Temple Beth O’r/Beth Torah

Temple Beth O’R/Beth Torah
111 Valley Road, Clark NJ 07066
U.S. Postage Paid
Rahway, NJ
PERMIT No. 166
Temple Beth O’r/Beth Torah
IYAR 5774
Change Service Requested
Steven Stern, Spiritual Leader
Howard Silverman, President
Jonathan Phillips, Executive Vice-President
MAY 2014
Mailed May 1, 2014
Simply Streisand
Sunday, June 29 at 5 pm
Sunday, May 4 at 5 PM
An outrageously fun evening with
your favorite TV games shows!
Enjoy delicious Super Heroes with all the trimmings catered
by Deli-King of Clark! Yummy desserts!
Presents an elegant, exciting show that leaves audiences spellbound!
Don't miss out on the fun. Reserve now.
Tickets are only $28 for members,
$33 for non-members, and $10 for children under 12.
Evening includes
♦ dinner and dessert
♦ silent auction of fabulous goods & services
For tickets call the temple office by Thursday, June 19.
Tickets: members $30, non-members $35
PATRON $360: 2 admission tickets for the show, dinner &
dessert; preferred seating; bottle of wine; Barbra Streisand
CD; 2 raffle tickets & a photograph with entertainer
SPONSOR $180: 2 admission tickets for the show,
dinner & dessert, preferred seating & 2 raffle tickets
You can be the next Winner!!!
Simply Streisand
Sunday, June 29 at 5 pm
Presents an elegant, exciting show that leaves audiences spellbound!
Evening includes
♦ dinner and dessert
♦ silent auction of fabulous goods & services
Details on the back cover
From the Cantor
"This is my modest gift to the
Jewish people who have always
dreamt of biblical love,
friendship and of peace among
all peoples. This is my gift to that
people which lived here
thousands of years ago among
the other Semitic people." Marc
Chagall, Jerusalem, February 6,
son’s passport list Israel as his place of birth. According to
legal experts, the case involves a number of very significant
constitutional issues. But what interests me most is not the
perennial friction between the various branches of our
government. Rather it is the degree to which governments
and institutions make policy based not on propriety and
reality, but on the basis of an attempt to placate those on the
world stage holding the most radical and extreme
viewpoints. We have unfortunately seen this phenomenon
increasingly in recent years.
On my trip to Israel in February, I had hoped to visit
Hadassah Hospital and view the famous Chagall windows,
but unfortunately there was not enough time. I wish I had
made time, because today I just finished reading about the
great passport debate. As you may know, the U.S. Congress
in 2002 passed a law that required any U.S. citizen born in
Jerusalem to have the right to have his/her passport stamped
with Israel as the birthplace. This was intended to nullify
the policy of the State Department that directed that only
Jerusalem be listed as the place of birth, a policy designed
to affirm the U.S. position of neutrality on the question of
sovereignty over the city.
Yom Yerushalayim will be observed on the 28th of Iyar,
which falls this year on May 28th. It commemorates the
reunification of Jerusalem in 1967 following the Six Day
War. There are surely many issues, including those related
to the Holy City, that will have to be resolved if there is
ever going to be peace between Israel and her neighbors.
That is to be left for the parties involved to settle. That the
birthplace of a baby born adjacent to the grand, artistic
masterpiece of Chagall needs to be debated in the hallowed
halls of our nation’s highest court is, however, unfortunate
and sad.
On the subject of Jerusalem, I am pleased to have been able
to invite Rabbi Jonathan Porath to join us for our upcoming
Scholar-in-Residence Shabbat on May 30 and 31. I met
him briefly while in Jerusalem where he now resides, and
as many of you know, he served our community in Clark
from 1975 to 1984. Among other topics, he will be
speaking about life as a resident of Jerusalem. I hope you
will join us for this very special Shabbat.
One might conceivably be excused for understanding the
rationale behind the State Department’s position as regards
the Old City, but is there any question at all regarding
Israeli sovereignty over Western Jerusalem? Is there any
question about whether a baby born at Hadassah Hospital or
Shaare Zedek was born in Israel or not? According to the
State Department it seems there is, and since the executive
branch of our government is now in conflict with our
legislative branch, the Supreme Court has been asked to
Shalom u’vracha,
Cantor Steven Stern
A suit has been brought by Ari and Naomi Zivotofsky, U.S
citizens whose son Menachem Binyamin was born at
Shaare Zedek in 2002 and who claim the right to have their
What’s Up for Shabbat in May?
Men’s Club Shabbat - Saturday , May 3
Dress Down Shabbat— Come casual for our Shabbat
services on Friday and Saturday, May 9 & 10.
TUESDAY, JUNE 3, @ 7:30 P.M.
Simcha Shabbat—We will celebrate all birthdays and
anniversaries in the month of May on Saturday, May
24. Come for a blessing and share your simcha with
your TBO/BT family!
Join us at the Bayit
(117 John Street)
for an enchanted evening of prayers,
Toray study, and dairy desserts.
RSVP 732 381 8403 Tbethor@gmail.com
Scholar-in-Residence Shabbat - Friday & Saturday,
May 30 & 31
Nancy Kelner delivered the following D’var Torah on a recent Shabbat morning
"I had the honor of giving the D'var Torah on Saturday, April
26, and was asked to submit it for our Temple
Bulletin. Hope you enjoy it.”
Nancy Kelner
plan also involves telling the neighbor’s wife that you saw your
neighbor in a bar, being a little too friendly with the barmaid.
Bam! Now you’ve violated Commandment # 9, also, “You
shall not bear false witness.” Holy cow! A double violation!
Shabbat Shalom. I’d like to say a few words about today’s Torah
Well, I think you get the idea. Envy can be a slippery slope.
But is it realistic to expect us to, let alone command us to, not
be envious? Are we talking thought-control here? I decided to
check the Internet to see what scholars had to say. Here’s what I
found in Wikipedia regarding Maimonides’ interpretation of
this commandment:
Today’s parshah is Kedoshim. It begins: “And the Lord spoke to
Moses saying, Speak to the entire congregation of the children of
Israel and say to them, You shall be holy, for I the Lord your G-d
am holy.” It goes on to repeat many of the Ten Commandments
and lists many other things we should and should not do.
One of the Ten Commandments I didn’t see in the parshah is the
tenth one, “You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall
not covet your neighbor's wife, his manservant, his maid-servant,
his ox, his ass, nor anything that is your neighbor's.”
I am fascinated by the word covet. Definitely a word you don’t
hear much in conversation today. If I saw the word covet for the
first time, as a retired secretary, my first thought would be TYPO!
(And those of you who type know that the R and the T are next to
each other on the keyboard.) Maybe G-d meant ‘cover.’ And that
leads – sorry, can’t help it - to the joke about covering your
neighbor’s ass.
Well, we know every word of the Torah was chosen carefully, so
we know that G-d meant ‘covet’ after all. But what exactly does
that mean? The online dictionary I checked said that envy,
jealousy and covetousness are all very similar. But there must be
a difference, otherwise the Torah would have said ‘You shall not
envy’ or ‘You shall not be jealous of.’ And that could be a
problem, because now it sounds like G-d is telling us how to
think. Isn’t it hard enough to follow the first nine
Commandments, which are actions, without also being told how
we should think?
Here’s how I see it. Think of envy, jealousy and covetousness as
three levels of the same thought. Envy is the first level, yellow
alert, if you will, when you look out your window, see a new car
in your neighbor’s driveway, and say, “Nice car. I wish I had a car
like that .” Jealousy is the second level, orange alert, when you
look out your window, see a new car in your neighbor’s driveway,
and say, “Nice car. I should have a car like that. He doesn’t
deserve it.” Covetousness is the third level, red alert, when you
look out your window, see a new car in your neighbor’s driveway,
and say, “Nice car. I wish I had a car like that. I deserve a car like
that. I want that car. “
And Bam! Next thing you know, you’re making plans to steal it.
Violating Commandment #10 has led to violating Commandment
#8, You shall not steal.
‘Maimonides viewed the prohibition of coveting as a fence or
boundary intended to keep adherents a safe distance away from
the very serious sins of theft, adultery, and murder.
‘Desire leads to coveting, and coveting leads to stealing. For if
the owner (of the coveted object) does not wish to sell, even
though he is offered a good price and is entreated to accept, the
person (who covets the object) will come to steal it, as it is
written (Mikha 2:2) [Micah 2:2], 'They covet fields and (then)
steal them.' And if the owner approaches him with a view to
reclaiming his money or preventing the theft, then he will come
to murder. Go and learn from the example of Achav [Ahab] and
Navot [Naboth].
‘Maimonides’ admonition to learn from the example of Ahab
and Naboth refers to the narrative in 1 Kings 21 in which King
Ahab of Israel tried to convince Naboth the Jezreelite to sell
him the vineyard Naboth owned adjacent to the king’s palace.
Ahab wanted the land to use as a vegetable garden, but Naboth
refused to sell or trade the property to Ahab saying, “The
LORD forbid that I should give up to you what I have inherited
from my fathers!” Ahab’s wife Jezebel then conspired to obtain
the vineyard by writing letters in Ahab’s name to the elders and
nobles in Naboth’s town instructing them to have two
scoundrels bear false witness claiming that Naboth has cursed
both God and the king. After Naboth was subsequently stoned
to death, Ahab seized possession of Naboth’s vineyard. The text
describes the LORD as very angry with Ahab, and the prophet
Elijah pronounces judgment on both Ahab and Jezebel.’
So - what does that all mean and what are we supposed to learn
from it? I think the lesson is that G-d doesn’t want to control
our thoughts, G-d wants us to control our thoughts. And as
hard as that may sound, I believe we wouldn’t be asked to do it
if G-d thought we couldn’t do it. After all, don’t they say that
G-d doesn’t hand us anything we can’t handle?
If “we are the masters of our words before they are spoken,”
then surely we are the masters of our thoughts before they lead
to actions we will regret. The next time we catch ourselves
gazing enviously at someone else’s handbag or house or
grandchildren or anything else that doesn’t belong to us, let’s
resolve to stop, take a breath, and say to ourselves, “What a nice
house. I wish I had a house like that.” And then let’s take
another breath, and say to ourselves, “ But I don’t, and that’s all
Suppose you’re a single guy, and you notice your neighbor’s wife
is a very pretty woman, and you think to yourself, “How did my
idiot neighbor get himself a beautiful woman like that? I wish I
had a woman like that.” As time goes on, and you dwell more and
more on the neighbor’s wife, envy turns to jealousy and then to
covetousness. And Bam! Next thing you know, you’re making
Shabbat Shalom.
plans to take the neighbor’s wife away from him. Violating
Commandment #10 has led to violating Commandment #7, You
shall not commit adultery. And if you’re very clever, maybe your
From The President
Happy Birthday!
Bonnie Altman
Jerome Baron
Alex Cammy
Nikolai Cherenkov
Ilana Dorsch
Ellen Gietter
Bernice Gola
William Hausler
Lorraine Itzkowitz
Malvina Kohn
As I write this note to you on a
glorious April day when the
temperature should reach 50
degrees (only 47 now), I can just
feel the collective excitement that
winter has (hopefully) finally
packed its bags and that summer
will soon be here. I feel the inner
joy to be outside. Acknowledging
this change in seasons also gives
me the opportunity to reflect on the winter that has just
passed. We had our challenges with cold temperatures, ice
and snow. Through it all we remain active and a vibrant
Karen Langer
Benjamin Margulies
Helene Miller
Ian Muhlgeier
Arthur Purdy
Shirley Ratner
Benjamin Saks
Joseph Weiner
Norma Weinshanker
Happy Anniversary!
Alan & Wendy Mandelbaum
Michael & Laurie Saks
Jay & Esther Schlesinger
Joel & Barbara Seltzer
Allan & Rayna Warner
Your Temple Board still strives to have interesting, exciting
and entertaining programs to keep us active. It would be
impossible to truly communicate my respect and admiration
for all who serve on your Board. What they have
collectively done for our community would be impossible
to express in just a few short words. We have two upcoming
programs -- "Game Show Nigh" and "Simply Streisand".
Please come out, you will have an entertaining evening and
help support Our Home, Our Shul.
Our own Jon Henry Barr
has been selected by the
New Jersey State Bar Association’s
Municipal Court Practice Section as
this year’s Municipal Court Practice
Award recipient. Jon Henry has been
the municipal prosecutor in Clark
and Kenilworth for many years and
is the president of the New Jersey Prosecutors
Association. He has been a speaker for the New
Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education and
serves as a volunteer emergency medical
technician. Mazel Tov!
I am looking forward to seeing you.
Howard Silverman,
Combined Morning Minyan
In the month of May minyan will be held in
Monday & Thursday – 6:50 am; Tuesday, Wed.,
& Friday – 7:00 am;
School Days
The Hebrew School and Yaldeinu 's curricula for
April added much learning about Passover--the
prayers, the story, the Haggadah, the special foods,
etc. Many of our families joined our Temple family at
the First Night Seder and put into practice all of what
they had learned!!
Sundays & Holidays - 9:00 am in Clark.
Evening services are held every day at 7:30
pm in Cranford.
Stay in the Loop!
Classes resumed after the Passover break for both
groups on Sunday, April 27th. The end of the 20132014 school year for both classes will be on Sunday,
May 18th. Can you believe how fast time is
Elaine & Thelma
Keep up with all our events
by email. Contact the office
if you are not currently on our email list.
I have lots of good news to report
from Sisterhood this month. First,
on Sunday, May 18th @10am, we
will have a brunch meeting on
“Mental Health Issues” with Dr.
Esther Schlesinger leading the
discussion. This is the rescheduled
brunch meeting from February on
the same topic. A special breakfast will be served.
The TBO/BT Family extends Mazel Tov to:
SUNDAY, MAY 18 @ 10 AM
Florence Bernstein on the Bat Mitzvah of her granddaughter Gillian Alexa Miller
The TBO/BT Family expresses condolences to:
The TBO/BT Family wishes speedy recovery to:
Then, most of you should be aware by now that Donor
Dinner, normally held in May will be held instead on June
12th. This was done so we could have some amazing
Donor Dinner Committee
Finally, there is an update on the crocheted baby caps.
Our small group has made a dozen newborn hats, which are
being donated to the Pediatric Dept. at Shaare Zedek
Medical Center in Jerusalem. I want to thank all the ladies
who made this possible, including our instructors, Esther
Schlesinger & Ellen Cohen. All of you did a fabulous job!
Golden Books
To: Ruth & Bernie Berkhoff on the engagement of their
granddaughter Sarah Rothenberg to Evan Schonfeld
From: Norma & Jack Weinshanker
To: Myrna & Arny Young on their 55th Wedding
From: Norma & Jack Weinshanker
I plan on seeing many of you on May 18th!
Joleen Fridson
To: Jayne Heidelberger on the passing of her mother Phyllis
From: Julia & Yakov Vinokurov
To: Lenny Weiner on the passing of his mother Rachel
From: Julia & Yakov Vinokurov
Judaica Shop News
Hope everyone had a nice Pesach. Can
graduation time be far behind? We have a
nice assortment of picture frames, photo albums and photo
album/picture frame combos. We also have baby items
(lots of bibs!) and children’s tzedakah boxes, women’s
jewelry and books for children and adults. Remember – if
you want something you don’t see, let me know – we may
have it! Nancy Kelner 908-272-9072 or nkelner@aol.com.
Special Fund
Donations to Special Fund can be made for any
occasion for a minimum donation of $5.00. You
will receive 100% donor credit.
To send a beautiful Special Fund card call:
Gene Berry (732-388-3453).
Golden Books
To send a Golden Book for any occasion, call:
Joan Oberman (732-381-4322)
Evie Shulman (908-276-6894)
Betty Needleman (908-389-0911).
Sisterhood makes a 5% profit on all ShopRite and A&P
vouchers sold. Therefore you are entitled to claim that 5%
as a charitable deduction on your income tax. If you are
not sure how much donor credit (also 5%) you have
received for vouchers, please contact Esther Schlesinger
Cards are sent for $3.00 and you will receive
$1.50 donor credit, or pick up a pack of 10 cards
for $20.00 with $15.00 donor credit and send them
yourself. They can be picked up from the office.
Please send checks to Esther Schlesinger
(9 Pine Ridge Dr., Edison, NJ 08820) or call (732)
548-7132 for the amount owed.
Jayne Heidelberger on the passing of her mother Phyllis Cooperman
Lenny Weiner on the passing of his mother Rachel Weiner
Jake Altholz, Sheldon Halper
We gratefully acknowledge the following donations made to
TBO/BT during the month of April
( To make a donation in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special occasion, call or email the temple office.)
Yahrzeit Fund
Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
Harriet Rothschild in loving memory of William
Rothschild, Leon Weinberg, Meyer Weinberg
Minyan Breakfast Fund
Harriet Rothschild in memory of Amalchin Zimmerman
Donated By
In Memory of
Herbert Hymanson
Min Hymanson
Rita Dubrow
Faye Dubrow
Marvin Edelman
Abraham Edelman
Esther Rubinstein
Morris Gutwilig
Paul Hymanson
Min Hymanson
Stewart Sherman
Aaron Sherman
Dr. Dennis Turner
Henry Turner
Claire Warech
Charles Goldstein
Bonnie Altman
Bertold Dreifus
Sheldon Halper
Mollie Spatz
Lorraine & Milton Loshin in memory of Dora Sattler
Rayna Warner
Simon Small
Yuri Gorkin & Liya Tager in memory of Mira Beylina
Shirley Coppleson
Shirley Lewitter
Elaine Kolker
Albert Unger
Michael E. Miller
Ethel Miller
Anna Vaidman
Semyon Margulis
Marilyn Weinstein
David Weinstein
Ida Breitbart
Minnie Melnick
Bess Berg
Minnie Melnick
Adele Pressman
Harry Pressman
Carla Rockliff
Richard Wolfson
Eva Silbert
Leo Rogath
Adeline Gesten
Esther Lehner
Sol Sern Memorial Fund
Gitta Harel
Frances Burns
Congregation, Sisterhood, Men’s Club
Arny & Myrna Young in honor of their 55th
Wedding Anniversary
Thank you
We would like to thank all our dear friends at
TBO/BT for the Purim Mishloach Manot, as well as
good wishes for Myrna’s birthday and our
anniversary. May we always share good occasions.
Myrna & Arny Young
Jane & Sheldon Halper would like to thank everyone
for their calls and cards wishing Sheldon a complete
and speedy recovery.
Join TBOBT as we march in the
Clark Memorial Day Parade!
Monday morning, May 26.
Details to follow.
ShopRite and A&P vouchers are available at
Sisterhood functions, and in the temple office.
From Dr. Michael Miller
Humans cannot survive without CLEAN water
Scholar-in Residence Shabbat
Saturday, May 3
May 30-31
With the water pollution crisis in the eastern US and severe drought in the west, I'm sure you'll agree that now is the
perfect time to focus on clean, safe and abundant water for all.
with Rabbi Jonathan Porath
Rabbi Porath served as rabbi of Temple Beth O’r
from 1975-1984 before moving with his family to Israel.
Top 12 Tips for Water Conservation in the Home
1. Calculate your water footprint. www.gracelinks.org/3404/water-footprint-calclator
2. Replace showerheads. Install low-flow showerheads, rated 1.5 gallons per minute (gpm) or less.
3. Install aerators. Screw aerators rated at 1.5 gpm onto your faucets.
4. Use toilet tank banks. Reduce water used per flush with these flexible inserts placed in the tank.
5. Go WaterSense. This certification ensures your appliances are the most water efficient in their class. www.epa.gov/
6. Turn it off! Shut off water when soaping up, shaving, washing dishes or brushing teeth. If you let it run to warm up/
cool down, collect it for other uses.
7. Wash dishes wisely. Scrape, don’t rinse, dishes before using the dishwasher. Plug up the sink/basin if washing
dishes by hand.
8. Wash clothes with less. Do only full loads of laundry, or lower the water setting to match the size of the load.
9. Check for leaks. Each month check all appliances for leaks.
10. Avoid the garbage disposal! Collect food waste in a drain trap.
11. Kick the bottled water habit, and begin serving tap water. To remove chlorine taste, use a large pitcher with a
renewable filter.
12. Watering shrubs and gardens, Use a water timer and “weeper hoses,” drip irrigation.
Wandering Over – Going Home
After living in New Jersey since February 1975, nearly equal to
the same 40 years Moses wandered in the desert with our
ancestors, Helene & I will be going home to New York. We have
sold our house in Hillside, and will be moving into a co-op in
Cedarhurst and to be near one of our fantastic children and their
family. We expect to move by the end of May, not being around
for Installation.
This is a bittersweet decision on my part, but one whose time
has come. Our granddaughter is nearly 5, and we have missed
too much of her life already, being 2 bridges away and nearly
always encompassing lousy traffic when we visit them or they
visit us.
So we go home to New York, Helene from the Bronx and me
from Brooklyn. As we started our married life in Queens, as a
compromise, now we compromise living in Nassau County
instead of the City of NY. But it is the right compromise.
I wish you all good health, much Mazel, only bright days and
happiness. I wish for you what I wish for myself and my family.
And being near our granddaughter will certainly bring Helene &
me bright days & much happiness.
It’s been a pleasure. And so I leave you with this:
BOCELLI - Time To Say Goodbye
Michael E. Miller
April 11, 2014
Jewish Film Festival
Wednesday, May 7—Aftermath
Tuesdays, May 13 - the Zigzag Kid
Wednesday, May 28 - The Lady in
November, Life in Still
All films start at 7:30 p.m. and will be shown
at Rialto Theatre,
250 E. Broad St., Westfield.
He will teach the following topics:
Shabbat after lunch:
Please RSVP by May 19 if you plan to attend the Saturday Kiddush or afternoon
Seudah Shlesheet.
Coming soon!
Spring Convention: May 16th—18th in
Action required:
Clear your calendar and plan now to attend
Encampment August 19th to August 26th.
Details to follow. It is an unbelievable week!
Happy Birthday to:
Sign in on AmazonSmile.com and
select "Clark Jewish Center" and
Amazon will give 0.5% of your
purchases to TBOBT.
Both Hebrew & English parts available.
Festive Kiddush to follow services.
Your participation will be greatly appreciated.
Got a Simcha?
Tuesday Nights
Birthday? Anniversary? Graduation?
New grandchild?
Host a Kiddush at TBO/BT
beginners from 7 pm to 8 pm
intermediate from 8 pm to 11 pm
You can sponsor the entire Kiddush or be a cosponsor with a donation of $18 or more.
Contact Julia at 732-381-8403 x11 or
$10.00 per class/ $45 prepaid for 5
Part of the proceeds go to TBO/BT.
Led by Elyse Litt 732-396-8299
All those that are graduating from middle school,
high school, college, trade school, graduate school
and medical school are invited to participate.
If you have a family member that is graduating this
year, please contact Claudia Dorsch at
908.756.0779 or CEKD@AOL.COM by April 1st.
Ilana D.—May 2 nd
Now you can support
the temple while you
The TBO/BT Graduation Shabbat
will be held on Saturday, June 7th.
Metropolitan Klezmer performed to a full and appreciative house at the
Sol Sern Memorial Program
Over one hundred guests attended our largest ever TBOBT Annual Community Seder
Cantor Stern prepares the contract for the sale
of hametz
Arthur Purdy assists the Cantor in the burning of
hametz remnants
Four generations of the Rubin-Leibowitz family
participated in the morning services on the day of
the Fast of the Firstborn before Pesach