ב"ה SHAVUN Bamidbar This Weekend is an action packed one! On Shabbat we will be starting the book of Bamidbar (numbers), and on Saturday night we will be having our special dinner and Tikun Leil hosting the American Ambassador and his wife. It is very important to show our gratitude to him for his willingness to come to Auckland especially to speak to us. Please do all your efforts to book for this night, unless of course you are participating in a different Tikun Leil – I know the Stiebel put together a wonderful program as well. Please G-d next year we should have one together for the entire community! Sunday morning please come with your children to hear the 10 Commandments reading – as it was for the benefit of the children that we were able to receive the most beautiful gift from Hashem – our Holy Torah. Why do we eat dairy food on Shavuot? There have been a number of reasons given as to why we traditionally eat dairy food on Shavuot: The Mishna Berura says: that because we received the Torah on Shavuot, and the Torah is called milk: As the Pasuk in Shir Hashirim says, 4,11 (Song of Songs, 4,11): "devash vechalav tachat leshonech": - Honey and Milk under your tongue. The Mishna Berura adds that it is preferable to eat the dairy meal after a meat meal, as there is a mitzvah of Simchat Yom Tov, with meat and wine. In order to avoid mixing meat and milk- we have the meat meal at night and the dairy meal the next day (or vice versa). * The Sefer Hataamim states that the day Moses was drawn from the Nile was the 6th of Sivan (the same day as the holiday of Shavuot). As a baby, he refused to nurse from any but a Hebrew woman. In honour of this, we serve dairy on Shavuot. * The Geulat Yisrael states that once the Torah was given at Mount Sinai, the laws of kosher slaughtering were to be obeyed. This rendered all their utensils unusable, and so they had to feast on dairy products. Artscroll Torah: Haftorah: Pg.726 Pg. 1180 Soncino Torah: Haftorah: Pg. 568 Pg.582 AHC Contact Details: Office: 09 373 2908 office@ahc.org.nz www.ahc.org.nz Rabbi Friedler: 021 714 157 Mikveh Bookings: 021 714 158 Aviad Cohen: 021 488 030 Yaira Cohen: 021 488 050 AHC BoM 5775 Chair Bronwen Klippel Treasurer & Kashrut Certification Garth Cohen Religious & Head Gabbai: Gavin Berman Social: Mark Kantor * The Taamei Minhagim states that before the giving of the Torah, the Children of Israel actually refrained from eating dairy products for fear that milk was forbidden to anyone following the Noahide law against eating the "limb" of a living animal. Once the Torah was given, they could enjoy dairy freely. * The numerical equivalent (gematria) of "chalav" (milk in Hebrew) is 40 (8+30+2). This represents the 40 days which Moses spent on Mount Sinai. Security: Sara Nevezie GAD: Henri Eliot Youth & Young Marrieds: Steven Hofman Mark Kantor Property: We are looking forward to hearing Brooke read the Megillat. Joshua Arieli Strategy & Future Planning: Rachel Lerner Wishing you and your family, A wonderful Shabbat and Chag Sameach! Marketing & Kadimah Liaison: Ben Rose Rabbi N Friedler 1 CSG needs volunteers to ensure the overall security of Auckland’s synagogues, communal organizations, and events. Please consider donating time or money or both towards this important organization. Contents Shlichim’s Message 2 Event Page 3 Yahrzeits 4 Calendar 4 Message from Yaira & Aviad Mazal Tov Brooke on your Bat Mitzvah! You've worked so hard in preparation for this event and we hope you have all good memories from it We really look forward to seeing everyone at the Tikkun Leil that will take place this Sat night, an awesome youth stream will take place on the top floor of AHC. Bnei Akiva – Sunday was a full-on day for Bnei, with amazing peulot about Yom Yerushalayim and a bonfire for Lag BaOmer. Nitzanim and Nachshon (yr 3-6) did a 'tour' of Jerusalem, including the botanical gardens, the Knesset, and the Western wall. Kol Hakavod Rachel Beattie, Hannah Cohen-Smith and Laura Nementzik! Na'ale (yr 7-8) acted out historical time periods of Jerusalem including the, 1st Temple, establishment of the state and the Six Day War. Well done Isaac Schanzer! Aviv and Shilo (yr 9-12) discussed different narratives to the story of Jerusalem in '67. Kol Hakavod to David Goodman, Joe Nathan and Asher Meltzer. And of course to Sarah Bookman for coordinating and planning! Pre Bar/t Mitzvah – This week הכנו גלידה לשבועותwe made ice cream for Shavuot, and we learned about the morning blessings and Psukei DeZimra – verses of song in Shacharit. L&P Took place at Movenpick this week, and thank-you David Saul for preparing a really interesting class about intermarriage! Parsha Potato Heads This week's riddle – brought to us by Reuben Cohen: This week we start the book "Bamidbar". What is my name in English? What does my name mean in English and Hebrew? How does the meaning of my English name relate to the meaning of my Hebrew name? The answer will be announced on Shabbat at Shul. Yuval Eyal Ashley Silverman Gilad Eliahu Nicole Morrow Barbara Moses Clay Watson Reuben Cohen Sara Korpus Jules Gaddie Glen Meltzer Brooke Vincent Hannah Flacks Philip Glaser Shabbat Shalom! Rabbi’s Discussion Group Save the Date Tikkun Leil & Dinner Every second Thursday of the month. 24 & 25 May Next meeting: 10:30am; 11 June 2015 @ at Shalom Court Shavuot 29 May Brooke Vincent - Bat All ice-cream at the Shavuot Tikkun Leil is generously sponsored by Kohu Road Mitzvah If you can help with a regular commitment to attend a Shabbat service at either venue, please contact either the Office, the Rabbi or the AHC Stiebel. Ladies Kabbalat Shabbat 6 June: DAVENING DINOSAURS Farewell Kiddush: Malindy Mazel Tov to Valerie and Geoff Levy on the birth of their grandson born to Joanna and Matt 2 Both Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel need support from post- Barmitzvah boys & men to hep make up Minyanim on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings. DON'T MISS IT! 11am (after Torah reading) @ AHC. 3 We wish you Long Life… Solomon Fainstein Sybil Morris Anne Nathan Helen Scholten Shelley Elkinson Father Father Tamara Fainshtein David Morris Judy Gluckman Husband Mother Mother Nathan, David Mother Marcus Tetro Joel Tetro Father Father David Tetro Father Sara Tetro Sally Tetro Father Husband Gabriel Tetro Refuah Shleimah: Our thoughts are with congregants who are unwell at the moment. We wish you a full and speedy recovery. LOOKING AHEAD FRI SAT 4 Sivan 22 23 1 5 Sivan Shacharit: Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel: 9:15am Davening Dinos @ 11am Tikkun Leil Shavuot Kabbalat Shabbat Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel 6pm 30 1 12 Sivan Shacharit: Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel: 9:15am 6 Sivan 25 7 Sivan Shavuos 11 Shacharit: Greys Ave & Steibel: 9.15am Yizkor TUE 26 8 Sivan WED 27 2 Sivan THUR 28 10 Sivan Greys Ave & Steibel: 9.15am Brooke Vincent reading Megillat Ruth @ 2 pm followed by High Tea All welcome 5:58 pm 31 13 Sivan 1 Shacharit: Greys Ave & Steibel: 9.15am Davening Dinos @ 11am Ladies Kabbalat Shabbat 4:55pm MON Shavuos 1 After *5:59pm 4:59pm 11 Sivan 24 Omer: 49 Omer: 48 29 SUN 5:55pm 4 5:57 pm 14 Sivan PUBLIC HOLIDAY 2 15 Sivan 3 16 Sivan 4 17 Sivan
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