LIBRARY NEWS Shabbat Morning Services 24 Tishri 5775

24 Tishri 5775
October 18, 2014
Shabbat Morning Services
9:00 AM
Torah (p. 12): 2:4-9, 2:10-19, 2:20-25, 3:1-21,
3:22-24, 4:1-18, 4:19-26 Maftir 4:23-26
Haftorah (p. 36): Isaiah 42:5-43:10
5:45 PM Mincha/Ma’ariv Services
Monday, October 20
8:15 PM
Board of Trustees Mtg (MPR)
Wednesday, October 22
8:15 PM
LJL iEngage Series: Tribes of Israel
Thursday, October 23
11:00 AM
Book Study: The Dovekeepers, by Alice Hoffman
6:30 PM
School Board Mtg (Lib)
7:30 PM
Men’s Club (away)
Friday, October 24
5:44 PM
Candle Lighting
6:00 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
Speedy recovery to Alvin Glasser, Alan Rothstein, Marty Rothman, Jack
Pesso, Elaine Levine, Florence Shane, Alfred Reinharz, Ben Schrager, Jeffrey
Wiener and Ruby Heiman
OJC Lifelong Jewish Learning Presents:
“The Aftermath”
Tuesday, November 11th at 11:00 AM in the Multi-purpose Room
Franek and Jozek Kalina, sons of a poor farmer, are brothers from a small village in central
Poland. Franek immigrated to the and cut all ties with his family. Only when Jozek’s wife
arrives in the US, without explanation, does Franek finally return to his homeland to discover
that Jozek has been ostracized from the community. As Franek and Jozek struggle to rebuild
their relationship, they uncover a dark secret that forces them to confront the history of their
family and their hometown.
Religious School
If you have any questions call the Education Director, Janet Jeddah at 764-4213 ext. 18
Sisterhood Judaica Shop
Our synagogue library has an amazing collection of books and DVDs for
adults and children. The latest adult titles including: The Marriage of
Chani Kaufman, Eve Harris, Paris Architect, Charles Belfoure, Warburg in
Rome, James Carroll, Henna House, Nomi Eve and Enchantress, Maggie
Anton are on the Shabbat cart at the rear of the sanctuary;
a small paper clip will help you sign out your book. The children's
collection is extensive, with titles for toddlers through teens. Our first
LJL class of the season will be a Book Study on Thursday, October 23 rd
at 11:00 AM on The Dovekeepers, by Alice Hoffman. Our first Bible
Study, continuing the Book of Job will be on Thursday, October 30 th.
Save the date, Wednesday, November 19th at 8:15 PM for a book
discussion on Walking Israel, Martin Fletcher.
If you have any questions contact Paula Spector ( or
764-4213 ext. 23) for additional information.
Defensive Driving Class
Monday, November 3, 2014
7:00 PM (please be prompt)
$45 per person
Save 10% on your auto insurance and get up to 4 points reduced from your
driving record! Oceanside Jewish Center is offering a NYS DMV approved Point &
Insurance Reduction Course. Upon completion of this course, you will receive 10%
insurance discount on your collision and liability premium. This discount, available to
all principal drivers only, will be effective for three years. The DMV will be notified of
your participation in the course, which will reduce up to four points off your current
record of violations within the last 18 months, if needed.
REGISTRATION: Deadline is Friday, October 31st.
Anyone interested in participating is asked to
register in advance by calling Susan at 678-8041, by
email: or by sending this form
with your payment to the OJC office.
Call Sandy Nachbar (347)235-0079 or Helene Kenner 536-2546 (or the office)
Library Hours
Tues. & Thurs. 9:30 am-1:30 pm & Thurs. afternoons, 4-6:15 pm.
Books may be returned to Main or School Offices, contact Paula Spector at 764-4213 ext 23
If you want a MI SHEBERAKH said for someone who is ill, please call Karen (536-6112 x 11) with the
English & Hebrew Name and mother’s Hebrew name. Please let us know if a congregant is ill or
has had a loss. Do not assume that we know this information
if you or someone you know, needs a little loving kindness, a sympathetic ear or a shoulder to
cry on, or something to celebrate-we care & our HESED Committee is here for you!
NAME __________________________ email _____________________
ADDRESS _________________________________________________
PHONE _______________________ CELL _______________________
NUMBER ATTENDING _____ @ $45 $_______ enclosed (payable to OJC)
Oceanside Jewish Center ◊ 2860 Brower Avenue, Oceanside, NY 11572 ◊ (516) 536-6112
OJC Sisterhood presents
Haute Gourmet Chef
Susie Fishbein,
Author of the “Kosher by Design”
series of cookbooks,
will demonstrate preparation
of a 3 course meal
(appetizer, main course and dessert).
Join us and make this a very memorable event!
Nov 10, 2014
Reservations are a MUST and due by Oct 31, 2014
Name ____________________________________
Email _______________________________
Number of Reservations ________________
Total Payment @ $54.00 per person ____________
Total payment must accompany your reservation.
Mail check to OJC Sisterhood 2860 Brower Ave Oceanside
NY 11572 c/o Iris Kubel.
You will get an email confirmation as your reservation. Phone
reservations will not be accepted. There are a limited number
of seats available, therefore this event will be on a first come
first serve basis and will be open initially to OJC members,
their family and friends. There will also be the opportunity to
purchase a signed copy of Susie’s cookbooks
The Congregation regrets the passing of our
beloved Sol Yousha, devoted husband
of Eileen Kamhi.
Mazel Tov to our Simchat Torah honorees,
Jolene Boden our Kallah Bereishit and
Marty Rothman our Hatan Torah