Ojibwemodaa.2! Lets all speak Ojibwe! Biindigen!; Come in! Welcome! Ojibwemowin involves niiwin (4) skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. We’ll use the Double Vowel writing system and resource, The Concise Dictionary of MN Ojibwe, by John Nichols & Earl Nyholm. Respectfully ask an elder or friend to be your “Learning Oji-Pal”. Abinoojiiwin•Infancy The younger a child is exposed to Ojibwemowin, the easier it is to learn and carry forward. Give their gifts. Use these at home with our Nation’s youngest. Oshki-nitaawigiwin•Young Adult From teens who were asked their favorite words and ideas about learning. ••Akiiwin - It is Earth ••Ogimaa - Chief, leader, boss ••Gizaagi’in. - I love you. ••Bakwezhigaans - Cracker ••Atoonowin - Canoe Making ••Niin - Me, I ••Mishiimin - Apple ••Mishiiminaaboo - Apple Juice ••Dadibaajimo - S/he tells a story. ••Giin - You ••Doodooshaaboo - Milk ••Omooday - Bottle ••Gichi-bikwaakwad - Basketball ••Waabooyaan - ••Ditibiwebishkigan - Bicycle Aaniin N O I G Blanket BEZHIG-1 minik ••Mitaawangaa. - It is a beach. H O N G I M migiziwag? ••Bikwaakwad - Ball ••Odaabaan (ag) - Car (s) O A K I I O O ••Ziinzibaakwadoons ••Odaabii’iwe. -S/he drives. O A K I I W I N Candy, Little Sugars F B I N A N O A T *Long voiced vowels: ••Aanziyaan - Diaper, AA (baa), E (cafe’), W A A B O O Y A A N Traditional mens apron. II (teen), OO (moo) N A J O G R D A B K E ••Aanziyaanens - Little *Short voiced vowels: A (about), I (tin), diaper I N K M I S H I I M I N NISWI NIIWIN NIIZH-2 Find 10 underlined words in the puzzle. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Nitaawigiwin •Adult Nouns: Persons, Places or Things. Speakers must consider if the noun is Living/Animate/NA or non-living/ Inanimate/NI. How do you know? •Most times animate nouns plurals end in g. -g, -ag, -wag, -yag, -oog, -iig. Mitig - Tree Mitigoog - Trees Most nouns are obviously living (a him or her) others can be specialties. NA: Miigwan-Feather, MiigwanagFeathers. Asin-Rock, Asiniig-Rocks Miskomin, Miskominag - Raspberries NI: Waanzh-Den, Waanzhan-Dens Ode’imin, Ode’iminan-Strawberries Miin-Blueberry, Miinan-Blueberries Zaaga’igan, Zaaga’iganiin -Lakes Verbs root words must match the living or non-living nouns. Waabam! See him/her! Niwaabamaag asiniig. Waabandan! -See it! Niwaabandaanan miinan. ~Anishinaabeg Online Resources~ ••Inanimate nouns •Dictionary - www.freelang. plurals end in “n”. -n, net/online/ojibwe.php -an, wan, -oon, -iin Waabigwan-flower •Michigan Language Resources: Waabigwaniin www.anishinaabemdaa.com// flowers •Clipart:www.school-clip-art.com I P C O M S A D A L A R Z I T A A N Z I Y A A N H Q K W A O M O O D A Y O (only) A glottal stop ‘ is a voiceless nasal sound hesitation as in oh-oh Gichi-aya’aa•Elder Izhinikaazo Aabita-Niibino-Giizis wa’aw giizis. -She is named Halfway1. -oon Summer-Moon-July this moon. Noun Animate: NA-Plurals. 2. -ag Miskwaabiimizhiig-Dogwoods Giizhikag-White Cedars 3. miinan Asemaag-Tobaccos Noun Inanimate: NI- Plurals. 4. asemaa Wiingashkoon-Sweetgrasses Mashkodewashkoon-Sages Root VTA & VTI: 1. Gibagidinaa ____________. Bagidin!-Offer him/her! (You offers h/h tobacco.) Bagidinan! Offer it! 2. Nindonaabandaanan _____. (I gather up/pick blueberries). 3. Iwidi gitigaaning niibowa wiingashk______. (Over theree in the garden there is plenty sweetgrasses.) 4. Mawinzodaa! Ninzaagi’aag ingiw miskwomin______. (Lets all pick berries! I love them those raspberries.) © 2011 Shelly Ceglar - copy for family & classroom use only :-) Miigwech to Bagley and Chisholm, MN High Schools for supporting students who were enrolled in the MSC Online High School course entitled Beginning Ojibwe Language and Traditions spring semester.. Using online curriculum assignments & activities, audio, video, phones, & realtime Skype conferencing, the ladies were successful! “Howah!” shout out to Hannah, Leslielyn and Millie. Thoughts to add, language resources or announcements to share? >> email zhingwaak@cpinternet.com
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