17 Introduction to the conference International Conference on City Sciences New architectures, infrastructures and services for future cities Taking place in Shanghai, the paradigm of challenges for future cities and a crossroad itself between East and West, the International Conference on City Sciences brings together academics, policy makers, industry analysts, providers and practitioners to present and discuss their findings. In particular, the new science of cities encompasses rather different approaches. Future cities place citizens at the core of the innovation process when creating new urban services, through “experience labs”, the development of urban apps or the provision of "open data". But future cities also describe the modernization of urban infrastructures and services such as transport, energy, culture, etc., through digital ICT technologies: ultra-fast fixed and mobile networks, the Internet of things, smart grids, data centers, etc. Therefore, it can be said that there is an increasing awareness of the need to deploy new infrastructures to support updated public services and of the need to develop new services able to share information and knowledge within and between organizations and citizens. In addition, urban planning and urban landscape are increasingly perceived as a basic infrastructure, or rather a framework, where the rest of infrastructures and services rely upon. Thus, as an overarching consequence, there is an urgent need to discuss among practitioners and academicians successful cases and new approaches able to help to build better future cities. 1 2 Brief Introduction to Tongji University Brief Introduction to Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Tongji University is one of the leading universities in China underdirect administration of Ministry of Education, listed on “Project 985” and “Project 211”. With a history of over a century, Tongji has valued the balanced development of four functions, i.e. education, research, outreach, and culture inheritance and innovation. The history of Tongji can be traced back to 1907 when German Medical School was founded by Erich Paulun, a German doctor in Shanghai. The university offers 75 undergraduate majors (50 of which are enrolling students according to 17 broad disciplinary categories).It can grant master degrees in 55 broad academic disciplines, together with 15 professional Master’s programs and 26 engineering Master’s programs. It also grants PhD degrees in 31 broad academic disciplines with 3 professional PhD programs and 25 post-doctoral mobile research stations. Of all the disciplines, 3 are first-level national key disciplines, 7 second-level national key disciplines, 3 second-level national key disciplines (incubated), and 17 first-level Shanghai disciplines. There are 3 State Key Laboratories, 1 National Engineering Lab, 5 National Engineering (Technology) Research Centers, and 26 ministerial/provincial-level key labs and engineering (technology) research centers as well as 7 affiliated hospitals and 4 affiliated high schools. As a guarantee of the training of future generations, the UPM combines the four main pillars of a modern higher education institution: teaching, knowledge generation, the transfer of this knowledge to the productive sectors and the dissemination of the scientific and technological knowledge as an exponent of the global service that a higher education institution must be rendered to our society. Located in the Greater Madrid area (Comunidad de Madrid), this university offers its students an exceptional scientific and intellectual environment. The UPM was founded in 1971 by bringing together all the Superior Technical Schools (Escuelas Técnicas Superiores) which until then were part of the Superior Technical Institute (Instituto Politécnico Superior). The University Schools (Escuelas Universitarias) were integrated in 1972. However, the majority of the UPM Centers have existed for more than two centuries. For this reason it is no exaggeration to state that a large part of the history of Spanish technology for more than one and a half centuries has been written by the Schools of Architecture and Engineering of the UPM. The majority of the greatest figures in Spanish teaching and research have passed through its lecture halls as students or teachers. Nowadays, the UPM still continues to lead the way in standards of excellence in teaching, research and public service. 3 Programme - June 4th Brief Programme June, 2015 / SSC@TU Thursday, June 4th Friday, June 5th Day 1 Day 2 8:30 –9:30h 8:30 –9:30h Registration and Welcome Keynote speech 9:30-11:00h Keynote Speech Morning Noon Afternoon Evening 15:15-15:45 Coffee Break 15:45-17:15 Parallel Sessions Session/venue 08:30-9:30 Prof. Wujiang Registration and Welcome Vice-Rector of Tongji Welcome Address Prof. LI Zhenyu Bell Hall Auditorium, Building B, College Dean of College of Architecture and Urban of Architecture and Urban Planning Planning Keynote 1 Prof. WU Jiang Title: Comtemporary Urbanization and Vice-Rector of Tongji the Challenges Facing by China 9:30 – 11:00 14:00 – 15:30h Parallel Sessions Keynote 2 Title:The city of the future. A UPM Initiative. An integral and quantitative approach to cities. Keynote 3 Title:Shanghai 2040——Urban Renewal 15:30-17:00 Plenary Session-Workshop Conclusion and wrap-up Speaker Host: LI Xiangning 9:30-11:00h Parallel Sessions 11:00-11:30 11:00-11:30 Coffee Break & Group Photo Taking Coffee Break & Photo Picking 11:30-12:45 11:30-13:00 Plenary session-workshop Energy Plenary Session-Workshop management infrastructures and The challenges of implementation: the comapplication panies’ view 12:45-13:45 13:00-14:00 Lunch Lunch 13:45 – 15:15 Plenary session-workshop Transportation infrastructures and urban planning Time 11:30 – 12:45 18:00-20:00 Dinner and networking event 13:45 – 15:15 Plenary session-Workshop Energy management infrastructures and applications Bell Hall Auditorium, Building B, College of Architecture and Urban Planning Plenary session-Workshop Transportation infrastructures and urban planning Bell Hall Auditorium, Building B, College of Architecture and Urban Planning Prof. Javier UCEDA Former Rector of UPM Director of Future Cities Institute at UPM Prof. ZHAO Baojing Deputy director of Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute Director of Shanghai Urban Public Space Design Promotion Center Chair: Prof. TAN Hongwei (Tongji University) Speakers: Prof. Paulina BEATO(UPM/Repsol) Prof. Perry YANG (Georgia Tech/Tongji) Chair:Prof. José María EZQUIAGA (UPM) Speakers: Mr. Ivo CRE(Polis,EU) Prof. ZHANG Lun (Tongji University) Ms.Rachel NOLAN(Former minister of Queensland) Parallel Sessions Environment; Practical cases I; 15:45 – 17:15 Transportation B1, C1, D1, College of Architecture and Urban Planning 18:00-20:00 4 Networking Sino French Center 5 Programme - June 5th Time Session/venue Keynote Speakers Speaker Host: LI Xiangning WU Jiang Prof. Iñaki ABALOS Speech: Comtemporary Urbanization and the Challenges Facing by China Chair of the Department of Architecture at Harvard GSD Javier UCEDA Registration Bell Hall Auditorium, Building B, College of Architecture and Urban Planning 08:30-9:30 Keynote 1 Title: Ecological Urbanism Keynote 2 Title:Smart City Coordinated by ransdisciplines 9:30 – 11:00 Prof. WU Zhiqiang Vice-Rector of Tongji Parallel Sessions Energy and Urban Planning; Smart Cities; Architecture Dr. Linxue LI Full Prof. of College of Architecture and Urban Planning, PH.D. Supervisor Speakers: Mr. Jesús Andrés del Río (Engineering Green Businesses) Ms. Irene TRUJILLO (INGENOR) Prof. Youngsun KWON (KAIST) 14:30 – 15:30 Parallel Sessions B i g D ata a n d I C T; P ra c t i c a l c a s e s II 15:30 – 17:00 6 Deputy director of Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute Director of Shanghai Urban Public Space Design Promotion Center Speech:Shanghai 2040——Urban Renewal 8: 30-9: 30 June 5, Bell Hall Auditorium, Building B, College of Architecture and Urban Planning Iñaki ABALOS Chair of Department of Architecture GSD Harvard University. Director of the Laboratorio de Tecnicas y Paisajes Contemporaneos (2002) and Chaired Professor and Director of the Master in environmental and landscape studies in the Architecture School of Madrid. He has been Visiting Professor in Columbia University (New York), Architectural Association (London), EPFL (Lausana), Princeton University (New Jersey) and Cornell University (Ithaca). Speech: Ecological Urbanism B1, C1, D1, College of Architecture and Urban Planning Plenary session-Workshop A holistic view on new infrastructures for future cities Plenary SessionWorkshop Conclusion and wrapup Bell Hall Auditorium, Building B, College of Architecture and Urban Planning Former Rector of UPM, Director of Future Cities Institute at UPM. He is currently Full Professor in Electronics in the Automatic Control, Electronic and Computer Engineering Department at UPM.His research activity has been developed in the fields of Power Electronics and Digital Electronic Systems where he has participated in numerous national and international research projects. His main contributions are in the field of switched–mode power supplies and dc/dc power converters for telecom and aerospace applications. ZHAO Baojing Chair: Prof. LI Linxue 11:30 – 13:00 Vice-president of Tongji University, President of IESD (Tongji Institute of Environment for Suatainable Development). He has engaged in teaching Western Architectural History and Theory and doing researches on history and its protection of Shanghai’s modern cities and architecture. he wrote many monographs such as "Shanghai Century architectural history," "Shanghai alleys", "Protection of Historical and Cultural Scene Area Planning and Management". Speech:The city of the future. A UPM Initiative. An integral and quantitative approach to cities B1, C1, D1, College of Architecture and Urban Planning Plenary session-Workshop The challenges of implementation: the companies’ view Bell Hall Auditorium, Building B, College of Architecture and Urban Planning 9: 30-11: 00 June 4, Bell Hall Auditorium, Building B, College of Architecture and Urban Planning Chair: Prof. Jose Manuel PAEZ (UPM/ WU Zhiqiang HARVARD) Vice President of Tongji University, Honorary Fellow of American Institute of Architects, Chief Planner of EXPO 2010 Shanghai. His research interests include the urban spatial development strategy study for Shanghai, foreign investment in the Chinese building and construction industry, developing environmental assessment systems for the Chinese building industryand sustainable development. Speakers: Prof. Ajit JAOKAR (forumoxford - Oxford University) Prof. LI Xiangning (Tongji University) Speech:Smart City Coordinated by transdisciplines Prof. Sotiris VARDOULAKIS (Public Health England) 7 Speakers Parallel Sessions 15:45-17:15,4th June Enviroment (Place B1) paper 49 Julio Lumbreras Javier Pérez Michel Vedrenne Encarnación Rodríguez paper 50 Rafael Borge Julio Lumbreras David de La Paz Javier Pérez Juan Manuel de Andrés Christina Quaassdorff paper 10 Ignacio Lopez Buson Mary Polites Greenhouse Gas emissions from alternative waste management technologies in a city. The case of Madrid (Spain) Development of urban air quality plans and measures in Madrid (Spain) under a multi-scale air quality modeling approach Emergent Urban Natures Practical cases 1 - Architecture (Place C1) Coordination Analysis of Architectural Complex Planning Base on BIM and GIS Technology Xiahong Hua Jiawei Liu A Study on the Activity Inclusion of Public Open Space in Community Complex - The Case of the Plaza of Touch City paper 22 Juan Carlos Cardenal Alonso Bilbao transformation Trasportation (Place D1) paper 47 Guillermo Velázquez Andrés Monzón paper 40 Laura Viviana Roja Reyes 8 paper 31 Shajie Zeng Weida Fan Smart mobility in madrid: ex-ante survey for a transportation mobile app Alternative transport system and services integration. bicycle stations and bike lane consolidation proposal for bogotá-colombia. 9 Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions 9:30-11:00, 5th June Energy and urban planning (Place B1) 14: 00 -15:00, 5th June Big data and ICT (Place B1) paper 29 Dong Liu Erwu Liu Yi Ren Zhengqing Zhang Rui Wang Xuefeng Yin Fuqiang Liu paper 25 Youngsun Kwon John Yinger Predicting and explaining changes in urban structure using an urban simulation model paper 54 Zhi Zhuang Building energy load predition based on monitoring data for urban energy planning paper 52 Yibo Chen Hongwei Tan Yong Lei Lizhen Wang Regional Potentiality of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation on Residential Roof Based on a 3E-GIS Database Smart cities (Place C1) paper 8 Luis Guillermo Martinez Ballesteros Oscar Alvarez Alvarez Jan Markendahl Paper 9 Amirhossein Ghanbari Óscar Álvarez Jan Markendahl paper 42 Victoria Fernandez-Anez Yara Falakha 10 Quality of Experience (QoE)-based service differentiation in the smart cities context: Business Analysis Horizontalization of Internet of Things services for Smart Cities through redefinition of Business Modeling Smart Cities definition: discourses and stakeholders paper 19 Borja Sallago Zambrano paper 34 Zhang Malu Long Hao Yang Ning Energy based Sequence Detection Algorithm with Multi-Slot for Cognitive Radio Networks Domestic big data. cluster tool for the analysis, assessment, diagnosis and design of the contemporary collective housing in dense city centres A Brief Discussion on Medical Building Evaluationfeedback System under the Background of Big Data Practical cases 2 (Place C1) paper 48 Daniel Sarasa paper 23 Alessandro Melis Alexander Figg Emanuele Lisci Thomas Auer Citizen engagement through open city making. The case of Zaragoza's Open Urban Lab Urban strategies for achieving positive development in Christchurch (New Zealand) through a new infrastructure system for a region of the inner city Dynamic development of spatial structure — paper 35 University Campus Reconstruction mode Ying Cao, Dandan Zhao and Zheng Li. 11 Posters Organizing Committee Coffee break Big data and ICT (Place B1) Poster 22 Juan Carlos Cardenal Alonso Poster 39 Raffaele Sisto Javier Garcia Lopez Paula Alamán Herbera David Duque Anaya Poster 41 Zhang Malu Long Hao Yang Ning. 12 First Name Bilbao transformation Last Name Institution Claudio Feijoo Technical University of Madrid / Tongji University Xiangning Li Tongji University José María de Lapuerta Technical University of Madrid José Manuel Paez Technical University of Madrid / Harvard University Scientific Committee Global City Scientists Campus of the future UPM First Name Last Name Institution Michael Batty University College London Paulina Beato Technical University of Madrid Francisco Burgos Technical University of Madrid Qijun Chen Tongji University Ivo Cre POLIS (European Cities and Regiones Networking for Innovative Transport Solutions) José María De Lapuerta Technical University of Madrid José María Ezquiaga Technical University of Madrid Claudio Feijoo Technical University of Madrid / Tongji University Javier García Germán Technical University of Madrid Óscar Garcia Technical University of Madrid Narciso Garcia Santos Technical University of Madrid Ginés Garrido Technical University of Madrid José Luis Gomez Barroso National University of Distance Education José Antonio Herce University Complutense of Madrid Ajit Jaokar Oxford University Youngsun Kwon Spectrum and Future Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 13 Scientific Committee First Name 14 Last Name Institution Sven Lindmark Studies Media Information Telecomunication Julio Lumbreras Technical University of Madrid Ali Malkawi Harvard University Jan Markendahl Royal Institute of Technology Gianluca Misuraca European Commission Andrés Monzon Technical University of Madrid José Manuel Paez Technical University of Madrid / Harvard University Sergio Ramos National University of Distance Education / Technical University of Madrid Knud Erik Skouby Aalborg University Hongwei Tan Technical University of Madrid Javier Uceda Technical University of Madrid Guangbin Wang Technical University of Madrid Jiang Wu Tongji University Zhiqiang Wu Tongji University Perry Yang Georgia Tech/Tongji University Xuefeng Yin Tongji University Bernardo Ynzenga Technical University of Madrid Lun Zhang Tongji University Yee Jurng Jae Dong-A universirty (Korea) Yasunori Akashi University of Tokyo(Japan) Yoshiyuki Shimoda Osaka University(Japan) Yong Tao University of North Texas(USA) Host Organizer: Co-organizer: Tongji University,Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Sino-Spanish Campus College of Architecture and Urban Planning Master in City Science International Student Conference on Environment and Sustainability Supporter: 15 Host Tongji University,Universidad Politécnica de Madrid “ingeniamos el futuro” Organizer: Co-organizer: 16 Sino-Spanish Campus College of Architecture and Urban Planning Master in City Science International Student Conference on Environment and Sustainability 17 Host Tongji University,Universidad Politécnica de Madrid “ingeniamos el futuro” Organizer: Co-organizer: 16 Sino-Spanish Campus College of Architecture and Urban Planning Master in City Science International Student Conference on Environment and Sustainability
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