APRIL 12, 2015 DIFFERENCE MAKERS — LIVING, SERVING, GIVING AS A WAY OF LIFE Our Savior Lutheran Church & Academy ! Our Savior Lutheran Church Staff Rev. Lane Reuter, Senior Pastor Lane.Reuter@Oslcnashville.org Church Planter, Pastor Dave Ficken dave@rhythmcitychurch.com Dir. Of Youth Ministries, John Hagge John.Hagge@Oslcnashville.org Business Manager, Dan Schneider Dan.Schneider@Oslcnashville.org TradiFonal Music Coordinator, Organist & Choir Director, Dawn Seidenschwarz Dseidenschwartz@aol.com Contemporary Worship Coordinator, Mac Benge Mac.Benge@Oslcnashville.org ! ! Office Administrator, Nena Schneider Nena.Schneider@Oslcnashville.org ! Our Savior’s Church Staff Office Hours: Monday—Thursday (7:30 Am —5:30 Pm) ! Church Board Of Directors Harry Shaw, Chair David Houghton, Vice Chair Steve Martens, Treasurer Chad Staman, Secretary Jean Schmidt, Discipleship Mike Norby, Head Elder Dan Schneider, Bus.Mgr Academy Board Ben Eberle, Chairman Holly Webb Steve Martens Rev. Gene Henke Academy Board Advisors Senior Pastor Lane Reuter Tom Broyles, Osla Parent Gary Schoefernacker, Oslc Dan Schneider, Bus.Mgr Our Values Ideals We Cherish As Individuals Each Uniquely Called By God Into A Personal RelaFonship With Him Through Our BapFsm, We Value: Word + Spiritual Growth + Love + Service + Outreach Our Mission Calling And Equipping People To Active Discipleship For Christ Through Living, Serving, And Giving ! Our Vision To Be An Active, Praying, Growing Congregation Bringing The Individual Members Into A Closer Relationship With Jesus Christ; And Reaching Out With The Gospel And Loving Service To The Needs Of Our Members, Our Community, And The World www.OSLCNashville.org 615.833-‐1500 5110 Franklin Road, Nashville, TN 37220 churchoffice@OSLCnashville.org We lcom e ! From Pastor Lane: I’m glad that you are here! As God’s Church, we are a family under the Lordship of Jesus Christ! There are many benefits to belonging to God’s family! I want to encourage you to be here in The House of the Lord for worship and encourage you to invite your friends, family, neighbors, or co-‐workers to come and be a part of Our Church and Academy Family! ! How to join OSLC&A: • If you are active and participating in a LCMS congregation, you may transfer your membership. • If you come from a different faith background/denomination or want to learn more about the Christian faith contact Pastor Lane regarding his great information class. ! ! Enjoy listening to OSLC Sermons www.OSLCnashville.org. Share them with family, co-‐workers, friends! 2015 Men’s Spring Retreat -‐ April 17-‐19 At Phil Husband’s family camp on the Tennessee River. For more info contact Pastor Callies or Dan Schneider. ! Bakery for Books (a.k.a Kakes for Katrina) Katrina Johns is studying to become a DCE. This takes Fme, money, effort, and lots of studying and planning! We want to give Katrina a liL by having an amazing bake sale to help her pay for her text books. So -‐ if you would like to bake for it, please contact either Katrina (615-‐999-‐5207) or me (Lee Compton 615-‐864-‐2408). That would help tremendously! We're going to WOW you on Sunday, April 26th. We'll be set up in the gym aLer early service so you can; A: browse the goodies, B: enjoy the 4th Sunday breakfast, AND C: Bible Study! It just doesn't get any becer than that! ALer the second service, you'll find us in the library. Please plan on visiFng us and all the good stuff and helping Katrina reach her educaFonal goal. She'll be at the tables and can tell you all about becoming a DCE. ! College Planning Workshop Wed 4/29 @ 6 -‐ 7:30 pm sponsored by Thrivent Financial. Learn: Tax-‐ advantaged ways to save, role of financial aid, and other ways to fund, plus free workbook. ! 4th Sunday Breakfast for All! April 26th @ 9-‐9:30 ! LIVING, SERVING, GIVING -‐ IT’S A WAY OF LIFE! Three NEW Small Groups! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Have you always dreamed of great adventure like climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro?! Even if your dreams of adventure aren’t that grand, we would love to have you volunteer at this summer’s VacaFon Bible School. Our Savior will become Camp Kilimanjaro and we will take an epic expediFon through Proverbs the evenings of Sunday, June 14; Monday, June 15; and Tuesday, June 16. Please volunteer by contacFng Jessica Lucyshyn at jklucyshyn@gmail.com or 407-‐312-‐0763 (cell). Student registraFon is in late April. ! Youth Mentoring Training begins April 26 Adults, if you would like to Mentor or “Coach” our OSLC Youth through some of life’s biggest challenges (such as money management, good friends, Spiritual disciplines, and vision casFng), come join us aLer church on April 26th at Noon for training. Contact John Hagge for more informaFon. ! Updates & Prayer Requests are sent via Pastor Lane’s weekly email. Request to receive Pastor’s weekly email or a membership directory by emailing: churchoffice@OSLCnashville.org Worship Prayer Requests Please write your prayer needs on the “Prayer Request Sheet” near the entrance to the Sanctuary. Your prayer concerns are important to us. Stephen Ministers/Elder will pray with you following worship today on the right side of the Sanctuary near the pulpit. “Young Adults” -‐ To find out more about the next gathering see or email the coordinators, Jeremy & Emily Lloyd at emily.b.lloyd@gmail.com “Intermission” -‐ Families w/Kids Under 5 Contact Mitchell & Jessica Wilkerson at jeci3376@yahoo.com to join in the family fun Fme! “Open Men’s Basketball” w/ Mitchell Wilkerson at 6 pm on every other Monday 4/13, 4/27… Invite your friends! QuesFons?? Text or call Mitchell at 615.308.9470. ! Are you looking for a way to serve on Sunday mornings that is also fun? Helping out in the nursery is a great soluFon! (It's also a way to earn a licle money!) all who are interested, please contact Katrina Johns at katrinaljohns@gmail.com. ! OSLA’s Community Easter Egg Hunt was great Fun! Thank you OSLA! YOUTH CORNER ! Youth Small Groups & Bible Studies: 2nd & 4th Sundays @ 7 pm w/John Hagge 1st & 3rd Sundays @ Noon w/Katrina Johns SR Youth -‐ Wild Wednesdays @ 6 pm w/Katrina Johns -‐ 4/8 & 4/22 @ 6 pm SR Youth -‐ Sundays @ 9:30 am w/Michele Houghton & Becky Sanders. 4/17-‐19 Dare 2 Share in St. Louis JR & SR Youth 4/19 Sack Lunch Sunday 4/22 & 5/6 Wild Wednesdays @ 6 pm 4/26 ConfirmaFon Sunday @ 10:45 4/26 Youth Mentor Training @ 1 pm 5/3 JR High Nerf War @ 4 pm 5/17 SpiritFire Capture the Flag @ noon ! Sundays @ 9:30 am Pareneng Bible Study Rm 206. Early adolescent behavior can be a joy and a struggle – someFmes in the same hour of the day. “ The Age Of Opportunity; A Biblical Guide To ParenFng" will help and assist you with all the ups & downs of their journey. ! Wild Wednesdays begin this Week 4/8 @ 6 pm. Contact Katrina for more informaFon. ! We are looking for Referees and a Soccer Coordinator to lead our Upward Soccer League this Spring. Please contact Mr. Hagge @ 615.479.1438. Sign-‐ups unFl 4/25! ! We serve the homeless! DonaFons are always needed. We serve approx. 70 lunches. We need bread, individually wrapped snacks, chips, small water bocles and desserts. Bring your donaFons to Mr. Hagge’s office or to the box in the lobby area. Thank you -‐ Shelby Nergenah -‐ Next lunch day is 4/19 ! Dare 2 Share – FEARLESS Outreach Conference for youth (6th grade to 12 grade) is April 17-‐19 in St. Louis, MO. Take off Friday at 9 am to experience the rush as you share the word of God with others in St. Louis! Youth will learn how to share their faith and serve their Lord in a safe environment. Cost of the weekend is $140. Sign up with Mr. Hagge or place your name on the Youth bulleFn board. ! CAMP LIFE…. Is a brand new summer program for rising 7th to 9th grade youth that provides a welcoming, safe, Christ centered place to spend a week in the summer. The goal is to provide a posiFve environment where new friendships are formed, memories made and skills learned. Each day youth will learn a new “Life” skill, serve a community organizaFon and have planned special recreaFon opportuniFes. Dates are June 8-‐12 and June 15-‐19, 2015. Cost is $125.00 per week, which includes lunch, all acFviFes, transportaFon and “Lifer” t-‐shirt. Come to the table in the lobby for more informaFon or contact Ashley Haugen (430-‐7654) or John Hagge (479-‐1438) or facebook.com/CampLifeOSLC LWML ! Missions -‐ For those who are hurFng from loss, loneliness or a natural disaster, soL furry golden retrievers, or "K9 Comfort Dogs" give a measure of joy that only peyng a soL furry dog can provide. Your loose change or 'mites' given the first Sunday of each month help support Concordia Lutheran, in starFng a Comfort Dog program in the Nashville area. "Mercy" a Comfort Dog from an LCMS congregaFon in Louisville, KY is tentaFvely planning to be at OSLC&A during our LWML Middle Tennessee Zone MeeFng on April 18th. You can find her at facebook.com/MercyComfortDog ! On April 18th, LWML will be sponsoring the Annual Zone Prayer Service here at Our Savior. We begin at 9:00 with coffee and refreshments during registraFon in the library. The theme is "Faith LiL". Pastor Nucer will be our devoFonal leader, and Janet Arning from TN Lutheran Family Services will be our speaker. We'll also be hearing more about the comfort dogs and how they are used. We hope to have one of them with us! We'll be breaking into groups throughout the morning, and finish with the luncheon at 12:00. It will be an amazing day of faith, love and caring. You'll want to be a part of this -‐ so mark your calendars for that day and get your Faith LiLed! ! ! Our Savior Lutheran Academy Preschool (3 yr olds) -‐ 8th Grade www.OSLAnashville.org Our Savior’s enrollment is in full swing! Remember to get your applicaFons in and secure your child’s seat for the 2015-‐2016 School Year. If you have any quesFons, you can contact KrisFn Meyers in the Admission’s office. We would love to have your child at OSLA! God’s Blessings! ! Join us on Thursday, April 16th for an Evening With the Arts. Come view the students’ artwork on display in the library, then watch the students sing and dance in the sanctuary. The fesFviFes start at 6:00 pm. ! You may dedicate Altar Flowers by signing up on the bulleFn board in the lobby at the library entrance. Many other ways to serve posted on the bulleFn board as well. Check it out! ! OSLA is Enrolling Now! Consider our great Academy! ! College Planning Workshop Are you saving enough for your child's college? Please join us on Wednesday, April 29th at 6 pm for a special College Planning Workshop. In this seminar, you will learn: ·∙ How much college will cost in the future ·∙ Tax advantaged ways to save for college, including 529 plans, Coverdell educaFon savings accounts, custodial accounts and U.S Savings bonds ·∙ The role of financial aid, including how need is determined and how assets are classified for federal aid purposes ·∙ Other ways to fill the college funding gap You'll also receive a free workbook created just for this presentaFon. The workbook contains key informaFon, worksheets, and quesFons to help you remember important points from the seminar. Come to the Fellowship Hall. Snacks and drinks will be provided as well as babysiyng for your children. We look forward to seeing you there! Please RSVP to krisFn.meyers@oslanashville.org or sign up in the school lobby. ! Our Savior Lutheran Academy – close to home, close to God. OUR SAVIOR EVENTS THIS WEEK WELCOME EVERYONE! ALTAR FLOWER DEDICATIONS By Holly Walsh and Kerry Dunn In Loving Memory of their Father, Bill Love, on his 91st Birthday *CALENDARS ARE ON OUR WEBSITE WWW.OSLCNASHVILLE.ORG ! MONDAY 1:30 P MORNINGSIDE BIBLE STUDY TUESDAY 9 A -‐ NOON STAFF MEETING 6:30 P CHOIR PRACTICE -‐ CH WEDNESDAY 8:30 A CHAPEL -‐ S 6 P BELOVED BIBLE STUDY -‐ L 6 P CONFIRMATION -‐ YR THURSDAY 7 A BREAKFAST CLUB -‐ K, F 6 P OSLA EVENING W/ARTS -‐ S,G,L 6 P BOARD OF ADMIN -‐ F FRIDAY 7 A MEN’S BREAKFAST BIBLE S(PANERA) JR & SR YOUTH @ DARE 2 SHARE MEN’S FISHING/GOLF RETREAT SATURDAY 9 A UPWARD SOCCER JR & SR YOUTH @ DARE 2 SHARE MEN’S FISHING/GOLF RETREAT ! NOTES: C-‐CONFERENCE RM, CH-‐CHOIR ROOM, F-‐FELLOWSHIP HALL, G-‐GYM, K-‐KITCHEN L-‐LIBRARY, S-‐SANCTUARY, YR-‐YOUTH RM OSLC&A REVITALIZATION PROJECTS: OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUR SACRIFICIAL GIVING (DONATING ABOVE AND BEYOND YOUR TITHE). !S ANCTUARY LIGHTING $3,500 FLOORING ADMIN HALLWAY $5,000 FLOORING OUTSIDE OF LIBRARY $5,000 LANDSCAPING $15,000 UPDATED CHURCH ROAD SIGN $25,000+ We LiL Up in Prayer . . . Shut-‐in Members: Bob Connelly, Rev. Ed & Ellen Goehner, Joe Graham-‐rehab, Larry Leake, Larry Park, Ray Neese-‐healing, Ailie Peach, Rev. Don Schmidt, Clarence Sturm Member Concerns: Ginny Hahn-‐healing, Tony Hall-‐healing, MarFn Hahn-‐awaiFng heart transplant, Morris Meyers-‐healing, Audrey Oco-‐hospice, Pauline Overdorf-‐chemo, Gary Phelps-‐ healing, AusFn Posavac-‐healing, Dorthy & Tony Santaguido-‐healing, Waneta Strickert-‐ healing, Agnes Sylte-‐healing Friends & Family: Andrea Ervin (Lindsey)-‐cancer, Parnell Amerson (SebasFan)-‐cancer, Patricia Herrington (Miller)-‐cancer, Glen McCloud-‐ cancer, Marilyn Parsons (Moehle)-‐healing, Syverson’s Mom & Sister, Linda West (Schneider)-‐cancer, Caleb Woods (Buck)-‐ healing Our Men & Women In Uniform: Military: John Baggec, Daniel Bren (Syverson), Machew Graham, Rob Drabicki (Jansen), Andy Kie}aber (Schneider), Phillipp Buckhahn (Swartz), Daniel Syverson Police Officers: Joel Callies, Sheree Robertson Firefighter: Zach Kirsch Missions: LLL; LWML; Our Savior Lutheran Academy (OSLA); Rhythm City Church Plant; OSLC’s Trinity Hope HaiFan schools: Good Shepherd, Bongnol & MarFn Luther AwaiOng God’s Special GiS: Chad & Angie Withrow 5/25 Daniel & Sarah Cornec 8/28 Gregory & Kelly Duke 8/28 Blessings On Their Upcoming Marriage Robbie Kurtz & Alyssa Cuthbert 5/30 Kara Holmes & Ben Enos ! WELCOME TO OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN’S WORSHIP SERVICE ! CelebraFng the Lord’s Supper at OSLC: Do you believe that you receive the TRUE/REAL BODY & BLOOD of Christ in, under, and with the bread and wine for the full pardon of sins? This is what the Lutheran Church believes. Our Communion Practice: Christ has given Holy Communion as a spiritual blessing to His Church. In order to be responsible in sharing God’s gift of Christ and His forgiveness in the Sacrament, our practice is to commune individuals who are instructed in the Christian faith, normally in the fellowship of a sister Lutheran congregation, and share unity in what we believe, teach, and practice about the Lord’s Supper. If you have answered “no” or don’t know the answer to this question, we respectfully ask that you await discussion with the Pastor before receiving Holy Communion for the first time. Thank you for your consideration. ! Matthew 26:26-‐28, Mark 14:22-‐24, Luke 22:19-‐20, 1 Cor 11:23-‐30 If you are not communing, but would like a blessing, please come forward and just keep your hands folded at the communion rail. CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN Hear The Sound The Same Love ! ! N I C E N E C R E E D ! C H I L D R E N’ S M E S S A G E ! W E L C O M E O F F E R I N G S C O N F E S S I O N A N D F O R G I V E N E S S ! ! C O M M U N I O N ! P R A Y E R S S C R I P T U R E R E A D I N G Text: John 20:19-‐31 M E S S A G E “ D oubte rs Ta ke N ote ! ” ! B E N E D I C T I O N My Savior Lives ! !
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