35013 MAXIMUM TECH file ple Sa m Rediscovered Star League technology gives the Inner Sphere a new edge on the battlefield! But new weapons require new tactics; now as never befor e, ingenuity counts more than tougher ’Mechs® and bigger guns. Maximum Tech brings BattleTech players into this brave new world of warfare, wher e thinking on your feet can win the day. Take your BattleTech games to the max with Maximum Tech, the ultimate expansion rulebook for BattleTech players. Maximum Tech is packed with dozens of Level Thr ee optional rules, including new weapons and equipment for Inner Spher e and Clan forces; expanded rules for vehicles and infantr y; double-blind r ules; revised and expanded ar tillery rules; and much more! This r evised edition of Maximum Tech has been updated for use with the BattleTech Master Rules as well as incorporating the units presented in the Technical Readout: 3060 and Record Sheets: 3060 into the Battle Value units table. • A BATTLETECH RULES EXPANSION • SHIFT INTO HIGH GEAR! ™ REVISED EDITION • 35013 A N R A D V A N C E U L E B O O K D MAXIMUM MAXIMUMTECH MAXIMUM MAXIMUM TECH TECH MAXIMUM TECH Sa m ple file TECH MAXIMUM TECH TABLE OF CONTENTS Base Terrain New Terrain Types Terrain Conditions Weather Conditions Bog Down Careful Movement High/Low Gravity Heat Scale Modifiers Movement Modes Sprinting Evading Backward Movement Climbing and Leaping Skidding Vehicle Skidding Skids and Terrain Features Piloting Skill Rolls Taking Damage Kicking and Pushing Attacks Attempting to Stand Leg Damage Movement Dice COMBAT General Rules Expanded Critical Damage Floating Critical Rule Hit Location Engine Explosions Hull-Down Glancing Blows Target Movement Modifiers Called Shots Weapon Attacks Line of Sight and Dead Zones Damage Advanced Firing Partial Cover Physical Combat Piloting Skill Clan Pilots New Attack Types Charging Death from Above Accidental Falls from Above Heat Avoiding Shutdown Vehicle Crews Crew Numbers and Abilities Movement Lance Movement Speed Turn Modes Advanced Maneuvers Vehicle Skidding Combat Firing Arcs Movement Modifiers Hit Location Critical Damage Damage from Fire Minefields Vehicle Destruction VTOL Combat VTOL Hit Location VTOL Critical Hits VTOL Special Attacks INFANTRY file Expanded Terrain and Weather Rules VEHICLES ple Levels of BattleTech TERRAIN AND MOVEMENT 5 6 6 7 7 9 9 10 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 23 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 m How to Use this Book Rules Squad Deployment Damage Morale Equipment Sa INTRODUCTION ECM and Camo Suits Field Guns Heavy Armor LRM Infantry NARC TAG Special Operations Paratroops Anti-BattleMech Infantry Engineers Underwater Operations MISCELLANEOUS RULES Artillery Ranges and Flight Times Damage Artillery Ordnance Field Artillery Onboard Artillery Counter-Battery Fire Abilities Advanced Abilities Dueling Rules Action Phase Special Dueling Rules 2 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 36 36 36 36 37 38 38 38 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 41 42 43 43 43 43 43 44 45 45 45 45 47 47 47 Light and Heavy Smoke Smoke Drift/Dissipation Concealing Information Record Sheets and Set-up Available Information Scanning Double-Blind Rules Sequence of Play Movement Phase Spotting Phase Weapon Attack Phase Physical Attack Phase Scavenging and Repair Jury-Rigging CONSTRUCTION General Rules Technology Base Fractional Accounting Engines New Targeting and Tracking Systems Enhanced Satellite Uplinks BattleMech Construction Cockpit Systems Gyroscopes Structural Options Turrets Critical Slot Limits Very Light ’Mechs Low-Tech and Utility ’Mechs Vehicle Construction Super-Heavy Tanks Large Naval Vessels Turrets VTOL Options Special Vehicle Additions Drones EQUIPMENT Active Probes Bloodhound Active Probe Anti-Missile Systems Laser Anti-Missile System Uses as a Weapon Armor Hardened Armor Advanced Ferro-Fibrous Armor Laser-Reflective Armor Reactive Armor Patchwork Armor Artemis V Fire-Control System Artillery Cannons Autocannons ple Smoke 48 48 49 50 50 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 52 53 54 55 55 55 57 57 57 57 57 58 59 59 59 62 62 63 63 64 64 65 65 65 65 66 67 70 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 m Structure Types Installing Weapons and Equipment Sa Structures file CONTENTS Optional Firing Modes Special Munitions Light Autocannons CASE II Coolant Pod ECM Suites ECCM Angel ECM Suite ER Pulse Lasers Flamers Heavy Flamer Inferno Fuel Grenade Launchers Firing Grenade Types Hand-Held Weapons Construction Attacks Damage Heat Sinks Compact Heat Sinks Laser Heat Sinks 3 76 76 77 77 77 77 77 77 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 79 80 80 80 CONTENTS/CREDITS Rapid-Fire Mode Missile Launchers Improved Single-Shot Missiles Streak LRMs Missile Hot-Loading Heat-Seeking Missiles Smoke Missiles NARC Missile Beacon Bola Pods Null Signature System Particle Projector Cannon (PPC) PPC Capacitor Pulse Lasers Optional Firing Modes X-Pulse Lasers Supercharger Thunderbolt Launcher Writing Bryan Nystul With material adapted from: BattleTech Tactical Handbook by Jim Long Explorer Corps by Chris Hartford MechWarrior Companion by Bryan Nystul and Blaine L. Pardoe Field Manual: Draconis Combine by Loren L. Coleman Field Manual: Free Worlds League by Chris Hartford The Periphery by Christopher Hussey Project Development Bryan Nystul Development Assistance Randall N. Bills Project Editing Rob Cruz Sharon Turner Mulvihill Diane Piron-Gelman BattleTech Line Developer Bryan Nystul Sa COSTS LEVEL THREE BATTLE VALUES General Rules BattleMechs Vehicles Infantry Structures MASTER TABLES CREDITS file Machine Guns 80 80 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 84 87 90 90 91 92 92 93 94 ple BattleMech Jump Pack Improved Jump Jets Mechanical Jump Boosters m Jump Jets © 1999-2005 WizKids, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Maximum Tech, Revised, Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech, BattleMech, ProtoMech, AeroTech and WK Games are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of WizKids, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the Copyright Owner, nor be otherwise circulated in any form other than that in which it is published. Printed in the USA. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. Editorial Staff Editorial Director Donna Ippolito Managing Editor Sharon Turner Mulvihill Associate Editors Diane Piron-Gelman Rob Cruz Production Staff Art Director Jim Nelson Project Manager John Bridegroom Cover Art Mike Jackson Cover Design Jim Nelson Illustrations John Paul Lona Kevin Long Brad McDevitt Matt Plog Layout John “The Plague Lord” Bridegroom Version 1.0 (May 2005), based on the 1st printing (2005) published by FanPro LLC, Chicago, Illinois,USA. Published by FanPro LLC • 1608 N. Milwaukee • Suite 1005 • Chicago, IL 60647 Find us online: Precentor_martial@classicbattletech.com (e-mail address for any Classic BattleTech questions) http://www.classicbattletech.com (official Classic BattleTech web pages) http://www.fanprogames.com (FanPro web pages) http://www.mwdarkage.com (official MechWarrior: Dark Age web pages) http://www.wizkidsgames.com (WizKids web pages) http://www.studio2publishing.com (online ordering) Playtesters Cord Autry, Andrew Bethke, Peter Lee Bowman, David Briedis, Dave Brown, Eddie Brownlow, Rich Cencarik, Andrew Chattaway, Frank Crull, Richard E. Darr, Robert R. Dougherty, Steve Edmons, Christopher D. Errett, Robert Feehan, George Fullbrunn, David Gameau, Dan Grendell, Brian P. Gruber, Andre Hafner, Chris Hartford, Lewis M. Helfer, Dan Hurda, Scott Jamison, Scott E. Johnson, Robert E. Kajtz, Robert G. Kranker, Bill Masino, Bryan Moorman, James W. Moorman Jr., Eric Munzinger, Bob Nicholls, Henry Penninkilampi, David Peterson, Gregory K. Plambeck, Joseph L. Poulin, Chris Pope, Rick Raisley, Chris Raisley, Christopher Smith, Chris Trossen, Vance V. Walsh Jr., Edward C. Witzlib, Josh Whitam, Beat Volkert. Special Thanks To: Tracy Kannarr and L. Ross Babcock III, for their invaluable help on the Battle Value system. Hugh Browne, for his artillery rules. All of the people who sent in their suggestions for the contents of this book. Though you are too numerous to mention individually by name, your contribution is greatly appreciated. 4 MAXIMUM TECH INTRODUCTION example, design teams have recently finalized work on prototypes of advanced autocannons modeled on salvaged Clan cannons. On Luthien, manufacturers have managed to perfect Streak missile technology and are now producing larger launchers for the ’Mechs of the DCMS. And in the Free Worlds League, newly developed extended-range lasers are being widely distributed to FWLM units even as we speak. Unfortunately, limited supplies of construction materials, the high costs of producing advanced components and the simple lack of adequate data have hobbled our more ambitious projects. At the NAIS, for example, we have produced prototypes of new weapons and armor systems, as well as an enhanced BattleMech chassis. Though our computer models tell us that these designs should work, they still fail crucial tests. In other cases, we manage to replicate Clan weapons but simply lack the knowledge and resources to mass-produce them—a consideration often lost on the rank-and-file soldiers and holovid reporters. Sure, the boys in laser weapons can make a perfect copy of a Clan-tech extended-range large laser, but each laser must be made by hand from materials rare even on New Avalon. Consequently, each such laser would cost as much as an entire lance of BattleMechs. Rest assured, we at the NAIS will continue to push the envelope of technology, as will our colleagues in design labs across the Inner Sphere. This report illustrates the progress we have already achieved in this endeavor and the likely directions of future work. Some day, the advanced components described here may reach our boys in the field. Until then, they will have to get by with what they’ve got—and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. file Sa m ple Ever since the recovery of the Star League memory core at Helm, the general public has assumed that the Inner Sphere would soon re-experience its Golden Age of Technology. In more recent years, the invasion by the Clans and the resulting acquisition of salvaged Clan weaponry seemed to reinvigorate the expectation that the Great House militaries would soon achieve technological parity with our new enemies. Of course, we in the scientific community harbored no such delusions, for any scientist knows that simply possessing the pieces of a puzzle does not guarantee one can put it together. And when it comes to the puzzle of recovered technology, we don’t even have all the pieces. In a few cases, such as the now widely used extralight engines and endo-steel construction technology, we were able to assemble the puzzle quite quickly. Our armies managed to salvage nearly complete examples of these technologies, which enabled us to create working field models of extralight engines and endo-steel frames in very short order. Our attempts to replicate other Clan weapons and equipment, however, have progressed much more slowly. The slow progress of these efforts is primarily due to a dearth of salvaged Clan technology and other data necessary for our design attempts. We at the New Avalon Institute of Science (NAIS) have enjoyed almost immediate access to the battlefield salvage obtained in Commonwealth battles against the Clans. But even we have received only small quantities of salvaged weaponry, and generally this weaponry has been in extremely poor condition. (Undoubtedly, the strength of the Clan war machine and the limited effectiveness of our own troops against the invaders results in limited opportunities to scavenge advanced Clan weapons.) Other researchers in the Inner Sphere have had to work with even less. Despite these conditions, Inner Sphere weapon and BattleMech designers have made notable progress in the effort to replicate Clan battlefield technology. Here at the NAIS, for —Excerpted from an address delivered by Dr. Gerhardt Marks, NAIS Research Coordinator, to the Interstellar Symposium on Military Technology, New Avalon, 4 March 3059 5
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