DRAFT VERSION Joint Meeting of Working Groups 1 and 5 of INLA Venue: ENRESA Headquarters, Calle Emilio Vargas, 7-28043 Madrid Date: 26-27 May 2015 I. Tentative agenda Evening Tuesday 26 May Social dinner courtesy of ENRESA – venue to be announced. Wednesday 27 May 9.00am Welcome Participants – introductory words by Chairpersons of WG1 and WG5 9.15am Plenary Session: what do you want from your Working Groups? 9.45am Discussion of work and objectives leading to Inter Jura Congress, Delhi, 2016 11.00am Coffee Break 11.30am 11.30am 1.00pm WG1 presentations Karoly Tamas, ITER General Counsel – update on the challenges of the ITER project, and applicability of nuclear law to fusion. Ana Stanic, Enhanced Nuclear Safety – reprise a presentation to WNN. Ian Truman - reflections and update on licensing and permitting of new nuclear installations in the UK. 1.15pm 2.15pm Lunch Break (venue: ENRESA) 2.15pm WG5 session Time schedule vis-à-vis Inter Jura Congress 2016, Delhi 2.30pm Proposals for further study: 2.50pm 2.50pm NORM and contaminated lands (Nuria Prieto Serrano), distribution of responsibilities (Benjamin Maquestieau) Presentations 4.00pm Tobias Heldt – Competencies of European regulators in the nuclear field. Anoeska Buijze, RENFORCE – private actors in the nuclear sector. Note - all speakers still subject to confirmation as to title of presentation and attendance. We will aim to have concluding remarks around 4.00pm to allow parties to depart for the airport together if possible. II. Venue ENRESA Headquarters, Calle Emilio Vargas, 7-28043 Madrid (Spain) Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, S.A. See the location on the map by clicking <here> III. Registration Please report your availability for attendance to Łukasz Młynarkiewicz, Secretary to WG1 (Mlynarkiewicz@gmail.com). IV. Participation fee There is no participation fee. V. Language The meeting will be held in English. VI. Accommodation Each participant is kindly requested to directly make his/her own reservation. Recommended hotel near ENRESA: Confortel Atrium (2 minutes walk from ENRESA), 70€ + 20 € buffet breakfast http://www.confortelatrium.com/ Recommended hotels in the historical center of Madrid (the prices are approximate for single rooms): 1. Room Mate Alicia in Plaza Santa Ana, about 140 €/night + 10 € breakfast http://alicia.room-matehotels.com/ 2. NH Collection Palacio de Tepa, 225 € including breakfast, http://www.nh-collection.com/es/hotel/nh-collection-madrid-palacio-de-tepa 3. Catalonia Las Cortes, 110 € + 19 € buffet breakfast, http://www.hoteles-catalonia.com/ProcesoReserva/ReservationHandler 4. Catalonia Puerta del Sol, 80€ + 19€ buffet breakfast, http://www.hoteles-catalonia.com/en/our_hotels/europa/spain/madrid/madrid/hotel_catalonia_puerta_del_sol/index.jsp VII. Transport from airport Airport “Adolfo Suárez” with direct connection to the metro. Note: ENRESA is not in the historical center. There are no metro stations near ENRESA offices (taxi recommended, otherwise Bus). VIII. Organizing Committee Mr. Ian Salter (Ian.Salter@Burges-Salmon.com) – Chaiperson of WG1 Ms. Nuria Prieto Serrano (nprs@enresa.es) – Chairperson of WG5 Mr. Łukasz Młynarkiewicz (mlynarkiewicz@gmail.com) – Secretary to WG1 Mr. Benjamin Maquestieau (b.maquestieau@nirond.be) – Secretary to WG5
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