Best in Offshore outsourcing

Clegg & Mopitt -
“Best in Offshore Outsourcing Consultancy - Philippines”
Bringing Tax Savings Onshore – by Martin Taylor
In the face of mounting protest by pressure groups on tax avoidance Clegg & Mopitt
would like to repeat their suggestion of the last 8-9 years. Do not go offshore to some
struggling tax haven when you can get better benefits from onshore service providers.
You simply do not need to get mixed up in the offshore world when you can legally get
the better benefits onshore in jurisdictions like Australia, England, Philippines, Hong
Kong, Scotland and USA with Clegg & Mopitt. Your business will be respected more and
will attract less adverse attention than it might if you go the "tax haven" route.
Structured correctly you will enjoy the same benefits that you might get in a tax haven,
and importantly, the price will be right. Additionally, in these solid jurisdictions you: will find it easier to open a bank account
 easier to borrow clean money
 easier to obtain credit from suppliers
 have a much wider choice of suppliers, buyers and service providers
 enjoy lower all round prices due to economy of scale and greater competition
 enjoy better, more complete services with legal protection from the law of the land
 with the right choice pay less tax, or even no tax at all
You need not sacrifice privacy by using the right nominees for the job.
Ensure that you are legally avoiding tax (avoiding is legal) rather than evade tax
(evasion is illegal) by running your plan past your professional adviser. Be entirely open
and discuss your plans in some detail.
Increase your return on equity
Philippines is well known for its suitability in offshore outsourcing. Clegg & Mopitt has
ready access to a pool of well educated and qualified staff and specialize in doing back
office work for clients as efficiently as the clients but at a lower cost. When you add
savings in your overheads, leading to a reduction in capital costs, you will soon wonder
why you did not outsource earlier. The Philippines has a well educated workforce and a
shortage of work for them locally. Many go overseas to seek out alternative income. In
addition, most overheads cost substantially less. This is why you can benefit.