MISSI ON S ABBOTSFORD CAMPUS FALL 2014 Helping reach people of all kinds , locally, nationally & globally LOCAL: FRASER VALLEY PASTOR SAM SEO | MOSAIC MINISTRIES @ CLCC Pastor Sam is on staff at CLCC as our missionary pastor to the multicultural community of Abbotsford. For more information about the Mosaic Ministry, please refer to our Mosaic Brochure. THE POSTAL FAMILY | WHISTLER MISSIONARIES In their third year of ministry to the Whistler community, the Postal Family continues to impact and witness through their various relationships and connections in the community. They minister to women and moms with Whistler’s only Women’s Bible Study. Jeremy has also continued to group he established called “SFC: Snowboarders for Christ”. This group invites all who will come, attracting transient young adults in great need of community. In the past year Jeremy and Candace have started to lead and plant a church that meets in Whistler Village on Sunday nights. The entire Postal family: Jeremy, Candace, Silas & Annajane, have a desire to see the cause and mission of Jesus lived out in the town of Whistler. SALVATION ARMY | CENTRE OF HOPE CLCC supports the Salvation Army provide a variety of services to people in need in the Fraser Valley through prayer and regular financial gifts. Visit www.salvationarmy.ca for more information. WARREN HEINRICHS | TRUTH MEDIA PROJECT Through a network of websites that reach out to many segments of society, Truth Media ministers directly to hundreds of thousands of people every month. Their team, comprised of staff & volunteers, is passionate about using technology to share the Gospel of Christ by creating online communities of evangelism and discipleship. To learn more, go online to: www.powertochange.com/truthmedia CHRIS HYSLOP | YOUTH FOR CHRIST (YFC) Chris works in the Creative Resources Department of YFC to develop, resource and train missional churches in the Lower Mainland. Visit their website at: www.yfccanada.org for more information. CARES | COUNSELLING & RESTORATION SERVICES The people at Cares recognize that many people in our community are struggling to cope with issues in their life. Their goal is to respond to that need by offering the highest quality of professional counseling services at affordable rates. Go online to www.cares.ca to learn more. NATIONAL: CANADA ÉGLISE CHRÉTIENNE VIE NOUVELLE SAINTE-JULIE, QUEBEC It is the prayer of CLCC that we can be used in practical ways to assist the people of our sister church in Quebec to reach out to their community. You can view more photos of the church, or if you speak French, you can read more about them online at www.vienouvelle.net INTERNATIONAL PREM SEWA SHIKSHAN SANGH CHILDREN’S REFUGE NAGPUR, INDIA (LONG-TERM MISSIONS LTM) In 1981 Pastor Frank Juelich formed the Prem Sewa Shikshan Sangh (Ministry of Love Education) Society. There are now two Children’s Refuge Homes: one for girls and one for boys. Here, children are brought up in the ways of Christ, given an education, three meals a day, housing, and medical attention. Thirty years later, and the refuge is still growing under the direction of the society’s president Mr. Yohan Raut and the Hostel Director Mr. Bapu Desai, both having grown up in the Refuge Home. Pastor Frank continues to act as a consultant & advisor for the Children’s Refuge. Read more about Pastor Frank and the history of the refuge at: www.premsewa.org ADAM & LUBA NIKKEL | RAYS OF LOVE KRIVOY ROG, UKRAINE This devoted couple have an amazing ministry, called Rays of Love, bringing love, compassion and hope to hundreds of children in orphanages all over Krivoy Rog. CLCC also sends out Youth Missions Teams to work with Adam & Luba at the various orphanages. To learn more about Rays of Love or to support them, financially or through prayer, check out their website: www. raysoflove.us PASCAL & CAROLINE BERGERON HAITI Pascal and Caroline are originally from Quebec where they have worked with French and English churches. Nine years ago they relocated to BC where they pursued their graduate studies and respectively served as pastor, district staff, Bible college instructor and chaplain. The Lord has now called them, along with their three children, Samira (11), Elliott (8) and Emmanuel (5) to return to Haiti as relief and development workers with ERDO. The Bergerons have begun to network with churches, national and international agencies, as wells as numerous citizen councils in specific towns and villages to find creative ways to meet basic human needs, stimulate local economy, revitalize community life and equip capable leaders. FIRST IMPRESSIONS TEAM CONTACTS JANNAH DALKE Missions Committee Chair Person Cell 604-556-1172 Email jannah_hansen@hotmail.com ABBOTSFORD CAMPUS MEETING AT CREEKSIDE CENTRE 35131 Straiton Road, Abbotsford, BC, V2S 7Z1 OFFICE HOURS: Monday | 1pm - 4:30pm Tuesday to Thursday | 9am - 4:30pm CONTACT US: Phone 604-853-4166 Fax 604-852-7227 Email office@clcc.ca Website www.clcc.ca Facebook Christian Life Community Church Twitter @WeAreCLCC HOW CAN I HELP? To give financially to Missions is easy! For your convenience, donations may be given through the following options: • The Weekly Offering • The Electronic Debit Machine (located in the lobby) • Pre-authorized Debit Withdrawal (forms available at the Info Desk in the lobby) • Our website via PayPal: abbotsford.clcc.ca/donate Don’t forget! If you want to give financially to a specific missionary or area of ministry, specify your desired area on the offering envelope beside where it says : “Missions” Or if you are paying online, be sure to include this information where it says: “Please indicate Funds Designation” Please note: Any funds given to Missions with no specific missionary designation will be dispersed (by the Missions Committee) on a quarterly basis to our CLCC approved missionaries according to need. Any funds donated online without a designation of any kind will be considered part of CLCC’s General Fund—so be sure to designate “Missions” every time you donate. HOW CAN I HELP? While we appreciate any and all monetary contributions that help support Missions at CLCC, we would ask for your prayers as well! You can pick up a prayer bookmark for every local, national or global ministry that we support. These are intended to act as daily reminders and also provide you with details about each of our missional ministries here at CLCC. MISSIONS AT CLCC At CLCC we value living missional lives: Loving God. Loving People. Reaching the World. We understand that “missions” begins in our own backyard: Abbotsford. We also prayerfully and financially partner with local, national and global missionaries to support God’s missional work all over the world. MISSIONS SUNDAY Every year in the spring, CLCC holds its annual Missions Emphasis Sunday which includes our Missions Fair where we set up displays highlighting all the ministries listed here as well as our in-house missions projects. It is an excellent way to learn about what the CLCC community is doing to reach others with the gospel and how you can get involved! TO LEARN MORE... If you would like to learn more about a specific ministry or even Missions in general, or if you have questions about how you can support and get involved with Missions here at CLCC, please contact our Missions Committee Chair Person: PASTOR JANNAH DALKE Missions Committee Chair Person Cell 604-556-1172 Email jannah_hansen@hotmail.com
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