1st Annual Gathering: March 7, 2015 Saturday Nagaajiwanaang Waakanawendangig Anishinaabemowin Maawanji’idiwin “The gathering of the ones who are trying to take care of the language at Fond du Lac” Time of Event: 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Community Feast: 1:00 p.m. Location: Fond du Lac Ojibwe School Gymnasium 49 University Drive•Cloquet, MN 55720 Meet and Greet the new FDL Anishinaabemowin Coordinator: Dr. Janis A. Fairbanks Language Advisory Board Thomas Howes - Chair Tara Dupuis - Vice Chair Veronica Smith - Secretary Wayne Dupuis Jennifer Johnson Dawn LaPrairie Vicki Reynolds Amik Larry Smallwood For more info, contact: Fond du Lac Reservation Anishinaabemowin Coordinator Janis A. Fairbanks, Ph.D. 1720 Big Lake Road Cloquet, MN 55720 218-878-7351 janisfairbanks@fdlrez.com With Waasobiik Anna Gibbs, Special Guest Here is your chance to help build the new Fond du Lac Reservation Ojibwe language program. YOUR OPINION AND IDEAS COUNT! Come and see language activities in action. Language table activities for all ages and speaker levels. FEATURED LANGUAGE VIDEO BY WAASOBIIK ANNA GIBBS: Gaa-ondinang Dakwaanowed Makwa (How the Bear Got It’s Short Tail). Spiritual Blessing at 11:00 a.m. Food following blessing Door Prizes, fun and games! Speaker: Dr. Janis Fairbanks Speaker: Leslie Harper DVD showing: Anna Gibbs Possibility Thinking: Comments by practicing language program teachers Who’s Who in Ojibwe Language? Lyz Jaakola Ojibwe videos
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