ב"ה SHAVUN Veyakhel-Pekudei; Shabbat Parah ב"ה Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei and Parah The Shela says: on Shabbat people have time to go to Shule, everybody is looking after his “Kavod” (respect) that he should call up to the Torah, and if not, he is going to show anger to everybody. That's how the fire of Machloket just light up. Dear Friends, What a fantastic Purim week we had! Over 100 people for the Megilah reading on Wednesday night, Thursday morning at Kadimah: Megilah, Purim Parade and the Jews Brothers live music. Finally on Sunday, the community Purim in the Park with 300 people! Great spirit, and great effort from so many all around the community. Let's keep this momentum towards Pesach, only 3 weeks to go! As a community, we must understand that the “Shechina” (divine presence) is not dwelling in a place that has hatred and Lashon Hara (bad language) amongst the people. We should treat our friends and congregants in Shule, as we treat ourselves, with respect and honour, then we will succeed as a community, and Hashem will dwell amongst us, same as in the days of the Mishkan. All ladies are invited to the Women's Kabbalat Shabbat this Friday night at Greys Ave. Don't forget to bring your husbands and children to the regular service :) Beware of Machloket (disputes) like from Pg. 516 Pg. 1162 Soncino Torah: Haftorah: Pg. 373 Pg. 383 AHC Contact Details: Shabbat Shalom, Office: 09 373 2908 office@ahc.org.nz www.ahc.org.nz Rabbi N Friedler Rabbi Friedler: 021 714 157 fire! This week's Parasha starts with the commandment to keep the Shabbat, just before the Torah summarises all the work in the Mishkan: Artscroll Torah: Haftorah: Mikveh Bookings: 021 714 158 Aviad Cohen: 021 488 030 Yaira Cohen: 021 488 050 "And Moses assembled the entire assembly of the children of Israel and said to them: For a period of six days, work may be done, but the seventh day shall be holy for you, a day of complete rest for Hashem; whoever does work on it shall be put to death. You shall not light fire in any of your dwellings on the Shabbat day" (Exodus 35, 1-3). AHC BoM 5775 Chair Refuah Shleimah: Our thoughts are with Malcolm Silverman and with any other congregants who are unwell at the moment. The Gemara on Shabbat 70a raise a question: Why only from all the works that have been made in the Mishkan, the Torah mention here only you shall not light fire? The Talmud gives a halachik explanation to the question but the Shela Hakadosh (R' Yishayah Halevi Horowitz 1558 - 1630) – interprets it differently: When the Gemara says "went out to divide" it means that the main character of the fire is to break apart the stuff it burnt. The Shela says on Shabbat End of Financial Year coming up soon. mostly we have to beware not to light the fire of Machloket (dispute, divide) and anger, and we must never light that fire. Do you have outstanding subs? Why especially on Shabbat don't light machloket? Please settle.or phone Accounts urgently. ANZ - 01 0297 0024731 00 1 Bronwen Klippel Treasurer & Kashrut Certification Garth Cohen Religious & Head Gabbai: Gavin Berman Social: Mark Kantor Sharon Brokensha Security: Sara Nevezie GAD: Henri Eliot Youth & Young Marrieds: Steven Hofman Mark Kantor Property: Joshua Arieli Strategy & Future Planning: Rachel Lerner Contents Mazel Tovs 2 Message from Y&A 2 Yahrzeits 4 Calendar 4 Mazel Tov Mazel Tov to Igor and Rina Lyulev on the birth of their baby boy last week! Mazel Tov to Sarah Bookman for her contribution to Bnei Akiva, which was recognized by receiving the Steven Scher Jewish Youth Leadership Award from B’nai Brith. Kol HaKavod to Alonni Grinberg (AUJS) and Jarryd Peterson (Habo) as the runner-ups Thank You Huge Thank You to Sam Wald for donating the beautiful new Bimah-top in the small Shul. Yom Huledet Sameach!! Happy Birthday!! DAVENING DINOSAURS The next Annual General Meeting of the Auckland Zionist Society will be held on Wednesday 25th March 2015 at 6pm at the RFL - 788 Remuera Rd. Refreshments will be served at 6pm followed by a guest speaker at 6:30pm. Gael Keren, our guest speaker, will talk about the new Astor Foundation, its vision and activities. 2 DON'T MISS IT! 11:00 am (after Torah reading) @ AHC. Ron Arieli Ruth Filler Ben Stiassny Evan Rosin Noah Thomas Arlene Weinberg Gary Joseph Daniel Josephs Bessey Joshua Naomi Lax Janet Gottschalk Kay Harris Larissa Liebman Anna Nathan Claudia Baker Faye Cohen Marie Gould Boris Lubetzky Igor Shnayderman Natan Yehezkely Adele Fulcher Dafna Nimkovsky Practical Judaism with Rabbi Friedler *How to run your own Seder *Saying Kaddish * Bereavement and Mourning * Navigating your way through a Siddur and much more….. @ AHC from 7pm to 8pm on 25th March, 15th April and following dates TBC AHC Pesach Shop hours: There has been a problem with the shipping (not our fault) and the stock is therefore arriving later than we hoped. We need help with setting up on Friday 27 March and Saturday evening after Shabbat – If you are able to volunteer, please contact the Office. 3 Sunday 29 March 9am to 4pm Mon 30th March to Thurs 2nd April 7:30am to 3pm Tues 7th April to Thurs 9th April 8am to 2pm YAHRZEITS FOR THE WEEK: Name: Remembered by: Sid Beder Mark Beder Mathew Beder Sonny Beder Kitty Beder Fay Wouk Avon Cook Nesta Goldstone Lesley Scher Helen Stone Karyn Berman Frances Levy-Leigh Sheila Pilalis Geoffrey Levy Naomi Lax Mary Katzen Gilad Eliahu Pauline Chaimowitz Noel Robinson Bruce Robinson Marie Gould Sydney Szusterman We wish you Long Life… Julian Boruchoff Hazel Cook Clarice & Leonard Goldstone Leah Goodman Adelle Levinger Charles Levy Care Comfort Compassion Community Clara Levy Fanny Miller Yakov Paltin Leonard Pinshow Percy Robinson Fanny Schwartz Leah Szusterman Relationship: Father Father Brother Husband Uncle Wife Parents Parents Sister Mother Father Father Father Mother Mother Father Father Father Father Mother Mother YOUR WEEKS AHEAD: FRI SAT 22 Adar 13 14 23 Adar Shacharit: Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel: 9:15am Women’s Kabbalat Shabbat Service Davening Dinosaurs @ 11 SUN 15 24 Adar Kabbalat Shabbat Greys Ave 7pm 7:26pm Zedfed 'vote Israel' @ RFL 6:30pm 8:24pm 22 Adar 21 23 Adar Shacharit: Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel: 9:15am TUE WED THUR 16 25 Adar 17 26 Adar 18 27 Adar 19 28 Adar 23 25 Adar 24 26 Adar 25 27 Adar 26 28 Adar Shacharit @ Greys Ave: 9am Consecration: Pam Cook 10:30am @ Waikumete 20 MON 22 24 Adar Shacharit @ Greys Ave: 9am Davening Dinosaurs @ 11 Kabbalat Shabbat Greys Ave 7pm BoM Meeting 6:30pm 7:15pm 8:14pm 4 Rabbi’s Class Practical Judaism 7pm @ Greys Ave Rabbi’s Shiur 7pm @ RFL
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