Elżbieta Kielak CURRICULUM VITAE Elżbieta Kielak Sadowa 18 PL - 05520 Konstancin – Jeziorna Phone: (+48) 22 756 49 10 Mobile: (+48) 606 67 14 86 E-mail: elakielak@gmail.com Profile: Cross–cultural psychologist. Graduated from University of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS), Institute for Psychology of Cross- Cultural Relations in 2004 and INTRA The School of Trainers. For 8 years she worked as an institutional Erasmus coordinator in SWPS. That is why problems of adaptation in the new culture she knows from her everyday experience, as well as from her personal experiences. She spent one year in Stockholm/Sweden, working as a volunteer in the frame of European Voluntary Service Program. Since 2005 she also works as a trainer. She co – created the program of inventive cultural adaptation workshops for international students coming to study to Warsaw. Besides, she conducts workshops on cross - cultural competencies, cultural awareness, cross – cultural communication and differences, as well as adaptation to the new culture and culture shock. She worked for different non - governmental organizations, as well for different groups of professionals in both, Polish and English language. Because of her Swedish experience, she can also speak Swedish. She is a member of a trainer’s pool within the Polish National Agency of the Youth in Action Program. She is also a member of Servas International and Sietar Poland, as well as The Anti-discrimination Education Association (TEA). FORMAL EDUCATION 03.200706.2008 INTRA the school of trainers School of Training and Psychological Workshop 09.199805.2004 University of Social Sciences and Humanities MA in psychology Specialization: Cross – Cultural Psychology Elżbieta Kielak CURRICULUM VITAE TRAINING DELIVERY EXPERIENCES Between 2004 and 2015 she delivered more than 950 hours of trainings, workshops and seminars on issues related with interculturalism, cultural awareness and cultural adaptation. Moreover, she conducted training for future trainers for two important NGOs in Poland. She worked for higher education institutions, nongovernmental organizations in Poland and in Sweden, as well as for business sector. Common topics: Target groups: Cultural awareness; Cross – cultural communication; Preparation for work and functioning in different cultural environment; Cultural adaptation and basic issues related with Polish culture; Global education. Students Teachers Higher education institutions employees Civil servants Youth International corporations employees Cooperation: Higher Education Institutions: University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw University, Jagiellonian University, Collegium Civitas, Koźmiński University, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University, Łódź University. Nongovernmental organizations: Villa Decius, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Partners Poland Foundation, The Foundation for Social Diversity, Center for Civic Education, Foundation for the Development of the Education System, Amnesty International, Geremek Foundation. Other institutions: National Centre for Supporting Vocational and Continuing Education, Polish National Agency of the Youth in Action Program, Polish National Agency of the Erasmus Program, British Council, German – Polish Youth Office, Svenska Kyrkans Unga. Business: Mabor, Dr Irena Eris S.A, Volvo. Elżbieta Kielak CURRICULUM VITAE EXPERIENCES GAINED IN ORGANIZATIONS Since 04.2014 Zagranica Group Coordinator of the Global Education Working Group Duties: coordinating all issues connected with functioning of this working group. Taking part in meetings with all actors engaged in the area of global education in Poland. Taking part in international meetings. 04.2013 – o3.2014 Partners Poland Foundation Coordinator of the international educational project “Makutano Junction. Multimedia approach to effective development education”. Duties: coordinating all issues concerning the Project. Delivering training and workshops, preparing teaching materials. Contacting institutions in Poland and partner countries. Since 11.2010 Polish National Agency of the Youth in Action Program Coordinator of the intercultural education workshop for students „Among Others”. Duties: coordination of all actions connected with the project, delivering some of the workshops. 11.200403.2013 Bureau of International Affairs, University of Social Sciences and Humanities Institutional Erasmus Coordinator Duties: Coordinating all issues concerning the Program (sending Polish students abroad and inviting foreign students to Poland), finding new international partners for SWPS and keeping contact with our partner universities and organizations, taking part in workshops provided for Coordinators as well as exhibitions, creating SWPS website in English, as well as guidebooks in English. Providing workshops for incoming and outgoing students. 10.200302.2005 Statoil Polska Sp. z o.o. Assistant at Retail Development and Investment Department Duties: office works, translations from Polish into English and inversely, helping in organization of work for the whole department, correspondence. EXPERIENCES GAINED IN NON-FORMAL AND IN-FORMAL EDUCATION Since 06.2014 The Anti-discrimination Education Association (TEA) Board member Elżbieta Kielak CURRICULUM VITAE 04.2005 – 05.2010 Servas Poland Board member, treasurer 15.08.200201.06.2003 European Voluntary Service (EVS) Volunteer Workplace : Sollentuna, Stockholm, Sweden Duties: Organizing workshops for children, youth and elderly people, office works, organizing workshops for participants of different cultural background. 01.06.200201.07.2002 Polish Embassy in Beijing (China), Consular Department Trainee 01.04.200215.04.2002 Office for Foreigners Trainee 1990-1998 Polish Scouting and Guiding Association Instructor ARTICLES AND PUBLICATIONS Peeking through Critical Incidents: German Cultural Interactions with Neighboring Poles and Far Eastern Chinese. Boski, P., Mazurowska, K., Olczak, E., Jędrzejczak, A. (2012). U. Zeutschel, S. Kammhuber (eds.). Kultur zwischen standard und kreativitat. Berlin: Bloomsbury Publishers. Bądź MIĘDZY INNYMI (Be AMONG OTHERS). Dialog Międzykulturowy. Special Issue 2012. World Humanitarian Day. Volunteers and foreign students in European Union. Comparison of the acculturation process. Coauthor, Studia Psychologiczne. t.44 (2006), z.1, s. 85-97 Doradztwo zawodowe a wyzwania międzykulturowe – podręcznik (Vocational Guidance and challenges of multiculturalism - Textbook) Cieslikowska, D., Kownacka, E., Olczak, E., Paszkowska-Rogacz, A. (2007), Warszawa: KOWEZiU Elżbieta Kielak CURRICULUM VITAE TRAININGS AND WORKSHOPS – PARTICIPATION 01 – Global education. The intercultural dimension. 28.09.2014 E-learning. Council of Europe, The North – South Center, The Network University 67.05.2013 Anti - discrimination training The Anti-discrimination Education Association (TEA). Trainer: Małgorzata Jończy Adamska. 19TOOLFAIR VII Tools for Changes 22.11.2012 International educational tools seminar. 14 Communication supporting effective team cooperation. 17.11.2012 Polish National Agency of the Youth in Action Program. 28.10 4.11. 2012 Captain Culture. Creativity in Intercultural Learning. International training course organized in the frame of Youth in Action Program. January – March 2011 New media and new technologies in trainer work E – learning Polish National Agency of the Youth in Action Program. 15 Supporting participants in the learning process 21.11.2010 Polish National Agency of the Youth in Action Program. 16 Peer supervision 22.11.2009 Polish National Agency of the Youth in Action Program. 17Intercultural conflict resolution 23.11.2008 Polish National Agency of the Youth in Action Program. Elżbieta Kielak CURRICULUM VITAE ADDITIONAL COMPETENCIES TECHNICAL SKILLS LANGUAGES Computers: Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms Power Point, SPSS, Prezi, Glogster, Moodle. Driving Licence cat. B English Swedish – very good – good MEMBERSHIPS International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology SIETAR Polska Servas Poland The Anti-discrimination Education Association (TEA) “Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbędnych dla realizacji procesu rekrutacji / zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 29. 08 .97 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych Dz. U. Nr 133 poz. 883 /”.
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