150526 3-24-15 ORDINANCE NO. 2967 8 An ordinance changing the zoning classification on the following property: BEING a tract of land in City Block M13363; fronting approximately 101.10 feet on the southeast line of Bishop Avenue north of Neches Street; and containing approximately 0.33 acre, from Subdistrict 1A within Planned Development District No. 830 to Subdistrict lB within Planned Development District No. 830; amending Article 830, “PD 830,” of Chapter 5 1P, “Dallas Development Code: Planned Development District Regulations,” of the Dallas City Code; amending Sections 51P-830.103, 51P-830.105, 51P-830.109, and 51P-830.121 to reflect the new Subdistrict 1B; providing a new subdistrict map; replacing the Exhibit A (property descriptions of subdistricts) attached to Ordinance No. 28745 as amended, with the Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 28745 attached to this ordinance; providing a penalty not to exceed $2,000; providing a saving clause; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date. WHEREAS, the city plan commission and the city council, in accordance with the Charter of the City of Dallas, the state law, and the ordinances of the City of Dallas, have given the required notices and have held the required public hearings regarding the rezoning of the property described in this ordinance and this amendment to the Dallas City Code; and WHEREAS, the city council finds that it is in the public interest to change the zoning classification and amend Article 830 as specified in this ordinance; Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DALLAS: Z145-137(WE)(Amend PD 830) Page 1 - 29678 150526 SECTION 3. That Subsection (f) of Section 51P-830.105, “Interpretations,” of Article 830, “PD 830,” of Chapter 51P, “Dallas Development Code: Planned Development District Regulations,” of the Dallas City Code is amended to read as follows: Subdistricts 1, 1A, j 3, 4, [a4] 8, and 8A of this district are considered to be “(f) residential zoning districts. Subdistricts 3A, 5, 6, 6A, and 7 are considered to be nonresidential zoning districts.” SECTION 4. That Section 51P-830.109, “Use Regulations and Development Standards in Subdistricts No. 1 and 1A: Bishop Avenue,” of Article 830, “PD 830,” of Chapter 51P, “Dallas Development Code: Planned Development District Regulations,” of the Dallas City Code is retitled as Section 51P-830.109, “Use Regulations and Development Standards in Subdistricts 1, 1A, and 1B: Bishop Avenue.” SECTION 5. That Paragraph (7), “Office Uses,” of Subsection (a), “Uses,” of Section 51P-830.109, “Use Regulations and Development Standards in Subdistricts 1, 1A, and 1B: Bishop Avenue,” of Article 830, “PD 830,” of Chapter SiP, “Dallas Development Code: Planned Development District Regulations,” of the Dallas City Code is amended to read as follows: “(7) Office uses. Office. [Permitted only as part of a MURP in Subdistrict 1. Permitted by right in Subdistrict 1A and lB.] -- Medical clinic or ambulatory surgical center [Permitted by ri,’ht in Subdistrict lB only. 1” -- SECTION 6. That Subsection (f), “Dumpsters,” of Section 51P-830.109, “Use Regulations and Development Standards in Subdistricts 1, 1A, and 1B: Bishop Avenue,” of Article 830, “PD 830,” of Chapter SiP, “Dallas Development Code: Planned Development District Regulations,” of the Dallas City Code is amended to read as follows: “(f) Dumpsters. Dumpsters are prohibited in Subdistrict 1A and lB.” Z145-137(WE)(Amend PD 830) Page 3 - 29678 SECTION 7. 150526 That Paragraph (3) of Subsection (a), “In General,” of Section 51P- 830.121, “Signs,” of Article 830, “PD 830,” of Chapter 51P, “Dallas Development Code: Planned Development District Regulations,” of the Dallas City Code is amended to read as follows: Except for A-frame signs, movement control signs used for parking, and “(3) monument signs in Subdistricts1 [ai4] 1A, and lB detached signs are prohibited.” SECTION 8. That Paragraph (1) of Subsection (e), “Monument Signs,” of Section 51P830.121, “Signs,” of Article 830, “PD 830,” of Chapter 51P, “Dallas Development Code: Planned Development District Regulations,” of the Dallas City Code is amended to read as follows: Monument signs are only permitted in Subdistricts 1, 1A, “(1) Subdistrict 6A, the entire property is considered one lot.” SECTION 9. and 6A. In That the subdistrict map, Exhibit 830A of Article 830, “PD 830,” of Chapter 51P, of the Dallas City Code is replaced with the Exhibit 830A attached to this ordinance. SECTION 10. That the property description, Exhibit A attached to Ordinance No. 28745, as amended, is replaced by the Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 28745 attached to this ordinance. SECTION 11. That, pursuant to Section 51A-4.701 of Chapter 51A of the Dallas City Code, as amended, the property description in Section 1 of this ordinance shall be construed as including the area to the centerline of all adjacent streets and alleys. SECTION 12. That a person who violates a provision of this ordinance, upon conviction, is punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000. Z145-137(WE)(Amend PD 830) Page 4 - 29678 150526 SECTION 13. That the zoning ordinances of the City of Dallas and Chapter 51P of the Dallas City Code, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by this ordinance. SECTION 14. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance are severable and are governed by Section 1-4 of Chapter 1 of the Dallas City Code, as amended. SECTION 15. That this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication, in accordance with the Charter of the City of Dallas, and it is accordingly so ordained. APPROVED AS TO FORM: WARREN M.S. ERNST, City Attorney By Assistant City’Attorney MAR 2 5 2015 Passed_________________________ Z145-137(WE)(Amend PD 830) Page 5 - 2967 8 GIS1AproQec Exhibit A Legal Description 1114 N. Bishop Ave Proposed Subdistrict lB Being Tract 34 in City Block M13363, City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: POiNT OF COMMENCEMENT at the intersection of the Southeast line of North Bishop Avenue (a 100 foot right of way), with the North line of Neches Street (a 60 foot right of way) said point being in a curve to the right having a central angle of 7 degrees 55 minutes, 42 seconds and a radius of 523 feet with a chord that bears North 21 degrees 02 minutes 09 seconds East and chord distance of 72.31 feet; THENCE Northeasterly with the said Southeast line of North Bishop Avenue and with said curve to the right a distance of 72.37 feet to the end of said curve and iron stake for corner; THENCE North 25 degrees East continuing with the said Southeast line of North Bishop Avenue, a distance of 90.53 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 24, Block M/3363 an iron stake for corner to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE, North 25 degrees East, along the said Southeast line of North Bishop Avenue, a distance of 101.10 feet to the Southwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to Eldon K. Siebel and H.T. McSwain on 5/13/60, an iron stake found for corner; THENCE, South 56 degrees 30 minutes East, leaving the said Southeast line of North Bishop Avenue and proceeding with the said Eldon K. Siebel and H.T. McSwain tract’s South line, a distance of 132.56 feet, an iron stake set for corner; Z145-137(WE)(Exhibit A)- Page 1 26 2 9 6? 8 GIS1ApoQed5 THENCE South 32 degrees 25 minutes West, a distance of 100.00 feet to the most Easterly corner of a tract of land convey to Marie Davis Scott 8/28/61, an iron stake set for corner; THENCE North 56 degrees 30 minutes West with the Northeasterly line of said Marie Davis Scott’s tract, a distance of 119.50 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 0.33 acres. Z145-137(WE)(Exhibit A)- Page 2 26 £1b( 0 H— i 150526 \\ EXHIBIT 830A LH H S HIHHH H ZZR - AVE CEO HI LEEW ILLÜ EELW [IIW ILILE ji rTr1 mm ri S LJ_LLJJ LE I - LJ__ S WOODLAWN S - AVE EJIE J I EEW E IEI ]LH ELJ 1T rrrm i1TTR TJTllTTT T HT 1 LLiJiLL±IiL i i ‘ S zL LLJJ±LL J_LJ_LLLL_LJ__ AVE HAINES 5 iLLi±LL LLLLL z rrjm wmm rrmim WE T: E’T171TEF — — ci.. o . 1]J H AVE BISHOP --- - r •••_S 4” [iT UJ1 L LWH LJ iLLL 1 1JJJ LLL LWL LLL JZJ* Li _LLLL r S — S _S c;• m AVE MADISON ‘i I- . Li rj 0 — LL fl p. ri -il-i S LilLL WLLLLL AVE ELSBETH TT1TJ1 ErTrr1flTi I H WiJJ LLLLL TJTI S S m 0 L_J 0 1,1 ZANG 7// / / BLVD - f—_ 5 S - BLVD ZANG S - S - — __ __ if BECKLEY fl AVE _75 Th -EJI+H EIILH, WED OR_ ST I NW I I-. J+ - WEEH Z134-I45 (Amend PD 830 create new Subdistrict lB_formerly SD IA Tract 2) — ___ — - _______ TF-T1-1 LU FTffl 7TH r—- ST DAVIS —-—— --j 1TTEEfl —- —-T-I--1—-T--1 ST ST —-—---—-—---—-r-—----—---- HELBA rrpi L_iiLL SUNSET T1 r AVE I _ —rT ST — 1 1 __ 1 -fl 1 F Tr-Iri :T] fF iT ____ __________ — rT1 -r--—i----—]----f--y-fl Li _ TF- JJ -- --— - BLVD - _ [—iF— LU rr i iLLULi g F- flflj1T 1E 9TH BLVD ST LL F- j /1 Page 2 of 9 Z14s-137 LU I rJL [TiTTJ III F JEFFERSON LL TT —a Ii LUJi fl JLLLLLU TITr ryJrL rT JJ LL±LLLLI LLLLL Li i LU 1 I L _LLLftLLLL rTTTrJ (Subdistrict 3 stGardenD RE P111W T LL I 1 JEFFERSON J L__ I- LllU LILLLJ Lb EUiLL ri—i— LJ_.Lli1jLU I LL J1 H I ElI FTP LU J LkULLH [LULULUJU F- Lli__L±L L_L.’ L___ILLW LIP_JILl r1fTTTi I u——-—---— J —-— 1] LU LU LLLU L i :LLL i LThW IL [LU i Lb__ IL[UL) tW JiHILU1 LLLIIII[PH LEEL[L[U p rjji [LU Li IL1 [UTLZ LLLZ [JIlL [LfliULu:LU_LU LULU I i H LULLIJLLJJ LLLLLiihL 11W LLIL11ILT [11 PLUJL LII 1TYL r-mr1 Th - 10TH LLLLJJ [Li iliiiL T ILJJ±LJJLLUJiLL LLLL] LUlL LL 00 LLL[JILTLLLLU lli_1LLL LZu 1 1I I I T - [ T JI IJJ - — T [L_l.Lj. T fl1mFF-F-T7 PD 830 TRACT MAP Contains 12 Subdistrjcfs, Subdistricts 6, 7 and 8A have multiple areas Subdistrict 3, and 3A East Garden District and Bishop Arts Branch Library IJIL I LLLL_I F- L___ I j LiJrrPR1T liiL idL El 1i RE I I iL J J AVE SUNSET [flJIU T I r-ri Prtnted Date: 3/20/2015 1:4, 800 I-Y [LIlu O / / / / _____ ________ DR -1-i KIOD SPRINGS tH / /i’ / /‘ I ST r L r I I _ BISHOP HEIGHTS PL LB JLi_LJz’ 3 - - / CULPEPPER ————---——---——---—H - 1 L -; -EH-HF I PD 8301 ‘Subdistrjct 4t Kidd Springs Park ST - _ - —— H - 6TH j —_____ T __ __ __ - F EZ — ST __ 1 Jfl HZZ i H__ i f/rZz WINSTON /1 t_LLi±LllL. 1 fT -riFrrr1 /1/I PD 830 TRACT MAP Contains 12 Subdistricts, Subdistricts 6, 7 and 8A have multiple areas Subdistrict 4 Kidd Springs Park WINSTON / I/ jJJ’fLLiLhLLL_i __ __ __ Kidd Springs CANST LJ H H LLLL 1 / H 1:2,600 Printed Date: 3/20/2015 _ZE p——-- — L ___J F HH H--- -H —— _-_..--_i - Z145-137 Page 3 of 9 F I 00 F% 1:1,224 Printed Date: 3/20/2015 In 0 a- —, — L_._L ST II PD 830 (Subdistrict 5) Kings Highway Gateway // DAVIS _J —-—TPH —S—— PD 830 TRACT MAP Contains 12 Subdistricts, Subdistricts 6, 7 and 8A have multiple areas Subdistrict 5 Kings Highway Gateway / 1 / L L Z145-237 Page 4 of 9 2 > :1: C S 0I Co a 2 C In 1:5,600 Printed Date: 3/20/2015 0 PD 830 TRACT MAP Contains 12 Subdistricts, Subdistricts 6, 7 and 8A have multiple areas Subdistrict 6 (west half) and 6A Davis Corridor 1145137 Page 5 of 9 _______ QA1 NZ 9NVZ H JLuJ*i AV Hi3S LLJLLW HJIILLJ J.:TfT LHJLJLJ rFTnfln-T Efl LiH1 ThrTl U±LiLJ NOSIGVW AV I— W___ i—i LL rrTTTT1 LLLLLLLILYLLLLiiILLJ i AV dOHSI rmrETTl JPTrH1 HT1 E1 E1 Eih LJ i bLi I LH EzL F1 Li EEllL ThIEW EHLW JWT1JL E 0 — — AV m 11IH Co .0 Liii H— 0 •0 .0 H— Li ‘3 AV H —-1 Li H LWL Li Is I J - // fl> rm I iHdH Li rrr-WW1ThLiLi [TiLiLVo8IrnIH H /// H H 8196Z ft P’.’J. VI US ci.1wiofIIi p!Jspqn5 &%.U ___ LJ3O8 (Id puwy) / / E1 /— ____J HEH HL IS )flOd ET TTfl;J1 AV J3WOT1IM H JLWLWi rn H HUHHHTH ‘a LLL_LLJ r m rTr7J rT m1 AV N LLLLL JTT I NOINI1D — rrTll ffli JTJ] H ii LH hLL Li L LihLL J L AV LLi hLLJ G1IdG H rTfJi 1 HH J T LLiLi LhLJL L_J rllTrn AV rT1TT NNOGNIM fl ihmLw ],W rTT LLJi LJ rL JTTT LLLLi ‘a JThfl TTLi LJ_ LLLLtJLLH flV1DINOW 9 Oi VO8 IIqIHXI 8196 —] I— us 0 -J DAVIS ST _____i_i __hE __ _____ ____ __ FOURAKER ! ST ___IT_i-_Li- LL LLJ L_ ! 8TH ST - — rUTE1FTTL ST iLJJJ - ST flE FOURAKER fr rTT1T T r1 1 fl1J T T TTTTTTTT1 I: ULL±LLLI.Li il1JL.IILJJ iJi LL o rT z 10TH ST _LJ 9TH ST flU _LL_LL__I_LJ__i HLTII T fiTh fi ELLJLEP ELLkLIJ[ HILlEl Ti1TT1 Ti Ui L.. I. rr ..LIL. L_h_i L i_JLI__L I iiTTTT flLTTf1 Page 8 of 9 Z145-137 rJTJ L L JHIJ hti 11W rT-i1r _L___LJ_L LI_i PD 830 TRACT MAP Contains 12 Subdistricts, Subdistricts 6, 7 and 8A have multiple areas Subdistrict 8 West Garden District R1ffHU flUThJTLThTiL rTTTJT1 SLLJILLIi T J LJPT WJL L’Lliflr 1 EL LLLLJIJ1L LLLIJ. L EJLLiLLI LL.WILLIIJ UJLLJ. LU flHH Efh EJLTTTflI ELL 1W [HIP L1Ei 0 I— TTr 1:3,600 Printed Date: 3/20/2015 Co S.,.’ • < I— LU 0 1:2,400 Printed Date: 3/20/2015 0 Sc 9TH ir ___ H_ N -— — 1 ____ j 8TH ST - ST 4- T -L T’ i_iLLL_LI T T F4ELBA L L_ —F- (Subdistrict 8A) West Garden District LJ -J Ui LU, (Subdistrict 8A) WestaidenDisf-ict L ETTJTJi KTTTTLJ JT[i - L_JL fTJ TT ui_LilU ST I PD 830 TRACT MAP Contains 12 Subdistricts, Subdistricts 6, 7 and 8A have multiple areas Subdistrict 8A West Garden District Ui > 0 > 0, 03 Li_LLL ± -i-i L I H Z145-137 Page 9 of 9 2961 EXHIBIT “A” 150526 GIS_Approved Subdistrict 1 (Bishop Avenue) Subdistrict 1 is comprised of the previously zoned PD 160 (Tract 2A), MF-2(A) Multifamily and LO-1 Limited Office districts on the following described property (“the Property), to wit: BEING the north 50 x 150 feet of Lot 6 in City Block 1/3323; all of Lot 5 in City Block 1/3323; Lots 6 through 10 in City Block 6/3328; Lots 6 through 10 in City Block 7/3329; Lots 4 through 6 in City Block 12/3334; Lots 6 through 8 and the northern 37.5 feet and mid 50 feet of Lot 9 in City Block 13/3335; Lots hA, 12A and 14 through 20 in City Block 35/3355; Lots 19C, 190, 19E, 19F, 19G, 19H, and 19J in City Block 40/3360; Lot 23-A, Lots 24 through 31, Tract 33(0.4016 acs), Lot 34, and Lots 2 throughl8 all in City Block M/3363; Lots 1 through 5 in City Block 14/3336; Lots 1 through 3 in City Block 11/3333; Lots 1 through 5 in City Block 813330; Lots 1 through 5 in City Block 5/3327; Lots 2 through 4 in City Block 2/3324; and generally bounded by Haines Avenue to the west, Colorado Boulevard to the north, Madison Avenue to the east, and Davis Street to the south, containing approximately 33.49 acres. Save and Except that area of an interior tract of land, which is Subdistrict hA, Tract 2 described below. Subdistrict lA-Tract 1 Being Lot 10 and the South 12.50 feet of lot 9 in Block 13/3335 of Miller & Stemmons Addition to the City of Dallas, according to the map thereof, recorded in Volume 1, Page 25 of the Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a found % inch iron rod on the North line of Fifth Street (60 foot right-of Page 1 ofl4 Z96(5 EXHIBIT “A” 15052 GIS_Approved way) on the West line of N. Bishop Avenue (100 right-of-way) and being the Southeast corner 10; Thence South 89 degrees 24 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 152.63 feet (plat 153.00 feet) along the North line of said Fifth Street to a found 1/2 inch iron rod on the East line of a 12 foot alley and the Southwest corner of Lot 10; Thence North 00 degrees 11 minutes 39 seconds West a distance of 110.00 feet along the East line of said alley and the West line of Lot 10, passing at 97.50 feet the common West corner of Lots 9 and 10, continuing for a total distance of 110.00 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod; Thence North 89 degrees 24 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 153.00 feet to a found 5/8 inch iron pipe of the East line of Lot 9 and the aforesaid West line of N. Bishop Avenue; Thence South passing at a distance of 12.50 feet the common East corner of Lots 9 and 10, continuing for a total distance of 110.00 feet along the West line of N. Bishop Avenue to the Point of Beginning, containing 16,809 square feet of 0.386 of one acre of land. Subdistrict lB Being Tract 34 in City Block M/3363, City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: POINT OF COMMENCEMENT at the intersection of the Southeast line of North Bishop Avenue (a 100 foot right of way), with the North line of Neches Street (a 60 foot right of way) said point being in a curve to the right having a central angle of 7 degrees 55 minutes, 42 seconds and a radius of 523 feet with a chord that bears North 21 degrees Page 2 of 14 29678 150526 EXHIBIT “A” GIS_Approved 02 minutes 09 seconds East and chord distance of 72.31 feet; THENCE Northeasterly with the said Southeast line of North Bishop Avenue and with said curve to the right a distance of 72.37 feet to the end of said curve and iron stake for corner; THENCE North 25 degrees East continuing with the said Southeast line of North Bishop Avenue, a distance of 90.53 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 24, Block M/3363 an iron stake for corner to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE, North 25 degrees East, along the said Southeast line of North Bishop Avenue, a distance of 101.10 feet to the Southwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to Eldon K. Siebel and H.T. McSwain on 5/1 3/60, an iron stake found for corner; THENCE, South 56 degrees 30 minutes East, leaving the said Southeast line of North Bishop Avenue and proceeding with the said Eldon K. Siebel and H.T. McSwain tract’s South line, a distance of 132.56 feet, an iron stake set for corner; THENCE South 32 degrees 25 minutes West, a distance of 100.00 feet to the most Easterly corner of a tract of land convey to Marie Davis Scoff 8/28/61, an iron stake set for corner; THENCE North 56 degrees 30 minutes West with the Northeasterly line of said Marie Davis Scott’s tract, a distance of 119.50 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 0.33 acres. Subdistrict 3 (East Garden District) Page3ofl4 29678 EXHIBIT “A” 15052 G1S_Approved Multifamily, D(A) MF-2(A) of zoned previously comprised of portions is Subdistrict 3 Duplex, LO-1 Limited Office, MU-i Mixed Use, CS Commercial Service Districts on the following described property (“the Property”) to wit: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the centerline of North Vernon Avenue with the westerly projected centerline of an alley in City Block 155/3214; THENCE in a northerly direction along the centerline of North Vernon Avenue to the point of intersection with the centerline of West 10th Street; THENCE in a westerly direction along the centerline of West 10th Street to the point of intersection with the southerly projected common line between Lots 8 and 9 in City Block 169/3228; THENCE in a northerly direction along said common line, crossing the alley and continuing north along the common line between Lots 12 and 13 (platted) in City Block 169/3228 projected to the point of intersection with the centerline of West 9th Street; THENCE in an easterly direction along the centerline of West 9th Street to the point of intersection with the centerline of North Van Buren Avenue; THENCE in a southerly direction along the centerline of North Van Buren Avenue to the point of intersection with the westerly projected centerline of an alley in City Block 147/3206; THENCE in an easterly direction along the centerline of said alley in City Block 147/3206 to the point of intersection with the centerline of North Llewellyn Avenue; THENCE in a northerly direction along the centerline of North Liewellyn Avenue, crossing West 9th Street, Melba Street, and West 8th Street to the point of intersection with the westerly projected centerline of an alley in City Block 4/3144; Page4ofl4 29678 150526 EXHIBIT “A” GIS Approved THENCE in an easterly direction along the centerline of said alley to the point of intersection with the centerline of North Adams Avenue; THENCE in a southerly direction along the centerline of North Adams Avenue to the point of intersection with the westerly projected centerline of an alley in City Block 26/31 46; THENCE in an easterly direction along said alley centerline running through City Blocks 26/3146, 27/3147 and 28/3148, crossing North Bishop Avenue and North Madison Avenue, to the point of intersection with the southerly projected common line between Lots 12 and 13 in City Block 28/3148; THENCE in a northerly direction along said common lot line projected to the point of intersection with the centerline of West 8th Street; THENCE in an easterly direction along the centerline of West 8th Street to the point of intersection with the centerline of Zang Boulevard; THENCE in a southerly direction along the centerline of Zang Boulevard, crossing Melba Street, West 9th Street and West 10th Street to the point of intersection with the easterly projected centerline of an alley running through City Block 41/3161; THENCE in a westerly direction along the centerline of said alley to the point of intersection with the centerline of North Madison Avenue; THENCE in a northerly direction along said centerline of North Madison Avenue to the point of intersection with the centerline of West 10th Street; THENCE in a westerly direction along the centerline of West 10th Street to the point of intersection with the centerline of North Bishop Avenue; Page 5 of 14 29678 EXHIBIT “A” GIS_Approved THENCE in a southerly direction along the centerline of North Bishop Avenue to the point of intersection with the easterly projected centerline of an alley in City Block 43/3163; THENCE in a westerly direction along said alley centerline running through City Blocks 43/3163, 44/3164 and between Blocks 145/3204 and 146/3205, and running through Block 155/3214, said alley centerline crosses, North Bishop Avenue, North Adams Avenue, North Llewellyn Avenue, and North Van Buren Avenue, projected westerly to the point of intersection with the centerline of North Vernon Avenue, to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing approximately 76.01 acres. Subdistrict 3A (Bishop Arts Branch Library) Lots 19 and 20, Dallas Land and Loan Company’s Addition No. 2 to Oak Cliff and Lot hA, North Oak Cliff Community Library Addition Dallas City Block No. 42/3162 BEING that certain tract of land located in the George L. Leonard Survey, Abstract No. 770, in the City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the centerline of North Bishop Avenue with the westerly projected centerline of an alley in City Block 42/3162; THENCE in a northerly direction along the centerline of North Bishop Avenue to the point of intersection with the centerline of West 10th Street; THENCE in an easterly direction along the centerline of West 10th Street to the point of intersection with the centerline of North Madison Avenue; Page 6 of 14 29678 150526 EXHIBIT “A” GIS_Approved THENCE in a southerly direction along the centerline of North Madison Avenue to the point of intersection with the easterly projected centerline of the aforementioned alley in City Block 42/31 62; THENCE in a westerly direction along the centerline of said alley in City Block 42/31 62, projected westerly to the point of intersection with the centerline of North Bishop Avenue, to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing approximately 2.22 acres. Subdistrict 4 (Kidd Springs Park) Subdistrict 4 is comprised of portions of PD No. 160 Tracts 1A, MF-2(A) Multifamily, D(A) Duplex, and TH-3(A) Townhouse Districts on the following described property (“the Property”), to wit: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the centerline of Canty Street and the centerline of Van Buren Avenue; THENCE, in an easterly direction along the centerline of Canty Street to the point of intersection with the southerly projected centerline of an alley between the west half of City Block 3445 and the east half of City Block 3445; THENCE, in a northerly direction along the centerline of said alley and continuing north along said alley centerline between City Block 3386 and 3387 to the centerline of th 5 Street; THENCE, in an easterly direction along the centerline of th 5 Street to the centerline of Cedar Hill Avenue; THENCE, in a southerly direction along the centerline of Cedar Hill Avenue, crossing th 6 Street, Canty Street and Neeley Street to the point of intersection with the southern offset of Neeley Street on the west; Page 7 of 14 29678 1 EXHIBIT “A” GIS_Approved THENCE, in a westerly direction along the southern offset of Neeley Street to the intersection with the centerline of Van Buren Street; THENCE, in a northeasterly direction along the centerline of Van Buren Avenue to the point of intersection with the centerline of Canty Street, THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing approximately 18.57 acres. Subdistrict 5 (Kings Highway Gateway) Subdistrict 5 is comprised of a previously zoned CS Commercial Service District on the following described property (“the Property”), to wit: BEING all of (platted) Lots 9 and 10 in City Block 194/3198; Lots 1 through 3 in City Block 172I3197; Lots 1 through 3 in City Block 9/3197; Lot 4 in City Block A/3197; Lots 11 and 12 in City Block 173/3232; and all the remaining portions of Lots 1 through 3 on the east side of Polk Street, in City Block 8/3462; and all of the remaining portions of Lots 5 through 8 in City Block 3/3459 and containing approximately 5.16 acres. Subdistrict 6 (Davis Corridor) Subdistrict 6 is comprised of portions of previously zoned D(A) Duplex, MF-2(A) Multifamily, R-7.5(A) ,CR Community Retail, Tract 2, R-7.5(A) , PD 631 (LCO) Tract 5, PD 631 (MCO) MF-2(A) Multifamily, TH-3(A) Townhome, CS Commercial Service portion with (deed restrictions Z778-181) and P(A) Parking Districts on the following described property (“the Property”), to wit: BEING all of City Block D/5127; Lot 7 in City Block 5127; Lots 4 and 5 in City Block A/5127; Lots 10 through 12 in City Block 1/331 8; and City Block 4547and; Page 8 of 14 29678 150526 EXHIBIT “A” GIS_Approved BEING Tracts 21, 22, 31(also called Tract 4) and 32 in City Block 5943; Tracts 1 and 2 in City Block A/5943; Lots 1 through 5 in City Block A15936; Lots I though 4 and 15 in City Block B15937; Lot 1A and 34B in City Block G15942; Lots 16 and 17 in City Block 214703½; Lots 12 through 17 and Tract 18 in City Block 4548; Lot 1A in City Block 1/4569; Lots 2 through 4 in City Block 4569; Lots 7 through 10 in City Block 4570; Lot 1A, lB and 2 in City Block A14568; Lots 1 through 3 in City Block A/4574; Lot 1 in City Block 4568 and Tract 2 in City Block 4568; all of City Block 4572, and all of City Block 4573 and; BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the centerline of Tyler Street with the centerline of Fouraker Street; THENCE, in an easterly direction along the centerline of Fouraker Street to the point of intersection with the centerline of Van Buren Avenue; THENCE, in a northeasterly direction along the centerline of Van Buren Avenue to the point of intersection with the centerline of the southern offset of Neely Street; THENCE, in an easterly direction along the centerline of the southern offset of Neely Street to the point of intersection with the centerline of Cedar Hill Avenue; THENCE, in a southerly direction along the centerline of Cedar Hill Avenue to the point of intersection with the westerly projected common line between Lots 8 and 9 in City Block D/3437; THENCE, in an easterly direction along said common line projected easterly, to the point of intersection with the centerline of an alley in City Block D/3437; THENCE, in a southerly direction along said alley centerline to the point of intersection with the westerly projected common line between Lots 6 and 7, 7-A and 7-B in City Block D/3437; Page9ofl4 29678 150526 EXHIBIT “A” GIS_Approved THENCE, in an easterly direction along said common lot line projected to the point of intersection with the centerline of Woodlawn Avenue; THENCE, in a southerly direction along the centerline of Woodlawn Avenue to the point of intersection with the westerly projected common line between Lots 27 and 28 in City Block 3437; THENCE, in an easterly direction along said common lot line, crossing an alley in Block 3437 continuing along the common line between Lots 1 and 2 in the same Block; to the point of intersection with the northerly projected common line between the west 47.50 feet and the east 100 feet of Lot 1 in City Block 3437; THENCE, in a southerly direction along said common lot line to the point of intersection with the centerline of Davis Street; THENCE, in a westerly direction along the centerline of Davis Street to the point of intersection with the centerline of Adams Avenue; THENCE, in a southerly direction along the centerline of Adams Avenue to the point of intersection with the centerline of th 7 Street; THENCE, in a westerly direction along the centerline of th 7 Street, crossing Llewellyn Avenue, Van Buren Avenue, and Vernon Avenue to the point of intersection with the northerly projected common line between Lots 18 and 19 in City Block 172/3231; THENCE, in a southerly direction along said common line to the point of intersection with the centerline of an alley in City Blocks 172/3231; THENCE, in a westerly direction along said alley centerline to the point of intersection with the centerline of Tyler Street; Page 10 of 14 29678 150526 EXHIBIT “A” GIS_Approved THENCE, in a northerly direction along the centerline of Tyler Street, crossing th 7 Street and Davis Street, to the point of intersection with the centerline of Fouraker Street, THE PLACE OF BEGINNING and; BEING the north 50 feet of Lot 8 in City Block 2/3324; all of Lot 1 and Lot 8 in City Block 3/3325; all of Lot 1 in City Block 3367; all of Lot 6A in City Block A/3367; all of Lots 1 and 2 in City Block 19/3135; all of Lots 5, 6A, and 9A in City Block 12/31 36; all of Lots 8 through 14 in City Block 1/31 41: all of Lots 8 through 10 (said lots originally platted as 11, 12 and 13) in City Block 21/3141, north of the alley running through City Blocks 1/3141 and 21/3141; all of Lots 9 and 10 in City Block 21/3141, located south of the alley running through City Blocks 1/3141 and 21/3141; and containing approximately 105.01 acres. **Note Subdistrict 6 includes all of Davis Street thoughout this district Subdistrict 6A (Davis Corridor) Being all of the (remainder of) Lot 9 and all Lots 10, 11 in City Block 4548. Subdistrict 7 (Winnetka Heights Village) Subdistrict 7 is comprised of three (3) previously zoned CR Community Retail districts within the Winnetka Heights Village District on the following described property (“the Property”), to wit: BEING all of Lots 1 and 2 in City Block 25/3476; Lots 1, 2, 17 and 18 in City Block 21/3474; all of Lot 3 in City Block 17/3472; all of Lots I and 2 in City Block 13/3464; and Lots 15 through 18 in City Block 7/3461; and Lots 9 and 10 in City Block 8/3462, and containing approximately 4.23 acres. Page 11 ofl4 29678 150526 EXHIBIT “A” GIS_Approved Subdistrict 8 (West Garden District) Subdistrict 8 is comprised of previously zoned R-5(A) Residential and D (A) Duplex districts on the following described property (“the Property”), to wit: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the centerline of th 7 Street with the northerly projected common line between City Blocks 194/3253 and 9/3261; THENCE, in an easterly direction along the centerline of th 7 Street to the point of intersection with the northerly projected common line between Lots 12 and 13 in City Block 173/3232; THENCE, in a southerly direction along said common line to the point of intersection with the centerline of an alley in City Block 173/3232; THENCE, in an easterly direction along said alley centerline to the point of intersection with the northerly projected common line between Lots 9 and 10 in City Block 173/3232; THENCE, in a southerly direction along said common line, approximately 70 feet, to the point of intersection with a line that is 50 feet north of the southwest corner of Lot 10 in City Block 173/3232; THENCE, in an easterly direction along said dividing line in Lot 10 to the point of intersection with the centerline of Tyler Street; THENCE in a northerly direction along the centerline of Tyler Street to the point of intersection with the westerly projected centerline of an alley in City Block 172/3231; Page 12 of 14 29678 EXHIBIT “A” GIS_Approved THENCE, in an easterly direction along said alley centerline to the point of intersection with the southerly projected common line between Lots 18 and 19 in City Block 172/3231; THENCE, in a northerly direction along said common line projected north to the point of intersection with the centerline of th 7 Street; THENCE, in an easterly direction along the centerline of th 7 Street to the point of intersection with the centerline of Llewelllyn Avenue; THENCE, in a southwesterly direction along the centerline of Llewelllyn Avenue, crossing th 8 Street, Melba Street, and th 9 Street, continuing to the point of intersection with the easterly projected centerline of the alley in City Block 147/3206; THENCE, in a westerly direction along the centerline of said alley to the point of intersection with the centerline of Van Buren Avenue; THENCE, in a northerly direction along the centerline of Van Buren Avenue to the point of intersection with the centerline of Street; THENCE, in a westerly direction along the centerline of gth Street to the point of intersection with the southerly projected common line between Lots 3 and 3-A in City Block 170/3229; THENCE, in a northerly direction along said common lot line, projected north to the point of intersection with the centerline of an alley in City Block 170/3229; THENCE, in a westerly direction along the centerline of said alley to the point of intersection with the centerline of Tyler Street; Page 13 of 14 29678 150526 EXHIBIT “A” GIS_Approved THENCE, in a northerly direction along the centerline of Tyler Street to the point of intersection with the easterly projected centerline of an alley between City Blocks 174/3233 and 175/3234; THENCE, in a westerly direction along said alley centerline, crossing N. Polk Street, and continuing along an alley centerline in City Block 193/3252 to a point for corner on the east line of Lot 3 in City Block 22/3262; THENCE, in a northerly direction along the common line between City Blocks 22/3262 and 193/3252, continuing north along the common line between City Blocks 9/3261 and 194/3253, projected north to the centerline of th 7 Street, THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing approximately 44.68 acres. Subdistrict 8A (West Garden District) Subdistrict 8A is comprised of (2) previously zoned NS (A) Neighborhood Service Districts on the following described property (“the Property”), to wit: BEING all of the north 50 x 60 feet of Lot 10 in City Block 173/3232 and Lots 1, 2 and 1/2 of Lot 3 in City Block 170/3229 and containing approximately 0.67 acres. Page 14 of 14 29678 150526 j 0 WICKFORD ST PD 160 (Tract 1B) NECHES ST PD 830 (Subdistrict 1) Bishop Avenue PD 160 (Tract IC) W 5TH ST ZONING MAP :2,400 Case no: Z145-137 1213012014 150526 PROOF OF PUBLICATION - LEGAL ADVERTISING The legal advertisement required for the noted ordinance was published in the Dallas Morning News, the official newspaper of the city, as required by law, and the Dallas City Charter, Chapter XVIII, Section 7. DATE ADOPTED BY CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NUMBER DATE PUBLISHED___ MAR25 2015 29678 MAR28 2015 ATTESTED BY: OFFICE OF CITY SECRETARY P:\PROOF OF PUBLICATION.docx
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