may 2013 | vol. xxvii no. 9 Our Manual in the Making Services Friday Evenings May 3 Kabbalat Shabbat May 10 Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 pm 7:30 pm May 17 3rd Friday Kabbalat Svc. 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 pm May 24 B’haalot’cha Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 pm Bar mitzvah of Cole Johnson May 31 Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 pm Saturdays May 4 B’har/B’chukotai 10:00 am Bar mitzvah of Max Maier May 11 B’midbar 10:00 am Bat mitzvah of Chena Molina Naso 5:00 pm Bat mitzvah of Jessica Kagan May 18 Naso 10:00 am Bat mitzvah of Rachael Stone May 25 B’haalot’cha 10:00 am Monday May 27 S’h’lach L’cha 11:00 am Bat mitzvah of Dara Heard central reform congregation 5020 waterman blvd. st. louis, mo 63108 p: (314) 361-3919 f: (314) 361-2842 A few weeks ago, I saw my neighbor attempting to unload a very large box from the back of his car. I went over to help. He said it was a new television and together we brought it into his house. We were talking as he unpacked his way through the styrofoam, tape, and other materials until he came to the actual television and the instruction manual that was 74 pages long. Would you believe that my neighbor was more animated about the length of the instruction manual than the size of the television screen? “It’s just a television,” he said. “I don’t want to do all this (pointing to the manual). I just want it to work well.” Actually, most things we buy, from appliances to phones, smart or not so smart, to cars, come with a manual that includes operating instructions, a warranty, a schedule of maintenance, and some kind of way to, “troubleshoot.” On the other hand, perhaps our most precious things, our intimate relationships, don’t come with any kind of manual, certainly don’t have a warranty or any schedule of maintenance, and have no information about how to troubleshoot. And yet, in the words of my neighbor, we just, “want it to work well.” So where do we go for instructions or guidance about how to flourish with our spouses, partners, siblings, friends, or colleagues? How do we care for and maintain our relationships, and deal with troublesome moments? It probably would not surprise you that Judaism has much to say about all of these aspects of our relationships, and while there is no manual, per se, there is an abundance of practical wisdom from our tradition. With much anticipation, I invite you to attend the May CRC University Series, “Strengthening Our Partnerships – A Jewish View of Intimate Relationships.” Through texts, music, chant, dialogue, and practices from contemporary psychology, we will explore what Judaism says about relationships – how we form them, nourish them, and celebrate them. We will learn ways to appreciate, to navigate, and to work through differences, and how to unlock the wisdom that every couple possesses. The class is designed for adult couples (married, sacred partners, siblings, colleagues, friends, and not for parent/child couples since this involves different dynamics). Couples are strongly encouraged to attend the class together, however, in the event that your partner is unavailable for part of the class, one partner may attend without the other. We will meet Tuesdays, May 7, 14, 21, 28, 7:00 – 8:30 pm at CRC. The second class, May 14 is our CRC Shavuot service. We will explore lovingkindness, loyalty, and other wisdom from the Book of Ruth, which is traditionally read on Shavuot. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at CRC (314) 361-1564 ext. 355. I look forward to our journey together. May our voices add to the emerging Torah of couples – our manual in the making. Kol Tuv (All the Best) Rabbi Ed 2 crc news Mazel Tov to ... Welcome New Members... qq Samantha Zeid on her bat mitzvah qq Aaron and Kiyomi Hames and Elias qq William Coen on his bar mitzvah qq Hannah Cohen on her bat mitzvah qq Ellie Selig on her bat mitzvah qq Max Ptasiewicz on his bar mitzvah qq Josh Goldman on being named a Jewish Light Unsung Hero qq Sheila Greenbaum on being designated a 2013 Woman of Achievement Sincere Condolences to... qq Lee, Kenny, and Mary Shapiro on the death of their husband, father, and father in law, Harvey Shapiro qq Leo, Julie, Sammy and Allie Rosen on the death of their father, father i in law, and grandfather, Mickey Rosen qq Zena Haffner on the death of her son, William E. Haffner Join us as we celebrate our Confirmation Class of 5773/2013 Confirmation Service and Kabbalat Shabbat Friday, May 10 at 7:30 pm CRC Shavuot Service Festive Oneg to follow service. Tuesday, May 14, 7:00 pm We congratulate 5773 Confirmands: Shavuot is our holiday to celebrate both the time that we recieve Torah and the importance of our intimate relationships. Join us for this unique and special service. Call for High Holiday Reading Submissions! While it seems far away, the high holidays will be here before you know it. We request that CRC members write and submit original pieces to be considered for a reading at high holiday services at the Chase Park Plaza. A committee will review all submissions, select and let you know if yours has been chosen. If you are feeling inspired, please write and submit your writing/reading to Jennifer Fishering, jenf@centralreform. org. The deadline is not until July 31, 2013, but we want you to have time to prepare. CRC 3rd Fridays May date: Friday, May 17, 6:00 pm Jake Brown Join us! Our 3rd Friday services continue! Come every third Friday of the month for an early and brief Shabbat service. This is a service for our entire CRC family--young, old and everyone in between!Want to spend Fridays with CRC, but 7:30 pm doesn’t work? This service will conclude by 7:00 pm and our weekly 7:30 pm service will follow. Isaac Fish Jessica Greenstein April Myers Carly Osherow Becca Polinsky Sydney Pultman Kate Rubin Ellie Scherck Ben Tamsky Cal Weisman Justin Weisman qq Susan Schlichter on the death of her mother, Rose Mintz Dickens qq Alyson and Morgan Zuhler on the death of their father, Melvin Zuhler Please do not donate books to our Sifriat Shalom, the CRC Library, without checking with our librarian, Miriam Raskin at as to whether those volumes are part of our library plans. We have no room to store unplanned for donations. Thank you! Jake Bensky qq Michael Manes on the death of his brother in law, Raymond R. Bredenkamp qq The Soifer Family on the death of their niece and cousin, Rebecca Edgin Request from our Librarian Hadley Alter Isabelle Appleton 10th Anniversary Celebration - Hosted by Cynthia Nixon Wednesday, May 22, 6:45 pm New York City Fire Museum, 278 Spring Street, New York City Honoring Rabbi Everett Gendler, T’ruah Human Rights Hero Award Rabbi Susan Talve, T’ruah Human Rights Hero Award Thomas B. Wilner, Raphael Lemkin Human Rights Award For more information, go to 3 crc news Can You Help With Mitzvah Projects? Isabel Alter: Here in St. Louis solving the hunger problem remains a constant struggle. Her mitzvah project is focused on raising food and funds for the Harvey Kornblum Food Pantry. You can help Isabel by bringing in healthy packaged foods to CRC on the morning of her bat mitzvah (Saturday, June 1). Besides matching all food donations she will donate proceeds from gifts she receives and give it directly to the food pantry. Together we can make a difference. Max Maier: Max is collecting and sorting books to give away to various groups, particularly new or gently used beginning reading books for Ready Readers. If you have books to donate please bring them to CRC and leave them in the clear plastic bins marked ‘Ready Readers’. This drive will go on for several months and he will be sorting books weekly. CRC Publications Would you prefer to read the MEMO online (and in color) rather than receive a mailed copy? We publish a new MEMO to our website ( as soon as our “presses” roll. If you would like to opt out of receiving a mailed newsletter, please inform Joy at or 361-1564 ext. 109. Do you have an article or event you want included in our publications? All submissions are subject to editing and approval of senior staff. Deadlines are: Memo/newsletter: 20th of each month e-announcements: Wednesday noon Shabbat bulletin: Thursday 5:00 pm Holidays may affect the dates, contact Connie to confirm if you are unsure: 361-1534 ext. 100 or connie@ Have you moved? Please contact joy to update your information in our database. 361-1564 ext. 109 or Triple Chai Plus One (55 and over) Brunch and Program Sunday, May 5, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm Jewish Orthodoxy: Do they really have a hole in the sheet? Understanding Orthodoxy on a deeper level. Finding out about the varied shades of Orthodox Jewish life, what makes it Judaism’s fastest growing movement today, its myths and its realities. Rabbi Hyim Shafner of Bais Abraham will talk about Orthodox life from the inside and answer your questions. This Program concerning Orthodox Judaism will be followed on June 2 with Fawn Chapel discussing The New Normal: The Role of Women in Modern Orthodoxy. Please R.S.V.P. as soon as possible, but no later than Wednesday, May 1, so that we can know how many will be attending. R.S.V.P. to Claire Hyman; or Anita Wilson; or call Anita Wilson @314-878-3502 Those attending are asked to bring an entree, side dish or dessert: A-H dessert; I-P entree; R-Z salad. Sincerely, The Triple Chai Plus One Program Committee: Ron Fagerstrom, Barb Goldman; Bob Hollander, Claire Hyman, Leslie Caplan, and Anita Wilson Do you have a new family member? Women’s Retreat at Toddhall Save the Date: August 3-4 We know it’s very early, but with everyone’s schedule…Stay tuned... Please contact joy to update your information in our database. 361-1564 ext. 109 or 4 crc & community news Join us for St. Louis Pride Fest – Volunteers and Parade Marchers Needed! year’s theme is “Celebrate the Past to Awaken the Future”. Volunteers Needed! Here’s How You Can Help: Central Reform Congregation will be joining with other St. Louis Jewish organizations and congregations to participate in St. Louis Pride Fest this year. June is Pride Month for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. During the last weekend in June, the community comes together for Pride Fest, a festival being held downtown at Soldier’s Memorial this year, with a parade on Sunday. This 1. Walk in the Parade. Join us in the St. Louis Pride Parade on Sunday, June 30. We’ll walk together under a giant rainbow huppah to demonstrate that our tents and communities are open wide to all who wish to join us. To sign up, contact Michelle Shanker at shanker.michelle@gmail .com or Rick Isserman at 2. Staff the Jewish Communities Booth at Pride Fest! We need people to staff the booth on Saturday and Sunday. We’ll have information about Jewish organizations, including CRC, where members of the LGBT community can find a welcoming environment. We will have supplies to make bracelets that celebrate the diversity of our community. We need volunteers for two-hour shifts between 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. If you can volunteer, please contact Michelle Shanker at shanker.michelle@ or Rick Isserman at This year’s Pride Fest will be bigger and better than ever! Join us to show the St. Louis community that CRC is PROUD of our commitment to diversity and inclusion. Community Night of Shavuot Rally and March with St. Louis Fast Food Workers Thursday, May 9, 4:15pm Delmar Blvd and Kingsland Ave (in the Loop), U City Hundreds of Chicago’s fast food and retail workers walked off the job to demand a livable wage of $15 an hour. They’ve had enough of struggling to survive while their employers make huge profits. They’ve had enough of trying to support their families making minimum wage, or barely more. These courageous workers are risking their jobs and their livelihoods to demand the respect and dignity – and fair wage – that all workers deserve. And the truth is, fast food workers right here in St. Louis deserve the same. That’s why we hope you’ll join Missouri Jobs with Justice for a special rally and march on Thursday, May 9. Fast food workers, most of whom are adults with a family to support, simply can’t survive on $7.35 an hour. They don’t make enough to cover basic needs – like food, health care, rent, and transportation. What’s worse, many workers are kept from working full-time so that their employers don’t have to cover their health care. It’s a shame that we let this happen here in St. Louis. And it has to stop. Sign up information will be in the May 2 e-announcements. May 14, 10:00 pm Bais Abraham Congregation 690 Delmar Blvd., U City Torah Study - great teachers, ice cream, coffee, and cheesecake. Sponsored by Bais Abraham Congregation, Central Reform Congregation, Neve Shalom, Shaare Zedek Synagogue, and Shir Hadash Reconstructionist Community. lifelong learning & more Contact Maggie Duwe, Interfaith/ Outreach Coordinator at 361-1564 ext. 112 or for more information on the following programs: Friday Torah Study Fridays, 2:00 - 3:15ish pm The emphasis is on reading the Torah, primarily in English, with Hebrew explanations. Our discussions don’t strictly follow the portion. We always find enough in every portion to last us several weeks. Basic Judaism Saturday, May 18, noonish May University Series with Rabbi Ed Harris A Chance to Update your Children's Files! Strengthening Our Partnerships: A Jewish View of Intimate Relationships The last days of religious school are Saturday, May 4 and Wednesday, May 8. What a year it has been! We are now the second largest Jewish school in St. Louis. Three hundred and thirteen kids are enrolled. This class is for adult couples (married, partnered, sibling, colleague, friend). Come explore how we celebrate our intimate relationships, appreciate our differences, and unlock the wisdom in every couple. Couples are strongly encouraged to attend together. Week 1: Tuesday, May 7, 7:00 pm Prisms and Patterns -- Our Beginnings and Our Strengths Week 2: Tuesday, May 14, 7:00 pm Lovingkindness, and Loyalty -- CRC Shavuot Service and the Book of Ruth What is the Mezuzah, the Tallit and Kepah, the Menorah, the Magen David? Let’s learn together about all these and more. Week 3: Tuesday, May 21, 7:00 pm Distinction and Differences -- The Other in Yourself Save the Date—June 22 Week 4: Tuesday, May 28, 7:00 pm Articulating Couples’ Wisdom -Finding the God Voice Discover the Meaning of Our Service Please join Rabbis Randy and Ed, and Maggie Duwe to learn more about our Shabbat Service. We will explore the T’filah and some of our more typical songs. Come and enjoy time with our beautiful liturgy through prayer and good teachings. New Class: Beginning Hebrew Fridays beginning May 31, 12:30-1:30 Please join us for the newest Beginning Hebrew class. We will learn the alphabet and how to read some beginning words. You will be amazed at how much you will understand! And you can come to Torah Study right after if you want! Please RSVP to maggie@centralreform. org. 5 Upcoming Tot Shabbats Thank you to all families that joined us at our 2012 Tot Shabbats. We love welcoming Shabbat with our CRC members and their young families. Mark your calendars for more Tot Shabbat fun in 2013: Friday, June 28, 2013, 6:00 pm Friday, July 26, 2013, 6:00 pm Friday, August 23, 2013, 6:00 pm Friday, November 22, 2013, 6:00 pm (a special pre-Chanukah Tot Shabbat) If you have any suggestions or special requests for Tot Shabbats in 2013, please contact Jennifer Fishering, Assistant to the Rabbis, 361-1564, ext. 101 or jenf@ Pre-Kg through 2nd 3rd through 6th Teen programs 99 132 88 Our faculty, which includes all of our rabbis, is adult, diverse, committed, and creative. We do not use canned curriculum. Instead, within a framework, teachers create classes that have meaning for them and their students. And in Hebrew, the ratio of student to teacher is less than 5 to 1. What is most important, school feels "good". Come visit any time. You will see happy kids and teachers working together in a community. As the year ends, we want to take time to thank you for entrusting your children to us. They are our treasures. We are already preparing for next year and you can help. Every applicable household will receive a registration form for each child. This form is preprinted with the information we have in our CRC databases. Please check to see that the data is complete and correct. If there are changes, make them on the form and send them in. We ask you to do this even if your child is not going to enroll for a class. Any changes you make will be shared with the entire office. Please take this opportunity to update your information. Thank you and see you in the Fall! tikkun olam 6 Health Care Forum: Insurance Company Accountability Wednesday, May 15, 7:00 pm at CRC Join Missouri Foundation for Health and CRC for one of a series of forums which Wendell Potter, along with two of his colleagues will educate opinion leaders, advocates, and the public at large about what is at stake this year and how to hold private insurance companies accountable. Because the Affordable Care Act increases access to affordable, quality health coverage, by working to ensure ACA consumer protections remain in full force—despite industry opposition —the event will help contribute to goal of achieving quality, affordable health coverage for all Missourians. Health insurance companies continue to engage in often deceptive practices to weaken or abolish many of the vital consumer protections in the Affordable Care Act. The industry’s attempts to accomplish this include: • Making coverage for older Americans considerably more expensive by changing the age rating band for determining premiums from 3-1 to 5-1 • Diluting Essential Health Benefits so insurance companies can continue selling what many consumer advocates call junk insurance: policies with extremely limited benefits and excessively high deductibles • Getting Congress to repeal the fee insurance companies will pay on certain health plans starting in 2014, thereby eliminating funds for the ACA affordability tax credits • Rigging the marketplace so they will be able to continue “cherry picking” the youngest and healthiest individuals outside the state’s Exchange (the online insurance marketplace mandated by the ACA), thereby increasing costs for those who buy coverage through this new marketplace If these efforts succeed, many Missourians will be forced to purchase inadequate, unaffordable health insurance, or pay a fine for being uninsured. If this happens, a backlash will inevitably develop, the credibility of reform supporters will be destroyed, and momentum to dismantle the ACA will build. Join Wendall Potter and his colleagues for an evening of important learning. About the Speaker Following a twenty-year career as a corporate public relations executive, Wendell left his position as head of communications for CIGNA, one of the nation’s largest health insurers, to help socially responsible organizations—including those advocating for meaningful health care reform—achieve their goals. In widely covered testimony before the Senate Commerce, Science and Technology Committee in June of 2009, Wendell disclosed how insurance companies, as part of their efforts to boost profits, have engaged in practices that have resulted in millions of Americans being forced into the ranks of the uninsured. Wendell also described how the insurance industry has developed and implemented strategic communications plans, based on deceptive public relations, advertising and lobbying efforts, to defeat reform initiatives. Since then Wendell has testified before two House committees, briefed several members of Congress and their staffs, appeared with members of Congress at several press conferences, spoken at more than 100 public forums, and has been the subject of numerous articles in the U.S. and foreign media. Many of us have switched to compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) in an effort to save energy. But despite their positive impact on the environment in terms of energy savings, you may not realize that CFLs contain small amounts of mercury. So in order to make your CFLs even more environmentally friendly, don’t throw them in the trash. Instead, recycle them. Many local hardware stores, as well as national chains like Home Depot, will collect these bulbs and the mercury will be recaptured. A Note from the GreenFaith Committee Did you know that you can buy Fair Trade coffee for your K-cup coffee maker? Keurig offers several brands of both regular and decaf Fair Trade coffee for single serve coffee makers. The CRC offices uses Green Mountain Fair Trade Select and Newman’s Own Fair Trade Organic decaf. Fair Trade coffee offers the chance to make a real difference in the lives of coffee farmers around the world. Because farmers get a fair price for their crop, they are better able to take care of their land, their families, and themselves. Do you have a new phone number? Yiskor Have you dropped your landline in favor of your cell number? Thursday, May 16, 8:00 am Please contact joy to update your information in our database. 361-1564 ext. 109 or Social Responsibility Preview of Coming Attractions MAY - HateBreakers - Our member, Susan Block, will present a learning for the Social Responsibility Shabbat on May 3. Hate Breakers is a student group that started at Ladue High School after racial tensions became a problem. This organization promotes “hitting the brakes” on hate and encourages followers to speak out and take action when they see hate. Come hear about their success story in breaking the cycle of bullying. JUNE - PrideFest - PrideFest is June 29 and 30 this year. It will be held in downtown St. Louis, at Soldier's Memorial, for the first time. We will march with others under the Jewish Communities banner and help to staff the Jewish Communities’ booth. This year's theme is "Celebrate the Past to Awaken the Future". Yiskor is a memorial service based on our belief in the eternity of the soul. Although a soul can no longer do good deeds after death, it can gain merit through the charity and good deeds of the living. Come and remember your loved ones alive only in our memories and their good deeds on earth. tributes When making a tribute, please specify which fund. General Fund Shirley Soule In memory of Bernard Podolsky, father of Suzanne Schoomer Cecilia Lacks In memory of David Sterneck Ava and Bill Cooper In honor of the engagement of Scott Kalman and Maggie Padek Ron and Ginny Weil In honor of the special birthdays of Karen and Larry Kotner In loving memory of Nathan Weissman Susan and George Newman Cheryl Griffin Neil and Wendy Jaffe Shabbat Walks Continue Weekly in Forest Park Saturdays at 1:15 pm For meeting place and route, please contact Andrea Kaiser at braveheart. or (314) 791-2944 or check the weekly e-announcements. In honor of Will Coen’s Bar Mitzvah Leonard and Linda Cohen In honor of Linda Cohen’s speedy recovery Rabbis’ Tribute Fund Maggie Harris and Joe Berendt With gratitude to Rabbi Talve Shandi and Jason Penrod With thanks to Rabbi Susan for the beautiful and inspirational naming ceremony for their daughter, Cypress To thank Rabbi Ed for the beautiful prayer music at Cypress’s baby naming In memory of Harry Brandt Milton and Marilyn Schraier In memory of Lenora Berger In honor of Cookie Olswanger’s special birthday Zena Haffner Lois Soffer and Andy Kanefield Do you have a new e-mail address? Neil and Wendy Jaffe Macy’s (Via Cherie Brandt) Sheila Greenbaum and Gary M. Wasserman Please contact joy to update your information in our database. 361-1564 ext. 109 or 7 tributes & more In memory of Rose Mintz Dickens, mother of Susan Schlichter Emily and Matt Coen With thanks to the CRC musicians for making Will’s Havdalah bar mitzvah even more special Miriam Wilhelm and Eric Friedman Neil and Wendy Jaffe In honor of Sheila Greenbaum’s 2013 Woman of Achievement Award With thanks to Rabbi Talve for a wonderful service Jane and David Sweeney In honor of Rabbi Susan Talve and her support during our conversion process In honor of Maggie Duwe and her support during our conversion process Richard and Judy Dubin In memory of Bob Skrainka Linda and Steve Randall In honor of Nathan Randall’s bar mitzvah officiated by Rabbi/Uncle Randy in Chicago Lee Shapiro In loving memory of Harvey Shapiro Emily and Matt Coen With thanks to Rabbi Susan and Rabbi Randy for all their help and support preparing Will for his Bar Mitzvah Joy Marcus In memory of Albert Popham Jason and Muneca In honor of Rabbi Randy traveling out to marry us in the backwoods during the season’s biggest snowstorm, honoring both of our sacred traditions in the process Robert, Anne, and Katie Watt 8 May 1 yahrzeits 21 Iyar May 5 25 Iyar May 10 1 Sivan 9 yahrzeits May 15 6 Sivan Charlene Levin Mother of Karen Tamaren Nessen Blumberg Father of Dr. Samuel Blumberg Bill Hudson Father of Victoria Hudson Joanne Dyvig Daughter of Sue Smith Charlotte Broomall Mother of Ginny Weil Ann Feinstein Sister of Dorothy Mayer Fred Koslov Friend of Bobby Frauenglas Alberta Kalish Mother of Karen Kalish Charles Gardner Father of Joy Sterneck May 21 Stephen Jacobs Father of Lynn Jacobs David Linder Grandfather of Cynthia Kerman John Michael Riekes Brother of Linda Riekes Marguerite Grossmann Sister of Fran Hyman Florence Ebstrup Mother of Harriet Baron Shirlee Kahn Mother of Michael Kahn Paul Londe Father of Sherry Londe Joseph Zipkin Uncle of Dale Schreiber Carol Flotken Mother of John Flotken Regina Kornblau Grandmother of Bonnie Mitchel May 6 May 11 Sylvia Keller Multack Mother of Barbara Sacks and Dennis Multack Nathalie Kurtzman Step grandmother of Stephanie Kurtzman I. E. Millstone Grandfather of Robert Millstone Gilbert Rosenthal Grandfather of Jessica Brod Lenny Schnitman Great aunt of Nathan Cohen May 2 22 Iyar Alex Chackes Father of Kenneth Chackes Lottie Horowitz Grandmother of David Lang Woody Hulsey Father of Benjamin Hulsey Benjamin Levy Grandfather of Bobby Frauenglas Tilly Silberstein Grandmother of Susan Merrick Jerry Spitzer Step father of Roger Scherck, Jr. May 3 23 Iyar Louis Bader Father of Jack Bader Margaret Crocker Aunt of Ginny Weil Sophie Gold Aunt of Joy Lieberman and Denise Lieberman Anne Lapofsky Aunt of Elaine Lapofsky Kesten Judith Schreiber Mother of Robert Schreiber May 4 24 Iyar George Joseph Finkel Father of Michael Finkel Augusta Krupnick Grandmother of Lois Soffer Joseph Poticha Father of Shirley Poticha 26 Iyar 2 Sivan Maurice Kronemer Grandfather of Keith Kronemer Julius Birnbaum Father of Sharon Levin May 7 Saul A. Dubinsky Father of Linda Skrainka and John Dubinsky 27 Iyar Goody Becker Grandmother of Alan Berkowitz Michael Burns Bornstein Brother of Mindy Berkowitz *David Bronson Our member Geri Lester Mother of Kenneth Lester Edith Lewin Mother of Roslyn Dubinsky Elsbeth Singer Mother of Thomas Singer May 8 28 Iyar Cyrine Feldman Grandmother of Mariah Thomas Jim Fishman Father of Wendy Jaffe Lou Ella Leneave Aunt of Kathy Davenport Samuel Litman Father of Ruth Block Mark Mendoza Grandfather of Howard Nathanson Milton Schachter Father of Laurie Polsky Ann Spiegelglass Mother of Barry Spielglass May 9 29 Iyar May 16 Leah Eisenberg Our friend 12 Sivan Morris Greenbaum Remembered by Stuart Bogner Sol Stetin Father of Myra Levine Grandfather of Scott Levine Joan Waldman Mother of Patricia Baker Robert Esrock Father of Yale Esrock Zelda Epstein Mother of Fred Epstein May 22 Sonia Joyce Hartman Aunt of Vicki Lander Bennett Frelich Father of Susan Appleton Seymour M. Frauenglas Father of Bobby Frauenglas Lois Salesky Grandmother of Inda Schaenen *Marti Frumhoff Our member Dorothy Nussbaum Mother of Gil Nussbaum May 12 Albert Kogan Remembered by Deneen Dickler Hermine Cohen Rubman Aunt of Andrew Trivers and Sarah Anne Patz 3 Sivan Gladys Biber Mother of Deborah Wafer Harry H. Kessler Step father of Sheila Michaels Irene Rebhan Mother of Debbie Harris May 13 4 Sivan Sol Davis Father of Neil Davis Irving Greiman Father of Gerald Greiman Michael Mandel Son of Susanne Stern Glazer Mitzi Schiff Aunt of Bobby Frauenglas Joe Weil Father of Ronald Weil May 14 5 Sivan Josephine Miller Mother of Arlene Miller Betty Rosen Grandmother of David Baron Joseph Shaikewitz Father of Vicki Essman May 18 9 Sivan Edward L. Gramlich Uncle of Michael DiPlacido Florine Sorkin Mother of Richard Sorkin and Steve Sorkin May 19 10 Sivan Ethel Austin Mother of Samuella Shoss Nancy Senturia Mother of Ben Senturia, Jr. Nancy Stern Steiner Aunt of Terrence Stern Dennis Asche Cousin of James Miller *Robin Berman Wife of Neal Berman Mother of Lindsey and Erica Berman May 20 Florence Goldstein Grandmother of Jane Rubin Nathan Parmet Grandfather of Howard Weissman Alta Hollander Mother of Robert Hollander Sarah R. Millner Mother of Alan Millner Harvey W. Protzel Grandfather of Lori Lipkind 7 Sivan Lester Caplan Father of Leslie Caplan Betty Steffen Manlin Grandmother of Mark Katzman 13 Sivan Robert Ukman Uncle of Linda Leipziger May 23 14 Sivan Albert Berkowitz Father of Marvin Berkowitz *Edna Cohn Mother of Patty Schvey Dr. Stanley Engelhardt Father of Steven Engelhardt *Selma Kotner Mother of Larry Kotner, Jr. Hessell Mordecai Roberts Father of Michael Roberts and Paul Roberts Milton Louis Schreiber Father of Robert Schreiber May 24 15 Sivan May 26 17 Sivan *Todd Epsten Husband of Susan McCollum Father of Brian Epsten Brother of Judith McLaughlin May 27 18 Sivan Arlyn Katims Sister of Samuella Shoss Marcus Michles Father of Carol Portman Gertrude Nicholson Mother of Linda Nicholson Emma Sperling Grandmother of Laurie Sperling May 28 19 Sivan Mae Kramer Mother of Judith Glaser Grandmother of Amy Gage Ephraim Saffra Loudon Father of Sheila Michaels Lee Scheinbart Uncle of Laurie Sperling May 30 21 Sivan *Dr. Edward Frank Berg Husband of Maris Berg Father of Daniel Berg Kathleen Collinger Sister in law of Lainie Neiman *Eleanor Dick Our member Leo Samet Father of John Samet Allan Schiff Uncle of Bobby Frauenglas Robert S. Shlesinger Uncle of Carol Portman May 31 22 Sivan Dorothy Adelman Mother of Dorothy Kerman Samuel Howard Bloch Father of Alice Bloch Gilbert Dulsky Father of Lauren Davis Estelle Kletnick Mother of Harold Kletnick Edward Arnold Father of Jay Arnold Louis Shoss Father of William Shoss Robert Mass Father of Laurence Mass Sylvia Rubin Mother of Jim Rubin Herman Elias Gram Father of Richard Gram May 25 Dr. Henry Rosenberg Grandfather of Gary M. Wasserman Judy L. Smith Mother of Howard Smith Letty Korn Sister of Kathryn Lass 11 Sivan Dr. Laurence M. Kotner, Sr. Father of Larry Kotner, Jr. 16 Sivan Alma Weil Kessler Mother of Sheila Michaels Burt Sherman Father of Kay Sherman calendar: may 2013 10 Sunday Monday Tuesday 28 29 30 LAG BAOMER 1:00 CRC Annual Meeting 6:30 Senior Send off (off-site) 11:30 Adult Beginning Hebrew 12:30 Adult Intermediate Hebrew 12:30 Mahjongg 7:00 5 6 7 10:00 Confirmation Class 10:30 Triple Chai Plus One 11:30 Adult Beginning Hebrew 12:30 Adult Intermediate Hebrew 12:30 Mahjongg 7:00 12 13 14 11:30 Adult Beginning Hebrew 12:30 Adult Intermediate Hebrew 12:30 Mahjongg 6:00 20 21 11:30 Adult Beginning Hebrew 12:30 Adult Intermediate Hebrew 12:30 Mahjongg 7:00 27 28 MOTHER’S DAY 19 26 MEMORIAL DAY Office closed 11:00 Bat mitzvah of Dara Heard Wednesday 1 University Series with Rabbi Dale University Series with Rabbi Ed Thursday 2 4:00 Religious School Saturday 3 4 2:00 Torah Study 6:00 Adult Hebrew 7:30 Social Responsibility Shabbat Service 8:45 9:30 10:00 10:00 10:00 Torah Study Family Service Religious School - last day Rainbow Connection Shabbat Service and bar mitzvah of Max Maier 12:30 Lunch and Learn with the Rabbis 1:15 Shabbat Walk (off-site) 3:00 Men’s Retreat begins 9 10 11 4:00 Religious School - 7:30 Board Meeting 2:00 Torah Study 6:00 Adult Hebrew 6:00 Confirmation Rehearsal and Pizza Dinner 7:30 Confirmation Shabbat Service 8:45 Torah Study 9:30 Family Service 10:00 Shabbat Service and bat mitzvah of Chena Molina 12:15 Talmud Class 1:15 Shabbat Walk (off-site) 5:00 Havdalah bat mitzvah of Jessica Kagen 16 17 18 8:00 (am) Yiskor 2:00 Torah Study 6:00 Adult Hebrew 6:00 3rd Friday Shabbat Service 7:30 Shabbat Service 8:45 Torah Study 9:30 Family Service 10:00 Shabbat Service and bat mitzvah of Rachel Stone 12:15 Basic Judaism 12:30 Everyday Holiness Book Club 1:00 Grief Support Group 1:15 Shabbat Walk (off-site) 23 24 25 6:00 Adult Hebrew 7:30 Shabbat Service and bar mitzvah of Cole Johnson 8:45 9:30 10:00 12:15 31 1 12:30 Beginning Adult Hebrew 2:00 Torah Study 6:00 Adult Hebrew 7:30 Shabbat Service 8:45 Torah Study 9:30 Family Service 10:00 Shabbat Service and bat mitzvah of Isabel Alter 12:30 Lunch and Learn with the Rabbis 1:15 Shabbat Walk (off-site) last day 15 SHAVUOT Office closed 22 University Series with Rabbi Ed 29 University Series with Rabbi Ed Friday 8 Tikkun Olam Steering Committee EREV SHAVUOT 7:00 Shavuot Service and University Series with Rabbi Ed 7:00 11 30 7:00 GreenFaith Team Torah Study Family Service Shabbat Service Chanting Class with Debbie Harris 1:15 Shabbat Walk (off-site) 12
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