ב"ה SHAVUN Achrei Mot-Kedoshim ב"ה Dear Friends, It was a very tough week with the passing away of 5 people from the Jewish community. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of: Dionne Davis, Marie Halpern, Victoria Berry and Greg Kay who passed away in Nepal. May we hear only good news and no more sorrow. -----------This coming Shabbat we are welcoming all the past Bar / Bat Mitzvah pupils from 2014. As you all know, becoming a Bar/ Bat Mitzvah is not just a commitment for the year prior to the celebration, but lifelong. However, the Ramban says - it is not enough just to obey the Torah laws in a formalistic way, it must be accompanied with an inner, deep understanding and will to be holy - otherwise one can be “Naval Birshut Hatorah” - degenerate with permission of the Torah – a person that on the one hand, keeps and obeys the mitzvot, but on the other hand “uses” them for his own benefits. For example- one who keeps all the laws of kosher food and wine, but allows himself to eat and drink with no limitations until he becomes drunk. Can this person be called “Holy”? Of course not. The Gemara in Yavamot 20a teaches us “… sanctify yourself in what is permitted to you” even with things which we are allowed to use and which are necessary to live - we cannot stretch any borders to their extreme, and ruin our holiness that Hashem gave us. Yaira and Aviad will be having a special program for this group, and if any of the past Bar Mitzvah boys would like a call up to the Torah, please contact the office and let us know. Parents are also welcome of course – Shule is for everyone! Artscroll Torah: Haftorah: Pg. 636 Pg. 1174 Soncino Torah: Haftorah: Pg. 480 Pg. 509 AHC Contact Details: Office: 09 373 2908 office@ahc.org.nz www.ahc.org.nz Rabbi Friedler: 021 714 157 Mikveh Bookings: 021 714 158 Aviad Cohen: 021 488 030 Yaira Cohen: 021 488 050 AHC BoM 5775 Chair Bronwen Klippel Treasurer & Kashrut Certification Garth Cohen Religious & Head Gabbai: Gavin Berman Social: “You shall be holy”- is it possible? This week's parashot deal with different ways in which the Torah guides us in how to become holy. Parashat Kedoshim starts with the commandment to the entire assembly of Israel:” You shall be holy, for holy am I, Hashem your G-d” (Vayikra 19,2). The Torah does not say explicitly how one becomes holy, but rather, commands us to be holy because Hashem is holy. Rashi explains that this law to become Kadosh (holy) comes straight after the laws of forbidden relationships at the end of Parshat Acharei Mot, where we are taught that the way to be holy is to keep our bodies (and souls) away from any forbidden relationships. People might think that it is much easier to do one “heroic” action in life and become holy. The Torah says: No, it is much harder to sanctify yourself on a daily basis, during eating, drinking, speaking all the small actions that we are so used to, only by keeping in mind that our entire life should be sanctified - we can be called a “holy nation”. Please note that I will be in Israel from 5 May to 14 May for my sister’s wedding. Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi N Friedler 1 CSG needs volunteers to ensure the overall security of Auckland’s synagogues, communal organizations, and events. Please consider donating time or money or both towards this important organization. Mark Kantor Ben Rose Security: Sara Nevezie GAD: Henri Eliot Youth & Young Marrieds: Steven Hofman Mark Kantor Property: Joshua Arieli Strategy & Future Planning: Rachel Lerner Contents Shlichim’s Message 3 Event Page 3 Yahrzeits 4 Calendar 4 Message from Aviad & Yaira Shabbat Shalom, Our condolences to the Flacks-Halpern family for your loss, may Heaven comfort you and may you know no further sorrow. Last week we marked Yom HaZikaron, the Day of Remembrance for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism, with a very emotional ceremony that took place at Beth Shalom. We were honored with the presence of the family of Guy Boyland Z"L, a Kiwi from Taupo who made Aliyah and was killed last July in Operation Protective Edge, and Yotam Baeloha, who lost his brother Nadav in the Second Lebanon War. Guy's aunt shared memories of him, and spoke about their terrible loss, and Yotam shared the story of the battle, as well as some memories of his brother. A big thank you to ZFNZ Shlicha Roni Israeli for leading all preparations for the ceremony, to the Bnei, Habo & AUJS representatives, and all who took part. Kol HaKavod Hannah & Florence Cohen-Smith on your efforts, you performed the song beautifully. The transition from Yom HaZikaron to Yom Ha'atzmaut is always a difficult one, but one that we must embrace just the same. On Yom Ha'atzmaut we had an amazing morning activity at Kadimah, the entire school and preschool sang HaTikvah, danced to Israeli music, and then divided into their class activities. Years 1-2 made two giant Israeli flags to decorate the school with. Years 3-4 wrote very special letters to IDF soldiers. Years 5-6 learned about different places in Israel, and made advertisements for each site. Years 7-8 learned about the groundbreaking Israelis who were honored with lighting a torch at this year's official ceremony in Israel. Sarah Katz Nathaniel Flacks Phil Josephs Isaiah Katz David Ross Tamar Munch Freda Narev Ariel Robinson Natalie Bergman Adva Hayam-Jonas Malcolm Silverman This Shabbat (2/5) will kick off the first Post Bar/Bat Mitzvah event of 2015, with a Reunion Kiddush for the Class of 2014! If that means you- be sure to join us at 11:30 in the AA hall. Stay tuned for other teen activities! Please join us and the ZFNZ this Sunday for Israel Family Fun Day, 12:30 at Beth Shalom, an event suitable for all ages! Both Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel need support from post- Barmitzvah boys & men to help make up Minyanim on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings. Shabbat Shalom, Yaira & Aviad Without a Minyan, families are unable to say Kaddish for their loved ones. DAVENING DINOSAURS Rabbi’s Discussion Group Every second Thursday of the month. DON'T MISS IT! 11am (after Torah reading) @ AHC. 2 Next meeting: 10:30am; 21 May 2015 @ St Vincent’s If you can help with a regular commitment to attend a Shabbat service at either venue, please contact either the Office, the Rabbi or Raymond Abel for the AHC Stiebel. Chef/Manager - Greys Ave Deli This position requires a Qualified, skilled and passionate chef who loves to prepare delicious kosher food for the cafe, functions and airline meals. This is a great opportunity for the right person! Save the Date The role includes: • Supervising and the preparation of salads, soups, fish, meats, vegetables, desserts and cakes; • Planning and pricing menu items, and ordering supplies; • Oversight of the ordering of supplies for the Shop • Oversight of the catering business (including external airline catering) • Preparing budgets, and managing the accounts; • Preparing goals and marketing the business; • Management of Deli and catering staff 16 May You will need: • At least five years relevant work experience; • Able to work under pressure and overtime work may be required • Adherence to kosher food standards • Strong communication skills • Experience managing staff Hours Fixed hours at an hourly rate with pre-approved overtime (e.g. catering functions) Volunteers Kiddush & Jono Baker’s Aufruf 23 May Tikkun Leil & Dinner 24 & 25 May Shavuot 6 June: Farewell Kiddush: Malindy Applications should be emailed to office@ahc.org.nz please insert GAD Chef role in subject line. Zionist Federation advises: Dr Al-Malki, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Palestinian National Authority Will give a public lecture at the Faculty of Law at the University Auckland, this Friday, 4pm-5pm. As well as the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he will be discussing New Zealand's role on the UN Security council. We appreciate that this lecture is very close to Shabbat, but it would be great to get as many people there as possible. If you do attend and put any questions to him, please remember to do so in a non-confrontational manner. http://www.law.auckland.ac.nz/en/abo ut/events-1/events/events2015/01/05/public-lecture-by-dr--riadal-malki-.html Consider joining Shabbat service at 6pm as you’ll be in the area Shiur with Rabbi Friedler Tonight!! Thu 30/04/2015 7pm @ RFL Topic: The death of Aharon’s sons – a contemporary thought between Yom Ha’Shoah & Yom Ha’Atzmaut 3 YAHRZEITS FOR THE WEEK: We wish you Long Life… Name: Remembered by: Fanny Blumenfeld Leon Davis Relationship: Gerti Blumenfeld Sheree Stone Dorothy Davis Lindy Davis Kerry Knight Ralph Goldston Helen Stone Anne Lipshitz Geoffrey Klippel Bronwen Klippel Simon Klippel Diane Levy Boris Lubetzky Sally Tetro Nathan Goldston Manes Goodman Sarah Joffee Margot Klippel Hillel Korman Nadia Lubetzky Joseph Tetro Care Comfort Compassion Community Mother-in-Law Father Husband Uncle Uncle Father Father Mother Wife Mother Mother Stepfather Mother Father-in-Law Refuah Shleimah: Our thoughts are with Kathi Keys as well as any congregants who are unwell at the moment. We wish you a full and speedy recovery. LOOKING AHEAD: FRI SAT 12 Iyar 1 1 2 13 Iyar SUN 3 Omer: 28 Om er : 27 14 Iyar 15 Iyar 5 Omer: 30 16 Iyar WED 6 Omer: 31 17 Iyar THUR 7 Omer: 32 18 Iyar Omer: 33 Parsha Potato Heads @ 3:15pm Lag B’Omer Yom Ha’Atzmaut Celebrations 12:30pm @ Beth Shalom Kabbalat Shabbat Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel 6pm 6:17pm 19 Iyar Om er : 34 2 1 20 Iyar Omer: 35 Shacharit: Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel: 9:15am 10 21 Iyar Omer: 36 11 22 Iyar Omer: 37 Shacharit: Greys Ave 9am Parsha Potato Heads @ 3:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel 6pm 5:11pm TUE Shacharit: Greys Ave 9am Davening Dinos @ 11am 8 4 Omer: 29 Shacharit: Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel: 9:15am 5:18pm MON 6:10pm 4 12 23 Iyar Omer: 38 13 24 Iyar Omer: 39 14 25 Iyar Omer: 40
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