Page 4 The Wright County Monitor • Thursday, March 19, 2015 Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Board of Education Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Board of Education Unapproved Minutes Monday, March 9, 2015 The Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Board of Education held their Preliminary Budget Hearing and Regular Meeting on Monday, March 9, 2015. In attendance were Board Members Clint Middleton, Corey Jacobsen, Beth Jackson, Missy Schultz, High School Principal Dennis March, ICCC Career Academy Specialist Colleen Bartlett, CAL Representative Steve Lane, Reporter Jacob Snyder, CGD Students Jacob Harvey and Oscar Salgado, Dr. Robert Olson and Anita Frye. At 6:02 P.M President Middleton called the meeting to order. Dennis March and Colleen Bartlett shared with the board information regarding the first year of the Hub – Career Academy in Eagle Grove. Jacob Harvey and Oscar Salgado reported they felt attending the Hub in Eagle Grove has been very successful and a positive experience for them. There are 5 current CGD students that attend the Hub in Eagle Grove. Mr. March said at the time of the meeting he had 14 CGD students that have returned applications to attend the Hub next year. Colleen Bartlett, Dennis March, Jacob Harvey and Oscar Salgado left the meeting at 6:48 P.M. Dr. Olson presented the Preliminary FY16 Budget to the board. Dr. Olson stated that the budget was completed without knowing what the legislature will give the schools in FY16 for State Supplemental Aid. The tax levy for the three taxing districts is $12.84469 for FY16. The former Clarion-Goldfield District rate is $13.03519, the former Dows District rate is $12.11715, and the former Corwith-Wesley District is $12.16715. There were no changes made to the Preliminary Budget. The FY16 Budget Hearing will be held on Monday, March 30, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. Motion by Jacobsen to Approve Consent Agenda: Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings held on February 9, 2015 and February 16, 2015; Approve Payment of Monthly Bills; Approve Payment of Additional Bills; Approve Resignation of Jason Berning as Head Baseball Coach effective at the end of FY15 season; Approve Employment Contracts with Lindsey Helton – 8th Grade Volleyball Coach, and Adam Vorrie – MS Social Studies and 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach; Approve First Reading of Board Policy 405.10 – School Electronic Notifications; Approve Second Reading of Policy 101 – Mission Statement; Review of Policies 604, 604.1, 604.2, 604.3, and 604.4; Approve Early Start Waiver for FY16 Calendar. Second by Jackson. Motion carried 4-0. Motion by Jacobsen to Approve Modified Allowable Growth for Dropout Prevention. Second by Schultz. Motion carried 4-0. Motion by Jacobsen to Approve Budget Guarantee Adjustment Resolution. Second by Jackson. Motion Carried 4-0. Motion by Schultz to Approve CAL proposal to share football for the FY16 Football Season, CAL high school students would come to Clarion-Goldfield-Dows to participate in the football program if they do not have enough players for an 8-man team. Second by Jackson. Motion carried 4-0. Steve Lane left meeting at 7:42 P.M. During the Facility Report it was shared the completion of Refinancing Long-Term Debt occurred on February 23, 2015. The Weight Lifting Equipment at the High School will be sold by sealed bid on Friday, April 3, 2015. Staff Representatives for the TLC Grant Writers are as follows: Elementary – Lindsey Helton; Middle school – Missy SpringsteinHaupt; High School – Bob En Tin; Reading Proficiency – Erin Morrical; Math Proficiency – Scott Herrig; Academic Growth – Mary March. Upcoming meetings include Budget Hearing, March 30, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. Work Session immediately following Budget Hearing. Next Regular Meeting will be held on April 13, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. Motion by Jackson to Adjourn. Second by Schultz. Motion Carried 4-0. Meeting Adjourned at 7:57 P.M. Clint Middleton – President Anita Frye – Board Secretary Check Payments Report Ackerman, David - Reimburse Music.....$58.98 Airgas USA LLC - Supplies..................$537.02 Alden CSD - Open Enrollment..........$6,121.00 Ames Environmental Inc Osha Refresher Class......................$200.00 Apple Computer, Inc. - Equipment....$1,188.00 Aramark Uniform Services - Service....$349.12 Arnold Motor Supply - Supply...............$689.15 Belmond-Klemme Comm School Concurrent Enrollment.....................$263.76 C H McGuiness Company - Repair......$470.28 CAL Community School - Sp Education 1st Semester FY15.....$27,399.50 Campbell Electric Inc - Parts..................$59.40 Carrillo, Maria Desideria Reimburse Para Class.....................$100.00 Central Iowa Distributing Hanging Floor Signs.........................$273.88 Central Iowa Water, Inc. - Service........$175.00 City Of Clarion - SHRadio Battery.....$3,698.02 City Of Goldfield - Water.......................$130.65 Clarion Super Foods - Supplies...........$189.53 Clarion-Goldfield-Dows CSD PP Domain Purchase.............................$433.67 Continuum Retail Energy Services LLC Natural Gas..................................$8,150.00 Davis Ruth - Principal Supplies..............$21.00 Department of Education_OIAS Inspection........................................$680.00 Des Moines Independent CSD Tuition............................................$1,421.94 DHS Cashier 1st Fl - Medicaid........$16,895.64 DMACC - Tuition...............................$4,165.00 Don’s Pest Control - Service................$115.00 Eagle Building Supply Cl MSExploratory Supplies.....................$81.28 Eagle Grove Community School Tuition.........................................$94,157.00 Electricial Materials Company Supply..............................................$110.88 Follett School Solutions Inc. Lib Books..........................................$984.72 Francotyp-Postalia Postage Reset Fee.............................$12.00 Frye, Anita J - Reimburse Mileage.........$70.00 Goldfield Access Network Phones..........................................$1,431.10 Goldfield Telephone Co - Phones.........$217.50 Hansch, Danielle - Mileage....................$20.00 Hiway Truck Equipment - Supply...........$75.34 Iowa Central Community College Tuition............................................$9,170.60 Iowa Communications Network Service.............................................$325.92 Iowa Department of Administrative Services - 403B Service...................$400.00 Iowa Specialty Hospital - Services.......$125.00 Janitor’s Closet Ltd - Vac Bags............$389.59 Jostens - Supply.....................................$44.05 JW Pepper & Son Inc - Music................$68.50 Lewright Meats - Supply.........................$20.90 Lindaman, Erica A Reimburse Para Class.....................$100.00 M J Care, Inc. - Service.....................$1,474.99 Maasdam Construction Company Service.............................................$264.00 Menards FD - Supplies...........................$82.96 Mid-America Publishing Corp. Publish Legal....................................$232.40 Midamerican Energy - Electricity.....$10,990.73 Morris Amanda - Education..................$100.00 Mosaic in North Central Iowa Services.........................................$1,360.00 NAPA Auto Parts WC - Parts................$269.17 North Central Cooperative - Fuel....$15,105.73 Noteworthy Music Services Supplies..............................................$33.00 Oldson’s Inc. - Equipment....................$933.01 On-Site Information Destruction, Inc. Service...............................................$50.00 Paragon - Parts......................................$60.19 Per Mar Security Services - Repair......$123.02 Pizza Ranch - Supply...........................$162.00 Poutre Leslie - Prof Dev.......................$100.00 Prairie Lakes AEA FD - Services..........$580.00 Print Shop (The) - Supply.....................$245.00 Pritchard Family Auto Stores - Parts....$785.86 Rieman Music - Supply..........................$88.29 Aldrich Probate Notice NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, APPOINTMENT OF CO-EXECUTORS AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR WRIGHT COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHERYL C. ALDRICH, Deceased. PROBATE NO. ESPR016515 To all persons interested in the Estate of Cheryl C. Aldrich, deceased, who died on or about February 6, 2015: You are hereby notified that on the 25th day of February, 2015, the Last Will and Testament of Cheryl C. Aldrich, deceased, bearing the date of August 16, 2004, was admitted to probate in the above-named court and that Loritta B. LaRue and Angela M. Anderson were appointed Co-Executors of the estate. Any action to set aside the Will must be brought in the District Court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this Notice or one month from the date of mailing of this Notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the Will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the Clerk of the abovenamed District Court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this Notice or one month from the date of mailing of this Notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 3rd day of March, 2015. Loritta B. LaRue Co-Executor of the Estate 407 1st Street SW Clarion, IA 50525 Address Angela M. Anderson Co-Executor of the Estate 121 6th Avenue NW Clarion, IA 50525 Address BRINTON, BORDWELL & JOHNSON LAW FIRM BY: David R. Johnson Attorney for Executor 120 Central Avenue West, P.O. Box 73 Clarion, IA 50525 Address Date of Second Publication 19th day of March, 2015 Published in the Wright County Monitor on Thursday, March 12, and Thursday, March 19, 2015 Robb Darcell - Prof Dev......................$100.00 Roe Julie - Tuition Refund......................$45.00 Rosendahl, Tricia - Mileage..................$147.00 Sam’s Club MC/SYNCB - Fuel.............$355.25 Sande Construction & Supply Repair............................................$1,170.00 School Bus Sales - Parts......................$103.20 School Specialty Inc - Supply.................$54.86 Simmons Anita - Prof Dev....................$100.00 Struxture Architects - Services.............$617.50 T & D Service - Parts............................$313.33 The Trash Man - Service...................$1,016.40 UNI Reading Confer - Registration.......$225.00 Urness Hardware - Supply...................$203.24 Verizon - Phones...............................$1,455.85 W & H Cooperative Oil Co - Propane...$364.00 Woodward-Granger CSD - Tuition........$711.96 Young Makyla - Prof Dev......................$100.00 Zehner Safety - Supply...........................$15.00 Zeiger Jackie - Prof Dev.......................$100.00 Zeiger Milissa - Prof Dev......................$100.00 Total General Fund......................$221,927.86 Anderson Erickson Dairy Co - Milk.........$64.78 Ballard-Huxley High School Entry Fee............................................$85.00 Bank of America - Travel...................$1,486.43 Baymont Des Moines - Lodging........$1,831.20 Belmond-Klemme Comm School Entry Fee..........................................$150.00 Brodersen Marcie - Reimburse............$365.20 Buena Vista Track & Field Entry Fee..........................................$100.00 Clarion Super Foods - Supply..............$637.61 Clear Lake Community Schools Entry Fee...........................................$90.00 Conlon, Nikki - Supply..........................$156.52 Dirksen Verna - Reimbursement..........$365.20 Eagle Grove Community School Entry Fee.........................................$170.00 Fareway - Supply.................................$206.01 Forest City High School - Entry Fee.....$140.00 Garner-Hayfield Comm School Entry Fee..........................................$160.00 GTM Sportswear - Clothing....................$65.00 Hampton -Dumont Community Schools Entry Fee..........................................$230.00 IGHSAU - Girls BB Regional Tickets............................$4,968.00 Image Sport Inc - Supply......................$657.91 Iowa HS Athletic Assoc. - Supply........$347.10 Iowa HS Music Assoc. - Entry Fee......$696.00 Iowa HS Speech Assoc. Entry Penalty....................................$317.00 Jostens - Service...............................$2,736.00 JW Pepper & Son Inc - Music................$68.49 Lake Mills CSD - Entry Fee....................$80.00 Martin Bros - Supplies..........................$409.53 Mid-America Publishing Corp. Communication.................................$37.50 National FFA Organization - Clothing...$190.50 North Iowa High School - Entry Fee.....$160.00 Oriental Trading Co - Supply................$400.89 Pepsi Beverages Co - Supply...........$2,003.31 Pizza Ranch - Supply...........................$809.00 Power Lift - Equipment......................$8,944.00 Print Shop (The) - Supply.......................$60.00 Rector Madison - Service.......................$56.00 Roland-Story High School - Entry Fee...$90.00 Roseburrough Tess - Supply..................$37.17 Sam’s Club MC/SYNCB - Supply......$1,314.78 Shopko Stores Operating Co LLC Supply................................................$15.40 Simmons, Thomas - Service..................$90.00 South Hamilton Comm School Entry Fee..........................................$215.00 Stumpf Mary - Clothing......................$1,780.00 Urness Hardware - Supply.....................$36.76 Verizon - Phones....................................$38.98 Warnke Kari Jo - Service......................$198.00 Wartburg College - Entry Fee...............$200.00 Webster City Comm Schools Entry Fee...........................................$90.00 Wempen’s Garden Center - Supply........$34.78 West Music Co - Supplies......................$25.00 Wright County District Junior Fair Dues.................................................$500.00 Total Activities Fund......................$33,910.05 Ames Environmental Inc 3 yr Inspection..................................$825.00 C H McGuiness Company GFBoiler Repair.............................$1,485.62 Jensen Builders Inc HS Prkg Lt #5..............................$98,903.54 McGuire Painting Service - Service...$1,400.00 Oldson’s Inc. - Repair...........................$762.50 Struxture Architects - Service............$1,807.55 Total Capital Projects Fund........$105,184.21 Access Systems - Lease Copiers.........$304.92 Access Systems Leasing - Lease........$713.79 Lakeshore Learning Materials Equipment........................................$510.03 Tuba Exchange - Tuba......................$3,180.00 Total PPEL Fund..............................$4,708.74 Bankers Trust Company Escrow Fee...................................$1,350.00 Dorsey & Whitney LLP - Service.......$5,000.00 PiperJaffray - Services....................$17,000.00 Total Debt Service Fund ...............$23,350.00 Anderson Erickson Dairy Co - Milk/Yogurt/ Cottage Cheese................................$4,768.73 Earthgrain Baking Co’s Inc - Food........$682.39 Goldfield Access Network - Phones.....$122.61 Keck, Inc. - Food..................................$691.45 Martin Bros - Food.............................$8,399.90 Verizon - Phones....................................$16.79 Total Nutrition Fund......................$14,681.87 Total .............................................$403,762.73 February Payroll Insurance.......................................$121,225.54 Taxes...............................................$38,635.13 H.S.A/HRA.......................................$13,690.00 IPERS..............................................$46,316.96 ..................................................$219,867.63 Published in the Wright County Monitor on Thursday, March 19, 2015 Board of Supervisors Wright County Board of Supervisors March 9, 2015 Chairman Helgevold called the regular meeting of the Wright County Board of Supervisors to order at 9:00 a.m. Members present were Watne, Rasmussen, and Helgevold. Minutes of the previous regular meeting of March 2, 2015 were read and approved. Approved claims for payment. Adam Clemons, Wright County Engineer, gave an update on recent legislation on the 10 cent increase in the gas tax. This will bring in about $504,836 in funds directly to Secondary Roads with an additional $136,139 going to farm to market account. This additional funding will be directed to some of the smaller bridges and used for additional gravel. Jen Sheehan, CSS Coordinator, presented Resolution 2015-11 for Wright County and County Social Services to merge North Central Iowa Targeted Case Management Services into CSS Integrated Care Coordination effective April 1, 2015. Motion by Watne and seconded by Rasmussen to approve Resolution 2015-11. By roll call vote: ayes – Watne, Rasmussen, and Helgevold; nays – none. Resolution 201511 duly passes reads as follows: CSS Sharing Resolution #2015-11 COME NOW Wright County, Iowa, and County Social Services 28E (CSS) and mutually agree as follows: WHEREAS; the Wright County Board of Supervisors has deemed it in the best interests of Wright County to provide staff and office space to CSS as provided for under the Intergovernmental Agreement Creating County Social Services, April 1, 2014: (a) To efficiently and effectively provide the Mental Health & Disability Services mandated under sections 331.388 through 331.398 of the 2013 Code of Iowa for member counties. CSS may also provide other social services including but not limited to Medicaid Targeted Case Management, general assistance, children services, substance abuse services and any county funded social service program or county function as contracted from member counties. And WHEREAS, Wright County is the employer of record and will provide the associated human resource policies, insurance and benefits to all FTEs for the positions designated and funded by CSS and WHEREAS Wright County as the employer of record retains the authority to make all final decisions on hiring, termination and discipline associated with these positions and WHEREAS, CSS shall train, supervise, support, direct work and evaluate performance and assist with hiring, termination and discipline to the extent directed and approved by the Wright County Board of Supervisors and WHEREAS, CSS will reimburse direct occupancy and operating cost for the delivery of Mental Health and Disability and Targeted Case Management Services that is within the CSS approved annual budget associated with the FTEs designated. CSS will not pay rent to member counties or reimburse any indirect costs mutually provided to other county departments and WHEREAS, any local equipment or supply purchases approved by CSS become the property of Wright County but may be reallocated as needed between member counties in coordination with representative member county Auditors and NOW THEREFORE based upon the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties do agree as follows: 1.CSS agrees to provide coverage to Wright for Mental Health & Disability Services (MHD) and to assume management of North Central Iowa Targeted Case Management (TCM) effective April 1, 2015, county funded substance abuse services and children’s protective services. 2.CSS requests and Wright agrees to provide the following positions as a percentage of the FTE: Title ...................... Name...................FTE Coordinator of Disability Services..... Jen Sheehan.............1 Case Manager........... Alishya Stevurg.........1 Case Manager........... Saundra Vorland.......1 Office Manager.......... Lisa Ripperger.........90 3.Wright and CSS further agree to merge North Central Iowa Targeted Case Management Services into CSS Integrated Care Coordination effective April 1, 2015. Either party upon sixty (60) days written notice may terminate this agreement at any time. Held continued discussion on phone service. It was the opinion of the board to put the phone upgrade on hold and get an IT person hired first to place this new hire on the ground level of the phone system. Held continued discussion on hiring an IT Director Position. Motion by Rasmussen and seconded by Watne to approve the advertising for an IT Director Position. Motion carries. Motion by Rasmussen and seconded by Watne to adjourn the meeting. Motion carries. Karl Helgevold, Chairman Wright County Board of Supervisors Betty Ellis, Wright County Auditor Published in the Wright County Monitor on Thursday, March 19, 2015 C-G-D Proposed Budget Department of Management - Form S-PB-6 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED CLARION-GOLDFIELD-DOWS SCHOOL BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 Location of Public Hearing: Date of Hearing: Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Board Room 319 Third Avenue NE, Clarion, Iowa Time of Hearing: 03/30/15 6:00pm 1 The Board of Directors will conduct a public hearing on the proposed 2015/16 school budget at the above-noted location and time. At the hearing, any resident or taxpayer may present objections to, or arguments in favor of, any part of the proposed budget. This notice represents a summary of the supporting detail of revenues and expenditures on file with the district secretary. A copy of the details will be furnished upon request. Taxes Levied on Property Utility Replacement Excise Tax Income Surtaxes Tuition\Transportation Received Earnings on Investments Nutrition Program Sales Student Activities and Sales Other Revenues from Local Sources Revenue from Intermediary Sources State Foundation Aid Instructional Support State Aid Other State Sources Commercial & Industrial State Replacement Title 1 Grants IDEA & Other Federal Sources Total Revenues General Long-Term Debt Proceeds Transfers In Proceeds of Fixed Asset Dispositions Total Revenues & Other Sources Beginning Fund Balance Total Resources 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Re-estimated 2015 Budget 2016 5,563,330 5,395,165 192,922 141,885 0 328,033 325,000 350,000 12,500 12,700 225,000 223,000 250,000 250,500 281,000 282,000 0 0 5,721,662 5,695,757 17,773 0 1,174,300 867,496 55,206 18,659 201,000 201,179 381,000 384,248 14,400,693 14,150,622 0 0 188,949 290,648 0 0 14,589,642 14,441,270 4,137,467 4,998,440 18,727,109 19,439,710 Actual 2014 6,153,874 123,102 344,287 743,031 13,076 222,654 245,615 706,814 0 4,659,014 0 995,531 0 151,561 458,172 14,816,731 0 368,913 72,866 15,258,510 4,440,254 19,698,764 Avg % 14-16 -4.9% 25.2% *Instruction 23 8,848,000 8,275,000 8,437,076 2.4% Student Support Services 24 513,000 463,000 481,131 Instructional Staff Support Services 25 460,000 430,000 410,661 General Administration 26 357,500 369,500 442,772 School/Building Administration 27 723,000 678,000 655,286 Business & Central Administration 28 217,500 173,300 166,488 Plant Operation and Maintenance 29 1,250,000 1,055,000 1,184,519 Student Transportation 30 1,005,000 782,883 663,851 This row is intentionally left blank 31 0 0 0 *Total Support Services (lines 24-31) 31A 4,526,000 3,951,683 4,004,708 6.3% *Noninstructional Programs 32 627,000 585,500 567,100 5.2% Facilities Acquisition and Construction 33 1,000,000 1,306,000 488,532 Debt Service 34 394,464 487,648 483,280 AEA Support - Direct to AEA 35 462,059 405,764 394,231 *Total Other Expenditures (lines 33-35) 35A 1,856,523 2,199,412 1,366,043 16.6% Total Expenditures 36 15,857,523 15,011,595 14,374,927 Transfers Out 37 188,949 290,648 325,397 Total Expenditures & Other Uses 38 16,046,472 15,302,243 14,700,324 Ending Fund Balance 39 2,680,637 4,137,467 4,998,440 Total Requirements 40 18,727,109 19,439,710 19,698,764 Proposed Property Tax Rate (per $1,000 taxable valuation) * See Below * Former Dows proposed tax rate = $12.11715 * Former CG proposed tax rate = $13.03519 Published in the Wright County Monitor on * Former CW proposed tax rate = $12.16715 Thursday, March 19, 2015
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