Amazon Rainforest Groups ! Amazon Rainforest Group Project RUBRIC ! 1. Describe your Amazon Rainforest Group. (10 points) 2. How does your Amazon Rainforest Group use the land? (10 points) 3. 10 Latin America Content Vocabulary Words with Definitions and Pictures (5 points each; total of 50 points) 4. What does your Amazon Rainforest Group want? (20 points) 5. Include one (1) PEGS word and example to relate to your Amazon Rainforest Group (10 points) TOTAL: 100 POINTS POINTS EARNED: 1. ___________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. ___________ TOTAL: _______________ Period:_____ GRADING: 1 Daily grade 1 Test grade. 1 daily participation grade and 1 TEST grade for project completion following rubric, with class presentation. Group Members: ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Mrs. Clements’ Social Studies Group Presentations begin Monday, November 3. Finish presentations on Tuesday, November 4. Class Work Days: Tuesday-Thursday, 10/28-10/30. ! Group Presentations: Monday, November 3 and Tuesday, November 4. Amazon Rainforest Groups 1. Which Amazon Rainforest group will you present? _________________________________ 2. What type of presentation? _________________________________ PROJECT GUIDELINES: Your group will be assigned one (1) of the six (6) Amazon Rainforest Land Use Conflicts Groups. Your group will be assigned one (1) particular way to present your presentation. Your group must complete research on the one particular Amazon Rainforest group. Your group MUST follow the RUBRIC requirements and include all parts in your class presentation. WHICH RAINFOREST GROUP WILL YOU PRESENT? ! FINAL PROJECT: ! Group Presentation of project *Environmentalists All parts of the project can be a: *Loggers *paper-based presentation *Native Amazonians OR *Ranchers *digital presentation *Rubber Tappers *Farmers/Settlers For Research, use: 1. “Land Use Conflict in the Amazon Rainforest” reading packet in notability. 2. Websites provided below using your iPad. 3. Any books on the Amazon. All groups must include the following in the presentation: *10 Latin America Content Vocabulary Words with Definitions and Pictures. *Describe your Amazon Rainforest group and how they use the land. *Explain what your Amazon Rainforest group wants. *Include one (1) PEGS word with example to relate to your Amazon Rainforest group. You might not know it, but you enjoy gifts from the rainforest everyday. -C. MESSINA Helpful Websites:
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