COLUMBIA JEWISH CONGREGATION Winter/Spring 2013 Program If you truly wish your children to study Torah, study it yourself in their presence. They will follow your example. Otherwise, they will not themselves study Torah but will simply instruct their children to do so. - Rabbi Menahem Mendel of Kotzk For CJC members, there is no charge for classes, except when a materials fee is noted. Non-members are welcome to enroll in classes for a fee of $54 per course, per semester; or $15 per session for classes of one or two sessions. It is essential that participants register no later than one week before the class begins because some classes require a minimum of 5 participants to run. Except where noted, classes will be held at the Meeting House, Oakland Mills Interfaith Center, 5885 Robert Oliver Place, Columbia, MD 21045 OR at the Columbia Jewish Community School (CJCS) held on Sundays at the Oakland Mills High School (OMHS) on Kilimanjaro Road, in Columbia. To register by phone and for further information call the CJC office at 410-730-6044. New Class Offerings The Purim Megillah – R-rated Rabbi Sonya Starr February 24 10:00 a.m. Oakland Mills High School/CJCS Purim’s not only for kids! On this Purim morning come join in reading Megillat Esther, with Rabbi Starr pointing out the R-rated highlights in this adults only gathering. Bagels and cream cheese will be served. Contact Rabbi Starr for more information. Make Your Own Knitted Kippah Tauna Caffey March 3 9:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Oakland Mills High School/CJCS Create a lovely beaded kippah as a unique handcrafted family heirloom for yourself or someone who would appreciate a lovely gift. Talented CJC member Tauna Caffey will teach you, but you’ll need to register at least one week in advance and to come with some easily obtained supplies. When you register by calling the office at 410-730-6044 you’ll be told the items you need to bring. Jews, The South, And The Civil War Michael Bloom March 3 12 noon – 1:00 p.m. Oakland Mills High School/CJCS Michael Bloom is currently a chaplain with the Jewish War Veterans and a docent at the 6th and I Historic Synagogue in Washington, as well as a teacher, cantor, Torah reader and service leader throughout the Washington community. He is a graduate of Yeshiva University., Harvard, and the Boston University Law School, and served as director of planning and management analysis at the U.S. Treasury Dept. As the son of an Air Force Lt. Colonel, an interest in Jews and the military comes naturally to him. He’ll speak to us about Jews in the Confederacy with a particular focus on the fascinating story of how Jewish Southern soldiers managed to observe Passover, and to reconcile its message with their loyalty to the South. Beginning A New Series On Jews In Distant Lands –The Jews Of Lithuania Past And Present Ellen Cassedy April 14 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Oakland Mills High School/CJCS Ellen Cassedy is the author of the new book We Are Here: A Lithuanian Encounter, signed copies of which will be available at her talk. She is a journalist and former speechwriter for the Clinton administration. In this talk she will introduce us to Jewish life in Lithuania. Many American Jews trace their European origins to this community. In her talk, Ms. Cassedy will discuss Lithuanian Jewish life from its beginnings in the 13th century through its flowering as the “Jerusalem of the North,” with its riches of theological, cultural, and political activity, and then on through the Holocaust and the Soviet years. She’ll conclude by exploring how the current small Jewish community and the memory of Jewish culture are faring in Lithuania today. She asks participants to be prepared to grapple with some substantive moral issues: Can we honor our heritage without perpetuating hatred? How do people move forward after a history of genocide? The Dead Sea Scrolls – Their Relevance To Christians And Jews Professor Maxine Grossman, Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies and Religious Studies, Jewish Studies Program, University of Maryland May 5 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Oakland Mills High School/CJCS Dr. Grossman teaches courses on ancient Judaism, the Hebrew Bible, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. She also teaches about religion in popular culture, gender in contemporary religious culture, and nonmainstream religious movements. Her primary research focus is on the literature of ancient Judaism and early Christianity, especially the Dead Sea Scrolls. She’ll help us understand the importance of the headline grabbing discovery of these scrolls and the continuing excitement around them. They offer a window into Judaism and Christianity as Judaism reshaped itself and Christianity came into being during the time when Rome ruled ancient Judea. Who wrote the scrolls and why, who hid them and why, and most importantly what do they say and why do we care? Elijah – Here, There And Everywhere Rabbi Jon Cohen Rabbi, Mishkan Torah Congregation, Greenbelt March 10, 2013 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. In just a couple of weeks we’ll be inviting Elijah to drink a cup of wine at our seders. We also traditionally set a chair for him at a bris and sing a song in his honor on Saturday nights during havdalah. Why is that? How does it happen that this one prophet shows up everywhere? Rabbi Cohen, on a most welcome return visit to CJC, will take us on a tour of the historical reality and legendary career of this unique and much-loved personality. Parshat Hashavua – The Weekly Torah Portion – Review And Discussion Rabbi Martin Siegel, Rabbi Emeritus, CJC 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m., ongoing Oakland Mills Meeting House/CJC Library Tough Texts: Learning About The “Other,” Learning About “Ourselves” Take A Peek At The Chesapeake – A Trip With The Green Team Rabbi Ilyse Kramer April 25 11:15 a.m. Caravan departing from Oakland Mills Meeting House/CJC $5 per participant – all ages April 29, May 6, 13, 20 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Oakland Mills Meeting House/CJC Rabbi Ilyse Kramer is the Educator at the Institute for Christian and Jewish Studies (ICJS) in Baltimore and is the Project Director of “Reclaiming the Center,” a new adult initiative that brings Jews and Christians together for text study, discussion and conversation. This class will look at polemical texts within Jewish, Christian and Moslem scriptures and liturgy. These are texts that are often seen as hostile toward other faiths. In this class we’ll try to understand the texts and their contexts, what they say and why, and how they’re used and understood today. The Green Team invites young and old to join in a trip to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s environmental education center, designed and built to “green specifications” and reliant on renewable energy sources. The trip will include lunch in Annapolis , followed by a 1:00 p.m. tour of 1 – 1 ½ hours. For further details and to sign up, contact Del Stanfield at 410-730-4466 or the CJC office 410-730-6044. Learn To Read Hebrew Cantor Jan Morrison An Introduction to the Apocrypha March 21, 28 and April 4, 11, and 18 7:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. Rabbi Bob Saks The Jewish Outreach Institute has produced materials that make learning to read Hebrew remarkably manageable. If you’re a beginner and wish to learn how to read, this class is right for you. April 10, 17 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Oakland Mills Meeting House/CJC The what? Apocry –who? If it’s Greek to you, you’re right. The Apocrypha consists of mostly short books written during the crucial period of the Maccabees and Roman rule of Judea. They were in the earliest versions of our Bible, but not in the final version we have today. They come from the world that gave birth to Christianity and to the Judaism that grew out of the ashes of the Temple’s destruction. They include our best guide to the background of Chanukah, the story of how Judith beheaded a Greek general, how Daniel destroyed a Babylonian dragon god, and the wonderful wisdom of Ben Sira. We’ll use our three hours together to dip into this literature, to enjoy it, and to learn from it. Texts will be provided. Special Guest – Rabbi Shefa Gold The Magic Of Hebrew Chant: Healing The Spirit, Transforming The Mind, Deepening Love May 8 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Oakland Mills Meeting House Chanting, the repetition of a sacred phrase, is a way of transforming words of liturgy and Torah into doorways of expanded states of consciousness. The chant can attune us to ever-deepening levels of meaning, unlock the treasures of the heart, and give us an opportunity to generously serve each other. By entering into silence after a chant we can receive both the Divine influx and the gifts that bubble up from the soul. Rabbi Shefa Gold is a leader in Aleph: the Alliance for Jewish Renewal. Ordained both from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and from Renewal leader Rabbi Zalman SchachterShalomi, she is director of C-DEEP, The Center for Devotional, Energy and Ecstatic Practice in Jemez Springs, New Mexico. Well-versed in a variety of spiritual traditions while grounded in Judaism, she is uniquely qualified as a Jewish spiritual guide. She is the author of 3 published books on the spiritual wisdom of the Torah, on the Song of Songs, and on “The Magic of Hebrew Chant.” Ecclesiastes And Daniel Tom Laufer Weekly, ongoing 11:00 a.m. – 12 noon Oakland Mills Meeting House/ CJC Library CJC member Tom Laufer is from Israel. For two years he studied in the Jewish Studies program at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York and has maintained a deep interest in the Bible ever since. In this class Tom will lead participants through the texts and teachings of two of the most interesting and surprising books of the Bible – Ecclesiastes, that reveals the deep intellectual currents of the ancient world and is full of ideas that you might not expect in a book of the Bible, and Daniel, that has had deep influence on Evangelical Christian thought in ways which reverberate throughout America today. This is a rare chance to join others in studying two fascinating not often studied parts of the Bible. The Book Of Exodus Rabbi Sonya Starr Weekly, ongoing, excluding the second Friday of each month. 12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. Oakland Mills Meeting House/CJC Library This ongoing class continues study of the Book of Exodus. Participants will delve deeply into the powerful narratives and formal ceremonial and civil laws found in Exodus, and its ethical teachings which have impacted the world. Please drop in. New voices are always welcome. No background is necessary. Winter/Spring 2013 Friday The Rabbi Discussed Books Meditation And Chanting February 8 April 26 7:30 p.m., as part of services Cantor Jan Morrison Rabbi Starr has been reading some terrific books and would like to discuss them with you. Join her at an abbreviated Shabbat service for a discussion of these books which she hopes you’ll read in advance. February 8 – Rashi’s Daughters by Maggie Anton April 26 – The Attack by Yasmina Khadra The Songs We Sing: Jewish Music Of The Diaspora – Yiddish, Ladino, English Cantor Linda Baer March 23, After Shabbat Morning services Join us for lunch at noon $5.00 with registration in advance by calling the office at 410-730-6044. Otherwise, the charge for lunch will be $7.50. 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Cantor Baer, a long-time member and friend of CJC who has participated with us often, will bring the gift of her warm spirit and lovely voice to us in a program featuring songs of Passover and of freedom in the languages of Jewish life from many lands. Priority seating for lunch will be offered to those who have reserved in advance. Our ability to offer lunch to others will be limited, so please call and reserve your space. Your CJC account will be charged $5 for each participant who registers, $7.50 is the charge for others if food is available. January 19, February 16, March 9 (2nd Sat.), April 20, May 18, June 15 1:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. Oakland Mills Meeting House/CJC After services, when quiet has returned, Cantor Morrison invites you to join her for a peaceful Shabbat afternoon interlude of meditation and chanting. Finding a way to meet that still small voice within you, lower your blood pressure, and to ease the stress that walks with you are only some of the benefits of meditation and chanting. You’ll envision, engage and internalize the Sabbath during this peaceful time together. Wear loose clothing, bring a pillow if you need it. A smoothie will be provided. Pre-registration is required. Call the office at 410-730-6044. Interfaith Discussion Group Led by Gabrielle Blackman and Bob Schweiss Life Cycle Events Thursday February 7 7:00 p.m. Oakland Mills Meeting House/CJC How Do You Raise Children to Know and Respect Both Parents’ Religions? Sunday April 14 9:15 a.m. Oakland Mills High School/CJCS Continued on back Detach here and mail with your check Pre-registration and pre-payment for classes are essential to ensure teacher availability and classroom space. Call the CJC office at (410) 730-6044 for more information. Please complete and return this form with appropriate course fees, if applicable, to: Robin Rosenfeld, Columbia Jewish Congregation, 5885 Robert Oliver Place, Columbia, MD 21045 Checks should be made out to Columbia Jewish Congregation. Name Daytime Phone Course Name Participant(s) Total Fee Address Evening Phone Course Name Participant(s) Total Fee City, State, Zip Course Name Participant(s) Total Fee CJC Member? (Yes or No) Total amount enclosed for all courses Challenging Issues for Interfaith Couples and Families Joint programming with other Meeting House Groups – Thursday June 6 7:00 p.m. Oakland Mills Meeting House/CJC Gabri Blackman and Bob Schweiss are both CJC members who have interfaith marriages and children who attend CJCS. “God in A Box” These discussions will provide opportunities for members of interfaith relationships and families (partners, parents, grandparents, etc.) to build a supportive network with other individuals/couples. Learn that you aren’t alone, be exposed to a wide variety of approaches to dealing with interfaith issues, and gain a growing understanding of the challenges faced by Jewish and non-Jewish members in interfaith relationships/families. Share and learn from each other in a safe, respectful, and non-judgmental setting. Judaism Through a Reconstructionist Lens – An Online Learning Opportunity Learn about the Reconstructionist approach to Judaism – on your own time, at your own pace. This course was created by Rabbi Nancy Fuchs-Kreimer, PhD as a selfguided introduction to Reconstructionism as articulated by the rabbis and lay leaders you’ll meet online. There’s a small fee, only $4.95 The course is found at http:// April 21 7:00 p.m. Oakland Mills Meeting House This film challenges us to reevaluate our understanding of God and of God’s role in our lives. Reclaiming the Center May 2, 9 7:30 p.m. Oakland Mills Meeting House Continuing our exploration of how different religious traditions approach worship, and of how we understand sacred space and time. Self-Help: Translating the Torah Rabbi Sonya Starr Translation by definition is interpretation. Have you ever wanted to translate the Bible and/or many of our prayers? This friendly, one room classroom, will slowly approach Biblical Hebrew from a grammatical point of view giving the students a fun way to learn how to translate our most sacred books themselves. This class allows for later admission for those with some background. Please contact Rabbi Starr for more information. CJC Winter/Spring Adult Education Program NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID COLUMBIA, MD PERMIT NO. 1101 5885 Robert Oliver Place Columbia, MD 21045
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