Bulletin - Christ Lutheran Church

Sunday Worship: July - Sept. 6 - One Service at 10:00 AM
Website: www.clcregina.com
Email: clcregina@sasktel.net
NEW OFFICE HOURS: 8:45 am to 4:15 pm
We Pray for Members of our Church Family:
In Hospital: Pasqua: Ron Nerenberg, Elsie Tafelmeyer, Walter Uhrich, Karl Kauck, Troy Groff,
General: Robert Van Vliet . Wascana: Dale Hary.
Ill / Recovering and at Home: Marvin Fonstad, Don Glass, Mildred Volke, Fay Missal, Dodie Redmond,
Marie Just, Isabelle Schmidt, Doug Weiss, Daryl Jaques, Betty Huber, Marvin Fonstad, Tom Yeomans, Pat
Galenzoski, Dodie Fox, Marlene Klotz, Bobby Schultz, David Christopherson, John Edworthy, Alick Ferris, Verna
Weiss, Ann Mohr, Shirley Taylor. Kimberley: Paul Kraus. High River: Don Schatkoski
Our love and prayers surround the family and friends of Michelle Miller Miller (Zwirsky) (Lynda Gamble’s
daughter) whose memorial service was held on Saturday July 4th. Pastor Lynn officiated.
Tuesday July 7
7:00 PM
Communication Visioning Sub-committee meeting
Wednesday July 8
7:00 PM
Service of Healing
Thursday July 9 - Sun July 12
ELCIC National Convention meets in Edmonton, AB
Sunday July 26
10:00 AM Prairie Spirit to lead the service
Wednesday July 29
7:00 PM
Renewal of Wedding Vows
VBS - AUG 10 - 14
Our youth will be selling Ice Cream through the summer until the last of the 10 AM services
in September. Vanilla Ice Cream Cones are available for $2 following the 10:00
services so bring an extra toonie to church this summer and enjoy a cool treat while
supporting our youth on their journey to P.E.I. for the Canadian Lutheran and
Anglican Youth (CLAY) gathering in August 2016.
Much of Jesus' ministry was centered
on touching and healing broken
people. The hymns, scripture
readings, and message will focus on
Jesus' ministry of healing, as well as
remind us of Jesus' healing presence
in our lives. A healing blessing will be
offered to those who are in need of healing in mind,
body, or spirit.
Renewal of Wedding Vows - July 29
All are welcome to this service that
will focus on the marriage covenant.
Married couples will be invited
together to renew their wedding vows
as part of this service. For couples
who would like to renew the same
vows they spoke to each other on their wedding day,
you are invited to bring those vows and following the
service Pastor Lynn will renew those vows with you.
The theme is
G-Force - God's
Love in Action.
Registration forms
may be found on the shelf in entrance or see our
There are many opportunities in all volunteer areas:
3 class teachers and 4 class helpers
1 storyteller and actors for storytelling
1 crafter
thewoods@accesscomm.ca with any questions or if
you would like to volunteer. You can also just sign up
on the Sunday School bulletin board.
If you are unable to volunteer, please come help out
to decorate the church on Sunday Aug 9th right after
the 10:00 service or look for items we need donated.
Parish Worker Job Opportunity
Christ Lutheran Church is looking to hire a full time
Parish Worker. This position is focused on three
primary areas: to engage and coordinate volunteers
for the many programs and activities of the church; to
facilitate communication within the church family as
well as the wider church and community; and to work
with the pastors and church committees to develop
new programs to further the mission of our
congregation. Further information and a job
application form can be found on the Christ Lutheran
Church website: clcregina.com. Applications for this
Parish Worker position must be received no later
than July 15, 2015.
Christ Lutheran would like to invite all Grade 8 - 11
students entering Luther High School September
2015 to submit an application for one of two
How to Apply/Qualifications:
1) Student must be a member of Christ Lutheran
Church, Regina congregation.
2) Student must be entering Luther High School
either for Grade 9, 10, 11 or 12.
3) Confirmation of Enrollment / Acceptance Letter
must accompany your submission.
4) Submission must contain an explanation why the
Student chose Luther High School and what will be
the goals of the student during this time.
5) All submissions to be directed to Council
Secretary, Christ Lutheran Church, Regina, SK.
Deadline is July 31/15. See poster on bulletin board.
The ELCIC National Church Convention,
will be held in Edmonton July 9-12. Please
keep our delegates, Pastor Dennis and Deb
Roberts, as well as the gathered convention,
in your prayers.
Distribution List - From time to time we
send out church information by email. If
you’re not receiving information from us and
would like to be on the list, please let Irene
know at clcregina@sasktel.net or call the
church office at 306.352.4832.
Congratulations to:
Ryan Youck & Sabrina
Quigley who were
yest erday. Pastor
Dennis officiated.
Kevin Barry & Heather Kendall who were
married here yesterday. Pastor Dennis
Food Bank Donations - July is baby food.
I have really enjoyed being the ecumenical
representative for Christ Lutheran but I am
afraid I am missing some of the events
because I spend so much time at the farm.
That can't be helped but I wonder if there is
someone who would like to join me on this
committee to attend when I can't or to take
over for me. Please prayerfully consider if this
is something you might like to do and let me
know. You can email me at
gaelynkennedy@outlook.com or call me at
306-543-6529 or 306-531-7179. Thank you.
Thank you from CLWR - It's been two years
since severe flooding hit many communities
in southern Alberta. Generous donations from
our supporters across the country made it
possible for Canadian Lutheran World Relief
to provide relief to those affected by the
disaster. We sincerely thank all donors in
your congregation and across the country for
their support!
outpouring of support for people affected by
the earthquake in Nepal has been
outstanding. Your support matters.
To donate, you may:
1. Give online: http://clwr.donorshops.com/
2. Designate your offering envelope by
marking it “Nepal Earthquake Relief”.
3. Call CLWR at 1.800.661.2597 to donate by
credit card.
4. Send a cheque made payable to CLWR address it to CLWR, 600-177 Lombard Ave,
WPG, MB R3B 0W5. Indicate that you wish
to contribute to "Nepal Earthquake Relief."
Sunday August 23 - St. John’s Lutheran
Church, Edenwold - 125th Anniversary
Celebration Luncheon at 12:30 pm. Tickets
$25 each. See poster for details.
Lutheran Women’s Retreat - An invitation
for all women? “Faith, Fun, Family & Friends:
Practising the Presence of God” is the theme
for the Lutheran Women’s Retreat Sept. 2526 at St. Michael’s Retreat. Enjoy a spiritfilled time in the valley! The presenter is Dr.
Meredith Cherland, an Education Professor at
the U of R until her recent retirement. For
more information, feel free to call Thelma
Grant 306.584.5442. Registration forms are
available on the Women’s bulletin board.
Break Forth - plan now attend on Jan 29 31, 2016 in Edmonton. Break Forth features
some of the top speakers, teachers, worship
leaders and artists in the world for three
inspirational days. Also featured are over 150
classes and workshops for every member of
the church. Be renewed! Be equipped! Be
inspired ! Group Rates as low $99. Check out
the bulletin board and visit
www.breakforthcanada.com or email
METOCHOS CAMP - near Estevan
July 12-17
Children I (ages 7-10)
July 19-24
Jr. Youth (ages 11-13)
Aug 2-7
Children (ages 7-10)
Aug 9-14
Jr. Youth (ages 11-13)
metochos@sasktel.net or www.metochos.ca
KINASAO (near Prince Albert) - www.kinasao.ca
Week in the Wild (Adv)
July 5-10
July 12-17
Week in the Wild
July 12-17
July 19-24
Week in the Wild (Inter)
July 19-24
Extreme Teen
July 24-27
Family Weekend
July 24-27
Jr Youth 2
Aug 9-14
Aug 16-21
Capital Cosmopolitan Daytona Homes Charity Golf Classic
Monday August 31st
- Assist with registration and provide a presence at hole challenges Wascana
Country Club
- 30 volunteers needed
11:00 am - 1:00 pm - assist with registration
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm - provide presence at designated holes
3:30 pm - 6:30 pm - provide presence at designated holes
Please contact Alexis ASAP if you can help. 306-525-6482 / info@thecaseyfoundation.org
Thank you for your consideration and support!