CLARIN-PL CLARIN-PL – a Polish Language Technology Infrastructure for the Users Maciej Piasecki Wrocław University of Technology G4.19 Research Group 2014-11-22 Users make problems PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Users make all software systems imperfect. However if a software system is not used, it does not exist. Who can use language technology? Basic Notions PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Language Technology (LT) language resources and tools robust in terms of quality and coverage multipurpose component based Language Technology Infrastructure a software framework (architecture or platform) for combining language tools with language resources into processing chains (or pipelines) the defined processing chains are next applied to language data sources interoperability, also with the external systems LT in Humanities and Social Sciences: Barriers PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Physical – language tools and resources are not accessible in Internet Informational – descriptions are not available or there is no means for searching Technological – lack of commonly accepted standards for LT, lack of a common platform, varieties of technological solutions, insufficient users’ computers Related to knowledge – the use of LT requires programming skills or knowledge from the area of natural language engineering Legal – licences for language resources and tools (LRTs) limit their applications LTI for H&SS: Lowering Barriers PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL CLARIN ERIC consortium of several countries member countries contribute parts of the LTI CLARIN Mission Lowering the barriers for LT in Humanities & Social Sciences (H&SS) integration of different LT components into one interoperable system one sign on and one login into the distributed infrastructure common standards common licences and promotion of the open access installation-free, web-based user interface Different ways to LTI PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Bottom-up a collected offer approach based on linking together the already existing Language Resources and Tools focused on accessibility, technical interoperability and processing chains Top-down based on user-centred design paradigm research applications for H&SS are a starting point Bi-directional linking of Language Resources and Tools combined with the development of research applications Bi-directional LTI development PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Idea development of the necessary elements a distributed network infrastructure basic LT processing chain combined with user-centred approach based on the development of research applications Characteristic features a metaphor of the Agile-like light weight software designing method close co-operation with key users from the H&SS domain application development stimulates the construction of technical fundaments inspirations and identification of the further user needs CLARIN-PL PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Polish scientific consortium Wrocław University of Technology, G4.19 Research Group Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Science Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Chair of Multimedia University of Łódź, PELCRA group at Chair of English Language and Applied Linguistics Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Science Wrocław University Goal: implementation of the Polish part of the CLARIN ERIC LTI Generously financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (about 4 millions Euro for three years) An example of the bi-directional approach CLARIN-PL structure PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Context many basic LRTs for Polish were still lacking at the start of CLARIN-PL Deeper technological barrier e.g. the lack of a robust dependency parser for Polish Pillars: CLARIN-PL Language Technology Centre the Polish node of the CLARIN distributed infrastructure Complete set of basic LRTs for Polish Research applications for H&SS – first created for key users and selected H&SS sub-domains. CLARIN-PL Langauge Technology Centre: bottom-up PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL B-type centre, located in Wrocław University of Technology based on modified D-Space system from Lindat (Czech CLARIN) Distributed authorisation linked to the national identity federation one sign-on, one login Proper repository system supporting persistent identifiers for resources and tools, CMDI meta-data format Interface for Federated Content Search On meta-data and content of corpora Depositing service for researchers from H&SS focused on LRTs adherence to all CLARIN specifications about standards and protocols Web Services for LRTs: the basic processing chain of Polish Flexible composition of the specialised processing chains SOAP & REST interfaces An active K-type centre in several areas CLARIN-PL: Bottom-up PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Bi-directional: bottom-up part PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL LRTs and LRT chains can be useful … if the required tools and resources exist, and, they are robust! What is the minimal set of LRTs? What kind of LRTs can be called robust? automated applications in H&SS seem to require high quality of language tools and mostly large coverage of resource BLARK – The Basic Language Resource Kit “the minimal set of language resources that is necessary to do any precompetitive research and education at all” (Krauwer, 2003) and also basic processing chains possible reference point to compare LRTs for different languages CLARIN-PL: language resources PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Good starting point, e.g. a huge National Corpus of Polish (1 billion tokens) plWordNet 2.0 – a very large wordnet for Polish Korpus Politechniki Wrocławskiej – an open Polish corpus with rich annotation Main goals completing the construction of selected resources building bi-lingual resources and specialised corpora facilitating the envisaged needs of H&SS Bilingual resources crucial for interoperability Large number of language pairs vs limited funds Priority given to Polish-English resources CLARIN-PL: selected resources in development PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL plWordNet 3.0 a comprehensive description of the Polish lexico-semantic system (~200 000 lemmas, ~280 000 senses) mapping to enWordNet – an expanded Princeton WordNet 3.1 A large lexicon of the Multi-word Expressions described with the minimal constraints on their lexico-syntactic structures linked to plWordNet NELexicon 2.0 - ~2.5 million distinct PNs, semantically classified Dynamic lexicons – tools for automated expansion of the manual core A large semantic valency lexicon for Polish predicative lexical units Corpora: a transcribed training-testing Polish speech corpus, conversational corpus parallel corpora, historical Polish corpus of text news… Several systems for searching text and speech corpora CLARIN-PL: language tools 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Segmentation into tokens and sentences Morphological analysis Morphological guessing of unknown words (both without context and context sensitive) Morpho-syntactic tagging Word Sense Disambiguation Chunker and shallow syntactic parser Named Entity Recognition and disambiguation Co-reference and anaphora resolution Temporal expression recognition Semantic relation recognition Event recognition Shallow semantic parser Deep syntactic parser with disambiguated output: dependency and constituent Deep semantic parser PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL: language tools CLARIN-PL A generic set of morpho-syntactic tools for Polish that can be adapted to a domain specified by the user Tools for the extraction of the semantic-pragmatic information from documents and collections of documents, e.g. keywords, semantic relations between text fragments and text summaries Web Services will be provided for all LRTs and systems already implemented: segmentation, morphological analysis, tagging, chunking, Named Entity Recognition, and WSD accessible via REST or SOAP and described by CMDI Web Service test for Named Entity Recognition PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Bi-directional - top-down part: selection of applications PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Criteria to cover a maximal variety of research areas but also to co-operate first with the most active users matching the available LT for Polish a few application but broadening our understanding of the domain First applications Spokes – a search system for the corpus of conversational data (users from inside of CLARIN-PL) A system for collecting Polish text corpora from the Web A open textometric and stylometric system focused on Polish Semantic text classification for sociology Literary Map System for collecting Polish text corpora from the Web PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Requests from users revealed gaps in the available technology Existing corpus building systems were too sensitive to text encoding errors found in the web A system for collecting Polish text corpora from the Web had to be constructed: based on solutions developed in Masaryk University in Brno applies morphological analysis to detect texts including larger number of errors Supports semi-automated extraction of texts from blogs Open textometric and stylometric system PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Several textometric and stylometric tools available But not designed for languages of rich inflection like Polish Enabling the use of features defined on any level of the linguistic structure: from the level of word forms up to the level of the semantic-pragmatic structures. Re-use of several existing components, e.g. Stylo Available as Web Application and a Web Service Stylometric techniques appear to be applicable in many tasks of H&SS sociology (characteristic features that are for different subgroups), political studies (similarity and differences between political parties), literary studies … Semantic text classification for sociology Users: Collegium Civitas, Warsaw Initially: Text document classification according to the manually annotated examples Finally: Whole system from corpus gathering to tuning machine learning methods for the semantic classification of text snippets PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Semantic text classification for sociology 1. Corpus building 2. Pre-processing Text segmentation utilising the original structure Morpho-syntactic tagging, parsing 3. Automated sample selection Collection distribution Clustering – different techniques 4. Manual annotation Abstract definitions of semantic classes Availability of open annotation editors 5. Training classifiers 6. Analysis of the results Error estimation PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL GeTClasS – Generalised Text Classification for Sociology PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Literary Map PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL Users Digital Humanities Centre of The Institute of Literary Research PAS) Idea to identify all geographical names in the literary text (or a corpus) and map them onto the geographical map Technical requirements Named Entity Recognition combined with geo-location PNs recognised in text must be grouped into expression recognised by Google Recognition of semantic relations between non-spational PNs and locations Parallel research on the method and its applications Literary Map PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 CLARIN-PL PALC 2014 Łódź 2014-11-22 Conclusions CLARIN-PL Application of LT to the research in Humanities & Social Sciences seem to be much more challenging than in commercial systems! LT for Polish achieved a stage in which valuable support can be provided for research applications Bi-directional approach combines development of the basic, universal set of language tools and resources with inspirations from the research applications Error monitoring and management in LT-based applications is required CLARIN-PL Thank you very much for your attention! Supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education [CLARIN-PL] and the EU’s 7FP under grant agreement no 316097 [ENGINE]
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