City News Spring 2015 A Community Newsletter for Waseca Residents Stop in and say hello to your new City Council Members! Please welcome incoming Council Members Ann Fitch, Ward 1 and Daren Arndt, Ward III. Ann is a longtime Waseca resident, has been in finance for 10 years and currently works at Roundbank in Waseca. Back Row Left to Right: Ann Fitch, Les Tlougan, Allan Rose, Fred Salsbury. Front Row Left to Right: Mark Christiansen, Mayor, John Clemons, Darren Arndt. Daren is also a longtime Waseca resident and currently works at Winegar Inc. Daren is on the Planning Commission and has experience on the Community Education and Traffic Safety boards as well as seven years as a police reservist. 2015 Spring Cleanup Starting Monday May 4th, the City of Waseca will provide free pickup of brush. All materials must be on the curb by 7:00 a.m, May 4th to be included in the pickup. There are several regulations that must be met for the material to be picked up. • • • • • • Brush must be piled on the curb - crews will not enter on private property to pick up the brush. No material other than brush shall be placed in the brush pile. Animal waste, garbage, demolition material, lumber, etc. will not be accepted. Any inclusion of any excluded materials will result in the whole pile being left. Crews will not sort piles. A limit of one dump truck load per address will be in effect. Any more than one dump truck load will be left on the curb. No tree branches over 8” in diameter or material over 8’ in length will be taken. All limbs and branches must be placed parallel to the curb. The City of Waseca will not be responsible for turf damage caused by this service. Because this is a costly service in terms of manpower and equipment, it will be a one-time only service. As a result, if the material is not on the curb by 7:00 am, May 4th, we cannot guarantee that it will be picked up. The crews will make only one pass on each street to pick up the material. There are many other jobs that the crews will be involved with and as result, we will not be able to return to make special pick-ups. This is an opportunity for residents to clean up their trees and bushes and have the material hauled away for them. Let’s all take advantage of this opportunity to clean up our yards and our community! Keep in mind that there again will be an expanded FALL pick-up of leaves scheduled at a later date and advertised in the City Newsletter & Website. Spend Your Summer At The Water Park! The Waseca Water Park is scheduled to open in June 2015; so now is the time to begin planning your summer fun! We are currently filling up our evenings with private rentals, so don’t delay in reserving your evening events at the Water Park! We host ALL KINDS of rentals including birthday parties, reunions, business parties, the list goes on and on… Swimming Lesson registration begins May 4, 2015 at 7 a.m. at City Hall. Evening swimming lessons will run for two week sessions, there are three scheduled sessions, starting on June 15, July 6 and July 20. On Friday and Saturday mornings (10 11:45 a.m.) the water park will hold “Itty Bitty Beach Parties”. Please visit us online to view morning and evening lap swimming and morning water exercise class schedules. The waterpark is scheduled to be open every day through Labor Day (weather permitting) from 12 – 6 p.m. Regular admission is $5 per person. Individual and family season passes and discounted punch cards are available for purchase. For more information, please visit: visit us on faceBook or contact Sara McKay, Water Park Manager, at 507835-9751. Make Your Park Reservations Early! The City of Waseca started taking park reservations on March 1st. Since there is a high demand for the park shelters, please don’t wait to reserve your date! A park reservation is your guarantee of a shelter for your planned event. Pavilions/shelters are available from May to October and reservations are available on a four-hour or daily time frame. Reservation fees are based on weekday and weekend rates and remain the same as last year. For more information, or to make a reservation, please contact City Hall at 835-9700 or stop in Mon – Fri – 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Adopt a Park If you are a community group, organization, church group, school, family or an individual and are inerested in volunteering to assist in beautifying and cleaning our local area parks, trails and open spaces, please contact Mark Bartelt, Parks Director at 835-9727 for more information. The City will provide trash bags for cleanup, coordinate pickup for trash, debris and limbs. A litter-free community is aesthetically pleasing to visitors and prospective new citizens and business, portraying an image of a concerned, caring community. Help beautify Waseca – adopt a park! Sump Pump Reminder As we approach the spring rain season and the melt of the considerable snow cover, property owners are reminded that per Waseca City Code §52.02, it is unlawful to connect sump pump outlets or any other conductor of natural precipitation or ground water to the sanitary sewer system. The sanitary sewer system is not designed to carry this clear water, and sump pumps that are illegally connected to the sanitary sewer system contribute to sewer backups and overloading of the City Treatment Plant. Property owners should be aware that with the above normal amounts of snow and deep frost experienced this year, sump pump outlets may be frozen or plugged. The sump pump outflow shall be piped to either the yard or city storm sewer if available. In no case should pipe cross property lines or be connected to an unauthorized sanitary sewer or storm water drainage system or cause a nuisance to the public right-of-way including streets and sidewalks. Considering a Home Improvement Project? Don’t Forget A Building Permit! Permit! Your project may require a building permit. Permits are required for new additions and remodeling, finishing a basement, re-roofing, re-siding, window replacement, decks, porches, plumbing, heating, electrical work, garages and more. Getting a building permit helps you to ensure that your project meets safety and building code standards; there is a penalty for starting construction prior to the issuance of a building permit. In addition to permits, please contact the Planning Department for information on set back requirements, lot coverage, fences, shoreland regulations and other useful information. We encourage you to call with any questions about construction projects being considered or already in progress, at 835-9700. Call Before You Dig! Protect yourselves and your property against underground utility damage. Gopher State One Call is Minnesota's one-call center for the excavating community. Homeowners, excavators and contractors must contact Gopher State One Call 48 business hours prior to any excavation. They will, in turn, contact participating utility operators who will then locate and mark where the underground utilities might be buried. This is a free service. You may reach Gopher State One Call by phone (800)252-1166 or online at Take Time for Summer Recreation! Recreation! Waseca Community Education & Recreation has held a long history of offering youth and adult recreation programs to the community. Recreation is a strong part of youth development and contributes to positive character building, skill development and overall wellbeing of children by encouraging sportsmanship, team building, healthy competition and fun. Some of those high quality summer youth programs include; Track & Field, Basketball, Sand Volleyball, T-Ball - Baseball Softball, Tennis Lessons & Leagues, Football Camps, Bluejay Power, Tennis Lessons and a new Kids in Action program! Most summer programs begin the second week of June. We encourage everyone to register by Friday, May 22nd to take advantage of the Early Bird rates. Community Education also has programs for those adults that are looking to be involved. There are a variety of adult leagues that will be offered which include new programs such as; Beginner Golf Lessons, Women’s Golf Lessons, Tennis Lessons, Zumba and Bags League! Look for the summer brochure in your mailbox on April 8th. Financial assistance is available for those that qualify as well as South Country Health Alliance (SCHA) discounts. visit: Did you know Recreation Services are jointly sponsored by the City of Waseca and Waseca Public Schools? The City provides $100,000 annually to support recreation in Waseca! For more information, State Imposed Water Surcharge If you have a water service connection to your property, your April utility bill will reflect a special State mandated water connection surcharge fee in the amount of $6.36. Legislation that became effective July 1st, 1992 requires all public water systems in Minnesota to collect this money on an annual basis. The money is being collected for the State to pay for the increased costs of monitoring and testing programs due to the federal Safe Drinking Water regulations. BULLETIN BOARD The storm sewer system consists of curbs, drain pipes, tile and catch basins in the streets which are intended to carry large amounts of surface runoff. Storm water flows untreated into regional wetlands, ponds, lakes and streams. Therefore, any debris (grass, leaves, fertilizer, pet waste, chemicals, etc.) that makes it into the storm drains, ends up polluting our water resources. Pollution prevention by the general public can make a big difference in keeping Waseca’s water resources clean and healthy. PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR PETS! Please scoop up after your pets and dispose of the waste properly. Waste not cleaned up can find its way into our lakes, rivers and ground water, causing sanitary issues. Proper disposal includes putting it in a bag, preferably biodegradable, and depositing it in your garbage container. Do not toss it down the storm drain. It’s the Law. 95.25 SANITATION. (A) Any person who owns, keeps or harbors a dog or cat shall have the responsibility for keeping their property clean of all fecal matter created by the animal. All animal waste shall be removed periodically so as to keep the surrounding area free from obnoxious odors. For the purpose of this section, “periodically” shall be defined as a period of time not to exceed one week. EMERGENCY SIREN SYSTEM On the first Wednesday of each month at 1:00 p.m., the emergency siren system is activated for testing. On 4-16-15, during Severe Weather Awareness week (April 13th to April 17th), the sirens will be activated twice during the day at 1:45 p.m. and at 6:55 p.m. In the event of severe weather, activation of the emergency siren system means that Waseca County is in a TORNADO WARNING and a tornado has been observed by Law Enforcement, Skywarn Watchers and/or the National Weather Service. When you hear the outdoor warning system sirens, you should immediately go inside. Once indoors, go to the lowest level, most interior space in your home or office. Outdoor warning sirens are located throughout the City of Waseca and by Lakeside Golf Course (north side of Clear Lake). People often have the misconception that the sirens are meant to be heard indoors. However, the system is intended to be heard outdoors. You may not hear it if you are inside or in noisy areas. Residents need to pay attention to the weather, watch the television reports, or listen to the radio for weather updates. A wise investment would be a National Weather Radio which can be purchased at local retailers. ENERGY STAR REBATE Waseca Electric residential customers can qualify for a rebate by purchasing ENERGY STAR rated appliances, LED bulbs and CFL’s. To qualify for the rebate, the item purchased must have an ENERGY STAR logo. Not all LED and CFL bulbs meet the criteria to be rated as ENERGY STAR so be sure to check the packaging. New in 2015, is the addition of a rebate for electric or gas dryers. Also, there is a higher rebate amount on ceiling fans with lighting, clothes washers and dishwashers when they are rated “Most Efficient”. The “Most Efficient” label is an extension of the ENERGY STAR program. It represents the highest efficiency products among those that qualify for the ENERGY STAR rating. There are also rebates available for central air conditioners, efficient furnace fans and furnace tune-ups. Customers who purchase items in 2015 will need to submit their rebate applications by the end of 2015. An ENERGY STAR rebate application is available by contacting Waseca Utilities at 835-9718 – Monday – Friday – 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. An application is also available on the City website WATER UTILITY ANNUAL CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORT The Water Utility Annual Consumer Confidence Report, as mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), will be included as an insert with the June utility bill. This report provides water quality information about the drinking water that the City Water Utility delivers to your home and business. If you have any questions regarding this report, please call the Utilities Director at City Hall at 835-9718. Fresh clean drinking water is yours to use whenever you need it, but not to waste. It’s too valuable. Remember that a little effort and a little common sense will make a big difference! ANNUAL NOTICE FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL Minn. Stat. 325E.028 Minnesota law requires that utilities make utility payment arrangements available for military service personnel in the following situations. If a member of a household has been issued orders into active duty, deployment, or change in duty station, and the residential customer meets specific income criteria, the City of Waseca must not disconnect the utility service of that qualifying residential customer due to nonpayment provided the customer complies with the provisions of the referenced statute. An application for payment arrangements must include a copy of military orders as described in the law. The City of Waseca may shut off utility service for nonpayment if an application does not include the required proof of military orders as required by Minn. Stat. 325E.028. If you would like a copy of this statute or wish to obtain an application for payment arrangements, please contact the City of Waseca Utility Billing office at (507)835-9718. Office hours are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. The statute can also be found online at: SAVE MONEY THIS SUMMER ON ENERGY COSTS Volunteer your central air conditioner for the load management program. Waseca Utilities will have a licensed electrician install a controller unit on your central air conditioner, at no cost to you the customer. The controller unit cycles your air conditioner compressor off for short periods of time during peak electrical usage. Residential participants in the load management program will receive an $8.00 monthly credit on the June, July, August and September electric bills or a total savings of $32.00 for the year. Commercial participants will receive a $20.00 monthly credit for the same months or a total savings of $80.00 for the year. If you participated in the program last year, you do not need to contact us unless you have moved since last summer. If you have not moved, you will automatically receive the credit each year unless otherwise notified. For additional information, please contact the Utility Billing Department at 835-9718. Business hours are Monday – Friday - 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
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