How To Install A Rabbi With planning, With joy, With you.

October2007 19 Tishri – 19 Heshva 5768
How To Install A Rabbi
With planning,
With joy,
With you.
(See pages 10 - 13 for details of
Rabbi Goldenberg’s big weekend)
Thank You
We would like to thank the
following donors (as of)
September 15, 2007
Books for Scholars
Anonymous Donor
Rick Hornung & Peg Palmer
• Joseph & Leah Pear
• Anthony & Linda Rigono
• Windsor Democratic Town
Lewis & Beatrice Case - In memory
of Mene Case and Fannie Sobol
Maia & Kay Chiat - In honor
of Nancy Fischbach and Martin
Frances Freedman
Rochelle Dauenheimer - In memory
of David and Dora Adler
Si Taubman Fund
Dalton & Deborah Sayles - In
memory of Si Taubman
Eva Davis - In memory of Gertrude
Prayerbook Fund
Shelly & Carol Kleinman - In
memory of Seymour Kleinman
Visiting Scholar Fund
Rita Christopher - In memory of
Sheldon Kutnick
Stella Davis - In memory of Milton
Betty Gilman - In memory of Rose
Neil Gottfried & Marilyn WhiteGottfried - In memory of Bruce
Samuels Scholarship Fund
Harlan & Leslie Krumholz
Neil Gottfried & Marilyn WhiteGottfried - In appreciation of Sandy
Religious School Fund
Janet Gochberg
Brad & Lori Jubelirer - In memory
of James Jubelirer
Harland & Leslie Krumholz
Ned & Norma Rogin - In memory
of Amy Toyen
Meditation Garden
Samuel & Naomi Rogers - In
memory of Felix Wald
Gene & Marilyn Kalet - In memory
of Rose Kalet and Doris Reiner
Linda Polomski - In memory of
Carol Ruth Goodman
Irving & Elinor Reiner - Wishing
Hy Fink a speedy recovery
Tzedakah Collective
Jerry & Marlene Scharr
Anthony & Linda Rigono - In
memory of Irene Kemp
General Fund
The following donations were made
in memory of Felix Wald
Joel & Marcy Saltzman - In
memory of Rose Weintraub
• Mr. & Mrs. Howard Borgnine
• Buganski Family
• Arnold & Barbara Davis
• Eva Davis
• Joe & Beatrice Gordon
Martha Stone - In memory of Dace
Corinne Weber - In memory of
Beatrice Gottfried
Miller Lighting Fund
Ellen Friedman - In memory of
Esther Miller and Anna Cirulnik
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
• Neil Gottfried & Marilyn White- Harvey Hoberman - In memory
of Joan Hoberman and Jeanne
• Morton & Shirley Katz
Susan Savitt - In honor of the un• David & Miriam Klar
veiling for Marilyn Savitt
• Ellen Marcus
Page The Whole Megillah
Published monthly by:
Congregation Beth Shalom Rodfe
55 E. Kings Highway
PO Box 438
Chester, CT 06412
(860) 526-8920
Fax: (860) 526-8918
Editor: Carol Kleinman
Production: Shelly Kleinman
Webmaster: Shelly Kleinman
Communications Chair and Staff
Correspondant: Lary Bloom
Cover Design: Erica Udoff
Editorial Assistance: Louise Ross
Assisted by: Wendy Bayor
Telephone: (501) 922-3196
Fax: (501) 922-6899
Email to:
Mail to:
Carol Kleinman
1 Coria Trace
Hot Springs Village, AR 71909
Submissions due the 15th of the
prior month. Distributed free to
members, prospective members,
local clergy and other interested
Condolences To
Anne Wald and family
on the loss of her husband, Felix
Donna and Jerry Miller and
family on the loss of their son, Rick
The Whole Megillah
Oneg Thanks
From Your Rabbi
Thank you to the following for
sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat
during the month of
All congregants for Pot Luck
“Hanging in the Sukkah”
I think I just experienced a wake-up conference call.
Usually conference calls are an excuse to have your
office phone on speaker and to multi-task. This one
captivated me.
In this conference call organized by American Jewish
World Service (AJWS), Executive Director Ruth
Messinger, updated the participants on her recent trip
to Darfur, Chad and Rwanda. She reported that the
genocide in Darfur is “alive and well” and that now is a
critical time for action.
Ruth reminded us that the genocide taking place
in Darfur, Sudan and which has crossed the border
into Chad is now in its fifth year. The bombings of
villages by the Sudanese army continue, and the
Arab Janjaweed continue to follow up with their
government-sanctioned campaign of pillaging,
burning, massacre and rape.
What better way to celebrate special
events or just share for Friday night
To sponsor an Oneg Shabbat for friendship and sharing with others, please call
Marilyn Kalet at 860-873-3546
All the while, a “genocide by attrition” takes place in
the refugee camps and internally displaced persons
camps where millions languish without adequate food
or sanitation, let alone education or hope.
Continued on page Congregation Beth Shalom Rodfe Zedek
Rabbi Rachel Goldenberg
Page Susan Peck, President
Sandy Seidman, Financial Vice President
Jo-Ann Price, 1st Vice President
Robert Trautmann, 2nd Vice President
Bernie Slater, Treasurer
Kevin Fox, Secretary
The Whole Megillah
From the President
Editors’ Note: For those of you who may have missed it,
following is the text of Susan Peck’s High Holiday speech
delivered on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, September 13,
Shanah Tovah. My name is Susan Peck, president of
our congregation. On behalf of the board of directors,
welcome. We are happy to have you celebrate the new
year with us today in this remarkable and beautiful
sanctuary. Our tradition tells us that today begins the
Hebrew month of Tishrei and is the first day of the year
5768, that is five thousand, seven hundred and sixty-eight
years from Creation.
I certainly did not expect to be up here this year. I
thought I would be sitting with you in the audience
taking in what our new president had to say about the
state of our synagogue and plans for the coming year.
But life intervened and we lost several members of our
congregation. While every loss is deeply felt, this year
we lost a series of congregants who had exceptionally
long records of service to our community. I remember
fondly my anticipated successor, Sheldon Kutnick, who
found so many outlets for his Jewish energy within this
congregation, and Sol LeWitt, who created a legacy for
all of us by lovingly and graciously contributing his
vision and so much of his artistry to the design and
construction of this building seeking all the way to
ensure the continuity of the congregation. I also recall
Si Taubman, our long time Treasurer, who selflessly
dedicated countless hours and considerable other
resources to our congregation out of love for our mission.
And Anne Siege, a dedicated congregant who loved
participating in the life of this synagogue. And most
recently, Felix Wald, a long time member of Rodfe Zedek,
who represents in many ways the substantial history of
this blended congregation. Because of these losses, it has
been a difficult and painful year. Although we will miss
their physical presence, as long as one of us is alive to
remember, their memories will always be a blessing for us
and they will live on in this place.
This is the cycle of life of the Jewish people. As we
conclude our reading of Deuteronomy this time of year,
the fifth and final book of Torah, Moshe reminds us
in his long final speech to the Jewish people, that God
puts before us both blessing and curse, life and death,
and enjoins us emphatically to choose life. Choosing
life seems to mean, as we discussed at Torah study last
Saturday, making a conscious decision to live life in
a particular way, making ethical choices, choosing to
live our lives in accordance with Jewish ideals. We have
been tested these past two years and we have made
our choice. In the midst of disappointment, sadness
and death, we are blessed with new life and new hope
for our congregation embodied in the form of our new
rabbi, Rabbi Rachel Goldenberg, and her family, her
husband, Jim Talbott, and her young children, Amina
and Ziv. We therefore must seize upon this moment as a
critical time in the history of our congregation while we
have this wonderful opportunity to make important life
affirming choices that will assure a vibrant future for this
Page With this as a backdrop, I decided that I wanted this
year’s speech to be different from the typical high holiday
speech of a congregational president. I am resisting
doing what is so tempting to do with such a large captive
audience. I will not exhort you to donate money or beg
you to come to services, although those things would be
nice and are essential to the health and well being of the
synagogue. What I really want to talk about today is the
importance of building a vision for our congregation and
how it will only take a small effort from each of us.
I was inspired to this discussion by a book I am reading
about the United States Supreme Court and an essay
mentioned in it about hedgehogs and foxes. Let me
explain. It began with a personal effort to connect my
professional life as a lawyer and a judge with my second
career as president of this synagogue. I have spent the
last 32 years engaged in the study and practice of law, the
last 12 years as a Superior Court Judge. I have also spent
the last seven years immersed in torah study and the
activities of this synagogue. I am passionate about both
aspects of my life.
I came across a discussion of the essay about hedgehogs
and foxes in a book assigned by my new book club,
organized by the new dean of the University of
Connecticut Law School. The book in question is
written by Jan Crawford Greenburg, the ABC News
legal correspondent. Entitled Supreme Conflict, it is a
fascinating account of the struggle over the last 40 years
or so by the conservative right to assume control of the
United States Supreme Court particularly in the areas
of abortion, gay rights, the death penalty and religion
in public places. I am so determined to get this book
read by our October 1 discussion date, I have spent every
spare moment reading it knowing that I also had to
leave some time in between to prepare this speech and
hoping that I would find something in its text that would
somehow connect these two threads of my life. Finally,
on page 181, I read a reference to Sir Isaiah Berlin, a
philosopher and a Jew, who lived from 1909 to 1997, and
his essay, “The Hedgehog and The Fox,” in which he
drew a distinction between “hedgehogs,” who know one
big thing, and, “foxes,” who know lots of small things.
In this congregation, as in the United States Supreme
Court, we have a wonderful mix of hedgehogs and foxes.
How does this relate to developing a vision? My point is
simply this –whether you are a hedgehog, with one big
idea of where you want this synagogue to be in five or
ten years, or a fox, with many small ideas, I am asking
you to set aside a little time this year to think about
a vision for this congregation. Next year, once Rabbi
Goldenberg settles in, we will invite you to join us in a
formal discussion. But in the meantime, I hope you will
begin thinking about it and, as your one big thought, or
many small thoughts develop, please share them with the
me, the rabbi or members of the board.
All each of us needs to do to start this process is to make
a point of coming here from time to time over the course
Continued on page The Whole Megillah
Your Books & Bagels
“Letters From
Nuremberg” and
Christopher J. Dodd:
Oct. 4
If you haven’t yet made
reservations for our
special Books & Bagels
event, featuring Senator
Christopher J. Dodd and
his new book, “Letters
From Nuremberg,” do
so quickly.
The event, co-sponsored
by our program
committee and RJ Julia
Booksellers, will be held
at CBSRZ at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, October 4. Call the
bookstore (203) 245-3959 for reservations.
Senator Dodd and his co-author, Lary Bloom, will
discuss the book and then sign copies. Refreshments
will be served.
“Letters From Nuremberg” has already received a
great deal of media attention – with the Senator
appearing on Charlie Rose, the Diane Rehm Show,
NPR’s Weekend Edition, and Hardball.
The book features more than 300 letters written by
Senator’s Dodd’s father, Thomas J. Dodd, when he was
executive counsel at the first Nuremberg trial, which
convicted top Nazis of, among other charges, crimes
against humanity.
From Your Rabbi
Continued from page Sudan’s newest strategy is now to repopulate the
ruined Darfurian villages with Arab sympathizers who
then rebuild the villages for themselves.
Because some parts of Darfur are so violent, various
international aid groups and UN personnel have been
pulled out of certain locations, leaving around 800,000
people in camps in Darfur with no humanitarian help,
and no witnesses.
Right now, with the Beijing Olympics on the horizon,
it is an important time to maintain pressure on the
Chinese government to not allow Sudan to continue
to get away with murder. For that reason, the
Connecticut Coalition to Save Darfur is participating
in a unique action.
To draw attention to China’s role in the Darfur crisis,
a organization called Dream for Darfur is organizing
an Olympic Torch Relay from Darfur to Beijing. Ruth
Messinger spoke of how moving her experience was
to light the torch on the border of Darfur and Chad.
The torch will travel to the locations of other major
genocides in the world, including Germany and Bosnia.
The Connecticut Coalition to Save Darfur is
participating in the United States Torch Relay,
organized in partnership with the Save Darfur
Coalition. This event will be held 2:00 PM on Sunday,
October 21 at Minuteman Park in Hartford. Our Social
Action Committee is helping with this event, and I am
planning on attending. I hope that many of you will
join me.
The call of the shofar that we heard throughout the
High Holy Days should be our call to conscience – our
wake-up conference call – to do our part to stop the
With prayers for a New Year of life and hope,
Rabbi Rachel Goldenberg
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The Whole Megillah
Page CBS Women’s Club
So much going on…so
little time
In this magnificent
season of Awe and
Atonement we find
ourselves in what could
be described as the
center of the universe.
September, from the first
day, has given us almost
perfect weather with
light as crisp as a sheet
fresh off the line. The morning we met was one of
those, perfect also for the Hebrew School children to
walk to the river for Tashlich.
There were so many things going on at the
synagogue. The Rabbi, in what could have been
viewed as a comedy skit, ran from car to car to meet
the Moms and Dads dropping their kids off for
Hebrew School. “Hi, I haven’t met you yet,” flew
like a bubble over the parking lot. This was clearly
the place to be, where it all was going down.
** Mah Jong is launched with the help of Lois
Glazer. If you have not “signed up” yet to play,
please let Lois know asap as she is setting up dates.
She can be reached at 860/339-7172.
** The Holiday Boutique is on track for Sunday,
November 18 from 10 – 4 so put it in your book and
come on over.
** Revalyn Klein-Hickey is looking into trips to the
Pace Gallery in New York City and Dia/Beacon in
Beacon, N.Y. to see Sol LeWitt’s work. More on that
** Thanks to all who more than just helped for the
Erev Rosh Hashonah Oneg that we sponsored.
** More helpers needed to “man/woman”
the Hanukah store on Wednesdays from 4-6
and Sundays from 9-12:30. The dates will be
forthcoming from Michele Kleiman.
** Natalie Lindstrom passed out flyers on Sen.
Christopher Dodd’s and Lary Bloom’s book,
“Letters from Nuremberg.” The Senator will be at
the synagogue on October 4th at 7:30 p.m. to discuss
the book and sign them.
** We will hear more from Natalie about an
upcoming trip to the Yiddish Center in Amherst.
~Suzanne Levine
~Sharon Taubman
** Our next meeting will be at Jackie Michael’s at
6:30 on Monday, October 22nd for a pot luck dinner.
We will discuss our book selection, “Boychiks in the
Hood.” Please let her know if you will be there at
With Deepest Sympathy
Condolence notes or contributions in Rick’s memory
can be sent to:
It is with great sadness that I share with our
congregational family the death of Derrick Miller
(known as Rick,) the son of our synagogue clerical
assistant, Donna Miller and her husband Jerry. Rick
was only 36 when he died unexpectedly on Thursday
Our hearts go out to the Miller family and to all of those
who surround them with love.
Donna can use the support and caring of our
congregation at this time, whether in the form of
condolence notes, contributions in Rick’s memory, or
your attendance at the funeral.
Donna and Jerry Miller
96 Vancedarfield Road
Colchester, CT 06415
In lieu of flowers, please make contributions to:
Jimmy Fund
c/o Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
10 Brookline Place, 6th Floor
Brookline, MA 02445-9924
May Donna and her family find comfort as they make
their way through this difficult time,
~Rabbi Rachel Goldenberg
Page The Whole Megillah
Honoring Maia Chiat
Brunch For a Champion of Israel
By Suzanne Levine
Editor’s note: Maia Chiat will be honored at the Annual
Israel Bonds Tribute Brunch to be held at CBSRZ on
Sunday, October 21st at 11:00 a.m. Tickets are $25. If you
have not received your invitation you may call Elaine Price
at the Israel Bonds Office at 860 236-4523 or 800 9161918. See more about Israel Bonds on page 9.
To visit Maia and Kay
at their lovely home
on Ayers Point in Old
Saybrook can easily
turn into a daylong
excursion which often
includes a trip through
history even antiquity
as Maia lovingly
handles pottery
from ancient Chinese
dynasties or the small
“red” books, as in Mao
Tse Tung.
This home is a long
way away from the
displaced person’s camp
in Austria where Maia
was born in 1947. One
year later, his parents
and sister moved to
a vacated house that
had belonged to a
Palestinian family
in Holon, Israel, just
south of Tel Aviv where
the four of them shared
one bedroom. His
mother lived there until
her death a few years
As a five year old, Maia witnessed the fresh and still
very raw emotions from World War II during Yiskor
services for Yom Kippur, crying, renting of clothes and
tearing of hair. This was a lot for a young boy to witness
and something he has not forgotten.
When Maia was thirteen, his father died and he left
school to work in a garage for $20 a month. “My
mother sent me off each day with a salami sandwich,
one slice between two slices of bread.” With his first
paycheck Maia went to the butcher and bought an
entire salami home to his mother in the hopes that she
might add a few more slices to that sandwich.
The Whole Megillah
As a commando in the Israeli Army, Maia saw a lot
combat in the Six Day War and was in the first group to
take the Golan Heights. There were many hours spent
in bunkers waiting. It was there Maia began to envision
coming to the United States. In 1970, he left Israel.
The unemployment office suggested that he look into
work at a factory in Norwich and he began in the
warehouse. Three nights a week he drove to the Rhode
Island School of Design and took classes in fashion
design and then commenced to learn all of the technical
aspects of the business. Maia borrowed $1,000 in order
to follow his own dream and the rest, as they say, is
fashion history. The business grew to where it is now,
grossing more than $200 million a year.
After their marriage, Maia and Kay moved from
Norwich to this part of
Connecticut and joined the
Deep River shul. He was
recently reminded that shortly
after joining the little shul he
held a dinner there just before
Passover for all the Jews living
in the area just so they could
get to know one another.
Today the Chiat family
– Emily and Mario Medina
and their three girls, Sophie, 8
and 6 year old twins, Madeline
and Isabelle, Tiffany and Lior
Haim and Avi and Cheryl
Chiat-- are often at “Camp
Chiat” which could be viewed
as a compound with its
swimming pool, tennis court,
guest house and stunning views
of the Connecticut River. As
Maia said, “When we come
here, I don’t like to leave, sure,
maybe we go out for dinner,
but I am happy and peaceful
here, especially when my
family is here with me.”
When Maia does travel, it is to
Israel the majority of the time.
He simply loves it, “It’s my
home, I feel best there, I speak
Hebrew, I speak Yiddish. I am
so proud of the country, its accomplishments.” In the
States he buys two or three Hebrew newspapers a week.
“I want and need to know what is happening there.”
Maia is also a citizen of Israel as is his son-in law.
We are very fortunate to have this wonderfully generous
man in our congregation – he has contributed a great
deal of energy, terrific ideas and enormous resources to
CBSRZ. His enthusiasm for Israel is infectious. He is
proud to be a Jew and very deserving of this tribute on
October 21st. Please be there as a congregation to honor
Maia Chiat.
Page From the President
Continued from page of the next year. We have so many wonderful and
exciting things planned this should be a fairly easy
task. I just want to offer you a few suggestions. Stop
by and view the latest exhibit in our Main Street
Come to hear Senator Christopher Dodd and
Lary Bloom discuss their new book, Letters from
Nurnberg on October 4. Join the celebration of
Rabbi Goldenberg’s installation weekend, November
2-4. Come to our Craft Bazaar on November 18, or
particThis is the cycle of life of the Jewish people. As
we conclude our reading of Deuteronomy this time of
year, the fifth and final book of Torah, Moshe reminds
us in his long final speech to the Jewish people,
that God puts before us both blessing and curse, life
and death, and enjoins us emphatically to choose
life. Choosing life seems to mean, as we discussed
at Torah study last Saturday, making a conscious
decision to live life in a particular way, making ethical
choices, choosing to live our lives in accordance with
Jewish ideals. We have been tested these past two
years and we have made our choice. In the midst of
disappointment, sadness and death, we are blessed
with new life and new hope for our congregation
embodied in the form of our new rabbi, Rabbi
Rachel Goldenberg, and her family, her husband, Jim
Talbott, and her young children, Amina and Ziv. We
therefore must seize upon this moment as a critical
time in the history of our congregation while we have
this wonderful opportunity to make important life
affirming choices that will assure a vibrant future for
this congregation.
With this as a backdrop, I decided that I wanted this
year’s speech to be different from the typical high
holiday speech of a congregational president. I am
resisting doing what is so tempting to do with such a
large captive audience. I will not exhort you to donate
money or beg you to come to services, although those
things would be nice and are essential to the health
and well being of the synagogue. What I really want
to talk about today is the importance of building a
vision for our congregation and how it will only take a
small effort from each of us.
Lois N. Glazer, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
is pleased to announce
the relocation
of her psychotherapy practice
for children, adults and families
49 Sherwood Terrace
Old Saybrook, CT 06475
Page Choir Notes
By Janie Pittendreigh
Have you ever wondered about the origins of the music
we sing during services? Where do the melodies come
from? Who wrote them? Why do certain melodies evoke
such an emotional response in us? I have. So, when the
Whole Megillah asked me to write something for The
Megillah, my first thought was here is the impetus to
explore these questions. Since the High Holy Days are
still fresh in our minds, I will begin with a song which
always brings me joy and pleasure – “Sim Shalom.”
“Sim Shalom” is also the name of well-known Siddur
(who knew?), and is part of a group of 18 prayers or
blessings. Now, if I understand what I read correctly,
“Sim Shalom” is actually the 19th, but was kept as part
of the group anyway…hey, we are Jewish and this
is just the way it is. These 18 – or 19 – blessings are
divided into 3 major areas: blessings of praise; blessings
of petitions (we are asking of G-d, I guess); blessings of
thanks. Sim Shalom falls into the last category.
Just look at the first words of “Sim Shalom:” Grant
peace, goodness and blessing, grace and kindness and
mercy to us and to all lsrael, Your people. How can
anyone fault these words?
Why the music is so evocative I can only answer in a
personal way. I’m sure the minor and major chords have
a lot to do with it, and Meg Gister or Belinda Brennan
can tell you why certain structures and clusters of notes
appeal to us in a particular way. But music, like silent
prayer, is a highly personal experience.
Music, I read, but think I must always have known,
plays a major role in Judaism. I’ve heard more than one
person say singing to G-d is perhaps a more powerful
form of prayer. I know when I hear Belinda sing, for
example, those goose bumps I feel are an indication to
me that her glorious voice is carrying more than just
her own emotions. Her inspired voice travels upward
and inward - way beyond the written words and music
on paper. After every choir rehearsal, especially, but
mostly all the time, I hear various songs and melodies
in my head…a soothing counterbalance to the busyness of every day. Choir rehearsal is much more than a
group of us gathering to practice singing. It’s an excuse
to sing what I feel…and sometimes what I didn’t know
I was feeling.
While thinking about what to write and reading up on
Sim Shalom, I learned how large and important the role
of music plays in our liturgy. We have a rich history
of music to go along with our prayers. From time to
time, I will try to highlight another song or melody
– and anyone else who would like to write in Choir
Notes is cordially invited to do so! Have YOU a favorite
song about which you would like to write? Have YOU
a favorite melody we perhaps haven’t yet included in
our choir songbook? Please share your thoughts and
ideas. Better yet, come join the choir. You will laugh
and sing…what could be better?
L’Shonah Tovah to all of you.
The Whole Megillah
Simchat Torah Service
Wednesday, October 3, 7 pm
Unscroll the Torah scrolls! Stand face to face with the
Ten Commandments! Dance to the Klezmer Band! Eat
delicious sweets!
Celebrate the joy that is Torah!
On October 3rd, at 7pm, we gather to celebrate Simchat
Torah, literally the joy of Torah. The holiday that
officially marks the beginning of another new year of
Torah readings, the service for this festival is not to be
On that night, we will unroll an entire Torah - as
if we are wrapping the sanctuary in our holy text.
Each attendee at the service will have the chance to
hold a piece of the parchment as it winds around the
Adding to the joy, we will sing, dance and pray to the
music of our own Klezmer band, A Klez Act.
Each year, we create a service that emphasizes the
commandment to teach our children and share
Torah from one generation to the next. The Simchat
Torah service is for all ages, and it thrives on the
participation of children. Please bring your young
Joe Bergonzi Night
On Friday night, October 19th, we will honor Joe
Bergonzi at the Shabbat service. Joe has been a
member of our staff for over 10 years, and caretaker of
our facilities dating back to Union Street. Joe was likely the one you saw cleaning, or setting up
and breaking down for events, maintaining grounds,
removing the snow, and doing a variety of other
tasks. Over the last decade, he became a trusted and
respected member of our community, and on the 19th
we’ll show our appreciation. Please join us. ~ Harvey Payton
The Whole Megillah
The Shabbat
Rosh Hashanah was over. The marathon of services
and food and family and friends had ended. The guests
had gone home. And as the sun was setting on our first
Rosh Hashanah with Rabbi Goldenberg….Shabbat was
Most of us were too exhausted to appear in the synagogue
yet one more time. But that was not true for 17 of us.
We were there at 7:30 pm on Friday night to welcome in
the Shabbat.
Among the 400 chairs set up for the holiday, Rabbi
Goldenberg had formed a few chairs into a circle close to
the ark and so we sat with our prayer books waiting. A
beautiful peace settled over the sanctuary and we took
a deep breath and then sat quietly thinking our own
thoughts. Rabbi Goldenberg and Belinda Brennan began
to sing a niggun and so the service began. There was
a glow, a special feeling of warmth that settled over all
of us. The words in the prayer book were the same but
the feeling was different. We were family and we were
together at this special moment.
It was a most beautiful service and a fitting way to begin
a New Year.
~Jo-Ann Price
About Israel Bonds
David Ben Gurion proposed the idea of creating
an organization to sell securities issued by Israel’s
government during a time of crisis when the state was
first born. Part of its nation building included raising
monies for a national infrastructure to accommodate the
arrival of hundreds of thousands of immigrants
This new organization “rose to the challenge, mobilizing
the Jewish community and securing first year sales of
$52 million. This marked the first of many critical
periods in which Israel Bonds generated vital economic
resources for Israel.”
As Israel copes with the war against Hezbollah and its
aftermath, Northern Israel must first recover from the
terrible destruction caused by thousands of rockets and
missiles. The damages and enormous costs defending
its citizens has markedly slowed the country’s economic
growth and Israel Bonds will make every effort “on
every level to ensure that Israel’s economic needs
continue to be met.”
Page The Installation of
Rabbi Goldenberg,
November 2 - 4
Come kvell, pray, eat, study, eat, dance, eat, raise a toast -your guide to a special weekend
When plans for Rabbi Goldenberg’s installation were
announced, she said during a Friday night service that she
felt like an appliance.
Well, that’s the word, installation, and we’re stuck with it,
but we’re also making it a weekend of joy that we invite all
in our community to participate in.
According to Jo-Ann Price who is co-chairing the weekend
with Suzanne Levine, “ This will be an opportunity for
the entire congregation to celebrate our new Rabbi. It has
taken us a long time to find the right person to lead us into
the future. Now that we have found her, let us show our
happiness and our ruach (spirit).”
From the Shabbat evening of Friday, Nov. 2 to the morning
of Sunday, Nov. 4th, the synagogue will be the site of many
exciting events. Here’s a rundown:
INSTALLATION SERVICE, Friday, Nov. 2, 7:30 p.m. Rabbi
Goldenberg will be formally installed as permanent Rabbi
of our congregation. We will have three guest Rabbis
on the Bimah this evening. Rabbi Irwin Goldenberg, our
Rabbi’s father, Rabbi Ellen Lippmann, founding Rabbi
of Kolot Chayeinu in Brooklyn and mentor to Rabbi
Goldenberg, and Rabbi David Stern, Senior Rabbi of
Temple Emanu-El in Dallas who is also a mentor to Rabbi
Goldenberg. Rev. Roger Talbott, the rabbi’s father-in-law,
will give a blessing.
morning, we’ll honor the members of the Transition
Committee and members of both Rabbi Search committees
who were all so important to our finding the right Rabbi
and helping to make her feel at home.
night, we’ll host a gourmet dinner and a chance to party
(“festive dress” is recommended). The theme of the
evening will be, of course, Rabbi Goldenberg. We will
have an opportunity to find out more about our Rabbi and
her interests through the theme and decorations for the
evening. The cocktail reception will begin at 6:30 p.m.,
with a brief Havdallah service at 7:15 p.m. followed by a
sumptuous dinner catered by Feast Gourmet Market, of
Deep River. Then we’ll dance until the wee hours of the
morning, to the music of our own “A Klez Act”, our eight
piece band that plays traditional and innovative Jewish
music, led by Norman Hanenbaum. Cost for the dinner is
$36 per person.
FAMILY BRUNCH: Sunday, Nov. 4, During Religious
School the children will hold their own “Installation
Service” for Rabbi Goldenberg when they will have an
opportunity to bless her as adults were able to on Friday
evening. After Religious School there will be a brunch for
all families with children.
putting together a beautiful commemorative journal with
the weekend’s program as well as all kinds of information
on our synagogue. We are soliciting ads from our members
and from the greater community. This is a booklet that
you will want to keep.
We invite the entire congregation to participate in any or
all events. For further information please call Sue Levine
at 526- 9945 or Jo-Ann Price at 860/526-9477. To reserve
your spot for dinner, please call Wendy Bayor in the
synagogue office 860/526-8920.
We have also invited many guests to join us including local
clergy, various leaders of the Reform Movement, leaders of
the local Jewish organizations and Federations, local town
officials and State officials, our Senators and Congressmen
and our past presidents and all of our former rabbis. It
should be a stellar evening in our history.
GALA ONEG SHABBAT: Following services we will have a
joyous Oneg Shabbat with goodies baked and contributed
by our members and sponsored by the Women’s Committee.
Saturday, Nov 3, 9 a.m. Holy Scrollers, our Torah Study
group, will be led by guest Rabbi, David Stern. Afterward,
at 10:30, there will be a Shabbat Morning Service complete
with a Torah service, and then a Kiddush. During the
Page 10
The Whole Megillah
The Installation
How To Make an Ad
of Yourself
We have a great opportunity coming up; don’t miss the
chance to be a part of it!
Rabbi Goldenberg’s Installation Weekend, November
2, 3 and 4, will be a gala celebration by our whole
community, one we’ll remember for many years to
A beautiful keepsake journal is planned to honor
and commemorate the occasion. It will be all about
this rabbi and this congregation – our histories, our
aspirations, and the events of this weekend, on which
we celebrate the convergence of our paths.
Included, of course, is plenty of space for us to
express our best wishes to her both personally and
professionally. Friends in the business community
undoubtedly will want to go on record also in
welcoming her; by all means let’s offer them this
pleasure. And happily, these expressions of love and
congratulation can go a long way toward closing
the gap between our dues income and our operating
Quarter Page
(Business Card - 2 x 3.5 inches)
Half Page
4 x 5 inches
Full Page
8 x 5 inches
Inside back cover
8 x 5 inches
Back Cover
(there’s only one – hurry)
One or Two-Liner (personal, not business, please)
$ 72
$ 108
$ 180
$ 270
$ 360
$ 36
( )
Prepare my ad with the following copy: (print legibly)
Advertiser Name_____________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Name ______________________________________________________________________________________
Please submit form and payment to
CBSRZ, P.O. Box 438, Chester CT 06412
Camera-Ready Materials may be e-mailed to bethshalom@
If snail-mailing materials, do not fold.
Contact: Natalie Lindstrom: 860-526-2468 or
The Whole Megillah
Page 11
Installation Committee Chairs
We would love to have any members of the congregation join any of the installation committees. If you would
like to be part of the fun of putting the weekend together, give one of us a call.
Oneg Shabbat
Sue Levine
Jo-Ann Price
Laura Roman
Barbara Greenspan
Torah Study
Rick Hornung
Karen and Jeff Burzin
Sean and Sibylle Konecky
Saturday Evening
Jon and Doreen Joslow
Marcy and Joel Saltzman
Sunday Brunch
David Ripin
Hospitality Invitations to
special guests
Susan Perl
Marlene Scharr
Martin and Lois Nadel
Lauren Gister 860-526-5745
Natalie Lindstrom
Nancy Fischbach
Norman Hanenbaum Lary Bloom (Klez Band)
Meg Gister (choir)
Linda Rigono
Kay Chiat
Lary Bloom
Congregational Invitations
Lynn Triebel
Page 12
The Whole Megillah
Helpers Needed
Bakers, Fruit Slicers and Shoppers...
Library News
By Karen Cheyney
Children’s Library
We begin the joyous
festivities with Friday
Shabbat services followed
by an Oneg. We will
be having many guests
(approximately 200 are
expected) join us at
services and we want to
“strut our stuff ” with
a really beautiful Oneg!
There are many creative
kitchen souls in our
congregation and we are
asking all of you to show
off your talents and bring
a tasty dairy treat to
Don’t have time to bake or make a fruit salad? That’s
OK. We could also use beverages. The temple will
provide the coffee and tea and we need people to bring
cold drinks (juices, cider, soda).
We would appreciate it if you would call (or e-mail) Laura
Roman with your intended contribution no later than
October 26. We’d like to have a variety and this would
allow us to ensure enough food and drinks. You can reach
Laura at 860-345-3583 or
You can bring your dairy food contribution to the
temple any time that is convenient. If it is before 4:00
on November 2nd, please make sure it is labeled for the
Installation Oneg. You can also bring it with you when
you come to services at 7:30 (but please make sure it is
ready to serve!).
Suggestions of food to bring: Baked Goods (Cakes,
Cookies, Brownies, Baklava, Mandel Bread; Fruit Tarts;
Cobblers); Fresh Fruit Salad; Cheese and Cracker Tray;
Hummus and Pita Plate; Vegetable Tray with Dip;
Crackers and Dip; Dried Fruits and Nuts Plate; Boxes
of Chocolates, Jelly Rings, Halavah, Chocolate Dipped
We will be moving the children’s videos from the
adult library to the children’s library in the religious
school wing sometime in October. Children’s music
will continue to be located in the main library next
to the ark until we can finish processing them. As a
reminder, please do not check out Teachers’ Resource
materials without permission. These materials are
next to the door outside the playground and few of
them have been catalogued or processed yet.
This school year the library will be emphasizing
Making Mitzvahs Meaningful. If your child is a
mitzvah mensch, bring us a picture of him or her
performing mitzvahs and we will put the photos up
on a wall. Some Sundays, the librarians will provide
M&M treats, so be sure to ask your child what
mitzvah he or she noticed at Sunday School.
Students at the religious school always enjoy guest
readers. If you would like to read to students, tell
stories, perform magic or do puppet shows, contact
Linda Polomski. The library itself is always looking
for volunteers to help shelve books, enter data on
the computer, process books, write book reviews or a
myriad of other things. Contact Karen Cheyney or
Linda Polomski if you are able to help. We want to
thank again those volunteers who have been helping
over the summer, including Beth Gottlieb, Stephanie
Arbige and Lon Seidman.
New Books
We have placed two orders over the summer, so we
have new interesting books: everything from Spiritual
Knitting to Torah through dance; from recent
Israeli fiction to recent scholastic works. We will be
placing another new order soon, so if you have any
suggestions, please e-mail them to Karen Cheyney at
We’ve done it before and we know that we can do it again!
Thanks in advance for your help!
~Laura Roman
The Whole Megillah
Page 13
Rear View
Editor’s note: The following is an account by Erica Udoff
of accompanying her son, Oliver, to Chicago, where he would
become a college freshman.
“...a compatible but weary team nearing the end of a
long project.”
To our fellow travelers, we hardly looked like we were
embarking on a momentous journey. My bag, full of
knitting, laptop, magazines and lists, would get stowed
poorly, as always, under the seat in front of me. It would get
yanked out periodically as I tried to take full advantage of
the couple of hours sitting still. My son and his bag exuded
casualness. But this was not just one of the cool vacations
we used to take when he was younger, the adventurous
mother with no sense of direction and her son the fabulous
navigator who figured out how to read French by the
direction that the engine on the Metro was facing. I was
delivering my one and only to college for the first time. Only
one of us had a roundtrip ticket.
Weather delays at O’Hare forced us to spend more time
waiting around at the airport in Hartford than we actually
did in the air once our 6:45 flight finally took off at 10:00.
At one point during that limbo the gate agent offered
passengers the chance to rebook for an early morning flight.
Having accidentally left my laptop charger at home, I was
thinking that wouldn’t a terrible alternative until my casual
companion calmly informed me that he did not want to go
back to the house. It was the first sign that beneath his calm
exterior, the teenager who only a few hours ago was lounging
on the sofa in his boxers watching a baseball game was
finding his own ways to prepare for moving on.
The next day was spent at the malls in the suburbs
of Chicago, amassing the essentials for dorm life, and
particularly, a life without the convenience of the family
car. As he handed over the extra Visa card I’d arranged for
him, he supplied his new zip code to the dutifully inquiring
cashiers. The casualness was back. By the time we had
dinner with his dad and his dad’s companion who had
arrived from New York, shopping-induced exhaustion had
somewhat dulled the sense of what the next day held, at
least for me. Not always a picture perfect divorced family, we
united for a warm and enthusiastic evening together. After
The Year of
Celebration Continues
By Louise Ross
On Sunday, September 9th, following the first day of Religious
School, the Rabbi Transition Committee sponsored a great
Barbecue. This was just another event in a year long series of
events to celebrate the arrival of Rabbi Goldenberg.
We had enough hamburgers and hot dogs to feed everyone
who attended and then some! As always, we had delicious
side dishes and dessserts prepared by a variety of committee
members and other congregants. Pot lucks never fail to
provide fabulous delicacies! I’m pretty certain that there
The Whole Megillah
that, how hard could any further challenges be?
Before long, he was moved into his quarter of the suite
he would be calling home. After lunch the New Yorkers
departed and we went back to the malls for a few last things.
By this time my usual high standards for finding just the
right whatever had slackened to a level befitting the number
of hours we’d been at this, as had my ability to ignore other
people’s screeching small children. Yet neither one of us let
cranky show. Ok, when we couldn’t find a lightweight jacket
(that I was positive would insure that waking up to rain
wouldn’t mean rolling over and skipping classes) I might
have showed a little cranky. Thank you, Timberland. We
were a compatible but weary team nearing the end of a long
After an early dinner together, goodbye was imminent,
though I admit to actually wondering if I could get out
of one last trip upstairs with a case of Gatorade if we said
goodbye at the car. No, my ever-practical son needed a
mother for a few more minutes. That done, I was no longer
imagining choking up at saying goodbye. I had done it and I
was walking back to the car by myself.
United made its best time ever on my solo trip home, though
he’ll never believe me. My new chapter as a long-distance
parent begins about now. How often to call, how often to
email, what kind of advice to add to all that’s gone before,
heeded or not.
Not finding a sweatshirt or tee shirt that suited my taste,
I bought two of those ubiquitous stickers with the college
name, one for my car and one for the truck that had been
his to drive. All my life I’d always seen these as parents’ way
of boasting about where their prodigy went to school, or at
least where they sent all their hard earned money. But once
I’d wiped the window clean and applied one, I discovered
what you only know once you’ve crossed this parental
threshold. If you look in your rear view mirror, which I
occasionally do, though probably not often enough, the
mirror reverses the backwards lettering on the back window,
so that you read the name of the place where your child is
now making a new exciting life. It’s not the same as having
my warm and witty kid living in the same house, but it’s
kind of a nice thing.
~ Erica Udoff
wasn’t a hungry man, woman or child to be found!
It was particularly wonderful to see our Religious School
children and their parents, interacting with congregants who
don’t have that school connection. We would like to think of
ways to bring all of the sectors of our congregation together
more often. Relationships amongst all ages of people really
cements the strength of our community.
Of course, the “talk of the day” was Jim Talbott’s buzz cut!!
No more curls!
Many thanks to our committee members who worked on this
Keep your eyes and ears open for the next “happening” in our
Year of Celebration.
Page 14
Weekly Torah Portions
October 6, 2007
Bereishit Genesis 1:1-6:8
G-d creates the world in six days. On the first day He makes
darkness and light. On the second day He forms the heavens,
dividing the “upper waters” from the “lower waters.” On the
third day He sets the boundaries of land and sea and calls
forth trees and greenery from the earth. On the fourth day He
fixes the position of the sun, moon and stars as timekeepers
and illuminators of the earth. Fish, birds and reptiles are
created on the fifth day; land-animals, and then the human
being, on the sixth. G-d ceases work on the seventh day, and
sanctifies it as a day of rest. G-d forms the human body from
the dust of the earth and blows into his nostrils a “living
soul.” Originally Man is a single person; but deciding that “it
is not good that man be alone,” G-d takes a “side” from the
man, forms it into a woman, and marries them to each other.
Adam and Eve are placed in the Garden of Eden and
commanded not to eat from the “Tree of Knowledge of
Good and Evil.” The serpent persuades Eve to violate
the command, and she shares the forbidden fruit with her
husband. Because of their sin, it is decreed that man will
experience death, returning to the soil from which he was
formed; and that all gain will come only through struggle
and hardship. Man is banished from the Garden. Eve gives
birth to two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain quarrels with Abel and
murders him, and becomes a rootless wanderer. A third son
is born to Adam, Seth, whose tenth-generation descendent,
Noah, is the only righteous man in a corrupt world.
October 13, 2007
Noach - Genesis 6:9 - 11:32
G-d instructs Noah -- the only righteous man in a world
consumed by violence and corruption -- to build a large
wooden teivah (“ark”), coated within and without with pitch.
A great deluge, says G-d, will wipe out all life from the face
of the earth; but the ark will float upon the water, sheltering
Noah and his family, and two members (male and female) of
each animal species. Rain falls for 40 days and nights, and the
waters churn for 150 days more before calming and beginning
to recede. The ark settles on Mount Ararat, and from its
window Noah dispatches a raven, and then a series of doves,
“to see if the waters were abated from the face of the earth.”
G-d swears never again to destroy all of mankind because
of their deeds, and sets the rainbow as a testimony of His
new covenant with man. G-d also commands Noah on the
sacredness of life: murder is deemed a capital offense, and
while man is permitted to eat the meat of animals, he is
forbidden to eat flesh or blood taken from a living animal.
Noah plants a vineyard and becomes drunk on its produce.
Two of Noah’s sons, Shem and Japeth, are blessed for
covering up their father’s nakedness, while his third son, Ham,
is cursed for taking advantage of his debasement.
Octoberr 20, 2007
Lech-Lecha Genesis 12:1-17:27
G-d speaks to Abram, commanding him to “Go from your
land, from your birthplace and from your father’s house,
to the land which I will show you.” There, G-d says, he
will be made into a great nation. Abram and his wife Sarai,
accompanied by his nephew Lot, journey to the Land of
Page 15
Canaan, where Abram builds an altar and continues to spread
the message of a One G-d. A famine forces the first Jew to
depart for Egypt, where beautiful Sarai is taken to Pharaoh’s
palace; Abram escapes death because they present themselves
as brother and sister. A plague prevents the Egyptian king
from touching her and convinces him to return her to Abram
and compensate the brother-revealed-as-husband with gold,
silver and cattle.
Back in the Land of Canaan, Lot separates from Abram
and settles in the evil city of Sodom, where he falls captive
when the mighty armies of Chedorlaomer and his three allies
conquer the five cities of the Sodom Valley. Abram sets out
with a small band to rescue his nephew, defeats the four kings,
and is blessed by Malki-Zedek the king of Salem (Jerusalem).
G-d seals the Covenant Between the Parts with Abram, in
which the exile and persecution (Galut) of the people of Israel
is foretold and the Holy Land is bequeathed to them as their
eternal heritage Still childless ten years after their arrival in
the Land, Sarai tells Abram to marry her maidservant Hagar.
Hagar conceives, becomes insolent toward her mistress, and
then flees when Sarai treats her harshly; an angel convinces
her to return and tells her that her son will father a populous
nation. Ishmael is born in Abram’s 86th year.
Thirteen years later, G-d changes Abram’s name to Abraham
(“father of multitudes”) and Sarai’s to Sarah (“princess”),
and promises that a son will be born to them; from this
child, whom they should call Isaac (“will laugh”), will stem
the great nation with which G-d will establish His special
bond. Abraham is commanded to circumcise himself and his
descendents as a “sign of the covenant between Me and
October 27, 2007
Vayeira Genesis 18:1-22:24
Abraham rushes off to prepare a meal for three guests who
appear in the desert heat. One of the three -- who are angels
disguised as men -- announces that, in exactly one year, the
barren Sarah will give birth to a son. Sarah laughs. Abraham
pleads with G-d to spare the wicked city of Sodom. Two of
the three disguised angels arrive in the doomed city, where
Abraham’s nephew, Lot, extends his hospitality to them and
protects them from the evil intentions of a Sodomite mob.
The two guests reveal that they have come to overturn the
place, and to save Lot and his family. Lot’s wife turns into
a pillar of salt when she disobeys the command not to look
back at the burning city as they flee. While taking shelter
in a cave, Lot’s two daughters (believing that they and their
father are the only ones left alive in the world) get their father
drunk, lie with him, and become pregnant. The two sons born
from this incident father the nations of Moab and Amon.
Abraham moves to Gerar, where the Philistine king Avimelech
takes Sarah -- who is presented as Abraham’s sister -- to
his palace. In a dream, G-d warns Avimelech that he will
die unless he returns the woman to her husband. Abraham
explains that he feared he would be killed over the beautiful
Sarah. G-d remembers His promise to Sarah and gives her
and Abraham a son, who is named Isaac (Yitzchak, meaning
“will laugh”). Isaac is circumcised at the age of eight days;
Abraham is 100 years old, and Sarah 90, at their child’s birth.
G-d tests Abraham’s devotion by commanding him to sacrifice
Isaac on Mount Moriah (the Temple Mount) in Jerusalem.
Isaac is bound and placed on the altar, and Abraham raises
the knife to slaughter his son. A voice from heaven calls to
stop him; a ram, caught in the undergrowth by its horns, is
offered in Isaac’s place.
The Whole Megillah
Refuah Shelemah
Prayers are offered for the physical and emotional health
of members, family and friends at services on Friday and
If someone you know is ill or might like a visit from
Rabbi Goldenberg, please call 860/526-8920.
When you are hospitalized, please be aware that there
are now stricter legal and ethical guidelines regarding the
dissemination of patient information from hospitals to
clergy. In addition, today’s shorter hospital stays make
Ezra Altabet - Grandson of Jackie Michael
Howard Baran - Husband of Terry Baran
Terry Baran - Wife of Howard Baran
Patty Carroll - Friend of Sue Savitt
Gertrude Cohen - Cousin of Eva Davis
Sammy Cohen - Nephew of Rebecca Blake
John Dempsey - Friend of Gene and
Marilyn Kalet
Lois Eichengreen
Hy Fink - Husband of Rita Fink
Marilyn Fisher
Vincent Foley
Carol Hinnegan
Marge Hollander - Relative of Eric Infeld
Odette Jubelirer - Mother of Brad Jubelirer
Joe Labov - Husband of Shirlee Labov
Shirlee Labov - Wife of Joe Labov
Steve Levinson - Brother-in-law of Nancy Fischbach
Millie Locker
Linda Lucas - Friend of Gene and Marilyn Kalet
Marilyn Kalet’s Mama Loshen
Mishpocheh zachen
Family affairs
Garden of Eden
Fardrai zich dein kop
Go drive yourself crazy
A gourmet’s delight
Vi gait dos gesheft?
How’s business?
timely visits by clergy difficult at best. Therefore, if you
have occasion to be hospitalized, you or your family
members should do two things:
First, notify the synagogue or Rabbi Goldenberg of the
hospitalization as soon as possible.
Second, upon admission to the hospital, you will be asked
if you desire to have your religious affiliation as a part
of your medical record and for permission to make your
name available to clergy.
If you fail to do either of the above ,Rabbi Goldenberg
will have no way of knowing your needs.
Gail Lynch - Friend of Lois Glazer
Alan Neff
Maya Ouzen
Lois Plumb
Elana Pomerantz - Granddaughter of Jackie
Loretta Reeb - Friend of Ethan Goller and Rona Malakoff
Sy Reiner - Brother-in-law of Marilyn Kalet
Naomi Rogers - Wife of Sam Rogers
Marlene Scharr - Wife of Jerry Scharr
Rick Westerman - Friend of Ethan Goller and
Rona Malakoff
Please remember to inform either chair of the Chesed
Committee - Marilyn White-Gottfried or Sue Savitt
- if you or someone you know is ill, in need of help or
has experienced a death in the family. They are here to
Kaddish is recited every Friday evening and Shabbat
morning. Please call the Rabbi if you have any
Seltzer Bus card horiz ad 1
Page 16
6/26/07 9:53:11 AM
The Whole Megillah
October Yahrzeits
Memorial Plaques
Ida Polstein
Sam Krupnikoff
Paul Peck
Father of Michael Peck
Sidney Swadosh
Rose Kabatznick
David Ross
Father of Louise Ross
Jennie Mae Clein
Mother of Reuven Clein
Sol Goldstein
David Wexler
Uncle of Susan Fine
Leo Amarant
Father of George Amarant
Abraham Breitman
Anna Needle Joseloff
Libby Nevas
Mother of Jo-Ann Price
Bertram Friedman
Being observed by Dorothy
Matthew Wartel
Lena Frankel
Anna Gelper
Louis Joseloff
David Joslow
Father of Liz Archambault
Father of Jon Joslow
Ida Levinson
Irving Pivnick
Emma Oppenheimer
David Miller
Grandfather of Ellen Friedman
Bella Astrove
Milton Weintraub
Uncle of Marcy Saltzman
Daniel Alan Altman
Max Frankel
Sylvia Beckerman
Mother of Barbara Beckerman
Elizabeth Friedman
David Levine
Nathan Fink
Father of Hy Fink
Isaac Baron
Solomon Ginsberg
Celia Baum
Harry Baron
Abraham Blecher
Jane White Gwillim
Mother-in-law of Lary Bloom
Philip Berwick
Aaron Diamond
Edward Glazer
Husband of Lois Glazer
Samuel Elkin
Marvin Radom
Father of Debra Landrey
Jacob Lake
Sarah Shulman
Louis Steinberg
Celia Benson
Ann Samuels Levine
Being observed by Steven Ross
Libby Peck
Mother of Michael Peck
Sondra Burzin
Mother of Jeffrey Burzin
Lester Feld
Father of Gail Feld
Ethel Goldberg
Mother-in-law of David Bruno
Harry Labov
Father of Joseph Labov
Martin Saykin
Father of Adele Saykin
Harry Schwartz
Father-in-law of Irv Shiffman
Michael Pear
Brother of Joseph Pear
Leonora Hays
Wife of David Hays
Nathan Gottlieb
Father of Henry Gottlieb
Nathan Luchnick
Father of Lois Glazer
Sadie Case Sharp
Sister of Lewis Case
Nathan Sigal
Father of Dorothy Palmer
Grandfather of Peg Palmer
Sarah Zomback
Mother of Beth Brewer
Page 17
Frances Seidman
Mother of Sandy Seidman
Robert Price
Father of Neil Price
Annette Farber Rechtschafer
Sister of Beverly Glassman
Harry Zack
Father of Mathias Zack
The Whole Megillah
Building Our Sukkah
On a beautiful
afternoon, several
members of the
led by George
Amarant and
Harvey Payton
(our House
Committee cochairs) built the
Sukkah -- the site of the Shabbat pot luck supper on
September 28. Laura Roman recorded the scene with
her camera.
That’s Harvey Payton behind the beam (but on top of
things, as always)
Leslie Krumholz
Meg Gister
Above: Carol LeWitt and Marcy Saltzman
Right: Stephanie Arbige
Page 18
The Whole Megillah
October 2007
19 Tishri 5768 - 19 Heshvan 5768
8 am: Simchat Torah
morning service with
7 pm: Religious Affairs
7:30 pm: Senator Chris
Dodd "Letters From
6 pm: Family potluck
7 pm: Family Shabbat
19 Tishri
Kesubos 30
20 Tishri
Kesubos 31
21 Tishri
Kesubos 32
22 Tishri
Kesubos 33
23 Tishri
Kesubos 34
7 pm: Choir Rehearsal
2 Heshvan
Kesubos 43
3 Heshvan
Kesubos 44
7:30 pm: Board Meeting
27 Tishri
Kesubos 38
28 Tishri
Kesubos 39
29 Tishri
Kesubos 40
7:45 am: Minyan
4:15 pm: Religious
4 Heshvan
Kesubos 45
5 Heshvan
Kesubos 46
6:30 pm: Gesher &
7:45 am: Minyan
4:15 pm: Religious
9 Heshvan
Kesubos 50
10 Heshvan
Kesubos 51
11 Heshvan
Kesubos 52
12 Heshvan
Kesubos 53
7:45 am: Minyan
4:15 pm: Religious
6:30 pm: Women's
Club, Jackie Michael's
8 pm: Klezmer Band
3 pm: Shoreline Soup
6:30 pm: Gesher &
9:30 am: Religious
11 am: Israel Bonds
Tribute Lunch
Simchat Torah
7:45 am: Minyan
7 pm: Erev Simchat
Torah & Consecration
9:30 am: Religious
9:30 am: Program
7 pm: Executive
26 Tishri
Kesubos 37
Hoshanah Rabbah
Shemini Atzeret (Yizkor)
Hol Hamoed Sukkot IV
25 Tishri
Kesubos 36
Hol Hamoed Sukkot III
7 pm: Choir Rehearsal
7 pm: Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am: Religious
9:45 am: Social Action
13 Heshvan
Kesubos 54
8:30 am: Shabbat
9 am: Holy Scrollers
24 Tishri
Kesubos 35
Rosh Hodesh II
7:30 pm: Shabbat
8:30 am: Shabbat
9 am: Holy Scrollers
10:30 am: Bar Mitzvah
of Collin Schuster
30 Tishri
Kesubos 41
1 Heshvan
Kesubos 42
7:30 pm: Shabbat
Service with Choir
6 Heshvan
Kesubos 47
Rosh Hodesh I
8:30 am: Shabbat
9 am: Holy Scrollers
7 Heshvan
Kesubos 48
7:30 pm: Shabbat
14 Heshvan
Kesubos 55
8 Heshvan
Kesubos 49
8:30 am: Shabbat
9 am: Holy Scrollers
4:30 pm: B'nai Mitzvah
15 Heshvan
Kesubos 56
9:30 am: Religious
7 pm: Choir Rehearsal
7 pm: Executive
7:45 am: Minyan
4:15 pm: Religious
16 Heshvan
Kesubos 57
17 Heshvan
Kesubos 58
18 Heshvan
Kesubos 59
19 Heshvan
Kesubos 60
[¡¡Candle Lighting, §Observance End, Printed September 23, 2007/11 Tishri 5768 for Canton, Ohio]
The Whole Megillah
Page 19
Congregation Beth Shalom Rodfe Zedek
55 East Kings Highway
Post Office Box 438
Chester, CT 06412
Phone 860-526-8920
Fax 860-526-8918
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New Haven , CT
The Whole Megillah