The Church of Epiphany ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Rectory / Parish Office Parish Staff REV. MICHAEL SANTANGELO, Pastor LOUIS V. COMMISSO, Deacon MICHAEL MULLARKEY, Deacon RONALD NOWAK, Deacon KIM LORENTZEN, Director Religious Education JAMES McMAHON, Business Administrator DANIEL DANTONI, Director of Music DONNA WOODLEY, Parish Secretary CAROL LORE, Finance Secretary DANA TOSCANO, Administrative Asst., Rel. Ed. MICHAEL & AMY NOWAK, Middle school Youth Group KIM LORENTZEN & MICHELE EVANS, H.S. Youth Group Our Church Gathers for Celebration of the Eucharist ON SUNDAY at 8:00, 10:00 am & 12:00 Noon ON SATURDAY 9:00 am and Vigil of Sunday, at 5:00 pm ON WEEKDAYS Monday thru Saturday at 9:00 am ON HOLIDAYS Mass as Announced Thur. Sun. Thurs. Sat. Sun. Tues. Fri. Jan. 1 April 5 May 14 Aug. 15 Nov. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 25 Solemnity of Mary Easter Ascension Thursday Assumption of Mary Feast of All Saints Immaculate Conception Christmas The Sacrament of Penance On Saturday at the Church 3:30 to 4:30 pm or by appointment anytime. Sacrament of Marriage Saturday at 11:00 am, 12:30 pm, 2:00 pm. Necessary preparations require that arrangements be made one year in advance. 615 Thiele Road, Brick Township, NJ 08724 732-458-0220 FAX: 732-458-0855 Office Hours Mon.-Thurs 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Fri. 9:00 to 3:00 pm Summer Office Hours Mon.-Fri. 9:00am to 3:00pm Home Page Website: Religious Education Office Hours 732-785-0872 Mon. Wed. Thurs. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Tues. 9:00 am to 7:00 Fri. 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Summer Hours: 9:00AM-2:00PM Sacrament of Baptism The sacrament of Baptism is ordinarily celebrated the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at 1:15p.m. We emphasize sacramental preparation consisting of a four part Parish Baptism Process, in which the infant is always present. To schedule Baptism, please call the church office, at least one month in advance. Letters of Recommendation Letters of Recommendation to act as sponsors will be issued only to parishioners who attend Mass regularly, are confirmed and if married, are married in the Church. To help us make this judgment, we expect you to be registered with us for 3 months. Weekly use of envelopes (with or without a contribution) also helps. To arrange for Letters of Recommendation or Baptismal certificates, please call the parish office during office hours. Welcome New Parishioners Please fill out a registration form obtained in the Commons Area or contact the parish office during office hours. Envelopes will be ordered in your name. Departing Parishioners, please notify the office as well at 732-458-0220. MARCH 15 4th SUNDAY OF LENT DAILY MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, March 14, 2015 9:00AM Virginia Cebello by Ann Selk 5:00PM Helen Kempczynski by Shaun & David O’dowd Sunday, March 15, 2015 8:00AM People of The Parish 10:00AM Edward Gambrella by Charlote Herd & Mary Mangold 12:00N Mel Akerley by Family Monday, March 16, 2015 9:00AM Mark Cawley by Mom: Laurie Tuesday, March 17, 2015 9:00AM Joseph Aulisi, Sr., by Terry Aulisi Wednesday, March 18, 2015 9:00AM Baby Nathaniel by Barbara & Bill Thursday, March 19, 2015 9:00AM Dorothy DePoto by Son: John Grey Book Friday, March 20, 2015 9:00AM Helen Kempcynski by Charlotte Heard Saturday, March 21, 2015 9:00AM Virginia Cebello by Maureen Tierney 5:00PM Helen Kempczynski by Bill & Adrianne Sunday, March 22, 2015 8:00AM Edward Gambarella by Kim Lorentzen 10:00AM People of The Parish 12:00N Gina & Joseph Taibi & Family by Marina Sunday Scripture Here are next Sunday’s Scripture readings FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT First Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34 Second Reading: Hebrews 5:7-9 Gospel: John 12:20-33 THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Monday, 8:15AM 11:00AM 2:30PM 4:00PM 7:30PM 8:00PM March 16, 2015 MM Novena & Rosary (Mon. thru Sat.) Stokes Steppers PH#1 Senior Exercise - APR Adoration – WA Living Last Supper Rehearsal – WA K of C 4th Degree Baldwin Assembly – PH#1 Tuesday, March 17, 2015 9:00AM USDA Delivery Kit 10:00AM Helping Hands Meeting - APR 5:30PM Gr. 7 Penance Service 5:30PM CCD Grades 1-6 & 8 Vets Middle School 7:15PM Liturgy Meeting - APR 7:30PM Joy Prayer Group – PH#1 7:30PM Contemporary Group – WA Wednesday, March 18, 2015 9:30AM Hospitality After 9AM Mass – APR 6:00PM Girl Scout Troup #1270 – PH#1 7:00PM Separated, Divorced, Widowed – PH#2 Thursday, 9:00AM 11:00AM 5:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:30PM March 19, 2015 Helping Hands PO#3 Stokes Steppers – PH#1 Baptismal Gathering – WA/APR Melody Choir – WA Bethany – PH#2 Adult Choir – WA Friday, March 20, 2015 7:30PM Stations of The Cross - WA 8:00PM AA – APR Saturday, March 21, 2015 9:30AM Cursillo Gathering - APR 5:00PM Senior Youth Group Mass - WA Sunday, March 22, 2015 Interfaith Hospitality – PH#1 10:45AM R.C.I.A. 1:00PM K of C Diocesan Spelling Bee – APR 1:15PM Baptism - WA St. Vincent de Paul Jesus is with us always, "until the end of time" (Matthew 28:20) May we always recognize Him in our needy brothers and sisters and reach out to help them in their difficulties. May we all recognize the Risen Lord in our lives and draw closer to Him day by day. May He shower us with His love during this Lenten season and throughout our entire lives. 2 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK BETTY RUIZ, SALVATORE GALANTI RICH HAVENS, JILLIAN, AGNES SKROBACZ, ANN WHITE, BRYCE CARPENTER, FRAN RACZYNSKI, BISHOP O’CONNELL, MARGE NOCERA, CHRISTINA STEVENSON, JAMES PALMISANO, ANNE MADDEN, LINDA SALVAGGIO, DEBBIE SCHULTZ, DOROTHY BORELLI, CHER VARZAS, JOHN LIBERTORE, BERNIE BARNA, RITA MCKEON, KEITH WESTPY, JAY DePOTO “Please Pray For the Sick” list is for those parishioners who are in need of further prayers from our “Prayers of the Faithful”. They will remain on the list for 2 months, after which time their names will be moved to the Grey Book. Vigil Light Prayer Lord, May this candle be a light for You to enlighten me in my difficulties and decisions. May it be a fire for You to burn out of me all pride, selfishness and impurity. May it be a flame for You to bring a warmth into my heart towards my family, my neighbors and all those who meet me. Through the intercession of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, I place in your care those I come to remember. For the week beginning March 15, 2015 The Vigil Lamp in front of the Tabernacle is in memory of Cpl Louis Goi by his sister Rita; The Vigil Lamp in front of the Blessed Mother is in memory of Nan Smullen by Marge Purcell; Please pray for the repose of the souls of the deceased spouses, relatives, friends and benefactors of the parish and for the comfort and consolation of their families, including PEG WEBER, MARIETTA TIERNEY MINISTRY WITH SEPARATED, DIVORCED & WIDOWED Meets on Wednesdays from 7-8:30PM at the Parish Hall Meeting Room 2. Join us for discussion and support in a confidential, caring and non-judgmental atmosphere led by diocesan trained facilitators. Old MOnMOuth EastEr Candy The Senior Youth Group will be taking orders for Old Monmouth Easter Candy beginning 2/28/15 through 3/22/15 after all masses. Please make checks payable to "Church of Epiphany". All Candy orders can be picked up in the APR on 3/28 from 11:00 am to 1:00 PM. If you have any questions please call Kim at (908) 910-8584. Thank you for your continued support of our Senior Youth Group. The Vigil Lamp in front of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is in memory of; The Vigil Lamp in front of St. Joseph is for Pat Rettger by Marge Purcell; Church Regulations Regarding Fast and Abstinence Abstinence from meat (beast or fowl) is to be observed by all Catholics fourteen years old and older on Ash Wednesday and on all the Fridays of Lent. This obligation prohibits the eating of meat, but not eggs, milk products, or condiments of any kind, even though made from animal fat. Fasting means limiting oneself to one full meal on a given fast day. Catholics who are eighteen years of age but not yet fifty-nine are obliged to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. On fast days, two additional smaller meals are permitted if necessary to maintain strength. However, the two smaller meals together may not equal one full meal. Moreover, eating solid foods between meals on fast days is not permitted. William & Victoria Bearer 3 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATORS CORNER 3/15/2015 ***Our Current Budget*** This year we need $9963.00 weekly to fund our budget. Our collection this week was $6,163.00 which is short by $3,800.00! December is Pathmark Community Rewards Sign up Month for The Church of Epiphany Introducing the New Pathmark Community Rewards Card! ***Our Annual Appeal – 2015 Our Goal is $48,000*** We have received pledges from 65 donors of $10,572.00 which is a start. Please support the appeal this year. October 31 >>> Community Cards will be available store-wide. Supporters who do not receive a card by mail can simply pick up their New Community Rewards Card at any Pathmark Customer Service desk. No Phone Option >>> Supporters MUST USE THEIR “ACTUAL CARD. Participation will be extended to A&P and other food stores in the future! Our Christmas Club for Christ was very successful for the first year. Collection is now available. Please pick up a box for 2015 after Mass. Thank you! Visit ( for Online Giving Link. WELCOME TO ONLINE GIVING FOR “THE CHURCH OF EPIPHANY” We are grateful for your support of our Church. Online giving allows you to make contributions to our Church without writing checks or worrying about cash donations. This site lets you set up automatic contributions and change the timing or amount of your gift at anytime. You may also make one time donations to special causes. Please click on “Create New Account” and complete your initial one time account registration. Thank you. “Epiphany is People” We are a tax-exempt non-profit Organization and gratefully accept donations from last will and testament’s and/or stock to assist in carrying out our mission. For more information, please contact Michele at Wells Fargo Advisors (800-533-6163) May God Bless you for your generosity. “COMMEMORATIVE BRICK CAMPAIGN” Consider purchasing an Epiphany Commemorative Brick for any upcoming Graduation, Wedding or other special family celebration, or a memorable acknowledgement for your loved one. The cost is $150 for a 4x8 inch brick and $200 for an 8x8 inch brick. There are plenty of spaces left. Please consider purchasing one. Thank you. “The Tree of Life” Look at the tree in our Worship area. This is another way to perpetuate the memory of a loved one, or to memorialize someone. The engraved leaf costs $500 and a stone in $2500. Both of these can be paid in installments with monthly payments. PATHMARK COMMUNITY REWARDS – Have you heard the news? Important Details & Highlights: On or about October 24 >>> Everyone who provided a mailing address when they registered their old Pathmark card(s) will receive their NEW PreRegistered Community Card in the mail. These Pre-Registered cards are already linked to our group and ready to use. Now when you use your Pathmark Club Card, you’ll continue to receive your current rewards…AND you can also earn 1% for the Church of Epiphany. TD BANK: AFFINITY MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM TD us Bank will make an annual contribution to our church, based on the average balance of your accounts: Checking Savings Money Market Certificate of Deposits Retirement All information regarding accounts included in the program is kept strictly confidential. SIGN UP TODAY It’s simple. Your TD Bank representative can register you. Tell them you want to register with the Church of Epiphany’s Affinity program. This is another program that you can utilize to help our Parish. There is no cost to you, but we can receive additional support without any extra expense. You must tell the TD Bank teller that you want your ACCOUNTS LINKED TO THE EPIPHANY AFFINITY PROGRAM. THANK YOU!! “FOR HEAVEN SAKE” 732-449-7253 FOR HEAVEN SAKE is a religious gift shop located at 608 Brighton Ave., in Spring Lake Heights. When a parishioner that makes a purchase in their store and designates “the Church of Epiphany”, we will receive a $1 donation from their store. Please visit their store when you want to purchase a religious gift. Thank you. 4 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Each of our Religious Education Students are required to attend 3 class masses with a parent throughout the year in addition to attending weekly Sunday Mass as well as Holy Days of Obligation. Prayer cards will be issued only on the days that you are scheduled to attend a class mass . After each mass there will be someone in the Commons Area or in the Parish Office that will distribute the prayer card. Please bring the prayer card to your teacher on Tuesday so that your attendance will be confirmed. If your child is unable to attend the scheduled class mass time and you need to attend a different mass that weekend, please email Kim Lorentzen at so that accommodations can be made. Thank you. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION UPCOMING DATES: March 29th - 1st Grade Mass 8:00AM 2nd Grade Mass 10:00AM Middle School Youth Group: When: 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month, 6:30PM – 8:00PM Where: The Church of Epiphany – APR High School Youth Group: When: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month, 6:30PM – 8:00PM Where: The Church of Epiphany – APR Vacation Bible School Save the date for Vacation Bible School. July 20 - 24, 2015. Our theme this year is Everest and we will embark on an icy expedition where kids overcome obstacles with God's awesome power. Easter Baskets 2015 Helping hands Ministry is looking for individuals or small groups to donate a COMPLETE EASTER DINNER BASKET for a family in need. Please contact the parish office to sign up. It will be necessary to bring the basket to the church on Monday, March 30th between 8 & 10:30AM. (Please no frozen dessert.) Thank you for caring and sharing. Helping Hands Ministry The next meeting for Helping Hands will be Tuesday, March 17th at 10AM in the APR. We are in need of jelly, macaroni & cheese, can fruit & tuna fish. The Living Last Supper One of Christianity’s most significant events was brilliantly portrayed by Leonardo DaVinci – The Last Supper. This Renaissance masterpiece will be brought to life on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 7:00PM by parishioners who have chosen to be especially gracious and generous with their time and talent in order to enhance your Holy Week. After our presentation is finished, all are invited to come to the APR to partake of a Seder Meal. Please try to set this time aside to join us not only for the benefit of those who are working so hard on your behalf, but for your own benefit as well for we are sure that the Living Last Supper will prove to be a truly memorable experience for all . The cast is sure to inspire you – please come and inspire you. Family Breakfast with the Easter Bunny Palm Sunday, March 29th, after the 8AM & 10AM Masses. We will be offering: Juice, coffee, eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, toast, bagels and pastry. The costs are $7.00 per person or $24 for a family of 4 or more. (Mom, dad & children only please!) Come and have the children meet and greet the Easter Bunny. For a nominal fee of $5.00 children may have their picture taken with the Easter Bunny. *You must sign up in order to attend. Sign-up sheets are located on the long table in the Commons Area. “Head for the Hills!” The Hunterdon Hills Playhouse, with the Magi to see the Hilarious “Abies Irish Rose” on April 18th. All are Welcome! Cost is $80.00. Price includes a full hot lunch. For more information please call Ann White at 732-8401877. Baby Bottle Boomerang Just a reminder to all those who took home an empty baby bottle from the Knights of Columbus Baby Bottle Boomerang drive on 2/28 or 3/1. Please return the Bottles that you have filled with cash, checks or loose change by Palm Sunday the Knights will have table set up in the coming weeks to collect the bottles. If you need extra bottles or did not attend Mass that weekend, extra bottles are available in the parish office. All proceeds will benefit Birth Right of Ocean County and the Open Door pregnancy center in Toms River. If you took a bottle and decided not to participate please return the bottle they are on loan from the Ocean County Chapter and the council will have to pay for all bottles not returned. Thank you for your support. 5 How rarely do we recognize the gift of God’s grace in others. How rapidly we gloss over the inspired words which Paul included in his letter, words like ‘brought to life’, immeasurable riches, His kindness. Gospel: John 3:14-21 God so loved the world, he sent us his only Son so that all who believed would have eternal life in him. The light came into the world, but those who were wicked avoided it, for fear that their evil deeds would be exposed. But those who believed were unafraid of the light, where it would be clear that their deeds were done in God. “God who is rich in mercy, because of the great love he had for us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, brought us to life with Christ - by grace you have been saved, raised up with him, and seated us with him in the heavens in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.” Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has constantly reminded us that the greatest virtue is mercy. All other virtues surround it. St. Paul told the Ephesians, and us, that because of mercy, we have salvation in Christ Jesus. This comes to us through grace, which is the life of God, given as a gift, not earned, but accepted. How often we take this gift for granted. Reflecting upon The Word will strengthen us to continue our Lenten journey, for it is in completion of the paschal mystery where we place our hope. Yes, ‘we are His handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them.’ ‘Whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God.’ Around the Diocese Life in the Spirit Seminar Presented at St. Joseph’s Church 685 Hooper Ave., Toms River, NJ. Life in the Spirit Seminar is an invitation to make or renew a deep and profound personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ by opening ourselves to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in our Lives. A presence which is life changing and life giving. And a presence which alone has the power to bring us real and lasting joy! Do you thirst for more? Desire to go deeper in your relationship with Christ? Then why not make 2015 a year of great and wonderful changes in your life. Curious? Then come and see… 7-9PM with refreshments to follow. Each meeting includes talks, personal testimonies, small group sharing, prayer and fellowship. Questions? Call Deacon Gerry Luongo 732-473-9727 April 15: Introduction/Sign-ups April 22nd: God’s Love April 29th: Salvation May 6: New Life May 13: Receiving God’s Gift May 20th: Baptism in the Spirit May 27th: Growth June 3rd: Transformation Acute Medical Housecalls At 1:00 pm, following the April 13 monthly Rosary meeting at Church of the Visitation, Frank Campione, RPA-C, a speaker from Acute Medical Housecalls will be present to speak about a different kind of doctoring– doctors who treat you in your home. If you would like to register for this informative seminar, please call 732-477-7059 ext. 219. If you would like additional information on Acute Medical Housecalls, please call 743-477-3935. 6 732-899-8600 Kevin C. O’Brien Manager NJ Lic. No. 4805 505 Burnt Tavern Rd. Brick, NJ 08724 Family Owned - Family First - Family Operated © 2011 Five Star Quality Care, Inc. Leisure Park Senior Living Community Leisure Park Offers: Independent and Assisted Living, Alzheimer’s/Memory Care, Healthcare & Rehabilitation Pet Friendly 1400 Rte. 70 • Lakewood, NJ 08701 732-370-0444 NJ Lic. #03737A Rui Santos 24 Hour Towing I help safe drivers save 45% or more. Robert Mack 732-206-1700 1140 Burnt Tavern Road Brick Insurance and coverages subject to terms, qualifications and availability. Allstate New Jersey Property and Casualty Insurance Co. Northbrook, Illinois © 2010 Allstate Insurance Co. Full Service Collision Center Approved by All Insurance Companies 1700 Route 88 West, Brick, NJ 732-458-6300 C84876 (CK) • Church of the Epiphany • Brick, NJ FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • Bon Venture Services, LLC • 34 Ironia Road, Flanders, N.J. 07836 inside C OLONIAL FUNERAL HOMES Family Owned and Operated Since 1966 BRICK Come Visit Us On The Web At 2170 Highway 88 732-899-9090 John A. Cutaio, Owner/Manager N.J. Lic. No. 2763 Want To Look More Distinguished To College Admissions Officers? Michael A. Santa Maria Certified English Teacher English Tutor Sat Prep and More Help With College Essay 732-458-6959 732-458-4900 Thinking of Selling? The Timing Couldn’t Be Better Call Me for a FREE Consultation. Over 36 Years in Real Estate Family Dentistry Edward Vespi |Broker Sales Associate parishioner Keep That Pretty Smile Cell: 732-687-5075 Office: 732-920-9559 899-3363 1115 Arnold Avenue Point Pleasant Offering State of the Art Dentistry in a Gentle, Caring Environment 892-4233 912 ARNOLD AVENUE • POINT PLEASANT John A. Cutaio, Owner/Manager N.J. Lic. No. 2763 There is NO Substitute for Experience DENNIS FUGEDY, D.M.D. JAMES McLEES, D.D.S. Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Teeth Whitening System 1045 Sally Ike Road DANIEL C. SAVINI, DDS HERBERTSVILLE An Equal Housing Opportunity Broker. If Your House is Currently Listed This is Not Intended as a Solicitation. In this memoir, set as deeply in his mind as in the Southeast Asian jungle, a young American soldier embarks on a journey to a war that, for him, will never be over. The world was a playground for Mickey, a naive Irish American kid bored with his life. His father served in World War II, his brother was a Marine in Vietnam; now it was his turn. His 365 days in Vietnam builds in torment until an attack on a bunker complex in Cambodia. Wounded, his friend captured, he becomes a tormented survivor knowing he is always just a heartbeat from death. 474 Brick Blvd., Brick, NJ 08723 AVAILABLE Olde Riverside NOW! School & Camp Scan Here: CHILD CARE Pre-K & Nursery School Classes School Age Before & After Care Summer Day Camp Ages 3-10 or visit: 458-1135 561 Herbertsville Road Charles P. Tivenan Attorney At Law Parishioner 840-7502 (office) E-mail: 426 Herbertsville Rd., Brick Brick Foot & Ankle Center BASSEM M. DEMIAN DPM, AACFAS Podiatric Physician & Surgeon 732-840-8989 292 Herbertsville Rd. C84876 (CK) • Church of the Epiphany • Brick, NJ Linda Texidore Admission/Marketing Director Rehabilitation · LTC · Respite Care Subacute Care · Hospice Care FREE BREAKFAST & BINGO 732-458-6600 475 Jack Martin BOULEVARD · Brick FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • Bon Venture Services, LLC • 34 Ironia Road, Flanders, N.J. 07836 outside
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