do g n i h t e m so ! g n i z ama ing Your Fundrais k n Pac o i t a m r Info s ea ndraising id fantastic fu s you can do and fun thing AN to raise money for CL Picture This: CLAN Landmark Walk CLANnow @CLANnow Picture This: Your donation could provide an activity for our children’s group T hank yo u... for choosing to raise funds for CLAN Cancer Support! It currently costs over £2 million every year to ensure our free support services are widely available. We rely on the generous support of individuals, families and companies to ensure this continues. Whether you know what fundraiser you would like to do or are looking for some useful hints and tips, this pack has everything you need to make your event a success and raise as much money as possible for CLAN. We offer a relaxed, welcoming and caring environment both at CLAN House, our support and wellbeing centre in Aberdeen, and at our many bases in the community. CLAN aims to help people live with and beyond their or their loved one’s cancer diagnosis and improve the quality of life for all those who turn to us for help and support. We cannot wait to hear from you and find out what exciting fundraising adventure you will be taking on. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us, we are always happy to help. You can read more about our services on our website at What we do... CLAN Cancer Support is a well-established local charity providing emotional and practical support to people affected by cancer across north-east Scotland, Moray, Orkney and Shetland. Whether affected personally, as a carer, family member or close friend our services are freely offered to all from pre-diagnosis and diagnosis, through treatment and beyond. Picture This: Why not hold a tea or coffee morning with your friends to raise funds..? Why we need your help You can help us in so many ways – attending, organising or sponsoring events, becoming a volunteer, nominating CLAN as your workplace ‘charity of the year’, providing opportunities for CLAN to attend information events, lunch and learn sessions and so much more. By supporting CLAN, you will help us continue to support thousands of people in their communities on a daily basis. Here are some examples of what your support can provide... £1 can provide 100 leaflets detailing our services £2 5 can provide breakfast for one day for all guests staying at CLAN Haven £40 can provide a counselling or complementary therapy session £11 5 can provide transport services to our clients for one day £2 0 0 can put on an activity for our Children’s and Teen’s Groups £2 50 can provide training for one support volunteer £8 5 0 can operate CLAN House (excluding CLAN Haven) for one day £1 0 0 0 can provide 25 group activity classes including relaxation and yoga Figures are correct as of January 2015. 3 Picture This: Bring out the daredevil in you... why not do a charity skydive... or play safe - a golf day is always a great fundraising idea or you could have a bake-off with your friends... Getting started... Need to buy photo or use another 7 steps to organising a fun, safe and successful fundraising event Step 1 Step 3 Get some fundraising ideas... Keeping it safe and legal Take a look at our Fundraising A-Z in the centre pages to help inspire your fundraising. No one likes a rule breaker, so to keep your event in the clear check out our guidelines and advice on page 7. Step 2 Make a plan and promote... The key to any successful event is forward planning and promotion. Our top tips can be found page 6. Step 5 Making your fundraising go further We can provide a range of helpful tools to help make your fundraising go further, find out more on pages 12 & 13. Step 4 Grow your pound... Everything you need to know about getting sponsored and making your pound go a little further can be found on page 11. Step 6 Let US know... We would love to hear about your fundraising plans so please keep in touch, find out how on page 13. Step 7 After the event.. . Put your feet up and have a nice cup of tea while reading page 16 to find out how to get the money you raised to us. 4 uestions? still got q We are happy to speak to you anytime, just give us a call. You can find contact details on the back page. 5 Keep it safe... n a l p a e k a M of action Once you have decided what your event is, spreading the word is key to its success. It is always a good idea to consider the health, safety and legal side of any event. Here are some guidelines to follow when planning your event: It is a good idea to come up with a timeline for organising and promoting your event. Some of the basics could include: Events Carry out a full risk assessment of your event. You can find out more and download a template from the Health and Safety Executive website. • What your event is • Date, time and location of your event • Where you can buy tickets or find out more information • That you are raising money in aid of CLAN • Our web address • Our Registered Charity Number SC022606 Posters We can provide you with the CLAN Logo and standard text for you to use when creating your event posters. Logo guidelines The CLAN logo is important to us. If you would like to use it please contact your local CLAN Coordinator who will provide you with an official version of our logo along with our branding guidelines. If your event involves the public you will need to have public liability insurance. Check with the venue first as they may already have insurance that covers your event. Press & local media Asking a local radio station or newspaper to cover your event is a great way to let others know what you are doing and why. Contact your local CLAN Coordinator for a template press release, simply add in your event details and send to the media. Online Promoting your event online is free and can be very effective. • Send an email to all your contacts. • U se social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter for promoting your event and telling your friends about it. Do not forget to ask them to share it too. • C reate an event page on Facebook and invite all your friends to attend. 6 For information on food hygiene regulations please check the Food Standards Agency website. Ensure that your event is properly and adequately supervised. Public Collections We do not encourage public collections, however if you are considering carrying out any public collection you must obtain a licence from your local authority in advance. Keep it legal! Lotteries & Raffles Regulations regarding lotteries can be complicated so if you plan to hold a lottery of any kind please contact your local authority for guidance. Here are some general rules to follow for small raffles (for example if held as part of an event or party): • T icket sales and the announcement of results must be held during the event. • All tickets should be sold at the same price and no discounts for bulk buys (three for two). • Tickets should not be sold to anyone under the age of 16. Counting Money Protect yourself, always have two people present to count any money raised. Please note the above is guidance only. CLAN Cancer Support cannot accept any responsibility for your event, nor for anyone who participates in it. 7 Your Fundraising stock ea We have a Afternoon T ps, saucers, cake a cu n of vintage te which you ca re o m d n a s stand event. hire for your Baker Hughes 10 K Run for CL AN in Aberdee n’s Baker Hug hes 10K. e t th Car Wash Ge sk for a and a sponges out turn. donation in re Dinner Dance Put on a ceilidh or dance in yo ur school, community centre or church hall and have a ball. Easter Egg Hunt A great game for the kids and a great w ay to raise funds to o. Hide goodies in your ga rden or local park an d ask for a donation to take part in the hu nt. Fashion Show Pu t on a show with CLAN Charit y Shop goods but with your very own models. 8 AN Ask your Go Purple for CL to ol workplace or scho N. Get in touch Go Purple for CLA pack today. for a fundraising irthday Happy B with CLAN by e in Celebrat onations d r o f g askin ts. ds or gif r a c f o u lie Justgiving You can raise money online by setting up a justgiving page; an easy way to raise funds. Ladies Lunch G et the girls together for a la dies lunch or w hy not book a table at the CLAN Lun ch. Nippy Dipper Pin Pals Wear one of CLAN’s pin badges and encourage your friends and family to do the same to show your support for CLAN. Quiz Night Become a quiz master for the evening and ask your friends and family to enter teams. In-house Events Come along to one of CLAN’s in-house events with your friends and family. Recycle We can recycle your old mobile phones and receive a donation for it. Skydive Face your fear and see Karaoke Night Tidy Up clear Have a good old ur out and donate yo the to unwanted items s. CLAN Charity Shop Host your own karaoke party. ke ate on the ultim challenge by arathon running a m and getting r it. sponsored fo Marathon Ta Take part in the annual Boxing Day Nippy Dipper. ch Victory Night Wat Up-Helly-Aa a big CLAN a part of your special day, we can organise personalised wedding favours. ur AN as yo L C e s o o YPI Ch YPI (Youth r charity fo y Initiative). p o r Philanth 9 Organise a party for Shetland’s infamous Up-Helly-Aa. game with all your nearest and dearest. Wedding Favours Make Overseas C hallenges From trekkin g the Great Wall of Chin a, to cycling from Londo n to Paris, there’s som ething for everyone. the world from 3,000 metres up. g Invite Xmas Evenind friends n your family a ht of festive over for a nig delights. Zum b - How athon you z long can umb a for ? 10 r u o y g n i k Ma . . . r e h t r u f o g g n i s i fundra r u o y w o Gr po und Tools to help... Once you have decided what event or challenge you are going to do, the next step is encouraging people to donate and it is now easier than ever. Contact your local CLAN Coordinator to arrange these, though we do ask that you return items to us as soon as possible after your event. Sponsor Forms Online Giving Online giving is now more popular than ever. It is quick and easy to set up, simply go to the website and follow the step by step guide. You can then send your link to family, friends and colleagues through social media and email. CLAN pens and logo bugs CLAN keyring and pin-badge CLAN bags Gift Aid Gift Aid is a government scheme which enables charities to reclaim the tax on their donations. By asking people to gift aid their donations we can claim an extra 25p for every pound from HM Revenue & Customs, at no extra cost to you or your supporters. Simply follow the instructions on your sponsor form or if using online giving, the website will sort this for you. CLAN information leaflets PVC banner: 6ft x 2ft “Fundraising for CLAN” banner, suitable for indoor and outdoor use Match Giving Some companies will pledge to match whatever monies you raise and donate it to the cause. We are happy to help fill in any forms that are required. 11 CLAN Merchandise There are a number of items we can provide to help raise awareness and funds for CLAN at your event. Approach your family, friends and colleagues and you will be surprised how quickly the donations start coming in. We can provide a personalised sponsor form for your event or challenge. Simply contact your local CLAN Coordinator and we will send one to you. CLAN donation buckets, boxes and houses CLAN t-shirts CLAN wristbands ! . . w o n t k e L us We love to hear about our supporters fundraising plans. Standing Orders Please contact your local CLAN Coordinator with details of your event so we can provide any items or advice you may require. We may also help to promote your event on our website and in our Fundraising What’s On guide. You can pledge to make a regular donation to CLAN by completing a standing order form. Ask your local CLAN Coordinator for details. CLAN Cancer Support will process your information lawfully and in accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998. It will be kept securely and will not be disclosed to any third party. 12 13 Picture This: As a company, there are a number of ways you could support CLAN... We will help you make your event a success! e t a r o p r o C g n i s i a r d n Fu As a company, there are a number of ways in which you can support CLAN. LAN as Nominate C your workplace charity You could get involved by attending CLAN events such as in-house events, golf days and corporate dinners. We have a range of CLAN merchandise which you could sell for us at your workplace reception. We also have donation houses which could be placed around your workplace. Lunch & Learn We can come to your workplace or you and your colleagues can visit CLAN House or any of our community bases. We will do a short talk about CLAN and the services we provide. This is a great way to help us spread the word about CLAN and the support we can offer. Corporate Favours If you are hosting a corporate event and need favours, we can help. We can provide CLAN merchandise with a personalised card attached and the option of including your company logo, event name and event date for a minimum donation of £1.50 each. 14 Volunteering CLAN Charity Shops Does your company have an Employee Volunteering Day? Why not give your hours to CLAN? You could help at one of our many fundraising events or in one of our CLAN charity shops. The sale of donated goods in our charity shops is a vital source of revenue. We have two charity shops in Aberdeen and one each in Ballater, Kirkwall and Lerwick. GAYE Each shop has a wide range of clothing, accessories, household items and books. Much of the stock is new or nearly new. Our charity shops also regularly organise fashion shows, auctions and special sales. This is a simple and tax efficient way for your employees to make a regular donation to CLAN through their pay packet. All donations are tax free, so it costs less to give more. If your company is not already part of the Give As You Earn scheme, you can find further information at Sponsorship Opportunities We have a variety of sponsorship opportunities available for various events throughout the year. Ranging from £300 upwards, your support could help to make our event a success. Donations Drive Without donations our shops simply would not function. You can organise your own donations drive at home or at your workplace. Encourage the whole family to have a clear out and donate any unwanted items. Set a time and a place for your colleagues to drop off donations, we can even arrange for these to be collected by our CLAN van. What can and cannot be donated You would be amazed at the range of items we can accept, even clothes that are no longer wearable can be donated so we can recycle them and receive a donation for doing so. However there are a few things that we cannot accept: • • • • • • Electricals Videos Broken toys Cuddly toys Marked cushions or quilts Large pieces of furniture You can find your nearest CLAN Charity Shop on our website Other ways to give We are all being encouraged to write a will and leaving a legacy to charity is becoming very popular. Leaving a gift of money to CLAN can be a tax efficient way of giving. Trust funding is vital in allowing us to offer our support services, free of charge, to anyone affected by cancer and we are very grateful to the many trusts that support us. Call our fundraising team on 01224 647000 to find out more about legacy giving and trust funding. 15 After . . . t n e v e r you The hard work has been done, you should be feeling proud. Take a moment to reflect on your achievement and the support you have enabled CLAN to give. The money you have raised can be donated to us in few different ways, but please always include a note with your contact details and an outline of what your event was. • Drop into CLAN House or any of our community bases with cash or cheques, please contact your local CLAN Coordinator to arrange a suitable time. • Send a cheque made payable to CLAN to: Fundraising Department, CLAN House, 120 Westburn Road, Aberdeen, AB25 2QA. • Donate online via our justgiving page • Make a donation by credit or debit card by calling the fundraising team on 01224 647000 • Pay your donation direct into CLAN’s bank account, please contact your local CLAN Coordinator for the details. Acknowledgement We send a letter, certificate or card of acknowledgment for every donation we receive. We have a two week policy for this, if you have not received yours by then please do not hesitate to contact us. 16 Visit CLAN You are always welcome to visit any of our CLAN centres to have a look around and see what your support has enabled us to provide. And finally, keep in touch! Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter - @CLANnow Sign up via our website to receive our e-newsletter CLANnow Contact us: 01224 647000 Your local CLAN Coordinator is: Design sponsored by Print sponsored by Your logo here CLAN Cancer Support, CLAN House, 120 Westburn Road, Aberdeen, AB25 2QA CLAN Cancer Support Registered Scottish Charity No. SC022606 Sponsorship opportunity available
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