ki news How to Make Your Life Really Matter conversation

Volume 61 | Issue 5
How to Make Your Life Really Matter
December is always a difficult month. Not only is it filled with
the economic pressures of buying gifts for family, friends and
co-workers, but the subtle emotional pressure to be part of a
media-created image of the loving, nurturing “holiday card”
stereotype of a family, as well. Unfortunately, psychologists tell us
that December is responsible for more depression, emotional disease and feelings of alienation and loneliness than any other time
of the year. Especially this year as 2011 continued
to see the stresses and strains of the
struggling US economy, the start of
the long season of political rancor,
and frustrations as the longing for
freedom and liberation that continued to
manifest itself in countries throughout the
world often ended quite differently
than originally imagined.
So, now that we have reached
January and started the new year
of 2012, it is the time to leave the
past behind and turn our focus to the
unlimited possibilities of the year ahead.
Now is the time to feel around us a
greater sense of renewal, rebirth and the
opportunity to create more meaning, joy,
and sense of purpose in our lives than in
the year that has passed.
It was the great American philosopher William James who once
wrote, “The deepest principle of human nature is the craving to be
appreciated.” I think of this insight often as I sit with individuals
and families who share their frustrations with personal and
professional relationships in which they feel they have given more
than they have received and are often left feeling unappreciated
and unacknowledged for their own unique contributions to the
world. I am also reminded that with all the remarkable breadth
of programs, services and celebrations that Kehillat Israel provides
for congregants each year, I can’t help but think that, perhaps
underneath it all, our primary contribution to our congregants'
lives is simply that we are sometimes able to provide a place where
people feel cared for, valued and appreciated.
I believe what people want most in their lives is not only to feel
that who they are matters, but to know that someone else notices
as well. Every human being has a deeply-rooted need to feel
valuable and worthwhile. And since we are fundamentally social
beings, much of that sense of personal value and worthiness comes
from the feedback we receive from those around us who let us
know that what we do and who we are has touched their lives in
meaningful ways.
Especially at this time of year, we are
both vulnerable to the emotional
stresses and strains of the season
that has just passed, and presented
with more opportunities than ever
to participate in activities that will
allow us to experience that sense
of worthiness.
Dr. Benjamin Spock once wrote, “A human
being is happiest and most successful when
dedicated to a cause outside of his (or her)
own individual selfish satisfaction.” So use
this new start as an opportunity to look
outward to others – to the family member
with whom you have been out of touch or to
the neighbor who is lonely or with whom you
haven’t spoken in a long time. Perhaps reach out to the homeless
and sick and hungry who could use your loving glance, or provide
the healing touch of a warm meal or a moment of affection or
attention to a child in need of just a bit more love. It was the artist
Marc Chagall who said, “In our life there is a single color, as on an
artist’s palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the
color of love.”
When all is said and done, there is one simple way to make sure
your life really matters that is in each of our hands and hearts. That
path to ultimate meaning and worth is to make sure that by what
you say and what you do each day, your life truly matters in the life
of another. That is always the greatest gift of all, and it is always
yours alone to give.
from the
Last month our family celebrated a milestone. Our daughter Claire, a freshly-minted 13-year-old, stood in
front of her congregational family and became a bat mitzvah. What a remarkable journey.
As we were surrounded by friends and family on that exceptional day, our minds turned again to the profound impact our KI community
has had on our lives. We stood at the bimah with our daughter and watched her accept her role in our community. To become the next
generation of Kehillat Israel. We watched the clergy so beautifully usher her through this remarkable ritual, sing her songs of love and
beauty, speak to her words that will hold meaning in her life for years to come.
We watched our congregation beam with pride as they watched one of their own mature to this place, saying to us “I remember her baby
naming” and “I can’t believe we are already here.”
We at Kehillat Israel are exceptionally fortunate. We live in a world of acceptance, tolerance and love. And our congregational family is
often our family of choice, and even sometimes our family of origin, but it is indeed our family.
We are committed to this community, and this community is committed to us.
Claire came to us the other evening and shared that she wanted to make a contribution to the Commitment to Community program. We
were so very moved by her thoughtfulness and amazed to see in action this manifestation of her acceptance of the new responsibilities
for this community that she had accepted during her bat mitzvah the week before.
As president, it is my role to remind the congregation about the real financial needs we have to provide the level of programming we
offer. Our Commitment to Community campaign started just a few short months ago, and we have raised over $350,000 to date. However, only 25% of the congregation has contributed.
I ask you to take a look at the programming in the upcoming months and consider participating in one of the fantastic events that pack
our calendar. Whether it is taking the time to attend the Women’s Retreat, traveling to the AIPAC Conference in March, or joining the
Torah study on Friday or Saturday mornings. Bring your family to Turning Point and spend time together helping others. Make some calls to
congregants who are homebound or bring a meal to a family who has just lost a loved one. If you take a minute to review KI happenings,
you are sure to find something that intrigues you. Trust me, the more you participate, the more you will derive from your KI community.
Our programs cost about $600,000 more than our dues bring in. We turn no one away, and we are committed to every child receiving a
Jewish education. Times have been difficult for a lot of us, and we have more families in need than ever before.
In order for our campaign to be successful, we truly need 100% participation from every family. If you can write a check for $18, please
do. If you can write a check for $1,800 or $18,000, we welcome it. If you can help us meet our goal with more, we are grateful.
This is kehillah. This is community. Thank you for doing your part.
Kehillah Builders Awards Luncheon
Sunday, January 8, 2012, 12:30 - 2:00 PM
KI News
You are cordially invited to be our guests at the 7th annual Kehillah Builders luncheon honoring distinguished leaders of our
congregation who have helped KI become what we are today.
The Kehillah Builders Award recipients for 2012 are Faye Samulon and Sheila and Andy Garb. There is no charge for the luncheon,
but you are invited to assist us in honoring the recipients by making a donation and having your name included in the program book.
Please RSVP by Tuesday, January 3, 2012 by contacting Mariana at, or calling 424.214.7460.
January 7 | Vayehi (Genesis 47:28-50:26)
This portion entitled “Vayehi,” “And he lived,” is paradoxically about the death
of Jacob. The rabbis teach that it is only at the end of our lives that we have the
proper perspective to tell the story of how we really lived and the contributions
we made during our lives on Earth. Take some time this week to write down
what you want to have accomplished during your life before it is over. Post the
list somewhere prominent in your home and make a commitment to see it as
your goals for the future.
January 14 | Shemot (Exodus 1:1-6:1)
“A new king arose over Egypt who knew not Joseph.” These words have echoed
throughout Jewish history as a reminder that we must not put too much faith in
any single person (or group) in political power. Flexibility and adaptability have
been the secret to Jewish survival and success. Take the most important task in
front of you this week, and come up with at least three different ways you might
approach it and three different people you might turn to for help and support.
January 21 | Va’era (Exodus 6:2-9:35)
When Moses realizes the sacred task that is being placed before him, his initial
reaction is fear and the desire to avoid accepting the mantle of responsibility.
Only after God assures him that God’s essence is “to be what needs to be” in
every generation, age and circumstance is he willing to accept the challenge.
Imagine this week that God wants you to embark upon a sacred task on behalf
of the community. What might that task be? What would your life be like if you
choose to accept?
January 28 | Bo (Exodus 10:1-13:16)
This week teaches that after Pharoah has hardened his heart numerous times,
his very nature becomes that of a hardened heart, whether he chooses it or not.
Think this week of at least three ways that your own heart has hardened to
someone in your family or at your work, in the present or in the past. Perhaps
you can find the courage to soften your heart some this week and open it to
someone whom you have closed out.
Shabbat Services Schedule
6, Friday
9:30 AM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM Torah Study led by Rabbi Bernstein
Tot Shabbat led by Rabbi Reuben and Cantor Frenkel
“On the Rabbi’s Mind” Shabbat -"Judaism, Abortion, and the 'Right to Life'"
led by Rabbi Reuben and Cantor Frenkel
7, Saturday | Vayehi
9:00 AM Torah Study led by Rabbi Reuben
10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service
led by Rabbi Reuben and Cantor Frenkel
Ilana Cohen becomes Bat Mitzvah
4:30 PM Shabbat Afternoon Service
led by Rabbi Bernstein and Cantor Frenkel
Samuel Marguleas becomes Bar Mitzvah
13, Friday
9:30 AM Torah Study led by Rabbi Bernstein
6:15 PM K-6th Family Shabbat Dinner
7:00 PM Family Shabbat (K-6) led by Rabbi Vogel and Cantor Frenkel
14, Saturday | Shemot
9:00 AM Torah Study led by Rabbi Bernstein
10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service
led by Rabbi Bernstein and Cantor Frenkel
Jonathan Amar becomes Bar Mitzvah
10:30 AM KI Monthly Minyan led by congregants
4:30 PM Shabbat Afternoon Service
led by Rabbi Bernstein and Cantor Frenkel
Jason Simon becomes Bar Mitzvah
20, Friday
9:30 AM Torah Study led by Rabbi Bernstein
7:30 PM Limmud Shabbat – A Shabbat of Learning
led by Rabbi Reuben and Cantor Frenkel
21, Saturday | Va’era
9:00 AM Torah Study led by Rabbi Reuben
4:30 PM Shabbat Afternoon Service
led by Rabbi Reuben and Cantor Frenkel
Chase Kirshbaum becomes Bat Mitzvah
27, Friday
9:30 AM Torah Study led by Rabbi Bernstein
7:30 PM Shir Shabbat – A Shabbat in Song
led by Rabbi Reuben, Rabbi Bernstein and Cantor Frenkel
28, Saturday | Bo
9:00 AM Torah Study led by Rabbi Reuben
10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service
led by Rabbi Reuben and Cantor Frenkel
Dylan Lurey and Savannah Kovacs become B’nai Mitzvah
4:30 PM Shabbat Afternoon Service
led by Rabbi Reuben and Cantor Frenkel
William Lewis becomes Bar Mitzvah
(See page 5 for B’nai Mitzvah schedule)
KI News
Upcoming KI Events
Jan. 2
New Year's Holiday
- Offices and schools closed
Jan. 4
1:30-3:30 PM
ECC Back to School
KI Sages Bridge
Jan. 8
Kehillah Builders Luncheon
12:30-2:00 PM
Jan. 9
7:30-8:30 PM
KI Book Group
– The King David Report by Stefan Haym
Jan. 11 3:00-4:30 PM
KI Sages – Documentary and Discussion with Jessica Simon
7:30-9:00 PM
JLI – Being Jewish: Things I Should Have
Learned in Sunday School – The Temple in
Jerusalem: What Happened There and
Where Did Those Rituals Go?
Jan. 20-22
4th and 5th Grade Retreat
at AJU Brandeis-Bardin Campus
Jan. 20
6:30 PM
KI Sages Dinner
Jan. 21 Jan. 22
9:00 AM-5:00 PM
3rd Grade Retreat
9:00-11:00 AM
3:15-4:15 PM
KI Goes to College Care Packaging Adult Acting Class
Jan. 24 7:30-9:00 PM
Understanding Israel – 1st session –
European Roots of Zionism
Jan. 12
6:30-8:00 PM
Beginning Hebrew – 1st class
Jan. 25 7:30-9:00 AM
KIBN Breakfast –
Toastmasters International
7:30-9:00 PM
JLI – Being Jewish:
Things I Should Have Learned
in Sunday School – God Is?
Jan. 13
6:15 PM
K-6 Shabbat Dinner
Jan. 26
7:00 PM
KI Movie Night - Sweet Lorraine
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
– Offices and schools closed
Jan. 27
9:00 AM
6:00 PM
KI Wine Dinner
Jan. 28 6:30-9:00 PM
Club 56
Jan 29
9:00-11:30 AM
3:15-4:15 PM
Yom HaMishpaha (Family Program)
Adult Acting Class
Jan. 16
KI Sages Class – Life and Death Are
in the Power of the Tongue:
Judaism and Ethics of Speech
with Rabbi Reuben
Jan. 18 3:00-4:30 PM
Jan. 19
6:30-8:00 PM
7:30 PM
Beginning Hebrew
Board of Trustees Meeting
Four 90-minute sessions on Tuesday evenings, 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Jan. 24, Feb. 7, Feb. 28, Mar. 13
Put politics aside and (Re)discover Israel by learning its history.
Israel is an integral part of our lives. No country in the world elicits more passionate views. To put these in context, join us for
this extraordinary opportunity to learn with world-class scholars about the history of the State of Israel, starting from the early
Zionist period (1870) to the present.
The sessions will include:
Session 1: European Roots of Zionism
Session 2: Shifting Winds: From Europe to Palestine
Session 3: A State is Born: The First 50 Years
Session 4: Israel Today: Contemporary Politics, Society & Culture
KI News
David Myers Arieh Saposnik
Professor & Department Chair of the
UCLA Department of History
Director and Gilbert Foundation
Chair of the UCLA Younes & Soraya Nazarian Center for Israel Studies
Fees Congregants: $12/session, $40/series
Non-Congregants: $18/session, $60/series
Seniors and students: $8/session
2012 Trip to Israel Participants: FREE
RSVP online at,
or contact Eleanor at
or 424.214.7461.
Our B’nai Mitzvah
Ilana Cohen, daughter of
Vinci Cheung-Cohen and
Pinchas Cohen, will be called
to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah
January 7, 2012, at 10:00 AM
Samuel Marguleas, son of
Sue and Anthony Marguleas,
will be called to the Torah
as a Bar Mitzvah January 7,
2012, at 4:30 PM
Jonathan Amar, son of
Lydia and Michael Amar, will
be called to the Torah as
a Bar Mitzvah January 14,
2012, at 10:00 AM
Jason Simon, son of Lisa
and Jeff Simon, will be called
to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah
January 14, 2012, at 4:30 PM
Chase Kirshbaum, daughter
of Stacy Green-Kirshbaum
and Bruce Kirshbaum, will be
called to the Torah as a Bat
Mitzvah January 21, 2012, at
4:30 PM
William Lewis, son of Lois
Yaffee and Steven Lewis,
will be called to the Torah as
a Bar Mitzvah January 28,
2012 at 4:30 PM
Savannah Kovacs, daughter of Jennifer and Greg Kovacs, and
Dylan Lurey, son of Jeremy Lurey and Robin Lurey, and grandchildren
of Michael Lurey and Laurie Hasencamp, will be called to the Torah as
B'nai Mitzvah January 28, 2012, at 10:00 AM
Adult Acting
KI Cooks: Innovative Shabbat Dinners
Sundays, January 22 - March 11
3:15 - 4:15 PM
8 Sessions
Judy Zeidler returns to teach us some basics as well
as new ideas for Shabbat dinner. We’ll learn how to
make homemade hallah and more!
Steve Gomer, Sundance awardwinning director and KI congregant,
will teach an 8-session acting class
for adults. This class will emphasize
having fun while learning theater
games, improvisation techniques
and group support while working
together. Minimum of 10 to start the
class, maximum enrollment of 20.
RSVP online at or contact
Eleanor at or
KIBN Networking Breakfast
January 25, 2012, 7:30 – 9:00 AM
Join us for guest speaker Michael Petran of
Toastmasters International, speaking on
Business Leadership: Tools for Effective
Free for series members | $20 all others
RSVP online at
Beginning Hebrew
Thursdays 6:30 - 8:00 PM | Fee: $100
Jan 12, Jan 19, Feb 2, Feb 9, Mar 1, Mar 8, Mar 15, Mar 29, Apr 5, Apr 19
If you have been thinking about learning Hebrew, this is the right time. Here’s a
great opportunity to develop your Hebrew, learning through prayer and songs.
We will learn the Alef bet and begin reading from our prayer book throughout the
class. We will learn words and understand how the Hebrew language is constructed.
You will be surprised how much more meaningful services and other classes will
become once you acquire some understanding of Hebrew.
No previous knowledge is needed. Come and enjoy learning together!
A minimum of 8 students is required for this class.
For more information and to RSVP, visit our website or contact Mariana Grosz at
424.214.7460 or
KI News
Fees: Congregants: $180
Non-Congregants: $240
Wednesday, February 1, 10:00 AM - Noon
Class fee: $45
Tribute cards are a wonderful way to remember your friends
and relatives on important occasions: birthdays, anniversaries,
recoveries from illness, as well as condolences. A tribute card
will be sent in your name and an acknowledgment published
in the KI News.The synagogue extends its sincere appreciation
for the following donations:
In Memory of
• Moses Duchowny by Lisa Auerbach
• George Shatsky by Elaine and Stan Swartz
• Dean Hilborne, husband of Randee Samsky Hilborne,
by Elaine and Stan Swartz
In Memory of
• Abe Grundstein by Shelly and Ken Rosenberg
• Jeanette Sheff by Shelly and Ken Rosenberg
• Paul Stanley
In Memory of
• Abe Grundstein by Margot Morrison and Family
• Her aunt, Hortense Bomelstein, by Margot Morrison
KI News
In Honor of
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by John and Roz Arenson
• Megan's Bat Mitzvah by Randy and Jannell Banchik
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Neil Selman
and Cynthia Chapman
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Steve Cron
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Robert and
Karen Cypers
• Abe Fleck's Bar Mitzvah and Cantor Frenkel's
50th Birthday by Gary Fleck
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Izzy
and Marilyn Freeman
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Andy and Sheila Garb
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Bruce
and Leslie Gifford
• Their 5th Wedding Anniversary by David
and Lisa Hernand
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Sofie Howard
• Abraham's Bar Mitzvah by Rochelle Huppin
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Mark
and Elizabeth Kogan
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Daniel and Jill Leanse
• Bat Mitzvah of Casey Longstreet by the Longstreet Family
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Harriet Madsen
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Mark
and Susan Maron
• Cantor Frenkel by Dale and Shideh Miller
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Mark
and Angela Milstein
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Jon
and Heidi Monkarsh
• Bar Mitzvah of Griffin Morris by Steve and Marcy Morris
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Doug
and Leslie Robinson
• B'nai Mitzvah of Brendan and Justin Rose by Stephen
and Meli Rose
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Tony and Linda Rubin
• Cantor Frenkel by Michael and Carrie Scott
• Sarah Shindler's Bat Mitzvah by Merrill Shindler
and Merri Howard-Shindler
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by H. and M. Simantob
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Robert
and Joy Steinberg
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Jeffrey
and Joyce Sudikoff
• Cantor Frenkel's 50th Birthday by Michael
and Diane Ziering
• Cooper Zale and Sally Rosloff
In Memory of
• Doug Midwin by Stevan Birnbaum and Bonnie Baehr
• Marcie Greenberg by Jeffrey and Wendy Broudy
• Irving H. Cypers by Robert and Karen Cypers
• Jeanette Cohen by Martin and Barbara Druss
• Marvin Goodman by Melinda Goodman
• John "Jack" Green by Neal and Pam Green
• Abe Grundstein by Estelle Grundstein
• Eleanore Kram by Leonard and Nancy Kram
• Marcie Greenberg by Jan Levine
• Jack Cherbo by Sy and Lany Lippman
• Nehama Palefsky by Stewart and Marilyn Lonky
• Bob Prentice by Bea Prentice
• Dora Meyer by Gary and Gail Rachelefsky
• Albert Snyder by Roger and Marlene Schaffner
• Janet Cohn Siegal by Jon and Hillary Siegal
• Abe Grundstein by George Wolkon
• Irving Zaretsky by Steve Henry and Harriet Zaretsky
In Memory of
• Seymour Finkelstein by Stevan Birnbaum
and Bonnie Baehr
• Fannie Edith Farberow by Bobbie Farberow
• Fay Haselkorn by Donald and Carolyn Haselkorn
• Leon Rudelson by Daniel and Enid Lambert
• Prisilla Kantor by Bart Lynn and Beverley Auerbach
• Jennie Garelik by Blanche Rosloff
• Benjamin Stegall, Sr. by Ben and Doris Stegall
• Ben Wishnick by Arnie Wishnick
In Memory of
• Max Gerchick, M.D. by Reca Gerchik
In Honor of
• Their son Tyler's naming by Alain and Jill Rothstein
In Memory of
• Edna Gyepes by Barbara and Ben Kohn
• Bob Prentice by Janet and Dennis Mendel and Family
• Dean Hilborne by Janet and Dennis Mendel and Family
In Memory of
• Slioma Yaker by Rebeca Appelbaum
• Ben Kahn by the Dembo Family
• William Deitch by Carolyn Haselkorn
• Lester Garb by Shelley and Phil London
• Irving Weinstein by Miriam Pulitzer
• Harry and Bertha Regenbogen, Dora
and Samuel Rosenbaum
by Donald and Bette Rosenbaum
• Abe Grundstein by Stan and Joyce Zeldin
In Memory of
• Jack Alcalay by Elena Alcalay and Family
• John Newman, son of Leila Newman, by Bob
and Gloria Murray
• Dottie Weiss, cousin of Leila Newman, by Leila Newman
• John Newman, son of Leila Newman, by Marianne Weil
In Appreciation of
• Beautiful Yom Kippur services by Estelle Grundstein
In Honor of
• Megan Banchik's Bat Mitzvah by Randy
and Jannell Banchik
• Robert and Robin Burg
• Dale and Shideh Miller
In Appreciation of
• High Holy Days services by Joanna Church
• High Holy Days and the clergy by Joe and Rita Cohen
• High Holy Days by Sofie Howard
• High Holy Days by Alan and Carol Yellin
In Honor of
• Casey Longstreet's Bat Mitzvah by the Longstreet Family
• Griffin Morris' Bar Mitzvah by Steve and Marcy Morris
• Brendan and Justin's B'nai Mitzvah by Stephen
and Meli Rose
• Sarah Shindler's Bat Mitzvah by Merrill Shindler
and Merri Howard-Shindler
In Gratitude for
• Their High Holy Days honor by Keith and Sari Boesky
• Didi and Rabbi Reuben for helping his mother and
son by David Schindler
• Rabbi Reuben for helping others by Jeffrey
and Joyce Sudikoff
• Stan's healing by Elaine and Stan Swartz
• Hanging their mezuzot by Wes and Judy Whitmore
In Memory of
• Ed Gomer by Steve Gomer and Jane Heiden Gomer
• Marcie Greenberg by Steve Gomer and
Jane Heiden Gomer
• His wife, Debbie Grossman, by Allen Grossman
• Abe Grundstein by Estelle Grundstein
• Eleanore Kram by Leonard Kram
• Marcie Greenberg by Jan Levine
• Edith Mitchell by Ira Mitchell
• Bob Prentice by Bea Prentice
• Elizabeth Mulvey by Yair Landau and Susan Purcell
• Dora Meyer by Gary and Gail Rachelefsky
• Florence Davis Cohen by Debra Reuben
and Juan Acevedo
• Ben Kahn by Jules and Marion Schwartz
• Akan Winkler, Bria's father, by Evan and Bria Silbert
• Deenie Shcolnik by Harriet Ulmer
In Memory of
• Lora Dean Sendowski by Melinda Zoldan
• Planet Aid Inc.
• High Holy Days services by Philip and Ona Wexler
• High Holy Days by Alan and Carol Yellin
In Memory of
• Sally Kanowith by Susan Kanowith-Klein
• Pesla Planer Kupferman by Laura Kuper
• Bessie Heller by Leah and David Manning
In Gratitude for
• Stan’s healing by Elaine and Stan Swartz
In Honor of
• The speedy recovery of Joan Kalan by Arnold
and Joan Kalan
In Memory of
• Abraham Cohen by Arnold and Joan Kalan
• Celia Kalan by Arnold Kalan
• Benjamin Ritter by Menachem and Shuli Wities
new members
Kim and Mark Chase
Susy Tari and Darren Enenstein
Deanne and Eric Kripke
In Honor of
• Randi Levinson and Steve Grifka’s wedding
by Randi Edholm
• Erel Israel’s Bar Mitzvah by David and Jacquie Israel
• Beatrice Martin’s 94th birthday by Gilbert and
Patricia Martin
• Doug Midwin’s unveiling by Ronald and Marka Midwin
• Seneca Eva Stangel’s baby-naming by Carol Rich
• To Michael Stryer, on the death of his grandmother,
Harriett Stenn
In Memory of
• Max Greenberg by Asha Greenberg
• Adele Morse Platt by Susan Lebow
• Reggie Newman by Ruthe Newmann
• Milt Sampson by Debra Silbar
• To Estelle Grundstein, on the death of her husband,
Abe Grundstein
words of comfort
• To Elaine Hoffman, on the death of her husband,
Jack Cherbo
• To Leonard Kram, on the death of his mother,
Eleanore Kram
• To Richard Greenberg and Jan Levine, on the death of their
mother, Marcie Greenberg
• To Jonathan Siegal, on the death of his mother,
Janet Cohn Siegal
• To Amy Powell, on the death of her sister,
Susan Greenberg
• To Dean Zander, on the death of his uncle,
Dr. Richard “Dick” Hoffman
• To Wendi Cherry, on the death of her grandmother,
Ruth Elaine Becker
• To Didi Carr Reuben, on the death of her mother, Florence
Davis Cohen; and to Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben, on the death
of his mother-in-law
mazal tov
Have you
made your
ONLINE: Visit our secure website at
PHONE: Call Nadine Zysman at 424.214.7459
let us know!
let the ki community share in your life-cycle events.
If you would like to announce a birth or death in the KI News, please contact Leslie Zimmer at
424.214.7466. Or if you would like to congratulate someone for an event or accomplishment in
Kvell Corner, please send to
• To Nancy and Mike Sitrick, on the birth of their grandson,
Oliver Miles Sitrick
• To Gelareh and Shervin Gabayan, on the birth of their son,
Michael Benjamin Gabayan
• To Rachel and Matthew Spalding, on the birth of their daughter,
Grace Spalding; and to Luba Fischer and Richard Campbell,
on the birth of their granddaughter
• To Alisa Ruby Bash and Isaac Bash, on the birth of their
daughter, Scarlett Ruby Bash
• Mazal Tov to Laurie Hasencamp for receiving the Paul Andrew
Starke Warrior Award from the City of West Hollywood for her
work with the Alliance for Housing and Healing which helps
provide housing and other benefit coordination for otherwise
homeless people living with HIV/AIDS.
• Mazal Tov to the congregation on donating 31,475 pounds
of food during the High Holy Days food collection for
Westside Food Bank to “shore up thousands of families and
individuals struggling during this time to make ends meet.”
This is another record!
ki scrip program
Thank you to the following people who supported the
Scrip Program in November.
$25 from Gelsons
Rabbi Steven and Didi Carr Reuben
Fran and Harold Yeoman
K E H I L L AT I S R A E L ,
Return Service Requested
a Reconstructionist Congregation,
is an inclusive spiritual community,
providing a warm, nurturing
environment where we pray, learn,
educate, and perpetuate Torah and
Jewish values, while serving the
greater community.
Steven Carr Reuben, PhD, Rabbi
Amy Bernstein, Rabbi
Chayim Frenkel, Cantor
Marca Gay, Executive Director
Alice Greenwald, Director, Youth and Family Education
Julie Dubron, Director, Early Childhood Center
Abraham Winokur z”l, Founding Rabbi
Mickey Bienenfeld, Cantor Emeritus
KI Board of Trustees 2011-12/5771-5772:
Officers: Kathleen Rawson, President; Miriam Bookey, VP Synagogue Services;
Jessica Dishell, VP Education; Angela Milstein, VP Strategic Planning/Special Projects;
Robert Resnick, VP Finance; Moira Tenzer, Ex-Officio, Advisor to the President;
Trustees: Laura Diamond, Lani Farar, Cindy Freedland,
Steve Gomer, Nancy Handler, Rachael Jeck, Heidi Katz, Richard Klein,
Bert Kleinman, Jill Leanse, Steven Lewis, Mark Miller, Rick Nasch, Michael Rosen,
Stephanie Kerley Schwartz, Pamela Solomon, Rosanne Ziering
KI Communications Director:
Barbara Lehman
KI News Art Direction and Production:
Barbara Lehman, Gili Wolf
Editorial Support:
Matt Davidson, Mariana Grosz
KI News is published monthly by Kehillat Israel
Reconstructionist Congregation of Pacific Palisades,
16019 W. Sunset Blvd., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
KI News, 16019 W. Sunset Blvd., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
KISS Women’s Retreat 2012
February 24-26
Embassy Suites Mandalay Beach
Hotel and Resort, Oxnard
Join the Kehillat Israel
Society of Sisters (KISS) led
by Rabbi Amy Bernstein on
our first annual KI Women’s
Retreat. All women of KI
are invited to attend…
on-the-go moms, career
women, grandmothers, teenagers (post bat
mitzvah), singles, new congregants, long-time
Experience teachings from Rabbi Amy Bernstein
in addition to activities such as hiking, yoga,
writing and art. Give yourself a weekend of
renewal of body, mind and soul!
For more information, contact Matt Davidson
at, or