, $350.00; Grainger, $133.60; Guarantee Life Insurance, $2,816.00; Harris Sales Company, $151.40; HCIS, $80.00; Healthplan Services Inc, $1,448.92; HHS Solutions LLC, $600.00; Hiland Dairy, $268.45; Jann Pankowksi, $43.67; John Post, $670.00; Judy Buskirk, $152.29; Karolyn Ann Christopher, $778.50; Kronos, $250.00; McKesson, $2,779.42; Medical Enterprises, $450.00; Mighty Ducts, $365.00; Nebraska Child Support, $130.00; Nebraska Total Office, $105.54; Nein Pharmacy, $89.56; Off Broadway, $154.50; Orkin, $70.00; Panhandle Partnership, $100.00; Paul Evans, $20.00; Petersen Drug & Home Care, $5,254.36; Petty Cash, $200.00; Protec Systems, LLC, $99.00; Rehab Solutions, $6,678.34; Rick Oenning, $54.88; Riverside Lumber, $6.98; Rural Health Development, $9,785.00; Rwpc Multispecialty, $63.41; Scott Linders, $400.00; Simplified Office Solutions, $67.36; Sonnys Super Foods, $511.43; Sourcegas, $2,293.17; Staples Credit Plan, $270.65; State Payroll Taxes, $2,735.30; Sysco Denver, $6,212.24; The It Mechanics, $769.00; The Tarnished Halo, $264.97; Trail City Supply, $224.13; USPS, $200.00; Unum Life Insurance, $729.24; Verizon Wireless, $79.98; Victor Cornelius, $48.40; Vicki Vaughn, $464.80; Visa, $84.35; Workplace Pro, $11.95; Workwear On Wheels, $1,456.72; WPS Medicare, $65.00; Total Expenses, $10,3727.12; Payroll, $71,079.25 15. Council Member Myers stated that he has a conflict with the claim submitted by Bridgeport News Blade for Skyview at Bridgeport; Council Member Myers then excused himself. Council Member Harless moved to approve the claim submitted by Bridgeport News Blade, seconded by Council Member Plummer. Roll call resulted as follows: Aye: Harless, Plummer, Lussetto; Not Voting, Excused: Myers; Nay: None. Motion carried. 5 Council Member Myers rejoined the Council. 16. Council Member Myers moved to approve the remainder of claims for Skyview at Bridgeport, seconded by Council Member Plummer. Roll call resulted as follows; Aye: Lussetto, Myers, Plummer, Harless; Nay: None. Motion carried. 17. Received two dryer bids: Mitchell Refrigeration, Gering NE - $6,300.00; R.J. Kool Company, Kansas City, MO - $6,231.94. Mitchell Refrigeration charges one way for service calls and has come down many times on the weekends while R.J Kool Co service calls would come from Denver, CO. The Mitchell Refrigeration bid included a three-year parts and service warranty, and the R.J. Kool bid included a 90-day Labor Warranty. After a discussion of Mitchell Refrigeration’s previous work for the City, which included some issues with work on Skyview’s air conditioners in summer 2014, Council Member Myers moved to accept the bid of $6,300.00 from Mitchell Refrigeration for two dryers, to replace one dryer immediately, and to replace the second dryer within six months under the same bid without going through the bidding process, seconded by Council Member Plummer. Roll call resulted as follows; Aye: Harless, Lussetto, Plummer, Myers; Nay: None. Motion carried. VI. REGULAR AGENDA 18. Emergency Items. None 19. Fire Chief Troy Robertson was approached about conducting a Live Fire Exercise on two buildings located on the 900 block of L Street. He contacted the State Fire Marshall which approved the live fire training and also stated there would have to be a few requirements which would have to be met at the cost of the owner before they could proceed with the training. Mayor and Council stated they are in favor of the training but first need to check on the City’s responsibility if damage occurs to other buildings. 20. City Administrator Fellhoelter was approached by Bankcard Group Account Manager, Crystal Lehl with fee comparisons between our current Wells Fargo Merchant Services credit card provider and her company. Council directed Fellhoelter to get more information and bring back to the April meeting. 21. Fellhoelter stated he is working on the animal ordinance and added some language to the ordinance to include fowls and asked if Council wanted to specify a quantity to the fowl number. He will check with the County 4-H to see if there is a limit on how many poultry animals a participant can show and use that as a basis for the quantity in town and he will bring the final ordinance to the April meeting for approval. 22. Fellhoelter presented a list of occupation taxes from other communities to compare with the City’s occupation tax list. Council Member Plummer, Lussetto and Mayor Berg will work to revise the list and present to the next council meeting. 23. Fellheolter presented to the Council a request to purchase a sewer camera in the amount of $10,714.00. He stated it can be taken out of the street sinking fund as it will be used for storm sewer maintenance as well as sanitary sewer maintenance. Council Member Harless made a motion to purchase the storm sewer camera out of the Street Sinking fund, seconded by Council Member Myers. Roll call resulted as follows; Aye: Lussetto, Plummer, Myers, Harless; Nay: None. Motion carried. 24. Fellhoelter stated he would like to start a Capital Improvement Plan this year to inventory the City’s infrastructure and to develop a plan on replacing infrastructure. Currently, the City has an unused iPad that was purchased several years ago. Administrator Fellhoelter stated that he would like to use this iPad for mapping and recording data for the Capital Improvement Plan. VII. REPORTS 25. Police: Police Chief Hunt stated the 2008 police vehicle has some issues with the timing belt and also the 2005 police vehicle is having some transmission problems. Chief Hunt is working on some quotes and will present to council to see what they want to do. 6 Police Chief Hunt also addressed the Council if they would be interested in revisiting the idea of combining the Bridgeport Police Department with the Morrill County Sheriff’s Office. A move like this would relieve some of the staffing issues the police department has been experiencing. Sheriff Milo Cardenas presented the Council some preliminary numbers at the request of Chief Hunt and Administrator Fellhoelter. Further discussion on this issue will take place at later City Council meetings. Public Works: Superintendent Kautz discussed power to the bus barn and the water meter at the old high school. Administration: City Clerk Huck and Deputy Clerk Jimenez will be in training March 25-27 in Kearney. Fellhoelter attended the NPPD annual meeting in Gering. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business, the Mayor entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Myers made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m., seconded by Council Member Harless. Roll call resulted as follows: Aye: Harless, Lussetto, Plummer, Myers; Nay: None. Meeting Adjourned. Doretta J Huck, City Clerk/Treasurer APPROVED: ____________________________________ J.W. Berg Mayor I, the undersigned Clerk, hereby certify that the foregoing is the full, true and correct original document of proceedings of Tuesday, March 17, 2015, had and done by the Mayor and City Council; that all of the subjects included in the proceedings were contained in the agenda for the meeting, kept continually current and available for public inspection at the office of the Clerk; that such subjects were contained in said agenda for at least twenty-four hours prior to the meeting; that at least one copy of all reproducible material discussed at the meeting was available at the meeting for examination and copying by members of the public; that the said minutes were in written form and available for public inspection within ten working days and prior to the next convened meeting of said body; that all news media requesting notification concerning meetings of said body were provided advance notification of the time and place of said meeting and the subjects to be discussed at said meeting. ____________________________________ Doretta J. Huck City Clerk/Treasurer
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