Letter provided to Tree Committee from Laurie

May 1, 2015
Tree Committee of Saint Helena
1480 Main Street
St. Helena, CA 94574
Subject: 1250 Spring Brook Court new residential construction project
We live in (as full time residents) and own our home at 2070 Spring Street. The entire back of our
property will face the potentially huge development at the above address. This residential project
appears to be a shoehorned in to the size of the lot. The plans (A1 through A3) that we reviewed on
March 21, 2015, shared by Jeff and Laurel Howard neighbors of 1250 Spring Brook Court, could
potentially harm the majestic oaks along Spring Creek and Spottswoode Vineyards that we have enjoyed
since purchasing our property 17 years ago.
Our concern is a large portion of the proposed building site is very close to a "blue line" creek with what
appears to be heritage California Oaks growing on both sides of the creek. The architect plans show
very symmetrical (round) canopies from several of the oaks along the creek. We are concerned that
these plans do not accurately show the true canopy and potential drip lines from each of the trees.
From a bird’s eye view, this development will take up almost every inch of allowed space from the lot’s
The current plans as we have seen bring a couple questions to mind. Is there a way to confirm the true
canopy of these oaks that are on the architects drawings? How does one ensure the new structure
conforms to those setbacks and protects the oaks? Can you build that close to the creek and the
heritage California Oaks as shown in their plans? What precautions must be made to protect those
trees during building?
We invite any member from the Committee to visit our back yard and visualize the scope of this project.
We will happily walk to the edge of above address. We ask you to look into this current project and
make sure it meets all aspects of our city ordinances. It would be a shame to lose any of these beautiful
oaks along the creek.
Jeff and Laurie Conwell
963-1568 or brushflys@gmail.com