Today at Five Corners Church: Pastor Ken will be continuing in our 2015 Theme “HIS STORY” with “Offended & Rejected” from Luke 4:14-30. 1:00- 4:00pm: Thank You Celebration for our local Emergency Service Teams. Join in for Hot Dogs, Hot Chocolate & a warm Bonfire or Specialty Coffees in the Foyer, but mostly to fellowship with our guests and show them thanks! 6:30pm: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality is cancelled tonight. This Week @ Five Corners: Mon: Cantata Practice – 7:00pm. Tues: Men’s Prayer – 6:30am at the Church. Tues: Home Prayer – 6:00pm at 1881 – 30th Street NE. Wed: Youth Discipleship Night – 6:30-8:00pm. Wed: Fun Volleyball – 7-9:00pm @ Bastion Elementary. There is a $4 drop in fee, or $10 per month. Everyone is Welcome! Thurs: 50+ Care Group – 10:00am-Continuing the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course with session #3, please get your Book from Pastor Ken. There is still room for a few more people. Thurs: Church Leadership Team Mtg. – 6:30pm. Sat: Coldest Night of the Year Fundraiser – Registration is from 4-5pm at the United Church. nd Next Sunday - February 22 8:30am: Worship Team Prayer & Preparation. 9:15 – 10:15am: Bible Study in the Foyer Meeting Room. 10:00am: Pre-Service Worship & Prayer. 10:30am: Sunday Morning Service Pastor Tina will be continuing in our 2015 Theme “HIS STORY” with “A Parable”. 3:00pm: Piccadilly Terrace Service 6:30pm: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course #5. FIVE CORNERS FAMILY PAGE Family Anniversaries: Congratulations to Darcy & Genean B. as they are celebrating their 2nd Anniversary tomorrow. Happy Anniversary! Family Birthdays: Happy Birthday to William G. who celebrates a Birthday on Friday and Vi M. who is celebrating this Saturday! Info Card Please use this card to communicate to the pastors and the office. Or, if you are a visitor, fill it out to let us know you were here. Leave it in the offering, with an usher, or at the info center. Thank you. I am visiting. Family Interests: There is a Missions Table set up just outside of the office under the Missions Board. Check it out and see what might be new or of interest to you. Note: The latest GEMS Newsletter is in (Where the Thrift Store baled clothes go). Name_________________________ Family Needs: We need more people who are willing to do Sound some of the time. If you are willing, please talk with Bruce I. Address ______________________ Family Needs: Amy Nicholson is part of the Annual King’s Christian School Missions Trip to Belize this year. If you are able to help support her on this Missions Trip, please designate on your offering envelope “King’s Mission Trip”. Phone #_______________________ E-Mail Address__________________ I WOULD LIKE MORE INFO ABOUT: Family Mailboxes: The Tax Receipts in our mailboxes now. ___Becoming a Christian New Testimony & Sage Magazines are available in the Foyer. ___Water Baptism ___Holy Spirit Baptism Mark Your Calendars for Upcoming Events: Feb. 26th – 50+ Monthly Luncheon – here at the Church at 12:00pm with Pastor Lawrence Rae sharing. Feb. 27th – Church Interior Work Bee – 6-7pm. Feb. 28th/March 1st – Parental Weekend with Cam Milligan. April 19th – Annual General Meeting – 1:00pm. ___Getting Involved ___Becoming A Member ___Getting Counselling ___Some Concerns I NeighbourLink/Second Harvest Need: We are in need of a volunteer Treasurer for NeighbourLink. This position would take approximately 8 hours a month. The position does require some computer skills, bookkeeping skills and a working knowledge of Excel. Please speak with Pastor Ken ASAP if you have any questions or might be interested in helping out. Have We are encouraged to give “A Dollar a Day” to our PAOC Missions Program. Comments: ____________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Quote of the Day: Just as pride is the root of every evil, humility is the root of every virtue. Being Part Of: ___A Small Group ___A Prayer Team Please Note: >Extra Bibles are available at the back of the sanctuary (ask and usher for assistance). >The back rows are needed for families with small children. Thanks for your cooperation. >If you are in need of special prayer, please make your way forward when you see the Altar Ministry Team at the front corners of the sanctuary. Due to allergies and sensitivities, we are now a fragrance free building. CD’s of the service can be ordered. You may use an offering envelope. Developing the JOY of the Spirit Filled Life in Christ Welcome To MISSIONS CORNER Stamps for Missions: Cut out (leaving ¼” border) and bring in any used stamps, there are stamp collectors that will pay for them and the money is given to Missions. Please leave them in the Finstad’s mailbox (#83). The VISION of Five Corners Pentecostal Church is to be… an authentic, Spirit-enabled, God-glorifying people, committed to being the likeness of Jesus to each other and our community. And He said, "Therefore I have said to you The MISSION of Five Corners Pentecostal Church is to… promote an environment of personal spiritual growth and corporate unity that brings health, maturity and strength, so that we can effectively do the works He has prepared for us to do. (Eph. 2:10) granted to him by My Father." 3160-10th Ave SE Salmon Arm, B.C. V1E 1W8 Ph. & Fax: 250-832-3121 email: Pastor: Ken Finstad Family Ministries Pastor: Wayne Finstad Associate Pastor: Glenda O’Brien - Associate Pastor: Tina Spear Lay Leaders of our Church Leadership Team are: Eldon Clairmont, Robert Frank, Colleen Murphy & Tim Willey. Ministry Assistant: Diana Mangold A member church of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada ( that no one can come to Me unless it has been From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. John 6:65,66 Week Beginning Feb 15th, 2015
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