A RTHUR E. W RIGHT C OMMUNITY S CHOOL 1520 J EFFERSON A VENUE W INNIPEG MB R2P 1K1 (204) 632-6314 F EBRUARY 2014 NEWS Middle years students performing at AEW’s famous winter concert on January 29. Story on page 6. February 3 Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL February 17 Louis Riel Day - NO SCHOOL February 24 Kindergarten Registration Begins (9:30am-3pm) February 25 K - 8 Math Night (6:30pm-8pm) February 28 Middle Years Winterfest (All Day) A.E. WRIGHT COMMUNITY SCHOOL IS A CARING COMMUNITY OF LEARNERS DEDICATED TO RESPECTFUL RELATIONSHIPS, RESPONSIBLE ACTIONS, AND LIFELONG LEARNING. IMPORTANT DATES for 2014 can be found at: http://www.7oaks.org/school/aewright We are requesting that No Scents be worn into the school as we have some staff members and students very allergic to scents. Thank-you for your cooperation! I NSIDE THIS ISSUE : INFO FOR PARENTS 2 MUSIC 6 COMMUNITY 7 STAFF FEATURE 8 FEBRUARY 2014 PAGE 2 NEWS K - 8 Math Night Tuesday, February 25 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Parents and children welcome! Come and see what math looks like at A.E.Wright! James Nisbet Nursery School (located at Ecole James Nisbet School, 70 Doubleday Drive) Open House and Registration Monday, March 3, 2014 6:30-8pm We are now offering four classes! 2 or 3 sessions per week AM or PM nursery school options for children 3 to 5 years old. Please visit our website www.jnns.ca for more information phone: 204-953-1193 email: nisbetns@mymts.net A $50 non-refundable deposit (cash or cheque) is needed to register. Lunch Reminder Forks and spoons are not provided by the school during lunch hour. If you require a fork or spoon - PLEASE PACK THEM. SEVEN OAKS SCHOOL DIVISION Invites the Community to the 2014 - 2015 Public Budget Consultation Meeting The Board of Trustees of the Seven Oaks School Division invites the public to an open meeting to discuss the 2014-2015 school year budget. The purpose of the meeting is to inform the public about funding provisions and current budget discussions and to invite comments on educational and budget initiatives. Monday, February 24th, 2014 – 7:00 p.m. West Kildonan Collegiate - Library 101 Ridgecrest Avenue PAGE 3 CREE and OJIBWE LANGUAGE CLASSES 2014 Seven Oaks School Division is once again pleased to offer language classes in Cree and Ojibwe to its division community The Ojibwe classes will run as a 12 week program on Wednesday evenings from 4:30-6:30pm at Elwick Community School, 30 Maberley Road. This series will incorporate experiential learning opportunities and work to build community through interactive learning. Mark your calendar to include these dates: February 5th, 12th, 26th March 5th, 12th, 19th 26th April 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th The Cree classes will run as a 12 Week program on Monday evenings from 4:30-6:30 at the Murdo Scribe Building, 510 Selkirk Avenue. This series will incorporate experiential learning opportunities and work to build community through interactive learning. Mark your calendar to include the following dates, February 10th, 17th, 24th March 3rd, 10th, 17th 24th, 31st April 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th *A light snack will be provided at each class. The last class will be a celebration of learning that will include a feast! For more information please contact Bernadette Smith bernadette.smith@7oaks.org 204-250-7253 If you are an employee of 7 Oaks School Division please register on Employee Connect PLEASE FILL OUT THE ATTACHED REGISTRATION FORM We look forward to seeing you there! *Class dates are subject to change PAGE 4 SOSD ABORIGINAL LANGUAGES REGISTRATION FORM Cree & Ojibwe Applicant Information: Name: Address: City: Phone number: , Province: Emergency Contact Person: Phone Number: Postal Code: Relationship: E-Mail Address: Choose a Language Program: Teacher: Shirley Cook Teacher: Pat Ningewance Have you taken a language program before? Are you of Aboriginal descent? Cree __ Ojibwe __ YES___ NO___ YES___ NO___ PLEASE SUBMIT REGISTRATION FORM TO: Bernadette Smith Email: bernadette.smith@7oaks.org Fax: 204 632-6198 Mail: 1520 Jefferson Avenue Telephone: 204-250-7253 If you are a staff member of the division (i.e EA, teacher, admin, bus driver) please register on employee connect to participate. PAGE 5 Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) Winnipeg and Active and Safe Routes to School present: A Family Winter Cycling Celebration Friday, February 14, 2014; 4-7 pm at the Forks *Programming will begin on the hour at 4pm, 5pm and 6pm* Try it, Love it! Bring your bikes and get ready for a good time! Join in on: - A child-friendly clinic on winter cycling with MEC Kids of Mud coaches - Test ride a winter road safety course - Join our Group Ride Leaders for a fun cycle up the Riverwalk - Warm up with hot cocoa & smores by the bonfire - Meet other families that love to ride, and stay active outdoors! - Learn more about MEC Kids of Mud Mountain Biking Club! If you have any questions about this fun, family event please do not hesitate to contact MEC at 204-9434202 or visit the website for more information! http://events.mec.ca/event/13714/family-winter-cycling-celebration Submitted by: Greg Wazney Seven Oaks School Division Physical and Health Contact A VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR PARENTS/GUARDIANS Are you trying to reach our School, yet find yourself using Google and calling the wrong location ? That is because the Google Search App is sometimes incorrect in searching Schools in Seven Oaks School Division. The Seven Oaks Website is found at www.7oaks.org and we encourage you to add it to your IPhone, IPad, Computer or add our school’s phone number to your frequently dialed phone numbers on your home/cell phone. You will always be able to reach us on the first try ! Visit the Seven Oaks School Division Website www.7oaks.org to keep updated on current events in Seven Oaks, (including Transportation information) and our Divisional Calendar and visit each school’s webpage to see what’s happening there ! FEBRUARY 2014 NEWS PAGE 6 T From the Music Room, We have weathered the cold month of January and hopefully, February will bring us warmer temperatures! In the music room the students have been keeping warm actively working on Orff instruments! They are learning many musical skills and the intermediate students are learning how to accompany their singing with 1, 1V, and V chords! In February we will continue to learn musical concepts in recorder, movement, and singing games. The Grade 5s and Ms. Sharma's Grade 4/5 class will be attending the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra Concert on March 25th. We will be preparing musical selections that will deepen their understanding of major works that will be performed. There will be a Grade 3-5 Spring Concert taking place in May! We are waiting for our application of lights / staging to be finalized! TBA ( to be announced) ! Stay tuned! Ms. J Deck CONGRATULATIONS! The Middle Year Winter Music Celebration was a great success! All groups (with a total of over 150 students) that performed were in top shape and full of energy. Our big gym was filled to the max, standing room only! And with so many of our wonderful staff in attendance to help and support, how could it have been anything other than fabulous :) It was a night of firsts. The following groups made their debut: Junior Choir, Indian Instrument Ensemble, Chamber Ensemble, the Senior Choir, and even a percussion extravaganza by Mrs. Bunkowsky, Mr. Dempsey, and Ms. Czarnecki! Here are a few pictures of the night: Musically yours, Mama K (also know as Ms. Keeler) FEBRUARY 2014 PAGE 7 NEWS COMMUNITY COORDINATOR NEWS MOTHERS, DO YOU WANT TO HAVE BETTER COMMUNICATION WITH YOUR DAUGHTERS? Seven Oaks School Division Advancing Community Schools will be offering an 8 week program called “Mothers and Daughters in Touch” It is designed for mothers and their daughters 9 -11 years of age. The program uses different activities, some with moms and daughters together, some with them in different groups. The Mothers and Daughters in Touch program focuses on skill building for both mother and daughter. Some of the information covered will be: Learning to hear and respect each others feelings Developing strategies to deal with peer pressure Learning how to be an approachable parent Understanding the meaning of a healthy body image and what contributes to one. Gain knowledge and skills to cope with changes during puberty The weekly sessions are a time for the two of you to have some fun, uninterrupted time together and enhance the mother-daughter relationship. W HEN : W EDNESDAY F EBRUARY 19/14 – A PRIL 16/14 (N O CLASS DURING S PRING B REAK ) 6:30 – 8:30 P . M . W HERE : E COLE R IVERBEND 123 R ED R IVER B LVD . Cost: A commitment to your child that you will attend all 8 weeks to the best of your ability. To register or for more information, please call Cheryl at 339-1964. The group is limited to a maximum of 12 mother/daughter teams. FEBRUARY 2014 NEWS PAGE 8 Name: Mr. Turner (Superman) Grade Level Taught This Year: Grade 7/8. Before coming to Arthur Wright, I… taught in this school division for 10 years. What I like most about teaching is… working with kids and helping them achieve their goals. If I weren’t teaching, I would… probably be an NHL superstar. When I’m not teaching, I enjoy… movies, golfing, hockey and spending time with family. One of my most vivid memories… is meeting Wayne Gretzky for the very first time and of course the birth of my children. In my iPod right now is… Snoop Dogg and Taylor Swift. My favourite foods are… spaghetti, pizza, basically anything with flavour. What I’m reading right now is… “Anchorboy” by Jay Onrait.
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