Foreign students recruitment procedure in Gimnazjum nr 2 im. Adama Mickiewicza w Krakowie (Adam Mickiewicz Junior Secondary School in Krakow) 1. Student’s parents or legal guardians fill in a recruitment form in the school secretary office and submit the following documents: a birth certificate (nostrified, i.e. translated into Polish by a registered translator [tłumacz przysięgły]) a certificate or another document proving graduation abroad form a school or a certain education stage, regarded, according to separate regulations, as equal to a Polish school certificate of graduating an adequate state school or a proof or a different document issued by a school abroad proving attending a school abroad and specifying a year or stage of education. 2. A foreign student is guaranteed admission to a multicultural form where an extra Polish and an extra English classes are taught (one class of each language a week). Optionally, a different form may be chosen from those offered at school according to the school regulations (“Statut” of Gimnazjum nr 2 w Krakowie) on condition that the number of students allows such admission. The admission decision is made by the Headmistress of Gimnazjum nr 2 taking into consideration all submitted documents and school organisation conditions. 3. Gimnazjum nr 2 Headmistress provides a foreign student who doesn’t know Polish or knows Polish inefficiently an extra counsellor (a teacher of English), apart from a form tutor. 4. The education organisation of students who are not Polish citizens is regulated by Ustawa o systemie oświaty z dnia 1 września 1991 r. ze zmianami and Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 2 stycznia 2015r. w sprawie przyjmowania osób niebędących obywatelami polskimi do publicznych przedszkoli, szkół, zakładów kształcenia nauczycieli i placówek oraz organizacji dodatkowej nauki języka polskiego, dodatkowych zajęć wyrównawczych oraz nauki języka i kultury kraju pochodzenia.(Education system bill dated 1st September 1991 with amendments and Ministry of Education regulation about non-Polish citizens recruitment dated 2nd January 2015). We inform that for foreigners who are obliged to go to school and learn but don’t know Polish or know it inefficiently the Headmistress, together with the school supervisory authorities organises a free Polish course in the form of extra Polish classes. Extra Polish classes are taught individually or in groups. The number of hours taught should prepare a student to know Polish on the level allowing participation in the obligatory classes and should not be fewer than 2 classes a week (one class is 45 minutes). For foreigners who, according to a given school subject teacher need to make up for some shortages caused by educational curriculum differences, the Headmistress together with the school supervisory authorities organises compensation classes in this particular subject lasting no longer than 12 months. Extra compensation classes in a given subject are held individually or in groups in the form of extra lessons on this subject no more than 1 class (45 minutes) a week. The weekly timetable of compensation classes is set by the school Headmistress together with the school supervisory authorities. The joint number of Polish and compensation classes may not be more than 5 classes a week per one student. Foreigners are entitled to help given by a person speaking the student’s native language who is employed by the Headmistress together with the school supervisory authorities as a teacher’s assistant. Such help may be given for no longer than 12 months. A given nationality’s abroad diplomacy office or consular office or culture and education society may organise a native language and culture classes for foreigners obliged to go to school if at least 7 foreigners are declared to participate in that kind of education. The joint native language and culture classes duration may not exceed 5 classes a week (1 class is 45 minutes). The Headmistress assigns the days and hours when the native language and culture classes may be taught at school. Legal basis: Ustawa o systemie oświaty z dnia 1 września 1991 r. ze zm. Art. 94a Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 2 stycznia 2015 r. w sprawie warunków i trybu przyjmowania do publicznych przedszkoli, szkół i placówek osób niebędących obywatelami polskimi oraz obywateli polskich, którzy pobierali naukę w szkołach funkcjonujących w systemach oświaty innych państw, a także organizacji dodatkowej nauki języka polskiego, dodatkowych zajęć wyrównawczych oraz nauki języka i kultury kraju pochodzenia Statut Gimnazjum nr 2 w Krakowie
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