Our Experience – capital markets

Mergers & Acquisitions / Private Equity / Capital Markets
Our profile
For many years we have been involved with top international law firms, advising domestic and international banks and other
financial institutions, corporates and governmental agencies
We combine a thorough understanding of the local market with the skills necessary to complete sophisticated cross-border
transactions. We are capable of coordinating and successfully managing complicated transactions of various types.
Our law firm comprises of the team of experienced advisors. Our key lawyers have been recognized by top legal market
We distinguish ourselves by a creative and mature approach to legal issues and a complex approach to transactions and our
clients’ matters.
Providing legal advice matching the standard of top international law firms, we also offer flexible remuneration schemes
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Key Practices
Our key practices include:
M&A and complex legal advice concerning sales of businesses, including preparing of sale transactions
Advising private equity funds
Joint ventures
Corporate law matters
Public offers of securities and capital market transactions, including IPOs and listings on stock exchanges
Acquisitions and disposals of blocks of shares (including controlling stakes) in companies listed on stock exchanges (public take
– overs)
Regulatory matters related to capital markets and concerning financial institutions
Management contracts and options schemes
Tax structuring and tax optimizations
We also advise on real estate, labor law, public law, intellectual property rights, litigation and arbitration.
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Our Experience - M&A / PE
Experience of our lawyers in mergers and acquisitions gained during their careers to date includes, inter alia, advising:
Montagu Private Equity on acquisition of Emitel, a leading Polish operator of radio and TV infrastructure
TVN S.A., on strategic partnership between TVN and Ringer Axel Springer Media AG concerning Onet.pl S.A. Group
TVN S.A. on the merger of two platforms of pay TV, TVN with Polish platform of Canal+
Krzysztof Gradecki on the sale of majority stake in Eko Holding S.A.
Liberty Global Inc. on the acquisition of Aster, one of the largest Polish operators of integrated cable TV services (TV, internet,
phone) and wireless (cellular phone) from funds managed by Mid Europa Partners LLP
Liberty Global and UPC on divestment of Aster cable network
Innova Capital on the acquisition of 70% shares in Marmite International S.A., leading European producer of bathroom ceramics
from cast marble
Innova Capital on take-over of Bakalland S.A.
Advent International, on a successful public bid for 100% shares in Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne S.A., the largest
publisher of educational books in Poland
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Our Experience - M&A / PE
Société Générale Asset Management Alternative Investments on the acquisition of controlling stake in Konsalnet S.A., an entity
operating in cash processing, security and monitoring
Société Générale Asset Management Alternative Investments on the transfer of G1 Group sp. z o.o. as a part of internal
restructuring of SGAM group
Konsalnet Holding S.A. on the acquisition of a Romanian subsidiary
Konsalnet Holding S.A. on the sale of selected business lines
Konsalnet Holding S.A. on the acquisition of G4S Polska
Enterprise Investors on the acquisition of Skarbiec TFI
Enterprise Investors and Sfinks Polska S.A. on the acquisition of business of Grupa Chłopskie Jadło
Enterprise Investors on the divestment of Medycyna Rodzinna S.A. to LuxMed
Marek Stefański, on the sale of shares in POL-AQUA S.A. to Dragados Sociedad Anonima
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Our Experience - M&A / PE
Argus Capital on the acquisition of GTX Hanex Plastic Sp z o.o.
Deutsche Bank (DWS) on the sale of DWS TFI Polska
British Sugar (Overseas) Limited on the sale w British Sugar (Overseas) Polska sp. z o. o. to Pfeifer & Langen Polska S.A.
KBC Private Equity, Krokus Private Equity on several private equity transactions
PE fund on recapitalisation of a portfolio company
Kulczyk Holding on the investment in oil fields in Sudan
Unit 4 on the take-over of Teta S.A.
Warsaw Stock Exchange on the acquisition of Polish Energy Exchange
IPOPEMA Securities S.A. on the acquisition of Polish part of the asset management business of Credit Suisse
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Our Experience – capital markets
Experience of our lawyers in capital markets gained during their careers to date includes, inter alia, advising:
Rubbermaid on the public bid and take-over of Dom-Plast S.A. (first take-over in CEE) and Kalon Group on the public bid and
take-over of Polifarbu Cieszyn-Wrocław S.A. (first hostile take-over in Poland)
PepsiCo Inc. on the de-listing of E. Wedel S.A., the first de-listing in Poland
BA CA and CA IB Securities on the paralel listing of BA CA on stock exchanges in Warsdaw and in Vienna (first „dual listing” in
Poland). BA CA was the first foreign company listed on WSE
Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie (Warsaw Stock Exchange – GPW, WSE) on the IPO and listing of WSE, and on
financing of the acquisition of the Polish Power Exchange (Towarowa Giełdy Energii) by WSE, via public offer of bonds listed on
the wholesale and regulated markets of WSE
Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, UniCredit on the IPO of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A., the biggest European coke
producer. It was the largest IPO of state owned company offer in 2011 and fourth largest IPO in the history of WSE
UBS, J.P. Morgan, Citi, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, UniCredit and Espirito Santo Investment Bank on the IPO of Energa S.A.
Citi and Dom Maklerski Banku Handlowego on the offer of shares and restructuring of share capital of BNP Paribas Polska S.A.
Bookrunners and Global Coordinators (inter alia UniCredit, Deutsche Bank and Merrill Lynch) on the rights issue of PKO Bank
Polski S.A.
Citibank on the public bid and take-over of Bank Handloy w Warszawie S.A. as a part of the merger of the banks in Poland
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Our Experience – capital markets
Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. on its’ IPO and listing on WSE
Issuers on IPO and listing on WSE: ASBISc Enterprise Plc. (fourth case within the EU, whereby the competent authority
(Cypriot SEC) transferred the power to approve the prospectus to the competent authority of the host member state (Polish
KNF), J.W. Construction Holding S.A., Polimex-Mostostal S.A. and ZREW S.A. (on the merger), KOPEX S.A. and ZZM S.A. (as
a part of restructuring of the capital group)
Investment banks on the public offer of shares in Kernel Holding, IPO of Petrolinvest S.A., public offer of shares in Bioton S.A.,
NFI Empik & Media & Fashion S.A. and on the merger of Vistula S.A. and Wólczanka S.A.
Bank Przemysłowo - Handlowy S.A., on the merger with Powszechny Bank Kredytowy S.A.
J.P. Morgan, Citigroup Global Markets, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, UniCredit, KBC Securities, Societe Generale, PKO BP
on the sale of 10% of shares in PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna by the Ministry of State Treasury via accelerated bookbuilding
Ministry of State Treasury and Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego S.A. with respect to the sucessful finalization of Mennica Polska
S.A. privatization via secondary offering of 40% of shares. Also the Ministry of State Treasury with respect to the secondary
offering of shares in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. via accelerated bookbuilding
ING, Citigroup Global Markets oraz Detusche Bank with respect to the secondary offering of shares in Lotos S.A. via
accelerated bookbuilding
Consortium of banks, including BRE, PKO BP, Pekao SA, Nordea, ING, Citi wraz DM Banku Handlowego on the sale of 11,9%
of shares in TAURON Polska Energia S.A. by the Ministry of State Treasury via accelerated bookbuilding
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Our Experience - capital markets regulatory advice
Our lawyers have unique experience regarding financial market regulations, especially capital markets regulations.
Leading partner Zbigniew Mrowiec was on the first staff of the then newly created Securities and Exchange Commission. As the
Deputy Chairman and General Counsel of the Securities and Exchange Commission, he led the reform process of the Polish
capital markets legal framework, which was aimed at liberalization, improved supervision and market transparency. He coauthored the Polish investment fund law, Polish bond law and the package of legal acts which still regulate the Polish capital
market today.
Zbigniew has unique experience in advising clients on regulatory matters, including the performance of various regulatory
obligations, in particular disclosure obligations, drafting and modifying the internal regulations of financial institutions, in
particular adjusting rules and regulations to the new laws, and representing clients in disputes and dealings with regulatory
authorities, in particular Polish Financial Supervision Commission (Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego).
Our services include drafting and amending the internal regulations of financial institutions, including adjustments to the new
laws and regulations, and also representing clients in proceedings initiated by various regulators, in particular the Polish
Financial Supervision Commission.
We also advise clients on the disclosure obligations of listed companies, the obligations of shareholders in listed companies,
and the board members of such companies.
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Our Experience - capital markets regulatory advice
Our lawyers have advised on regulatory matters numerous financial institutions and corporates, in particular:
Bank Pocztowy S.A.
mBank S.A. (former BRE Bank S.A. )
Citibank, Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.
Deutsche Bank AG London Branch, Deutsche Bank Polska S.A.
Dom Maklerski Banku Handlowego S.A.
Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.
J.P. Morgan Securities
J.W. Construction Holding S.A.
Ministerstwo Skarbu Państwa
PKO Bank Polski S.A.
Pol-Aqua S.A.
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Mirosław Fiałek
Founding partner, legal advisor
mergers and acquisitions
Private Equity / Venture Capital
corporate and company law
Mirosław Fiałek has over fifteen years of experience in advising clients on transactions and on on-going matters. He has broad
experience in PE/VC and M&A market and specializes in structuring and management of transactions. His practice encompasses
also supporting of the management activities of PE fund managers toward the portfolio companies and also advising the portfolio
companies on various corporate and commercial matters.
He has thorough understanding of practical aspects of corporate and commercial law, including establishment and liquidation of
various companies, drafting agreements and legal memoranda, as well as litigation and arbitration. He participated in many highly
innovative transactions and has advised largest telecoms and media companies in Poland.
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Mirosław Fiałek
He advised several Private Equity fund managers on their transactions, including:
Montagu Private Equity;
Innova Capital;
Société Générale Asset Management Alternative Investments; Value 4 Capital;
Enterprise Investors;
Argus Capital;
KBC Private Equity;
Krokus Private Equity.
Mirosław is an expert in media and telecom transactions. He has advised largest players in these sectors, including:
TVN, on the strategic partnership between TVN and Ringer Axel Springer Media AG regarding Grupa Onet.pl S.A.;
TVN, on the merger of two Polish digital platforms of pay TV - TVN and Polish Canal+;
Montagu Private Equity, on the acquisition of TP Emitel;
Liberty Global Inc. on the acquisition of Aster from funds managed by Mid Europa Partners LLP and in respect to divestment of
Aster cable network.
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Mirosław Fiałek - awards
Miroslaw Fialek continues to build his reputation in the private equity market. Chambers Europe 2013
Miroslaw Fialek is praised for his "strong attention to detail and ability to see the broad picture. He is one of the most promising
lawyers in private equity market." Chambers Europe 2012
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Zbigniew Mrowiec
Founding partner, legal advisor
issues of debt and equity instruments, listings on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, public take–overs and mergers of
listed companies;
capital market regulatory matters
advising investment banks, issuers and shareholders in listed companies
capital markets and securities law
Zbigniew Mrowiec has over 24 years of experience in advising clients on transactions and on on-going matters, and also in public
administration. He has broad experience in capital markets, including most innovative, sophisticated cross-border and
multijurisdictional transactions. He has also a thorough understanding of regulatory matters concerning trading in securities and
other financial instruments.
He specializes in capital markets transactions, including public take-overs, initial public offerings (IPOs) and placements of debt and
equity financial instruments on domestic and foreign markets.
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Zbigniew Mrowiec
He has structured several „first of a kind” transactions on the Polish stock market. He advised on:
first take-over on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE);
first hostile take-over;
first de-listing;
first dual listing of a foreign issuer on WSE;
fourth case within the EU, whereby the competent authority (Cypriot SEC) transferred the power to approve the prospectus to
the competent authority of the host member state (Polish KNF).
Zbigniew co-authored the Polish capital market regulation. He was a member of the first team of the Polish SEC. As the Deputy
Chairman of the Polish SEC (2004-2005) worked on new capital markets legal framework aimed on liberalisation and increased
transparency of the Polish market.
Polish investment fund law;
Polish act on bonds;
Current capital market law governing the Polish market since 2005.
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Zbigniew Mrowiec
He advised the largest Polish and international investment banks, including Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Espirito Santo
Investment Bank, Citi Global Markets together with Dom Maklerski Banku, Handlowego, Deutsche Bank, ING together with ING
Securities, J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, PKO Bank Polski, UniCredit together with UniCredit CAIB Poland, UBS.
He participated in largest transactions on the Polish capital market, including:
IPO of Bank Austria Credit Anstalt (BA CA) in Poland together with dual listing in Warsaw and Vienna. BA CA was the first
foreign company listed on WSE;
Rights issue of PKO Bank Polski S.A.;
IPOs of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna, Warsaw Stock Exchange, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa and Energa;
Largest accelerated bookbuildings on shares of largest companies listed in Poland, including PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna,
PKO Bank Polski, Bank Pekao, Lotos, KGHM or Tauron.
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Zbigniew Mrowiec - awards
Zbigniew Mrowiec has earned an enviable reputation for his equity capital markets prowess, and is highly recommended by
clients and peers alike. Chambers Europe 2014
Leading lawyer in Capital Markets. IFLR 1000 2014
Recommended Lawyer in Capital Markets. Rzeczpospolita 2013
Zbigniew Mrowiec is unequivocally recognized as one of the leading equity capital markets advisers in Poland. He heads the
equity capital markets team and recently represented the Ministry of Treasury in the PLN1.3 billion sale of 11.9% of Tauron
Polska Energia. Market commentators confirm: "He has fantastic experience and expertise." Chambers Global 2013,
Chambers Europe 2013
Zbigniew Mrowiec heads the team at Allen & Overy, A. Pedzich sp. k., which advised several financial institutions as joint
bookrunners of the rights issue by Globe Trade Centre and also advised the Warsaw Stock Exchange on a public offering of
PLN75m series B notes arranged by five Polish banks. Legal 500 2013
Clients have expressed their satisfaction with the quality of service received from Zbigniew Mrowiec and the firm. “They’re
among the top 4-5 players in Poland,” one client says. “They’re definitely good value in terms of the ratio of price to quality.”
IFLR 1000 2013
Allen & Overy, A. Pedzich sp. k. advised the state treasury on the accelerated book-building process for the joint sale by the
state treasury and Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego of shares in Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski held by the
treasury. The firm also advised PHZ Baltona on its move from AIM to the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Practice head Zbigniew
Mrowiec is “a brilliant lawyer”. Legal 500 2013
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Zbigniew Mrowiec - awards
The masterly Zbigniew Mrowiec is recommended as "a great equity capital markets adviser; he is extremely competent and
knowledgeable." Chambers Global 2012, Chambers Europe 2012
Zbigniew Mrowiec’s “strengths are the quality of advice, project management, and knowledge of the regulatory environment”.
Legal 500 2012
Zbigniew Mrowiec is unequivocally regarded as among the leading advisers on equity capital markets. He is an "extremely
knowledgeable expert," say sources. Chambers Europe 2011
Zbigniew Mrowiec recently acted for the joint bookrunners and joint lead managers in the global rights issue by PKO Bank
Polski. Legal 500 2011
Leading lawyer in Capital Markets. IFLR 1000 2011
Leading lawyer in Capital Markets. PLC Which Lawyer?, 2010
Leading lawyer in Capital Markets. Chambers Europe, 2009
Leading lawyer in Capital Markets. PLC Which Lawyer?, 2009
„Other lawyers mention his experience and deep knowledge of functioning of the Polish Financial Supervision Commission
(Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego), which he gained during his career in this institution.” Chambers Europe, 2008
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Contact details
Mrowiec Fiałek i Wspólnicy sp.j.
134 Chmielna Street
00-805 Warszawa
+48 22 206 02 20
Mrowiec Fiałek i Wspólnicy / Confidential
Mirosław Fiałek
+48 608 209 904
Zbigniew Mrowiec
+48 504 055 401