26 October 2015 Workshop on Airborne Molecular Contamination: Sampling, generation & measurement MetAMC Workshop There is a clear demand from the industry for continuous measurement and control of airborne molecular contamination (AMC). The formation and behaviour of AMCs are still largely unknown, mainly due to the lack of measurement methods that are sensitive enough to detect these molecules at (sub) parts per billion levels in real time. To overcome this, the three-year project MetAMC* was started in May 2013 within the European Metrology Research Programme, EMRP. * Metrology for airborne molecular contamination in manufacturing environments The workshop will address: • optical techniques for AMC measurements: – photoacoustic, cavity-enhanced absorption, and cavity ring-down spectroscopy; • NICE-OHMS, a beyond the current state-ofthe-art optical AMC detection technique; • traceable reference material generation; • reliable and practical sampling of AMCs; • results from laboratory and field tests. MetAMC workshop MetAMC workshop Program Registration The scientific program will show you the outcome of the MetAMC project via oral and poster presentations. Talks will be given mainly by the MetAMC project partners that are experts in optical measurements of trace gases as well as in gas generation and sampling. For registration please send an email to MetAMC@vtt.fi. Practical demonstrations of instruments and methods developed within the MetAMC project complete the program. Meals Program, Monday 26, October, 2015 10:00 Workshop fee The workshop is free of charge. Lunch and drinks are included. Venue The workshop will be held as a pre-congress workshop of the 2015 at Messe Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. More information including directions on how to reach Messe Frankfurt can be found at: http://cleanzone.messefrankfurt.com For further questions, please contact: Tuomas Hieta, tel. +358 50 511 0058 Organized by MetAMC: 18:00
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