Here - Congregation Eitz Chaim

Congregation Eitz Chaim
Monroe Woodbury Jewish Community Center
1465 Orange Turnpike/P.O. Box 183
Monroe, NY 10949
(845) 783 - 7424
Rabbi Alex Salzberg
Shevat – Adar 5775
February 2015
Join Us
Eitz Chaim Coffee House
Saturday Evening
February 28th—7:30 pm
An evening of great fun presented
by very talented people!
Donation: $18 per person
Cocktail munchies and dessert will be served.
Please RSVP to Margaret at the office (783-7424) or to
Diane (782-7018) or email
Healthy Snack Program Update
Yahrzeit Announcements
After much delay this year’s Healthy Afterschool
Backpack Program is underway again. The first
week, only 4 students had signed up to participate by
by the second week, 3 more students had signed up
bringing the total to 7 students. At this time there
are 31 students participating. For those of our
members who have not participated in the two years
since the inception of this program, here is a summary of our activity. The program provides healthy
after school snacks for qualifying students in the
Kindergarten and First Grade of the Sapphire Elementary School in Monroe. Qualifying students are
the same as those who are in the free lunch program.
We provide snacks for the whole week, seven days,
and try to make those snacks healthy, avoiding sugar if possible. We rotate families responsible for purchasing and packing the bags each week. Generally
we deliver the packed bags on Monday morning and
the children are asked to return them the following
day. The school returns the empty bags to us on Friday and the responsible families have to pack the
bags by Monday morning.
Candle lighting is the evening before the listed date.
We welcome new and old participants. Contact Jerome and Paula Spector for a sign-up calendar. You
can reach them by email:
or by phone: 845.610.3548.
Thanks, Jerome and Paula.
Hebrew School
Check out our Hebrew School’s amazing website:
Special Thank You
I would like to thank everyone for all the caring and love I received when I lost my beloved sister, Annette Sokoloff Z”L. I was
overwhelmed by the attendance at the minyans, the food and donations. You have
proved again that we are an Eitz Chaim
With gratitude,
Shirley Pinkus and Family
February 1 - Warren Miller observes the yahrzeit of his
aunt, Mollie Cohn (12 Shevat)
February 2 - Ida Marshall observes the yahrzeit of her
sister, Sadie Glantz (13 Shevat)
February 2 - Sheila Ornstein observes the yahrzeit of her
father, Jason Rosenblum (13 Shevat)
February 3 - Larry Kravitz observes the yahrzeit of his
father, Irving Kravitz (14 Shevat)
February 5 - Shirley Pinkus observes the yahrzeit of her
mother, Norma Laskin (16 Shevat)
February 7 - David Zucker observes the yahrzeit of his
father, Howard Zucker (18 Shevat)
February 11 - Ida Marshall observes the yahrzeit of her
nephew, Victor Glantz (22 Shevat)
February 14 - Beth Marks observes the yahrzeit of her
brother, Barry Weinberg (25 Shevat)
February 21 - Barbara Zucker observes the yahrzeit of
her father, Harry Leshin (2 Adar)
February 24 - Goldie Witrock observes the yahrzeit of
her mother, Bella Milchman (5 Adar II)
February 25 - Barbara Fromowitz observes the yahrzeit
of her uncle, Shammai Feldman (6 Adar)
February 25 - Carlton Levine observes the yahrzeit of his
sister, Beth Levine (6 Adar)
February 26 - Jessica Brenner observes the yahrzeit of
her father, Lewis Brenner (7 Adar)
February 28 - David Brunner observes the yahrzeit of his
mother, Belle Brunner (9 Adar)
If you have any Yahrzeit dates that you would like
announced, please send the information to Steve
Moses or call him at 427-2704.
For a $36 donation to Sisterhood your name will
appear on every synagogue member’s birthday
card (both men and women) during the upcoming
year 2015!
Don’t worry if you can’t remember the dates because Sisterhood will do it for you! We will also
announce the birthdays in the Shalom to remind
you when cards were sent out.
To be included, hurry and make checks payable to
MWJCC Sisterhood
Send checks to the office with a notation for
Eitz Chaim Sisterhood PO Box 183 Monroe, NY
Sisterhood is looking for Kiddush sponsors
for the weekends Rabbi Salzberg is at Eitz
Chaim. Sponsor for a special occasion or just
because. Do it with another family or friend
or two from the congregation. We really
need your support in order to continue our
beautiful tradition of sitting down together
to enjoy lunch with the congregation after
Saturday morning services. Please contact
Paula Spector to reserve your date.
Thank you for sponsoring the Kiddush:
Jan 31st—The Schack Family
Feb 7th— Helene Grunes in celebration of
the 56th Anniversary of her Bat Mitzvah.
Hamantashen baking during
Fran Gordon needs help baking hamentashen for our Purim celebration.
If you can help, please let Fran know
when you’re available: Sundays or Weekdays, morning or afternoon.
Please call Fran at 845.496.6114
Hebrew School does it again!
Freshly baked, delicious, aromatic, genuine Challah from Zadie’s Kosher Bakeshop delivered to shul on
Thursday morning for you to enjoy on Shabbat!
First Challah delivered February 19
Choose the same fabulous Challah for all 6 weeks
Choose from Water, Plain or Whole Wheat.
One Challah………………….………..$36.00 for 6 weeks
Two Challot, for………………….… $66.00 for 6 weeks
Challah Rolls……………………………$18.00 for 2 rolls per week for 6 weeks
Name ________________________________________________________________
# Of Challot per week _________ Type _________
# Of Challah Rolls per week ________
This fundraiser will last for 6 weeks from Thursday, February 19, until March 2. Please place your order now!
Mail form to:
Karen Pomerantz, 2 Roe Circle, Monroe, NY 10950 by February 12, 2015
Challahs can be picked up Thursday mornings in the synagogue kitchen.
Sisterhood Invites You To
15th Avenue at 92nd Street
9:30 am Meet in Synagogue parking lot for carpool
$15. Admission to Museum ( $12. For 65 and over)
(Audio Guides free/special exhibits - $5.)
SPECIAL EXHIBIT: Helena Rubinstein ~ Beauty is Power
(Her art collection, jewelry, fashion and period rooms)
Return trip stop at Veggie Heaven, a Kosher Japanese, Chinese, vegetarian restaurant in Teaneck, NJ
RSVP by Feb. 22nd to Ellen McNally or 845 294 9047
****Friends and family are welcome****
November & December Donations :
Mazel Tov’s / In honor of:
John & Karen Celidonio – In honor of Rebecca Pomerantz' Bat Mitzvah
In honor of Barbara Fromowitz
Aliyahs and Mishaberach
Barbara & Robert Fromowitz – Recitation of Mishaberach
In honor of the cookbook committee: Judi Berman,
Bonnie Brunner, Ronnee MacDonald & Celia Goodman for
a job well done!
David & Bonnie Brunner - Get well wishes for Karen Celidonio's mother, Barbara
In honor of Ben Ostrer
Rita & Gerry Wincott - Aliyahs & Mishaberachsh
Yasmine & Adam Kalkstein - In honor of birthday of
Art Finkel
Doris & Steve Rubinsky - In honor of Ben Ostrer
Ida & Rochelle Marshall - Good health for Michael
Yizkor / Yahrzeit / In memory of:
Jack & Arlyne Berman - Ava Kravitz' father
Bonnie & David Brunner - In memory of Ava Kravitz' father, Edward Rosen
In memory of Jacques Levine
In memory of Nancy Levine's mother, Arlene
Jerome & Paula Spector - Yahrzeit in memory of
Paula's father, Barnet Lazerson
Yahrzeit in memory of Jerome's father, Henry Spector
John & Ronnie MacDonald - In memory of Edward
Rosen, father of Ava Kravitz
Brenda Winkler Goldfarb - Irene Winkler, mommy's
Shari Bakst - In memory of Ava Kravitz' father
Alan Witrock - Yahrzeit in memory of my beloved
brother, Gerald Witrock
Richard & Sherry Teller - Selma Teller Yahrzeit
Rita & Gerry Wincott - Yahrzeit of brother George
Dr. Bruce & Karen Fischer – Yahrzeit – Celia Root
Leonard Schwartz - Yahrzeit for my beloved father,
Martin Schwartz
Jack & Arlyne Berman - In memory of Judy Ronay's
mother, Susan Ronay
Stuart & Harriet Greenberg - Yahrzeit - Sandra
Goldberg & Nettie Greenberg Convertine
Rochelle & Ida Marshall - In memory of Harley
Matsil's brother, Gary Matsil
Jerome & Paula Spector - In memory of Ava Kravitz's father, Edward Rosen
In memory of Judy Ronay's mother, Susan Ronay
In memory of Judy Ronay's mother, Susan Ronay
In memory of Shirley Pinkus' sister
In memory of Jaques Levine
Ida & Rochelle Marshall - In memory of Ava Kravitz'  Jack & Arlyne Berman - In memory of Harley
Matsil's brother, Gary Matsil
father, Edward Rosen
Barbara & Robert Fromowitz - In memory of Ava
Kravitz' father, Edward Rosen
In memory of my mother, Ida Feldman
To Judy Ronay in memory of your mother, Susan
In memory of my brother, Joel Fromowitz
In memory of Gary Matsil
-In memory of Annette Sokoloff
Harley & Alyse Matsil - In memory of Ava Kravitz'
father, Edward Rosen
Robin & Stan Alterman - In memory of Gary Matsil,
brother of Alyse & Harley
Marty & Diane Soss – Yarhzeit donation
Sharon Jennings - In memory of Susan Ronay
In memory of Gary Matsil
In memory of Annette Sokoloff
Continued on next page —->
Vicki Fuller - In memory of Gary Matsil
Jack & Arlyne Berman - Yahrzeit Dorothy Berman
& Irving Gottlieb
Stanley & Joan Hecht - Yahrzeit Donation
Shari & Frank Palermo - In memory of Harley
Matsil's brother, Gary
In memory of Ava Kravitz's father
Lola & Efraim Jaronowski - Yahrzeit Henryk Jaron,
Efrain's father
Dial - A - Card
Please donate your unused toiletries to
Order a special, beautiful card for any the battered women’s shelter. There is a
occasion simply by calling Samira basket set up in the rear lobby.
Galler at
Sponsored by Jewish Family
783-3930 Cards are available for any
occasion including birthdays, graduaThank You!!
tions, in honor of, in. Mail your donation (min. $8.00) check (made out to
Sisterhood MWJCC) to her at: 5
Mercury Avenue, Monroe, NY
Donations have been received from:
Joan & Mort Pollner : Wishing Ida,
a very special woman, a Happy 100th
Congratulations & Mazel Tov on reaching this Milestone.
The next Shalom Deadline is
February 10th for the March Issue
Please send articles as a MS word file to Sheila
Send Eitz Chaim members your wishes for a Happy Purim by
supporting Sisterhood’s Mishloach Manot gift bags
(your family name included in the enclosed greeting card).
Send your $36. Donation, (made out to Sisterhood MWJCC),
to Karen Fischer by February 23rd.
------------- ----------------cut here -------------------------Name for card listing: _______________________________________________
Amount included:
Mail to:
Purim Fundraiser, c/o Karen Fischer
14 Midland Avenue, Central Valley, NY 10917
Questions … contact Karen @ 845 928 8115 or
Let’s Celebrate!
Ida is 100 years young!
Join us for an afternoon of
food, frolic, dancing and fun as
we honor our wonderful, Ida.
February 15, 2015
2:30 PM Congregation Eitz Chaim
In lieu of gifts, Ida requests that you make a
donation to Sisterhood MWJCC.
Please RSVP by Feb 1st to:
Rochelle Marshall 845.783.2495 or
“Ida is 100” Poster Board items are needed.
Send photos, greetings to Rochelle at:
298 Cromwell Hill Rd, Monroe, NY 10950
Most recent Book Club Meetin
16. Day After Night, Anita Diamant (Post WWII British Occupied Israel) **
17. A Pigeon and a Boy, Meir Shalev **
18. The Jew and the Pope, Sybil Terres Gilman ***
Modern Fiction
1. Bee Season, Myla Goldberg **
2. The Covenant, Naomi Ragen **
3. The Tenth Song, Naomi Ragen **
4. Kaaterskill Falls, Allegra Goodman ***
5. The Ladies Auxiliary, Tova Mirvas ****
Sisterhood Book Club
This is a list of the book that our group has read during
the past several years:
Biblical Fiction
1. The Garden of Ruth, Eva Etzioni-Halevy***
2. The Red Tent, Anita Diamant ****
3. The Triumph of Deborah, Eva Etzioni-Halevy***
4. Zipporah, Wife of Moses, Marek Halter & Howard Curtis
Historical Fiction
1. The Ghost of Hannah Mendes, Naomi Ragen ****
2. People of the Book, Geraldine Brooks****
3. Rashi’s Daughters, Book I: Jocheved, Maggie Anton
(Medieval France) ****
4. Rashi’s Daughters, Book II: Miriam, Maggie Anton
(Medieval France) ****
5. Rashi’s Daughters, Book III: Rachel, Maggie Anton
(Medieval France) ****
6. Rav Hisda’s Daughter, Maggie Anton **** (ancient Babylonia)
7. Enchantress, Maggie Anton (ancient Babylonia) sequel to
Rav Hisda’s Daughter ***
8. Sarah’s Key (France, WWII), Tatiana Rosnay & Film ***
9. Sweet Dates in Basra (Iraq, WWII), Jessica Jiji ***
10. The Zookeeper’s Wife (Poland, WWII) Diane Ackerman**
11. Snow in August, Pete Hammill (Brooklyn, Post WWII) &
Film ***
12. The Dovekeepers, Alice Hoffman ****
13. The Storyteller, Jodi Picoult ***
14. As a Driven Leaf, Milton Steinberg (Talmudic times) ***
15. The Golem and the Jinni, Helene Wecker ***
6. The Outside World, Tova Mirvas ***
7. The Saturday Wife, Naomi Ragen (satire) **
8. Murder at the Minyan, Shulamit Kutanowitz **
9. Wherever You Go, Joan Legant **
10. The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom & Film
1. Have a Little Faith, Mitch Alboum (memoir) ***
2. My Jesus Year, Benyamin Cohen (memoir) ***
3. Nice Jewish Girls (anthology) **
4. Around Sarah’s Table, Rivka Zakutinsky & Yaffa Leba
Gottlieb ***
5. Turbulent Souls, Dubner (memoir) ****
6. Walking the Bible, Bruce Feiler (memoir) ****
7. The Woman Who Defied Kings (biography of Dona Gracia
Mendes), by Andree Aelion Brooks ***
8. My Father’s Paradise, Ariel Sabar (biography of Iraqi Aramaic scholar) ****
9. Kosher Chinese, Michael Levy (memoir of English teacher
in China) ***
10. UnOrthodox, Deborah Feldman (memoir – of leaving
Satmar community) ***
11. Exodus, Deborah Feldman (continuation of UnOrthodox)
12. My Race, Lorraine Lotzof Abramson (growing up Jewish in
South Africa) ***
Our current book is Jacob’s Oath
by Martin Fletcher
The next meeting date and location will
be announced in the synagogue email.
Eitz chaim is a caring community. A B'kor Cholim
committee has been formed to offer support to our
Eitz Chaim family. If you or anyone you know in
our congregation needs a call, a card, or a contact,
please et one of us on the committee know.
Beth Marks Moses 845427-2704
Paula Spector
Nancy Rothstein
Parshat Terumah – The Cherubim
“I will speak (declares G-d) from above the ark-cover, from be-
tween the two cherubim [Ex. 25:18-22]
What is the physical appearance of the cherubim – for only if we
can picture what they look like, can we begin to understand what
it is that they are to symbolize. Rashi’s commentary is enlightening. (Rashi, Ch25. v.19) “The image of each was in the form of a
child’s face; a child’s face replete with an innocent beauty, an untroubled brow, an inquisitive eye, a ready laugh, a beautiful smile,
all combined with wings soaring heavenwards, provide a picture of
purity seeking spirituality.” But this is not the first time that we
meet cherubim in the Torah. Indeed, the first time they are mentioned suggests a brutal contradiction to the image just presented.
Turning to the opening sections of the Torah, we read how Adam
and Eve are expelled from the Garden of Eden. [Gen. 3:24] “So He
drove out the man, and He placed at the east of the Garden of
Eden the cherubim and the revolving flaming sword to guard the
way to the tree of life.” This conduct of banishment and flaming
sword seems to be a far cry from the serene portrait of the cherubs
in the Sanctuary. And Rashi here minces no words about these
sword-toting cherubim. “Angels of destruction” he calls them.
What message is this confusing symbolism trying to teach us?
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin has proposed an interpretation based upon
the “child’s face” feature of the cherub. A child is indeed parent to
the adult; a child has almost infinite potential – either for spiritual innocence and purity or for destruction and cruelty. Fundamentally, it depends where we place the child. If he stands in the
Sanctuary, atop the ark which contains the Tablets of the Law,
then he will express purity, idealism and spirituality. If, however,
he is placed outside of the Garden of Eden and is given a fiery
sword to hold, then we will convey desolation and doom. When our
children are educated by violent television and video games, rather than the tablets of law, can we be surprised by the increase of
violent behavior that characterizes Western culture? There may
be another interpretation. Both cherub accounts in the Torah include the cherub as being an angel with the face of a child as well
as a protector or guardian. A well-known Midrash recounts that
when G-d decided to give the Torah to the children of Israel, He
first wanted a guarantor, a surety that the Torah would not simply disappear over the course of time. The Almighty wanted a protector for his investment. Moses initially offered the patriarchs,
who were rejected; then the prophets, and then the leaders of each
generation, each time to suffer rejection from the Almighty. Finally Moses offers the children as security, and this G-d accepts. The
concept of children as the only real protection and guarantee for
the eternity of Torah resonates from the Talmudic comment that
the cherubim had the face of children. After all, the cherubim are
fashioned out of the very cover of the ark, the very protective coat
of the tablets, of the Torah of the Divine. Torah is authentically
guarded and protected when it is studied and observed by the children, continued from generation to generation. Our Sages teach us
that the world continues to exist only by merit of children studying Torah. Moreover, G-d speaks through the cherubs. The Sages
of Torah, human beings who dedicate themselves to the law and
its commentaries, protect the Torah by interpreting it meaningfully for each generation, by enacting decrees and additional practices which enable Torah to be relevant and crucial to the urgent
demands and cultural temper of every era and environment. And,
a truly great Torah sage, even when he achieves grand old age,
often retains a countenance of child-like innocence and purity, his
face, unbelievably, not a terrain of canals and furrows but rather
smooth and alive with light and brightness. Such was the face of
the legendary Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, the last great sage in America who was considered to be the father, the gadol, of the entire
generation. Reb Moshe Feinstein was a phenomenon of intellectual breadth, a master of Torah and all of its interpretations, but
always gave the impression – through his twinkling eyes and unfurrowed brows – of child-like inquisitiveness, innocence and purity. Rav Shmeul Rozovsky, one of the Roshei Yeshivas from Ponnevitz wrote that Torah can be taught from the best Rebbe in existence (the Almighty), to the best disciple in the world (Moshe
Rabbeinu), under the best of conditions (in the Holy of Holies), but
the receiver has to be child-like. In order to learn Torah we need
to maintain the child-like enthusiasm and child-like innocence
that will allow us to accept Torah and integrate it into our personalities. This is a challenge because the older we become, the less
child-like we are. But what should not be a challenge for us is that
at least our children should still be “child-like”. It may be difficult
at age 40, at age 50, at age 60 or 99 to maintain child-like innocence. But, it should not be a challenge that when a kid is 10 years
old, he is no longer a kid. It is unfortunately more and more the
case that our children have picked up from us and from our society, even when they are 10 and 12 and 15, a cynicism that does not
allow them to be considered “child-like” anymore. They are no
longer the innocent Cherubim and as such, the Torah they are
supposed to learn becomes exceedingly more difficult for them to
accept. We have to try to ensure that our children should at least
not become cynics, at least while they are still children. The only
way we can try to ensure that is if there are incidents in life that
tend to make us jaded and more cynical, we not pass on that attitude to our children. There is plenty of time, unfortunately, for
them to become cynical on their own. We do not need to help to
make them cynics. Who could be trusted to guard this awesome
manuscript, the Torah, that communicates G-d’s love and wisdom?
In whose hands should lay the treasured “marriage contract”?
Exodus - “From the lid [of the Ark] you shall make two cherubs at
its ends. Their wings shall spread upwards, sheltering the lid with
their wings”. Talmud – “Each of the cherubs had the image of a
child’s face”. Zohar – “One in the likeness of a boy and the other of
a girl”. The cherubs weren’t made in the image of Moses, but in
the image of our children. G-d chose the Jewish children to watch
over the Torah and constitute His national guard. It is their wings
that will carry the Torah into the future.
An Eitz Chaim Sisterhood Cookbook
Copies are still available.
$18.00 per Cookbook **** A great gift for all occasions
Checks should be made out to Sisterhood MWJCC.
Call or visit the office to get your copy.
The Hebrew School and Gan Shalom have been re-enrolled in
the Box Tops For Education program. It started in December 2012. At that time our school ID, which is 961171, became active. There are three programs that can add up to
$60,000 per year for the school. One is the regular Box
Top collection, two is Bonus Box Tops, and the third is
shopping online. An explanation of all there is found at Immediately, we are collecting box tops,
which equal 10 cents each. There is a basket on the table
near the downstairs front door for collection. You can also
please put the box tops in Marilyn Dale’s mailbox and she
will collect them properly!
Birthday Cards: Kathy Falber – 782-0608
Sisterhood Co-Presidents:
Historian: Judy Ronay – 492-2074
Linda Siegel – 782-5292
High Holiday Babysitting:
Fran Gordon – 496-6114
Elaine Osterhaut – 928-6466
Vice President of Fundraising
Aviva Zucker – 928-6906
Rochelle Marshall – 783-2495
Arlyne Berman – 783-2773
Rebekah Linkowski—917-204-9401
Israeli Affairs:
Treasurer: Rita Wincott – 783-6572
Rochelle Marshall – 783-2495
Bonnie Brunner – 497-8321
Gail Sullivan – 774-2635
Ellen McNally—294-9047
Recording Secretary: Gail Sullivan—774-2635
Corresponding Sec’y: Isabelle Laufer – 783-5190
Kiddush Committee:
Paula Spector – 610-3548
Yom Huledet Sameach to our
February Birthdays
Ronnee MacDonald – 782-0453
2/2 Ronnee MacDonald
Diane Soss – 782-7018
2/9 Izchak Reger
Shalom Newsletter:
Sheila Ornstein – 928-6244
Linda Siegel – 782-5292
Bonnie Brunner – 497-8321
Judaica Shop:
2/9 Rosalie Wolvek
2/11 Kelly Sullivan
2/16 Marty Berman
2/13 Leslie Green
Jane Kleiman – 783-3110
Karen Fischer – 928-8115t
Sunshine: Adria Gross – 782-7132
Women’s League Liaison:
2/14 Andrew Goldbaum
2/15 Ida Marshall
2/17 Corbett Hoffman
Karen Celidonio – 928-2701
Education Liaison: Ilyse Grunes – 774-0816
2/28 David Zucker
Book Club: Alyse Matsil—238-3494
2/25 Sally Levine
Rosh Chodesh Group: Beth Marks—427-2704
2/25 Robin Ostrow
Jennie Ossentjuk—496-1892
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Gifts: Barbara Vitelli -783-7275
Dial-a-Card: Samira Galler – 783-3930
2/28 Natt Farhadian
2/28 Diane Soss
Sisterhood Bereavement/Refouah Schlemah Fund
Sisterhood has a bereavement fund that is used to
provide meals for families during their time of shiva or recovery from illness. Donations to this fund
are welcome. Please make your check out to:
Sisterhood MWJCC
and put “Bereavement/Refouch Schlemah Donation” on the memo line and send it to:
Sisterhood MWJCC
c/o Sheila Ornstein
19 Scaglione Court
Highland Mills, NY 10930
A donation has been made by
Shirley Pinkus in memory of
Judy Ronay’s mother , Susan Ronay Z”L
Women with Wool
Tuesday's at 10:00 AM—12 noon
in the synagogue library.
We can't solve problems
by using the same kind
of thinking we used when
we created them.
Albert Einstein
Needlework, knitting or crocheting.
Free coffee will be served.
For more information, contact
Sheila Ornstein 845.928.6244
(We do not meet if MW schools are
delayed or closed.)
Monroe Woodbury Jewish Community Center
PO Box 183
Monroe, New York 10949
Please Do Not Hold
Dated Material
April 2013
February 2015
Light candles………..……..Ends
May 3 — 7:37 pm
May 4 — 8:42 pm
— —
7 —11
pm pm
May6 10
13— 5:08
Feb 14 — 6:10 pm
Light candles………..……..Ends
Feb 20— 5:17 pm
Feb 21 — 6:18 pm
Feb 27— 5:25 pm
Feb 28 — 6:26 pm
May 14 — 7:49 pm
May 15 — 8:55 pm
May 16 —8:56 pm
Shabbat Light candles………..……..Ends
May 17 — 7:52 pm
May 18 — 8:59 pm
May 24 — 7:58 pm
May 25 —9:06 pm
Friday Night
6:00 PM
Shabbat Morning
9:00 AM
Sunday Morning
8:30 AM
If you would like to arrange a morning or evening
minyan for a yahrzeit call Mark Schulberg.